HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600008 Application WPO VSMP 2016-04-14 0Vn�
Virginia Stormwater Management tial
ement Program (VSMP) � `�`�
Application for Albemarle County 14097,
Project Name: Glenmore K2C-II
(The name should be the same as it appears on plans)
Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes El No VI
Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes ® No El
County File Number: WPO 2016-00008 (to be provided by the County for new applications)
The following are required elements of new applications[from code section 17-401]. For revisions or
amendments,please indicate which items are being amended. Signatures must be provided for any
A. Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision, NOT
By signing this application as the owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be
complied with,and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject
property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure
compliance with the approved plans and permits. Y//'Y7/4
93A5-1 Glenmore Partners, LLC ///� /6
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner ignature of Owner Da e
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Contact Information for the Owner(s)to receive correspondence:
Print Name Jess Achenbach
Address P.O. Box 645
City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902
Daytime Phone(434) 242.4802 E-mail fess@reddirtdev.com
7/1/14,Revised: 7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 1 of 2
'oimpe '44400
® B. All Fees [Code section 17-208]
For new or modified plans; Total acres proposed to be disturbed 25.94
Acres to be Total Fee Fee Due with this Fee with Transfer or
disturbed Application modification of permit
Less than 1 $290 $145 $20
1 and less than 5 $2,700 $1,350 $200
5 and less than 10 $3,400 $1,700 $250
10 and less than 50 $4,500 $2,250 $300
50 and less than 100 $6,100 $3,050 $450
100 and more $9,600 $4,800 $700
For(minor)amendments to an approved plan;$200 per review
Variances;$150(per request)
Mitigation Plan;$150
❑ C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form.
❑ D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402.
❑ E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403.
❑ F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404.
O G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405.
❑ H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of
stream buffers.
❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408.
❑ J. Construction Record Drawings(as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the
requirements of code section 17-422.
Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original
Additional information if not provided on plans and documents:
Name of a Contact Person for correspondence(usually the plan preparer,consultant or agent)
Print Name Justin Shimp
Address 201 E Main St, Suite M
City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902
Daytime Phone(434) 227-5140 E-mail Justin@shimp-engineering.com
*When applications and plans are reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months
from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's
signatures will not be considered valid.
Fee Amount$ Date Paid By who? Receipt# Ck# By:
7/1/14,Revised: 7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 2 of 2
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of e .>a
Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) ./1!"--:•>
Application for Albemarle County
Project Name: Glenmore K2C-II
(The name should be the same as it appears on plans)
Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes 0 No RI
Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes RI No 0
County File Number: O A06- (to be provided by the Countyfor new applications)
The following are required elements of new applications[from code section 17-401]. For revisions or
amendments,please indicate which items are being amended. Signatures must be provided for any
A. Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision,NOT
By signing this application as the owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be
complied with,and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject
property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure
compliance with the approved plans and permits.
93A5-1 Glenmore Partners,LLCt 6t/y" /L
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner S' tune of wner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Contact Information for the Owner(s)to receive correspondence:
Print Name Jess Achenbach
Address P.O.Box 645
City Charlottesville State VA
Zip 22902
Daytime Phone(434) 242.4802 E-mail Jess@reddirtdev.com
7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 1 of 2
6Z1 B. All Fees [Code section 17-208]
For new or modified plans;Total acres proposed to be disturbed 25.94
Acres to be Total Fee Fee Due with this Fee with Transfer or
disturbed Application modification of permit
Less than 1 $290 $145 $20
1 and less than 5 $2,700 $1,350 $200
5 and less than 10 $3,400 $1,700 $250
10 and less than 50 $4,500 $2,250 $300
50 and less than 100 $6,100 $3,050 $450
100 and more $9,600 $4,800 $700
For(minor)amendments to an approved plan;$200 per review
Variances;$150(per request)
Mitigation Plan;$150
❑ C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form.
❑ D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402.
❑ E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403.
❑ F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404.
❑ G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405.
❑ H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of
stream buffers.
❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408.
❑ J. Construction Record Drawings(as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the
requirements of code section 17-422.
Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original
Additional information if not provided on plans and documents:
Name of a Contact Person for correspondence(usually the plan preparer,consultant or agent)
Print Name Justin Shimp
Address 201 E Main St, Suite M
City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902
Daytime Phone(434) 227-5140 E-mail justin@shimp-engineering.com
*When applications and plans are reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months
from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's
signatures will not be considered valid.
Fee Amount$ Date Paid By who? Receipt# Ck# By
7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 2 of 2
)41be a l+ ' Tty ounCommunity Development Departrr
L,1' 401 Mdntire Road Chariottesviile,VA 22902-4i
Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4'
4 Planning Application
TMP r 3AS-00- O--001 > Owner(s): GLENMORE PARTNERS LLC
Application # WPC:#201451,00:)08
Legal Description f C:LERPOEIRE PARCEL L
Magisterial Dist. Scottsv+ilile Land Use Primary Forest
Current AFD Not ht A/F District Current Zoning Primary Planned Residential Development
Street Address Entered
Judy Martin
Application Type Water Protection Ordinances 2/5/2016
Project Carroll Creek Road-`VSMP
Received Date 02/05/16 Received Date Final Submittal Date 02/08/16 Total Fees 22
Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 22
Revision Number
Legal Ad
Type., Sub Application Co wner4
Erosion and Srediment Control Plan 02/05/16
§ C E � r •.-
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# 6 6
Primary Contact :::JESS ACHENBACH P. O. BOX 645 CHARLOTTESVILL 22902 4342424802
Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date
**We 44111111101 A A144_
Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP)
Application for Albemarle County 190'
Project Name: Carroll Creek Road
(The name should be the same as it appears on plans)
Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes ❑ No
Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes ❑ No WI
County File Number: (to be provided by the County for new applications)
The following are required elements of new applications[from code section 17-401]. For revisions or
amendments,please indicate which items are being amended. Signatures must be provided for any
WI A. Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision, NOT
By signing this application as the owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be
complied with,and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject
property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure
compliance with the approved plans and permits.
93A5-1 Glenmore Partners, LLC , `�� G %�^ /3��
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner ignature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date
Contact Information for the Owner(s)to receive correspondence:
Print Name Jess Achenbach
Address P.O. Box 645
City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902
Daytime Phone(434) 242.4802 E-mail fess@reddirtdev.com
7/1/14,Revised: 7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 1 of 2
® B. All Fees [Code section 17-208]
For new or modified plans; Total acres proposed to be disturbed 25.94
Acres to be Total Fee Fee Due with this Fee with Transfer or
disturbed Application modification of permit
Less than 1 $290 $145 $20
1 and less than 5 $2,700 $1,350 $200
5 and less than 10 $3,400 $1,700 $250
10 and less than 50 $4,500 $2,250 $300
50 and less than 100 $6,100 $3,050 $450
100 and more $9,600 $4,800 $700
For(minor)amendments to an approved plan;$200 per review
Variances;$150(per request)
Mitigation Plan;$150
(a'C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form. be SV. +fit ?t>
EV6. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402.
Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403.
Erf. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404.
❑�G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405.
Cil H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of
stream buffers.
❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408.
❑ J. Construction Record Drawings(as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the
requirements of code section 17-422.
Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original
Additional information if not provided on plans and documents:
Name of a Contact Person for correspondence(usually the plan preparer,consultant or agent)
Print Name Justin Shimp
Address 201 E Main St, Suite M
City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902
Daytime Phone(434) 227-5140 E-mail Justin@shimp-engineering.com
*When applications and plans are reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months
from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's
signatures will not,be considered valid.
Fee Amount$7).„5-Z).' Date Paido2'S/4 By who?a/E7. )1&Oa-14 TA-361e5 Receipt# /6306 Cki/ 0'7 By. ,�i�
7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 2 of 2