HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600069 Permit 2018-04-10COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Street address: 1111 E. Main Street, Suite 1400, Richmond, Virginia 23219 Matthew J. Strickler Mailing address: P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218 David K Paylor Secretary of Natural Resources www.deq.virginia.gov Director April 10, 2018 Vue Realty Partners LLC 1821 Avon St Ste 200 Charlottesville, VA 22902 wpark@pinnacleconstructionva.com RE: Coverage under the VPDES Construction General Permit (VAR10) General Permit No. VARlOK956 The Vue Residential - Multi -family Albemarle Dear Permittee: (804)698-4000 1-800-592-5482 DEQ has reviewed your Registration Statement received on November 11, 2016 and determined that the proposed land -disturbing activity is covered under the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10). The effective date of your coverage under this general permit is July 1, 2014 or the date of this letter, whichever is later. A copy of the general permit can be obtained from DEQ's webpage at the following location: http://www.deg.virginia.gov/Portals/0/DEQMater/Publications/CGP2014.pdf. The general permit contains the applicable Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements and other conditions of coverage. Please print the general permit and read it carefully as you will be responsible for compliance with all permit conditions. Additionally, coverage under this construction general permit does not relieve the operator of complying with all other federal, state, or local laws and regulations. DEQ staff has determined that the proposed land -disturbing activity will discharge to a surface water identified as impaired or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of the general permit for (i) sediment or a sediment -related parameter or (ii) nutrients. Therefore, the following general permit (Part 1.B.4) and SWPPP requirements (Part II.A.5) must be implemented for the land -disturbing activity: • Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site; • Nutrients (e.g., fertilizers) shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events; • Inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of (i) at least once every four (4) business days or (ii) at least once every (5) business days and no later than 48 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 48 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day; and • Representative inspections used by utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other similar linear construction activities shall inspect all outfalls. In accordance with the Virginia Stormwater Management Program State Permit Fee Regulation (9 VAC 25-870-830), you may be required to pay an annual permit maintenance fee until coverage under this general permit is terminated. If you are required to pay an annual permit maintenance fee, you will receive an invoice from the VSMP Authority including the amount and due date. The general permit will expire on June 30, 2019. The conditions of the general permit require that you submit a new registration statement at least 90 days prior to that date if you wish to continue coverage under the general permit, unless permission for a later date has been granted by the Board. Permission cannot be granted to submit the registration statement after the expiration date of the general permit. If you have any questions about this permit, please contact the DEQ Office of Stormwater Management at ConstructionGP(a deq.virginia.gov. Sincerely, Jaime B. Robb, Manager Office of Stormwater Management 2 Additional Information: Annual Maintenance Fees [Sections 17-207 & 208 of the Albemarle County Code] — Annual maintenance fees will be assessed in March of every year this pennit is active. Fees cannot be prorated after the first year ofpermit issuance. Issued By: Kenny Thacker Title: Erosion Control Officer _ Signa Date pg A 'x COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Vriginia 229024596 (434)296-5832 EROSION CONTROL PERMIT Date of Application: 1110M2016 Permit Effective Date: 04/06/2018 Number: WPO -2016-00069 DEQ Permit #: VARlOK956 LANDOWNER: CROZET DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS LLC Phone: 4349792900 1215 EAST MARKET ST SUITE B CHARLOTTESVILLE VA22902-5512 CONTRACTOR: PINNACLE CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT Phone: (434) 979-2900 CORP 1821 AVON ST, STE 200 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA22902 REPONSIBLE LAND SHAWN CORKER Phone: (434) 953-9122 DISTURBER: 1821 AVON ST, STE 200 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA22902 Certification/License #: 42532 Type: Responsible Land Disturber Plans Prepared By: HAMRICK ENGINEERING, P.C. Plans Dated: 10/03/2016 Last Revised: 10/03/2016 Plans Entitled: THE VUE-VSMP Location: Dist. . 7.3 Tax Map: 05600-00-00-11500 Acreage: Hydrological JR02 05600-00-00-006AO Unit: Additional Information: Annual Maintenance Fees [Sections 17-207 & 208 of the Albemarle County Code] — Annual maintenance fees will be assessed in March of every year this pennit is active. Fees cannot be prorated after the first year ofpermit issuance. Issued By: Kenny Thacker Title: Erosion Control Officer _ Signa Date Registration Statement General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) (Please Type or Print All Information) 1. Constriction Activity Operator: (General permit coverage will be issued to this operator. The Certification in Item #12 must be signed by the appropriate person associated with this operator.) Name: Vue Realty Partners, LLC Contact: William N. Park Mailing Address: 1821 Avon Street Suite 200 City: Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22902 Phone: 434-979-02900 Email address (if available): Indicate if DEQ may transmit general permit correspondence electronically: Yes ❑ No 2. Existing General Permit Registration Number (for renewals only): N/A 3. Name and Location of the Construction Activity: Name: The Vie Address (if available): 1194 Blue Ridge Ave City: Crozet State: VA Zip: 22932 County (if not located within a City): Albermarle County Latitude (decimal degrees): Longitude (decimal degrees): Name and Location of all Off-site Support Activities to be covered under the general permit: Name: N/A Address (if available): City: State: Zip: County (if not located within a City): Latitude (decimal degrees): Longitude (decimal degrees): 4. Status of the Construction Activity (check only one): Federal ❑ State ❑ Public ❑ Private b. Nature of the Construction Activity (e.g., commercial, Industrial, residential, agricultural, oil and gas, etc.): Multi -family residential S. Name of the Receiving Water(s) and Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): Name chums River- Beaver Creek Name: HUC: JR02 HUC: 7. If the discharge is through a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), the name of the MS4 operator: N/A 8. Estimated Project Start and Completion Date: Start Datemm/d 2/15/17 3/15/17 ( d/yyyy): Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy): 8. Total Land Area of Development (to the nearest one-hundredth acre): 21.85 Estimated Area to be Disturbed (to the nearest one-hundredth acre): 7.30 10. Is the area to be disturbed part of a larger common plan of development or sale? Yes ❑ No Q 11. