HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201700080 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2018-03-26COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
March 26, 2018
Mr. Scott Stickley, P.E. — Bohler Engineering
28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201, Warrenton, VA 20186
(540)-349-4500 / ssticklgykbohlereng com
RE: Site Review Committee Comment Letter for SDP-2017-00080 (Wawa — Initial Site Plan)
UPDATE — additional comment (3/26/2018)
Dear Mr. Stickley:
The Planner for the Planning Division of the Albemarle County Community Development Department (CDD) and
other members of the Site Review Committee (SRC) have reviewed the development proposal referenced above.
Initial review comments from the following SRC members (below) are attached; and an updated review comment
involving parking requirements has been added (please see comment # 11):
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) (UPDATE: see additional comment #11 provided 3/26/2018)
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) — PENDING (UPDATE: comments received 2/14/2018)
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — (attached)
Albemarle County Information Services (E911) — (attached)
Albemarle County Building Inspections — (attached)
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue — PENDING (UPDATE: comments received 2/15/2018)
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) — (attached)
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — (attached)
Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code (Zoning
Ordinance), unless otherwise specified. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time;
additional comments may be added or eliminated based on further review.)
This application will remain deferred for up to six months from the date of the deferral request, or until August 21,
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions, or require additional information or assistance.
Sincerely, II
Ti. Pada mo, AICP
Senior Planner / tpadalinogalbemarle.org / (434)-296-5832 x 3088
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Tim Padalino, tpadalinogalbemarle.org — Requested Changes:
1. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(a)]: The "Site Data" Table on Sheet C-102 ("General Notes and Details") indicates the
"Site Area" is 1.40 acres (existing) and 1.55 acres (proposed). Proposed improvements (such as travelways, a
dumpster pad, and underground storm sewer and sanitary sewer infrastructure) are shown in areas that are
currently located on the adjoining property to the north (TMP 032AO-02-00-OOIAO) owned by Martha Jefferson
Hospital (per Albemarle County GIS-Web).
Please provide additional explanation, documentation, or other information about the difference between the
existing and proposed site areas. For example, please indicate if there is an intent to submit a boundary line
adjustment plat for approval and recordation, or if there is any easement or other arrangement with the adjoining
property owner, with regards to the proposed use and improvement of these areas that are currently not located
on the subject property.
• Note: Staff acknowledge the information contained in the "Water Quality Narrative" on Sheet C-500
("SWM& BMP Computations') which states that "There is an existing offsite bioretention pond ... on
land that will be acquired prior to final approval of this site plan " (emphasis added). However, more
information / documentation is required.
2. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(b)]: Please add the following information to the "Site Data" Table on Sheet C-102
("General Notes and Details"):
A. area of proposed improvements (6,001 SF building area as % of site; and total parking/circulation
area in acreage and as % of site)
B. total area of impervious surface cover (in acreage and as % of site)
• Note: Staff acknowledge this information is provided in the "Stormwater Management
Narrative " on Sheet C-500, but please add this info to the Site Data schedule as required by
C. area of paved parking and vehicular circulation (in acreage and as % of site)
• Note: Staff acknowledge this information is partially provided on Sheet C-600 ("Landscape
Plan'), butplease add this info to the Site Data schedule as required by Code.
3. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(d)]: Sheet C-400 ("Grading Plan") shows proposed grading and construction activities in
areas that are on the adjoining property to the north (TMP 032AO-02-00-001AO) owned by Martha Jefferson
Hospital (per Albemarle County GIS-Web).
Please provide additional explanation, documentation, or other information about these proposed off -site
improvements and construction activities. For example, please indicate if there is an intent to submit a boundary
line adjustment plat for approval and recordation, or if there is any easement or other arrangement with the
adjoining property owner, with regards to the proposed use and improvement of these areas that are currently
not located on the subject property.
• Note: Staff acknowledge the information contained in the "Water Quality Narrative" on Sheet C-500
("SWM& BMP Computations') which states that "There is an existing offsite bioretention pond ... on
land that will be acquired prior to final approval of this site plan " (emphasis added). However, more
information / documentation is required.
4. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(m)]: Please show the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection
from the proposed ingress and egress.
• Note: Please reference VDOT's review comment #I, which also addresses this issue.
5. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(n)]: Please show the proposed location(s) of outdoor trash containers.
6. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(n)]: The plans show two (2) proposed "monument signs." Please provide additional
details about those two proposed signs. Additionally, please indicate if the proposed canopy or proposed retail
building will contain any additional signage — and if so, please provide additional details about that proposed
7. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(n)]: The plans show three (3) different types of proposed paving materials, but do not
contain any labels, notes, other annotation, or details to explain the different types of proposed pavement
materials. Please provide additional details about the three different types of pavement shown.
8. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(q) and 32.7.91: Please revise the "Zoning Ordinance Requirements" table on Sheet C-
600 ("Landscape Plan") to address and resolve the following issues:
A. The first row reads "Section 34-869 Tree Cover Requirements" but the correct reference appears to be
"Section Tree Canopy." Please revise, and please revise/update the associated
Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
B. The second row reads "Section 34-870 Streetscape Trees" but the correct reference appears to be
"Section Landscaping Along Streets." Please revise, and please revise/update the associated
Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
C. The third row reads "Section 34-873 Parking Lots — Screening and Interior Landscaping" but the
correct reference appears to be "Section Landscaping Within a Parking Area." Please revise,
and please revise/update the associated Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
D. The fourth row reads "Section 34-87(b)(2) Parking Lots — Screening and Interior Landscaping" but
the correct reference appears to be "Section Screening." Please revise, and please
revise/update the associated Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
E. The fifth row reads "Section 34-87(c)(2) Parking Lots — Screening and Interior Landscaping" but the
correct reference appears to be "Section Screening." Please revise, and please revise/update
the associated Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
9. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(q) and]: The "Zoning Ordinance Requirements" table on Sheet C-600
("Landscape Plan") references a Waiver request from the required Landscaping Within a Parking Area "due to
operational requirements of the user." To date, no such Waiver request has been received. Please comply with
the applicable Code section(s) or submit a Waiver request.
10. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(q)]: Please provide the specified traffic generation figures (trip generation estimates).
11. UPDATE: [Z.O. Sections 32.7.3(a), 21.3, 4.12.4(a), and 4.12.6]: The applicable minimum off-street parking
requirements for the proposed use have been generated in consultation with CDD staff in the Zoning Division
and Planning Division using the following definition in Chapter 4 ("General Regulations"), Section 12
("Parking, Stacking, and Loading"), Subsection 6 ("Minimum Number of Required Parking Spaces for
Scheduled Uses"):
Food store: One (1) space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
Per the information contained on the initial site plan, this calculates to a minimum requirement of [(1 x 6,000
GSF)/200] = (6,000/200) = 30 parking spaces. The number of proposed spaces is 54, which meets this
minimum requirement.
However, the proposed project is also subject to maximum off-street parking limitations per 18-4.12.4(a)
("Parking Areas — Maximum Number of Parking Spaces"), which is as follows:
Maximum number of spaces. The number of parking spaces in a parking area may not exceed the number
of spaces required by this section by more than twenty (20) percent.
This calculates to a maximum limitation of (1.2 x 30 spaces) = 36 parking spaces. The number of proposed
spaces is 54, which does not comply with Z.O.4.12.4(a). Therefore, you may address this issue by: a.) reducing
the number of proposed parking spaces; or b.) providing more detailed information about the proposed use(s) of
the primary structure, if the structure is to include multiple different "Scheduled Uses" (as identified in Z.O.
4.12.6), for the purposes of (potentially) re -calculating the parking (min.) requirements and (max.) limitations in
a way that (potentially) allows for more parking spaces; or c.) requesting a "modification or waiver" pursuant to
Z.O. 4.12.2(c), which is an administrative review process. For reference, Z.O. 4.12.2(c) states (in part):
"Modification or waiver. The limitation on the maximum number of parking spaces required by subsection
4.12.4(a)... may be modified or waived... in an individual case if the zoning administrator finds that the
public health, safety or welfare would be equally or better served by the modification or waiver and that
the modification or waiver would not otherwise be contrary to the purpose and intent of this chapter."
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer)
Matthew Wentland, mwentlandgalbemarle.org — Requested Changes (2/12/18); see attached comments.
Albemarle County Information Services (E911)
Elise Kiewra, ekiewra(c�r�,albemarle.org — No Objection (1/25/18).
Albemarle County Building Inspections
Michael Dellinger, mdellingergalbemarle.org — No Objection (1/17/18).
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB)
Heather McMahon, hmcmahongalbemarle.org — PENDING; ARB conducted 2/12/18; review comments will be
forwarded upon receipt.
UPDATE: Requested Changes; review comments provided
2/15/2018; see attached (partial) comments (and see complete
review comments provided on following pages, due to comments
being truncated when exported from County View).
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Shawn Maddox, smaddoxkalbemarle.org — PENDING; review comments will be forwarded upon receipt.
UPDATE: Requested Changes; review comments provided 2/15/2018-1 see
attached comments.
Albemarle County Service Authority
Richard Nelson, rnelsonkserviceauthori , .org — Requested Changes (1/22/18); see attached comments.
Virginia Department of Transportation
Adam Moore, Adam.Mooregydot.vir ig.nia.gov — Requested Changes (2/7/18); see attached comments and letter.
UPDATE: Review Comments provided by Ms. Heather McMahon on 2/15/2018 (complete):
ARB-2017-142: Wawa Initial Site Plan - Initial Site Development Plan (TM/Parcels 032A0020000100,
032A00200001 A 1)
Proposal: To construct a fuel station with a 6,001 sf building, a 6,000 sf fuel -pump canopy, and associated site
improvements on 1.431 acres.
Location: Northeast corner of Seminole Trail (Route 29) and Proffit Road (Route 649)
The ARB recessed at 2:25 p.m. and reconvened at 2:28 p.m.
Motion: Mr. Binsted moved to forward the recommendations outlined in the staff report to the Agent for the Site
Review Committee, as follows:
• Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18-30.6.4c(2), (3) and (5) and recommended
conditions of initial plan approval:
o Prior to Initial Plan approval the following items shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the ARB:
1. Relegate the fuel pumps and canopy away from the Entrance Corridor.
2. Illustrate the utility easements on the landscape plan (C-600) and ensure that there are no conflicts
between the proposed planting placement and utilities.
3. Reduce the dimensions of the fuel -pump canopy to comply with the Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies
as outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines.
• Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines:
1. Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the plant schedule.
2. Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building.
• Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None.
• Regarding the final site plan submittal:
1. Submit architectural elevations and plans of the building and fuel pump for final review. Address the
standards and criteria established in the Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as outlined in Appendix B of
the EC Design Guidelines.
2. Submit material samples for final review.
3. Relieve blankness on the north, south and west elevations by using architectural detail, supplemented
with landscaping.
4. Provide manufacturer's specifications for proposed window glazing and samples for final review.
5. Provide the standard glass note on the elevations: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet
the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light
reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%.
6. Submit elevations, details, and samples of the dumpster enclosure for final review.
7. Revise the plan to include dumpster elevations and details. Provide samples of the dumpster enclosure
for review.
8. Relegate loading areas and mechanical equipment from the EC.
9. Provide a roof plan with equipment heights for review if any proposed mechanical equipment will be
roof -mounted.
10. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the General Notes page (C-101) of the site plan set
and on the architectural drawings: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor
shall be eliminated.
11. Ensure that no footcandle values above 0.5 spill over from the property boundaries into public right-of-
12. Provide manufacturer's specifications for all proposed light fixtures.
13. Reduce the illumination values so that maximum footcandle (fc) value is below 20 fc.
14. Ensure that light color is consistent throughout the site.
15. Change the color of light models A4, B3, and B4 to dark brown, dark bronze, or black.
16. Ensure that the mounting heights of the freestanding pole lights includes the base and reduce the total
height to a maximum of 20' from grade.
17. Provide standard lighting note on the lighting plan (C-700) within the site plan set: Each outdoor
luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire
and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from
adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or
rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle.
18. Clarify the manufacturer listed in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700) for D1.
19. Ensure that all LLF values in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700) are all equal to 1.0.
20. Correct the illustration on C-600, which currently calls out the AR as `AB'.
21. Amend the plant schedule on the landscape plan (C-600) to reflect that the trees on the EC frontage will
be planted at a minimum of 3.5 inches caliper.
22. Delineate the utility easements on the landscape plan (C-600) and the site & utility plan (C-300). Increase
planting area to ensure that there are no conflicts between the proposed planting placement and
extant/proposed utilities/easements.
23. Extended the proposed tree plantings along the full lengths of the EC and Proffit Road frontages.
24. Provide plantings in the southwest and northwest corners of the site.
25. Provide one additional interior parking tree.
26. Provide a continuous row of shrubs along the Rt. 29 and Proffit Road frontages.
27. Note that signage requires a separate application. Ground cover, shrubs and/or trees will be required to
integrate the freestanding signs into the overall development.
28. Reduce the number of BNH and IV to below 10 and 25 respectively (or below 25% of typology totals)
by introducing more plant variety.
29. Provided the standard plant health note on the landscape plan (C-600): All site plantings of trees and
shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited.
Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant.
30. Mark all trees to be removed on the Existing Conditions/Demolition Plan (C-201) within the site plan set.
31. Orient the building and canopy parallel to the EC.
Mr. Van Der Werf seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 4:1. (Stoner voted no.)
Review Comments for SDP201700080 11nitial Site Plan
Project Name: WAWA- INITIAL
Date Completed: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: FHeather McMahon F7 CDD ARB Requested Changes
ARB-2017-142: Wawa Initial Site Plan - Initial Site Development Plan (TM/Parcels 032A0020000100, 032A00200001A1)
Proposal: To construct a fuel station with a 6,001 sf building, a 6,000 sf fuel -pump canopy, and associated site improvements
on 1-431 acres -
Location: Northeast corner of Seminole Trail (Route 29) and Proffit Road (Route 649)
The ARB recessed at 2:25 p-m and reconvened at 2:28 p-m-
Motion: Mr- Binsted moved to fonrvard the recommendations outlined in the staff report to the Agent for the Site Review
Committee, as follows:
• Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18-30-6-4c(2), (3) and (5) and recommended
conditions of initial plan approval:
o Prior to Initial Plan approval the following items shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the ARB:
1- Relegate the fuel pumps and canopy away from the Entrance Corridor-
2- Illustrate the utility easements on the landscape plan (C-600:; and ensure that there are no conflicts between the
proposed planting placement and utilities-
3- Reduce the dimensions of the fuel -pump canopy to comply with the Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as outlined in
Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines -
Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines:
1- Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the plant schedule-
2- Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building -
Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None -
Regarding the final site plan submittal:
1- Submit architectural elevations and plans of the building and fuel pump for final review- Address the standards and
criteria established in the Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines-
2- Submit material samples for final review-
3- Relieve blankness on the north, south and west elevations by using architectural detail, supplemented with
4- Provide manufacturer's specifications for proposed window glazing and samples for final review-
s- Provide the standard glass note on the elevations: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the follo}r5,ing
criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%_ Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%
6- Submit elevations, details, and samples of the dumpster enclosure for final review-
7- Revise the plan to include dumpster elevations and details- Provide samples of the dumpster enclosure for re5rie}x
8- Relegate loading areas and mechanical equipment from the EC
9- Provide a roof plan with equipment heights for review if any proposed mechanical equipment }r5;ill be roof-moLinted
10- Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the General Notes page (C-101) of the site plan set and on the
architectural drawings: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated
11- Ensure that no footcandle values above 0-5 spill over from the property boundaries into public right-of-,vays
12- Provide manufacturer's specifications for all proposed light fixtures-
13- Reduce the illumination values so that maximum footcandle (fc) value is below 20 fc-
14- Ensure that light color is consistent throughout the site-
15- Change the color of light models A4, B3, and B4 to dark brown, dark bronze, or black-
16- Ensure that the mounting heights of the freestanding pole lights includes the base and reduce the total height to a
maximum of 20' from grade-
17- Provide standard lighting note on the lighting plan (C-700) within the site plan set: Each outdoor luminaire equipped
with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect
light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads- The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public
roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle-
18- Clarify the manufacturer listed in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700) for D1-
19- Ensure that all LLF values in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700) are all equal to 1-0-
20- Correct the illustration on C-600, which currently calls out the AR as 'AB'-
21- Amend the plant schedule on the landscape plan (C-600) to reflect that the trees on the EC frontage will be planted at
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Review Comments for SDP201700080 11nitial Site Plan
Project Name: WAWA- IN111AL
Date Completed: Monday, February 12, 2018 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: FMatthew Wentland EI CDD Engineering Requested Changes
1-An approved WPO submittal will be required containing EO and S.WM plans and a SWPPP before final site plan approval
(1i-300, 1i-301)-
- Provide bumper blocks for parking space adjacent to side}r5ralk less than 6' wide (18-4-12-16(e)}-
3- OfFsite grading and improvements will need an easement or agreement with the propoerty owner-
4- Show the storm drainage easements on the final plans- All pipes carrying rLinofF from offsite or VDOT ROW will need to be in
an easement (Albemarle County Design Manual)-
5- Proposed trees should be located outside of drainage easements -
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Review Comments for SDP201700080 11nitial Site Plan
Project Name: WAWA- INMAL
Date Completed: Thursday, January 25, 2018 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: Elise Kiewra DD E911 No Obje-Ction
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 021081 00'18
Review Comments for SDP201700080 11nitial Site Plan
Project Name: WAWA- INMAL
Date Completed: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: FMichael Dellinger � DDD Inspections No abjection
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 020812018
Review Comments for SDP201700080 11nitial Site Plan
Project Name: WAWA- INI1lAL
Date Completed: Thursday, February 15, 2018 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: -Shawn Maddox Fire Rescue See Recommendations
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 02J 15120'18
Project Name: WAWA- INITIAL
Date Completed: Monday, January 22, 2018 D e pa rtm e nt1D ivis i o n/Ag e n cy: Review sus:
Revi ewe r: I Ric h ard Nelson
ACA I Requested Changes
-An 8" water line is located approximately 35 feet distant-
-An 8" sewer line is located on site-
- No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future easements_ For example, obstructions sLich as
dumpster pads are not allowed in ACSA utility easements-
- Final sewer plans are required for ACA review and approval prior to granting tentative approval-
- Final water plans may be required for ACA review and approval prior to granting tentative approval-
-Afire hydrant may be required by the fire marshal_ If yes, provide water/ sewer construction plans_ If no, provide sekver
construction plans for review_
- Providewater/sewer data sheets-
- Show existing water meters in plans_
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 020812018
Albemarle County
Service Auth6rity
TO: Tim Padalino
FROM: Richard Nelson
DATE: 1 /22/2018
RE: Site Plan Technical Review for: SDP201700080 — Wawa — Initial Site Plan
The below checked items apply to this site.
1. This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for..
✓ A. Water and sewer
B. Water only
C. Water only to existing structure
D. Limited service
✓ 2. An 8 inch water line is located approximately 35 feet distant.
3. Fire flow from, nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is
Gpm + at 20 psi residual.
✓ 4. A 8 inch sewer line is located approximately on site distant.
5. An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed.
✓ 6. No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future
7. and plans are currently under review.
8. and plans have been received and approved.
9. No plans are required.
✓ 10. Final sewer and maybe water plans are required for our review and
approval prior to granting tentative approval.
11. Final site plan may/may not be signed.
12. RWSA approval for water and/or sewer connections.
13. City of Charlottesville approval for sewer.
A fire hydrant may be required by the fire marshal. If yes, provide water/ sewer
construction plans. If no, provide sewer construction plans for review.
Provide water/sewer data sheets.
Obstructions are not allowed in ACSA utility easements, such as a dumpster pad.
Show existing water meters in plans.
168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville • VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977-4511 • Fax (434) 979-0698
Review Comments for SDP201700080 11nitial Site Plan
Project Name: WAWA- IN111AL
Date Completed: Wednesday, February 07, 2018 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Sys:
[Adam Moore VD>OT Requested Changes
1_ Provide the dimensions from the proposed entrances to existing commercial entrances or intersections_ The proposed }
entrance on Route 29 does not appear to meet Access Management spacing requirements as the required spacing from a
partial access entrance to an intersection on a 45 mph principal arterial is 305 feet; therefore, an approved Access Management
Exception would be
_ The proposed right -turn lane and taper do not meet the minimum required dimensions_
3_ Provide both left- and right -turn lane warrant analyses for the entrance on Proffitt Road-
4- Note that the final site plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual Appendices B(1) and F, as well as
any other applicable standards, regulations or other requirements_
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 021081 00'18
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper. Virginia 22701
February 7, 2018
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Tim Padalino
Re: Wawa — Initial Site Plan
Review #1
Dear Mr. Padalino:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by BohIer Engineering, dated 19
December 2017, and offers the following comments:
1. Provide the dimensions from the proposed entrances to existing commercial entrances or
intersections. The proposed entrance on Route 29 does not appear to meet Access
Management spacing requirements as the required spacing from a partial access entrance
to an intersection on a 45 mph principal arterial is 305 feet; therefore, an approved
Access Management Exception would be required.
2. The proposed right -turn lane and taper do not meet the minimum required dimensions.
3. Provide both left- and right -turn lane warrant analyses for the entrance on Proffitt Road.
4. Note that the final site plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design
Manual Appendices B(1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or
other requirements.
Please provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further
information is desired, please contact Justin Dee] at 434-422-9894.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency