HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800011 Review Comments Appeal to BOS 2018-05-01 (2)=
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
Tim Miller
Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner
May 1, 2018
SDP201800011 Covenant Church - Final Site Plan
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following
comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time.
Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by
the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.]
1. [] Prior to site plan approval provide a signed agreement from the property owner of the adjacent property,
Norfolk Southern Railroad, that off -site work and improvements are permitted on their property. Provide offsite
easement to permit this improvement to locate on the adjacent lot.
2. [Comment] Depict and label where the two (2) Bradford Pear trees are being relocated now that the new stormwater
management basin is being installed in the landscape island. Also, depict and label where the three (3) Bradford Pear
trees are being relocated now that the eight (8) spaces next to the basin are closer to the adjacent property line.
3. [Comment] On the cover sheet provide the following "SDP2018-11 Minor Amendment".
4. [Comment] Revise typographical error in site data. SDP2013-21 is truly a Minor Amendment, not a Major
Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using cperezkalbemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3443
for further information.
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
Project: Covenant Church —Minor Site Plan Amendment
Plan preparer: Tim Miller, Meridian Planning Group, LLC, 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200
Charlottesville, VA 22901 [ tmiller =,meridianwbe.com ]
Owner or rep.: Church of God; Thurman Henry, Ray Henry, Harold Haga Trustees
1025 E Rio Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Plan received date: 14 Mar 2018
Date of comments: 1 May 2018
Reviewer: John Anderson
Project Coordinator: Christopher Perez
Sheet 1
1. Provide Existing and Proposed impervious Area.
Sheet 2
1. Check /revise scale as necessary.
2. Existing sanitary manhole shown; locate and show Ex. sanitary lines.
Sheet 3
3. Check /revise scale as necessary.
4. Provide STOP and YIELD signs to define and control traffic movement.
Sheet 4
5. Check /revise scale as necessary.
6. Travelway:
a. Provide storm inlets /conveyance pipe channel design; review vertical fall across site (22');
provide computations that indicate Q2 runoff spread within travelways is less than 8'. Note: Since
travelway extends more than 100' without parking spaces, private road standards apply; ref.
ACDSM 7.C. Lb.
b. Provide storm drain grate /drop inlet (type /length) and pipe (DIA, type, length, slope, Qio
capacity, etc.) tables.
c. Provide plan /profile for storm system inlets and pipes.
d. Carefully consider storm runoff in pedestrian /passenger drop-off areas during design storm events.
e. Provide spot elevations to ensure smooth transitions where travelways intersect, and to ensure
positive drainage and capture at storm grates or inlets.
f. Label storm pipe length, diameter, slope, and material in plan view.
g. Clearly show and label storm inlets in plan view.
7. Provide Note with WPO Plan Number (than accompanies Minor Amendment). Submit WPO Application,
if no WPO has been submitted.
8. Ensure design meets quality and quantity criteria listed at 9VAC25-870-65 and 9VAC25-870-66,
Engineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 2
9. Ensure playground equipment, once reinstalled, maintains at least 2' horizontal offset from 15" HDPE pipe,
to avoid HDPE pipe penetration.
10. Specify RCP beneath parking lot and travelways, or ensure adequate cover (Albemarle recommends RCP).
Ref. VDOT standards and specifications.
11. Provide profile for new 15" HDPE @ 3.0%. Provide details sufficient for installation and inspection.
12. At parking lot SE of 20,600 SF building, provide 478' contour line.
Sheet 5
13. Re. Albemarle County Engineering General Construction Notes, #3: Provide reference # for Approved ESC
Plan (WP020XX-XXX).
14. Revise General Construction Note 44 to read Maximum Allowable slope is 31 (see ACDSM 8.A.2.)
15. Revise General Construction Note #6 to read Albemarle County Engineer (not Director of Engineering).
16. Provide Details for:
a. Trench cut pavement repair (ref. VDOT; ensure pavement repair is wider than trench with seams
offset, else work may quickly degrade).
b. Storm pipe bedding detail, per VDOT spec.
c. Retaining Wall (Typ.). Recommend show entire wall profile, as sheets 3 and 4 do not provide
adequate detail.
