HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201500015 Study WPO VSMP 2014-08-29 itk 44,„, ENVIRON EDIT A L WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT FREE STATE RUN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TNT PROJECT NO: 178 FOR STANLEY MARTIN HOMES AUGUST 29, 2014 )Nt[NVIROW[NTAL August 29, 2014 Mr.Jeremy Swink Stanley Martin Homes 200 Garrett Street Suite B Charlottesville,VA 22903 TNT Project Number: 178 Reference: Wetland Delineation Report, Free State Run,Albemarle County,Virginia Latitude: 38°04' 15.26" N, Longitude: 78°27' 25.27" W Dear Mr. Swink: TNT Environmental, Inc. (TNT) is pleased to present this wetland delineation report for the above- referenced project in general accordance with TNT Proposal Number 245 dated August 5, 2014. The wetlands and Waters of the U.S. identified during this investigation for the above-referenced project site were delineated by TNT based on the Corps of Engineers' Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains&Piedmont Region and represent those areas that are most likely considered jurisdictional by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The delineation entails the gathering of appropriate field data according to the applicable USACE Manuals, field flagging and mapping of approximate wetland and stream boundaries located onsite, preparation of this final report, and a request to the USACE for boundary confirmation and jurisdictional determination of U. S. Waters, including wetlands, identified onsite. • • PROJECT SITE DESCRIPTION The Free State Run project site is approximately 7.09-acres located south of Free State Road in Charlottesville, Virginia (Figure 1). The project site is further identified by parcel number 06200-00- 00-00800 and GPIN: 495308913478. The terrain of the project site consists moderate and steep slopes and is within the Rivanna River drainage basin (Figure 2). The site is wooded and unimproved. SECONDARY INFORMATION REVIEW Secondary Information entails the background research and review of recorded data and/or mapping associated with the project site. Resources reviewed include but are not limited to the following: 13996 Parkeast Circle,Suite 101,Chantilly,Virginia 20151 703.466-5123 TNTenvironrnentalinc,com Not to Scale APPROXIMATE SITE LOCATION r l WETLAND DELINEATIONbh. ,„,„: 0 FIGURE 1 FREE STATE RUN SITE LOCATION MAP CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA ENVIRONMENTAL SOURCE: GOOGLE MAPS 13996 PARKEAST CIRCLE SUITE 101 AUGUST 2014 CHANTILLY, VIRGINIA TNT PROJECT NO: 178 20151 Not to Scale / ,,,,,/,,,,,'' I ''" '''''-''''''**: il °' c> .1.,i,\.:\(*) 4 /1 1 0 ',' / / P '2,1 -- 411r �, N, ,,,,,,. r t. • 441 ' i Aof \......_._ FREE SE RD /TATAPPROXIMATE SITE LOCATION 1. �� * t ii , -1 tr - - -5... s n �. 't i �� . ,µ ^M��'' tea4(X) i ' g� �- ifTiC't WETLAND DELINEATION0 FIGURE 2 '� ..& y FREE STATE RUN USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA [NVIR ��LT,�L CHARLOTTEA , 13996 PARKEAST CIRCLE QUADRANGLESVILLE MAP E (2013)STVA SUITE 101 TNT PROJECT NO: 178 AUGUST 2014 CHANTILLY, VIRGINIA 20151 Stanley Martin Homes TNT Project#: 178 August 29,2014 Page 2 • U. S. Geological Survey (USGS)Topographic Map, Charlottesville East Quadrangle,2013 • U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Online Mapper, http://wetlands.fws.gov/mapper tool.htm • Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Electronic Field Office Technical Guide, Albemarle County Soils, www.nres.usda.gov/technical/efotg/ • Available aerial photography and GIS data The USGS Charlottesville East quadrangle map shows elevations of approximately 450 feet above mean sea level (MSL) in the northern portion of the site and approximately 375 feet above MSL in the southern portions. As shown on the USGS Map,the project site drains to Town Branch, located within the Rivanna River watershed and identified as Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 02080204. The NWI map does not depict wetland features within the project site boundaries. The soil survey indicates that the site is underlain primarily by 2C—Albemarle fine sandy loam, 21B—Culpeper fine sandy loam and 39D—Hazel loam. FIELD INVESTIGATION & METHODOLOGY Fieldwork was conducted during August 2014 using the Corps of Engineers' Wetlands Delineation Manual(1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains & Piedmont Region. The USACE Manual and associated Regional Supplement follow three parameters for the identification of wetlands: dominance of hydrophytic vegetation, presence of hydric soils, and hydrologic indicators. All three parameters must be present under normal conditions for an area to be considered a jurisdictional wetland in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Wetlands are then further classified according to the Cowardin System as described in Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States(1979). The fieldwork was conducted to evaluate and characterize the soils, vegetation and hydrology, and establish the boundaries of wetlands or Waters of the U.S. located within the area of investigation. Wetland flags were placed in the field and sequentially numbered to provide an onsite record of the location of wetlands and other Waters subject to the jurisdiction of state and federal agencies. The data sheets used in this investigation are enclosed,along with the Delineation Map showing data point locations and approximate wetland and Waters boundaries. A summary of the attached data sheets is included below in Table 3. Additionally, a photographic log documenting site conditions encountered is enclosed. FINDINGS Based on our field reconnaissance, TNT has identified and located one ephemeral seep, one ( ii intermittent and one ephemeral stream onsite. Dominant riparian buffer vegetation is listed below in Table 1. The main source of hydrology for these streams includes a culvert which directs flow onsite from north of Free State Road and groundwater. The ephemeral stream also originates in the northernportion of the site, presumably from a perched groundwater table. '', „.14,44, , 66' , k ;7' 4.--'14' 4 4 .,,,,,,,,,- ' - 14e. : C xi , �r ,.14,:,,ko,iiiii. v� t. � ao22,N ,..--o--,_ 1*. o_',, , , .., .,t ,. 0 „, -I =; n) ., 1 ' ' alk, ' -n.*.- : ' ' ); ' .4 * .,4.''' ';''''' 1'''0 ,04,41'41 ' t' ,,'*'11 • 11 ;,:.,:i ', 7.7. .;,,,,,b1;;;,;(0e..4 P''' ., " ,;'''' ' f 1' ' - *,1 4f, ok 41r m w ,y, :' CD ¢> w . = as r � ` • Via q gam€ $n , �,. fN ? " 'Y 5-A . 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COUtliora Dr '' • '' co N O O 78°277W �'- " > }a., 78°277W W -II 4216440 4216530 4216620 4216710 4216800 4216890 4216980 A .1 P z z I 0 O N c C N .t co a) • H 7 c U) D co 0 n cn d 7 N -0 N O 0 V) N Cl) o -1) K K K r l 0 ) CCco co o. N Cl) Cl) > W Cl) u5 5 < _ _CD 7 D o = 7C m CD Cl) d n N `< Fc m $ CD cn o o m K D p 0 O ° T =, `m c a p' a' 0 > .o ( D .- o N c m v < 9 O o F•14 10 -o O o1-5 oi D m f N A CCC O mG D 0 -0 = _ _ D 0. N m Cl) - m CD m v 7vn mv o oCD o 0� 0) D cn I— M co G) II = C . rn c c CD Z = d d v O. m ' Cm m 3 Cl) Cl)w 0 com oo am 0 .3nm o X CF C • = = • FP Z = o _ m g. o o o.° 5 K0.,o Na ?. mm en tv m -0 f m m CD o < = c o co N y (D T D o CD N CD co N = wET N m m o A c O C./) ,.< C < '< (o 5 C) cp m� - CD 2 ' Q m o O C m a ch n) CD 0 -2so o c o aN o CO m g.C) -n CD - - < m • ` o Oc COocCD CDc CD m Cr _ • 0. gyNC71 N NTNo. _ NC3a =•17 (pp K CD n j. C 7 O O .c n 0- N 7` 'OD . 5. p'd 0 0 N ° O D d m m co — Toen CD Oc = c = mm ON Fm � n • _ cy O o O ' N cN O � 0v'O no o � D n . o nm- cnm = oc —Iq, m m CD ..< = nco o n0 IV o . w m. n -, CD5 m K .< cn• 0 0 CD 5 0- 5 Nd Q < N pNO — O aO' TZ O- ID CD 17 �O N O O - 0 CD DN 5- � * 0 ( O• cT N N n mS .< 03m CD p (DD C nCDon o0 �. 2 - v n mom cn o ON 3 ON 7 N 0 O a`G O O' n N O N O � N c O' m QfD o ZN Oug - oaz K-o o c- ° v a o- w0- 3 • *d N ^ mOd O O n N O n * c 3 O 5 <n = O m d o OCD co o m D 7- - m v m i (nD N O N Cm N � T a) 0 = 5d - Nnn N Cl) o o ai C C-'0 m CD >N < Do 3 �' oo a cN oa3 N* < a m c Oo NO cn O O(n 3 S pN(n Z N n (n " I N 3 CDc O 9 x Q Sr (2 c O 0 o co CDN WNN 'Oco OW • ON � 0 co 3 W N. = d dcp Nn {y Vi a) ) �' 0) Z Qco < co O N O O N � V N 'f):. cp N COWQn 0 _ m % O0 0 o a 3 N nCP 3 j m3 ( S ro co O c N UNN n1 O O ( n O N O (pCD n (D s O N -o co O `< e) n O 5' 0 O n N CD�0OD (D I <Jl co a1:1) < a) N c COSN O = (D U)fD N CO O ea C �, cD O O - o no 5 -O.. co CO A O O o O O O co .o. Soil Map—Albemarle County,Virginia Free State Run • Map Unit Legend Albemarle County;Virginia(VA043) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 2B Albemarle fine sandy loam,2 to 0.2 0.3% 7 percent slopes 2C Albemarle fine sandy loam,7 to 30.4 41.0% 15 percent slopes 19B Cullen loam,2 to 7 percent 4.4 6.0% slopes 20C3 Cullen clay loam,7 to 15 0.4 0.6% percent slopes,severely eroded 21 B Culpeper fine sandy loam,2 to 19.6 26.4% 7 percent slopes 39C Hazel loam,7 to 15 percent 3.8 5.1% slopes 39D Hazel loam,15 to 25 percent 15.3 20.6% slopes Totals for Area of Interest 74.1 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 8/26/2014 210. Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Stanley Martin Homes TNT Project#: 178 August 29,2014 Page 3 Table 1—Dominant Riparian Buffer Vegetation Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera FACU Sycamore Platanus occidentalis FACW Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica FAC American Beech Fagus grandifolia FACU Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra FAC Spicebush Lindera benzoin FAC Pignut Hickory Carya glabra FACU Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibilis FACW Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia FACU * The indicator status of a species indicates the probability that the species will occur in a wetland, as follows: Obligate Upland(UPL,<1%),Facultative Upland(FACU,1-33%),Facultative(FAC,34-66%),Facultative Wetland(FACW,67-99%),and Obligate Wetland (OBL, >99%) in accordance with the National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: National Summary(2012).NI means no wetland indicator is available. The upland areas of the site are dominated by mature upland woodland vegetation (listed in Table 2 below). Table 2—Dominant Upland Vegetation Russian Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia FACU Catalpa Catalpa bignonioides FACU Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera FACU Sycamore Platanus occidentalis FACW Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica FAC American Beech Fagus grandifolia FACU Pignut Hickory Carya glabra FACU Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida FACU Redbud Cercis canadensis FACU Muscadine Vitis rotundifolia FAC Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia FACU Table 3—Data Points Summary 5 =bra DP-1 No Yes No Non-Wetland *see attached data sheets for more information Stanley Martin Homes , TNT Project#: 178 August 29,2014 • Page 4 REGULATORY DISCUSSION The USACE - Norfolk District and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) have implemented the State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) program to streamline the permit process and avoid duplication of agency review. For those projects impacting less than 0.1-acres of non-tidal wetlands and less than 300 linear feet of stream bed a Nationwide permit from the USACE can be obtained for most projects. For those projects impacting greater than 0.1-acres of wetlands and 300-1,500 linear feet of stream bed,a General Permit can be obtained from DEQ. All SPGP permit applications are reviewed by the USACE but the permit authorization comes solely from DEQ. Notification of potential impacts should be filed with DEQ by completing the Joint Permit Application (JPA) form which is submitted to the Virginia Marine Resources Agency (VMRC) and DEQ. Upon receipt the VMRC distributes the JPA to the other resource agencies (USACE, VDEQ, etc.) for review and comment. Compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to non-tidal Waters and wetlands will generally be provided at a ratio of 2:1 for forested wetlands, 1.5:1 for scrub/shrub wetlands, 1:1 for emergent wetlands,and a site-specific ratio based on the Unified Stream Methodology assessment for streams. Mitigation can include: the purchase or use of mitigation bank credits; wetland preservation; preservation of upland buffers; and in-lieu-fee contribution to the Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund. PROCEEDINGS With your authorization,we will contact the USACE to schedule a field meeting to conduct a wetlands and Waters boundary confirmation and jurisdictional determination. This process takes an average of three to four weeks depending on the availability of USACE personnel. After the boundaries of the wetlands and Waters have been confirmed by the USACE,we suggest that the areas be surveyed for future planning purposes and be submitted to the USACE as a final record. Once we have determined potential impacts we can assist you with permitting options and support to complete the process. In the interim, we recommend further review of state and federal agency records pertaining to Section 7 (Federal Endangered Species Act) and Section 106 (National Historic Preservation Act). These reviews will generally be required to verify compliance for either the Nationwide Permit (NWP) or General Permit conditions. TNT would like to thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this wetland delineation. We look forward to assisting you further with this project and other environmental concerns you may have. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time at(703)466-5123. Sincerely, TNT ENVIRONMENTAL,INC. Avi M.Sareen, PWS, PWD Principal Wetland Scientist Avi@TNTenvironmentalinc.com WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Project/Site:Free State City/County:Albemarle County Sampling Date:8/21/14 'Applicant/Owner:Stanley Martin State:VA Sampling Point:DP 1 Investigator(s):AMS Section,Township,Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex,none): Slope(%): Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: Long: Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? ®Yes 0 No(If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation❑,Soil 0,or Hydrology 0 significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? ®Yes 0 No Are Vegetation 0,Soil❑,or Hydrology 0 naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS—Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transects, important features,etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ®Yes 0 No Hydric Soil Present? ❑Yes ®No Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? 0 Yes ®No Wetland Hydrology Present? 0 Yes ®No Remarks: Non-wetland HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two requiredl Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required:check all that apply) 0 Surface Soil Cracks(B6) 0 Surface Water(A1) 0 True Aquatic Plants(B14) 0 Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) 0 High Water Table(A2) 0 Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) 0 Drainage Patterns(B10) ❑Saturation(A3) 0 Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots(C3) 0 Moss Trim Lines(B16) ❑Water Marks(B1) 0 Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) 0 Dry-Season Water Table(C2) ❑Sediment Deposits(B2) 0 Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) 0 Crayfish Burrows(C8) ❑Drift Deposits(B3) 0 Thin Muck Surface(C7) 0 Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) ❑Algal Mat or Crust(B4) 0 Other(Explain in Remarks) ❑Stunted or Stressed Plants(D1) ❑Iron Deposits(B5) ID Geomorphic Position(D2) ❑Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) 0 Shallow Aquitard(D3) ❑Water-Stained Leaves(B9) 0 Microtopographic Relief(D4) 0 Aquatic Fauna(B13) ❑FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? 0 Yes ®No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? 0 Yes 0 No Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? 0 Yes ®No Saturation Present? 0 Yes ®No Depth(inches): (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Eastem Mountains and Piedmont—Final VEGETATION (Five Strata)-Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point:DP 1 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: ' Tree Stratum(Plot size: ) %Cover Species? Status 1.Liriodendron tulipifera 35 Y FACU Number of Dominant Species 2.Platanus occidentalis 20 Y FACW That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC:6(A) 3. Total Number of Dominant 4. Species Across All Strata: 9(B) 5. 6. Percent of Dominant Species 7. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC:67%(A/B) =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: Sapling Stratum(Plot size: ) 1.Ulmus rubra 15 Y FAC Total%Cover of: Multiply by: 2.Carve alabra 10 Y FACU OBL species x 1 = 3. 4 FACW species x 2= 5. FAC species x 3= 6. FACU species x 4= 7. ____ UPL species x 5= =Total Cover Column Totals: (A) (B) Shrub Stratum(Plot size: ) 1.Lindera benzoin 25 Y FAC Prevalence Index=B/A= 2. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 3. q 0 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 5. ®2-Dominance Test is>50% 6 ❑3-Prevalence Index is 53.0' 7. =Total Cover ❑4-Morphological Adaptations'(Provide Herb Stratum(Plot size: ) supporting data in Remarks or on a 1.Onoclea sensibilis 25 Y FACW separate sheet) 2.Lonicera japonica 15 Y FAC 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' 3.Microsteoium vimineum 75 Y FAC (Explain) 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present,unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 7. 8. Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 9approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 10. 11. Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 12. approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less =Total Cover than 3 in.(7.6 cm)DBH. Woody Vine Stratum(Plot size: ) Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 1.Parthenocissus auinauefolia 10 Y FACU 2 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 3. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 4. herbaceous vines,regardless of size,and woody 5. plants,except woody vines,less than approximately =Total Cover 3 ft(1 m)in height. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ®Yes ❑No Remarks:(Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastem Mountains and Piedmont-Final SOIL Sampling Point:DP 1 • Profile Description:(Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) ' Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-3 2.5YR 3/1 100 silt loam 3-12 2.5 YR 4/8 100 silt clav 'Type:C=Concentration,D=Depletion,RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location:PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: ❑Histosol(A1) ❑Dark Surface(S7) 0 2 cm Muck(A10)(MLRA 147) ❑Histic Epipedon(A2) 0 Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(MLRA 147,148) 0 Coast Prairie Redox(A16) O Black Histic(A3) 0 Thin Dark Surface(S9)(MLRA 147,148) (MLRA 147,148) ❑Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) 0 Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) 0 Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19) ❑Stratified Layers(A5) 0 Depleted Matrix(F3) (MLRA 136,147) ❑2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR N) 0 Redox Dark Surface(F6) 0 Red Parent Material(TF2) ❑Depleted Below Dark Surface(Al 1) 0 Depleted Dark Surface(F7) 0 Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) ❑Thick Dark Surface(Al2) 0 Redox Depressions(F8) 0 Other(Explain in Remarks) ❑Sandy Mucky Mineral(SI)(LRR N, 0 Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR N,MLRA 136) MLRA 147,148) 0 Umbric Surface(F13)(MLRA 136,122) 0 Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) 0 Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 148) 0 Sandy Redox(S5) O Stripped Matrix(S6) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology must be present,unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Hydric Soil Present? 0 Yes ®No Depth(inches): Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Eastem Mountains and Piedmont—Final FREE STATE RUN PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG � : i s e mfr At: % , ,: i 4.' '' .74.,.,.41::`,:: ''''''—'1,11%,' ,i; ''-'- . -,, 4t --- - 3 , K'',.• : 4 ;' ' -� + Photograph 1: View to the southwest showing a portion of intermittent stream as it leaves the project site along the western boundary. ir ., ,.. ,-.,- . --. , : g ., x;; *.; 'j �r of f 4 , 7.,i 1s � „ , -2, ,,,, ,c, ,, ,, , _,t,,0,4-e 0117,., "gt„. , it.1.0.46,4*," - -%., , ''. ,t 1,41;,„ , * + es, .c 1aa` s s d if 1,:, Fz -� % fir § x a. e ,' s em. • Photograph 2: View to the northeast showing a portion of intermittent stream in the southwestern portion of the site (facing upstream). TNT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. AUGUST 2014 FREE STATE RUN PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG ,47 " « -# a " '8* .�"n may. x f s % .J.w ee std s ` .„,44- --.,*".: 'k \ay.'. 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