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared In accordance with the requirements of the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities prior to submitting this Registration Statement. By signing this Registration Statement the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared. 12. Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Registration Statement and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. on y inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gatheringinforms , the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I a that tl are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprison r kn n . s." Printed Name: ti ark Title: Manager Signature: Date: (Please sign in . This Certification must be signed by the appropriate person associated witir the operator identified In Item #1.) 07/2014 Page 1 of 1 Instructions for Completing the Registration Statement General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) GENERAL A. Coverage Under this General Permit Any operator applying for coverage under this general permit who Is required to submit a Registration Statement (see Section B below) must submit a complete Registration Statement to the Department. The Registration Statement serves as a Notice of Intent for coverage under the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of StomnMater from Construction Activities (VAR10). B. Single-family Detached Residential structures. Operators with an existing stormwater discharge or proposing a new stomrvvater discharge associated with the construction of a single- family detached residential structure are not required to submit a Registration Statement or the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) portion of the general permit fee. Operators of these types of discharges are authorized to discharge under this general permit Immediately upon the general permit's effective date of July 1, 2014. C. To Apply for Pamir Coverage. 1. Now Construction Activities. Any operator proposing a new stormwater discharge from construction activities shall submit a complete Registration Statement to the Department prior to the conrroncement of land disturbance, unless exempted by Section B above. Any operator proposing a new stom►weter discharge from construction activities in response to a public emergency where the related work requires immediate authorization to avoid imminent endangerment to human health or the environment is immediately authorized to discharge under this general permit and mud submit a complete Registration Statement to the Department no later then 30 days after commencing land disturbance; documentation to substantiate the occurrence of the public emergency must accompany the Registration Statement. 2. Existing Construction Arthritis Any operator that was authorized to discharge under the general permit issued in 2009, and who Intends to continue coverage under this general permit, shat submit a complete Registration Statement to the Department on or before June 1, 2014, mesa exempted by Section B above. D. Where to Submit Registration Stabments, All Registration State merits should be submitted to: Department of Environmental Quality Office of Stomwrater Management, 10* Floor P.O. Box 1108 Richmond, VA 23218 UNE -BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS Item 1: Construction Activity Operator Information. "Operator' means the owner or operator of any faddy or activity subject to the Stonmwater Management Act and regulations. In the context of stormweter associated with a large or small conduction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following Nor crllsria: () the person fres direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plants and specification or () the person has day4o-day operational carirol of those activities at a project that are necessary to enure compliance with a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site or other state permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (.e., they we authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out ac tivitles required by the stormwater pollution prevention plan or coney with other permit condition). The entities that are considered operators will commonly consist of the owner or developer of a project (the patty with control of project plan and specifications) or the general contractor (the party with day to day operational control of the activities at the project site which are necessary to ensure compliance with the general permit). Provide the legal name (do not use a colloquial name), contact, mating address, telephone number, and email address (f available) of the construction activity operator, general permit coverage will be issued to this operator. Indicate if the Department may transmit general permit correspondence electronically. Item 2: Existing General Permit Registration Number. For reapplication only, provide the existing general permit registration number for the construction activity. This Item does not need to be completed for new construction activities applying for general permit coverage. Item 3: Name and Location of the Construction Activity Information. Provide the official name, street address (d available), city or county (if not located within a City) of the constriction activity. Also, provide the latitude and "Rude In decimal degrees of the approximate center of the construction activity (e.g., N 37.5000, W 77.5000). Name and Location of Off-site Support Activity Information. This general permit also authorizes stormwater discharges from support activities (e.g.. concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards, material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas, borrow areas) located on-site or off-site provided that (i) the support activity is direly related to a construction activity that is required to have general permit coverage; () the support activity is not a Commercial operation, nor does R serve multiple unrelated construction activities by different operators; (t) the support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity R supports; (v) the support activity is Identified in the registration statement at the time of general permit coverage; (v) appropriate control measures are identified in a SWPPP and implemented to address the discharges from the support activity areas; and (vi) all applicable state, federal, and local approvals are obtained for the support activity. Provide the official name, street address (if available), City and County (If not located within a City) of all off-site support activities to be covered under this general permit Also, provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees of the approximate center of the off-site support activities (e.g., N 37.501)0, W 77.5000). Also, If an off-site support activity Is going to be covered under this general permit the total land area of the off-site support activity and the estimated area to be disturbed by the off-site support acW4 need to be included in Item #9. Rem 4: Status of the Construction Activity. Indicate the appropriate status (Federal, State, Public, or Private) of the construction activity. Item 5: Nature of the Construction Activity. Provide a brief description of the construction activity, such as commercial, residential, agricultural, of and gas, etc. This tat Is not all inclusive. Ilam 6: Receiving Waters(a) and HUC Information. Provide the name of the receiving weter(s) and corresponding HUC- for at stormwater discharges Including any stomrwster discharges from off-site support activities to be covered under this general permit. Hydrologic Unit Code or HUC is a watershed unit established in the most recent version of Vkl*ia's a order national watershed boundary dataset. 07/2014 Page 1 of 2 Ilam 7: M84 Information. If stomhvvater Is discharged through a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), provide the name of the MS4 operator. The name of the MS4 operator is generally the Town. City. County, Institute or Federal facility where the construction activity Is located. Ilam M: Construction Activity Start and Completion Dab Provide the estimated stag data (monlh9day4vor) of the constriction activity. Provide the estimated completion date (mordWay4im) of the construction activity. Item a: Construction Activity Area Infornwdlon. Provide the total area (to the nearest one4Nmdnedlh acro) of the development p.e.., the total acreage of the larger common plan of development or sale). Include the total acreage of any off-site support activity to be covered under this general permit. Provide the estimated area (to the nearest acre) to be disturbed by the construction adMly. include the estimated area of land disturbance that YA occur at any off-aite support activity to be covered under this general permti. Item 10. common Plan of Davatopmant or sora I tonnation. Indicate N the arm to be disturbed by the construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or sola. Larger common plan of development or sob is dsllned as a contiguous ane vdhere separate and distinct construction may be lakbng place at diilarent limes on diffannt schedules. Plan is broody dellned as any announcement or documeniotion, Including a sign, public notice or hearing. sales patch, advertisement, drawing, pem* application, zoning request etc., or physical demarcation such as boundary signs, lot stakes, or surveyor morldngs indicating that construction activities may occur. Item 11: Bbrnmoster Pollution Prevention Pion (SWPPP} A Stomawater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) roust be prepared In accordance vttih the requirements of the General VPDES Permit far Discharges of Stomnwater from Construction Activities (VARI O) prior to submitting ills Registration Statement. By signing this Registration Statement the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared. Item 12: cwwk wm. A property authorized Individual associated with the operator klentl/ed M Rem 1 of the Registration Statement N responsible for oor&Nft and signing the Registration Statement. Planes dgn the Registration Statement M INK. State statutes provide for severe penalties for subn**V hise information on the Registration Statemart Stale regulations require that the Registration Statement be signed as Mom: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this part, a responsible corporate oAcer means: Q) A president, secretary. treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation M charge of a pr w*W business function, or any other person who performs similar pol cy-moldrig or dedsion-maldng fux9on for the corporation, or (ii) the manager of one or more manufachaing, produadlon, or oparNtrg bdUes. pm~ this mn OW Is authormed to moM management decisions that gown the operation of the reprinted faclilb Includiro Ihes+ro the splick or implicit d+hr of malting moor capital brA*bnwt noamheroamrr, and 0 0 twq and otiher compnMlafNM measurers b aesurs long-term compliance vttih environmental laws and regulations; the manager can orm" UM tib neoepary systems am astabNehod or actions talcnn to gOw complela and accurate Ydormation for pemhti application requirements; and vthere autihortiy, to sign documents hes been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. b. For a partnership or sale propristorahip: by a general partner or the proprletor, respectively. c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected oflicial. For purposes of this part, a principal ececxufive omcer of a public agency Includes: (i) The chief executive oRicer of the agency, or M A senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operation of a principal geographic unit of the agency. 07/2014 Pape 2 of 2 Section 10. Delegation of authority. (Provide the persons or positions with authority to sign inspection reports or to modify the stormwater pollution prevention plan. A formal, signed delegation of authority is needed.) Delegation of Authority I, YV (name), hereby designate the person or specifically described position below to be a duly authorized representative for the p ore of overseeing compliance with environmental requirements, including the Construction General Permit, at the Vue construction site. The designee is authorized to sign any reports, stormwater pollution prevention plans and all other documents required by the permit. Shawn Corker, Project Superintendent (name of person or position) Pinnacle Construction & Development Corp. (company) 1821 Avon St., Ste. 200 (address) Charlottesville, VA 22902 (city, state, zip) 434953-9122 (Cal) (phone) 434979-2900 (Office) By signing this authorization, I confirm that I meet the requirements to make such a designation as set forth in the Construction General Permit (CGP), and that the designee above meets the definition of a "duly authorized representative'. Operator Name: William N. Park Company: P' acle Cons & lopment Corp. Title: Signature: Date: q/911/6 Issued —10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County