Please call if any questions: 434.296-5832 —x3069
Thank you
SDP201800011 Covenant Church -Minor 050118.doc
Christopher Perez
From: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2018 8:08 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Cc: Alex Morrison
Subject: FW: SDP201800011 Covenant Church Minor Amendment
Attachments: 61-156-SPA-C-301.pdf, MCP_005_10(8)_15.pdf
ACSA has the following comments for SDP201800011 Covenant Church Minor Amendment:
• Show existing RWSA and ACSA water lines
• Provide profile view for ACSA 6-inch water line
• Confirm if the existing FHA/meter vault will need to be adjusted to grade. If yes, 3 copies of the plans will need
to be submitted to ACSA for water review.
Below are RWSA comments as well.
Richard Nelson
Civil Engineer
Albemarle County Service Authority
168 Spotnap Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
(434) 977-4511
From: Victoria Fort [mailto:vfort@rivanna.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 5:10 PM
To: tmiller@meridianwbe.com
Cc: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org>
Subject: RE: SDP201800011 Covenant Church Minor Amendment
Please show and label the RWSA 18" water main (parallel with Rio Road) on all relevant plan sheets in the set in your
next submission. Record drawings from the VDOT 2009 Rio Road Railroad Bridge Project are attached showing the
approximate location of the RWSA water main. RWSA would also like to review a complete set when plans are
resubmitted to confirm there will be no impacts to the RWSA water main from the proposed site work, grading,
landscaping, etc.
Let me know if you have any questions or need more information.
Thank you,
Victoria Fort, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(0): (434) 977-2970 ext. 205
(F): (434) 295-1146
From: tmiller@meridianwbe.com[mailto:tmiller@meridianwbe.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 201812:28 PM
To: Victoria Fort <vfort@rivanna.ore>
Cc: 'Richard Nelson' <rnelson@serviceauthority.org>
Subject: RE: SDP201800011 Covenant Church Minor Amendment
Here is a copy of the grading plan.
Tim Miller, P.E., L.S.
Meridian Planning Group, LLC
440 Premier Circle, Suite 200
Charlottesville, VA 22901
From: Victoria Fort <vfort@rivanna.ore>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 4:58 PM
To: tmiller@meridianwbe.com
Cc: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.ore>
Subject: SDP201800011 Covenant Church Minor Amendment
The Albemarle County Service Authority has brought to my attention that there is a proposed minor amendment to the
Covenant Church Site plan currently under review at the County. RWSA has an 18" water main along Rio Road south of
the church building. Could you possibly provide a pdf drawing showing the proposed change to the entrance road so
that I can determine whether there are any impacts to the water main?
Thanks a lot,
Victoria Fort, P.E.
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(P): (434) 977-2970 ext. 205
(F): (434) 295-1146
Review Comments for SDP201800011 iMinorAmendment
Project Name: Covenant Church - MinorAmendment
Date Completed: Sunday, March 25, 2019 DepartmentlDivisionlAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: Shawn Maddox Fire Rescue Requested Changes
1 _ If the building ends up requiring a sprinkler system the FDC. location must be shown on the plans and it must be located
within 100' of a hydrant_
_ Any overhangs that impact a travel way must be a minimum 13'6" of clear height-
3- All travel ways shall be a minimum of 0' unobstructed travel width_ If the building exceeds 30' in height the Lnobstructed
clear width must be increased to 29 on at least one contiguous side of the structure to allow for aerial fire apparatLis access_
Please contact our office with questions_ 434-296-6833 or smaddox albemarle_org
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: I 0510'U2018
Review Comments for SDP201800011 IMinorAmendment
Project Name: Covenant Church - Minor Amendment
Date Completed: Monday, March 19, 2019 DepartmentlDivisionfAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: Michael Dellinger CDD Inspections See Recommendations
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: I 0510-V2018
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper Virginia 22701
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
April 12, 2018
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Chris Perez
Re: Covenant Church- Minor Site Plan Amendment.
Review #1
Dear Mr. Perez:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced as submitted by, Meridian Planning Group, LLC,
dated March 02, 2018, and find it to be generally acceptable.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If further information is
desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866.
MW 9N R�61 f
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency