HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-17-22_ACSPCA_April_24_Staff_ReportSP 2017-00022, CASPCA
Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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Project Name: SP201700022 Charlottesville-
Albemarle SPCA
Staff: J.T. Newberry, Elaine Echols
Planning Commission Public Hearing: April 24,
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: TBD
Owner: Albemarle Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, Inc.
Applicant: Ellie Ray, Milestone Partners
Acreage: 8.9 acres Special use permit for animal shelter under
Section 22.2.2(13) of the zoning ordinance
04500-00-00-08600, 04500-00-00-08800
By-right use:
TMP 45-86 – all C1 commercial uses
TMP 45-88 – residential uses at 6 du/acre or 9
du/acre with density bonuses
Schools: Agnor Hurt Elementary School
Burley Middle School
Albemarle High School
Magisterial District: Scottsville
Proposal: Request to expand the existing SPCA
on the existing and adjacent parcel.
Requested # of Dwelling Units: None
DA (Development Area): Neighborhood 1,
Places29 Master Plan, Rio CAC area
Comp. Plan Designation:
TMP 04500-00-00-08800: Urban Density Residential
TMP 04500-00-00-08600: Office R&D Flex Light
Character of Property:
TMP 04500-00-00-08800 – vacant, wooded
Use of Surrounding Properties: Child care center,
(soon to be) former VDOT equipment storage,
vacant land, offices, and other businesses.
Factors Favorable:
1. The enlarged facility will help the CASPCA
contribute to provide a valuable function to
the community.
2. The CASPCA has operated successfully at
its current location for over 15 years with
no complaints.
3. Most activities of the use occur inside
enclosed buildings.
3. A 30-foot vegetated buffer zone is provided
between the use and the residential district
adjoining to the south and west of the
Factors Unfavorable:
There are no unfavorable factors.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval with conditions.
SP 2017-00022, CASPCA
Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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STAFF PERSON: J.T. Newberry, Elaine Echols
SP201700022: Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA (CASPCA) Renovation and Expansion
PROJECT: SP201700022 Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA Renovation and Expansion
TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 04500-00-00-08600, 04500-00-00-08800
LOCATION: 3355 Berkmar Drive, approximately 500 feet northwest of the intersection of
Berkmar Drive and Woodbrook Drive
PROPOSAL: Construct several additions to the existing CASPCA facility totaling approximately
12,500 square feet, expand and relocate outdoor area for exercise, and provide additional
parking and a stormwater facility. Request includes the ability to expand the use and additional
structures including a training facility without a limit on square footage on TMP 04500-00-00-
PETITION: Expand existing animal shelter permitted under Section of the zoning
ordinance on a total of 8.9 acres. No dwelling units proposed.
ZONING: C-1 Commercial – retail sales and service; residential by special use permit (15 units/
acre) and R-6 Residential - 6 units/acre.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Office R&D Flex Light Industrial and Urban Density Residential in
Neighborhood 1, Places29 Master Plan, Rio CAC area.
The SPCA facility is surrounded by various commercial and office uses, along with a few
residential and vacant properties. The SPCA has been in operation for 15 years in its current
facility. Several properties adjacent to the SPCA were purchased by the State for the Western
Bypass. The State is in the process of selling those properties. Attachment 1 shows the location
of the properties.
Concurrent with this request, the applicant has asked for rezoning of the 2.53 acre parcel
southwest of the existing CASPCA facility from R6 Residential to C1 Commercial
(ZMA20170008). If the property is rezoned, the applicant wishes to expand the SPCA operation
onto the 2.53 acre parcel. The proposed expansion includes several additions, including a room
for cats, a new parking area, larger areas for walking trails and fenced areas for off-leash
Specific requests include:
Phase 1 — Dog Kennel and Outdoor Atrium Renovation
Phase 2 — Cat Facility Veterinary Clinic Addition, Sitework, Parking, Salliport / Intake and
Kennel Additions
Phase 3 — Main Building Interior Renovation
Phase 4 — Entry and New Canopy Façade Addition
Phase 5 — Training Center/support building, outside fenced exercise areas and trails
Attachment 2 contains the proposed development plan. An area is shown on the plan that would
allow for the use to expand and additional structures and potentially parking to be provided
without a limit on square footage on TMP 04500-00-00-08800.
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Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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Attachment 3 provides the applicant’s narrative regarding the request. A growing Albemarle and
Charlottesville population increases the demands for animal shelter services. The CASCPA
provides animal shelter services for the community and needs larger facilities to better serve the
community’s needs for unwanted animals.
ZMA200000005 and SP200000022 Albemarle SPCA (New Shelter)
These applications rezoned 5.88 acres from R-6 to C-1 and permitted a new animal
shelter, veterinary hospital, and associated offices. At the time, VDOT was acquiring
right-of-way for the proposed Western Bypass through the previously owned SPCA property.
SDP200000060 and SDP200100100 Albemarle SPCA (New Shelter)
The preliminary and final site plans for the construction of a new SPCA site adjacent to
the SPCA facility that pre-dated the 1980 Zoning Ordinance.
SP200700044 Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA
Amendment to the existing special use permit to allow outside fenced areas for dogs
with specific hours of operation. This approval also included waivers from supplemental
regulations for Animal Shelters and Veterinary Hospitals in Section 5.1.11(a), as well as the
20-foot buffer requirement between residential and commercial zoning districts. Attachment 3
contains the existing special use permit conditions.
CCP201700002 Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA
On September 5, 2017, the Planning Commission held a pre-application work session to
determine whether an expansion request on property shown for residential use required a
Comprehensive Plan amendment (CPA). The Commission said that a CPA was not necessary
The use reflected characteristics of other uses allowed by special use permit in
residential districts
The amount of intrusion into the R6 parcel was minimal
Restrictions on the use could be proffered such that the parcel did not become
The Commission also agreed that
A new parking area could be placed between the existing parking area closest to the
building and Berkmar Dr., rather than relegate that parking area, because screening
could be provided.
An expansion could be supported provided that protection of the adjacent residential
area is maintained.
The staff report and Planning Commission minutes for this meeting are provided in the
ZMA201700008 Staff Report.
The applicants met the community meeting requirement by presenting at the Places29-Rio CAC
meeting on October 26, 2017. No members of the public attended the meeting to inquire about
this request. No additional concerns were identified at the meeting.
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Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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All special use permit requests are analyzed in accordance with Section of the Zoning
Ordinance and may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that:
1. No substantial detriment. The proposed special use will not be a substantial
detriment to adjacent lots.
The SPCA facility has been in operation at this location for the past 15 years and has not
proven detrimental to adjacent lots. However, vacant residentially zoned properties
previously held by the state may be developed in the future and these properties must be
protected from any negative impacts associated with the animal shelter activities.
Along the northern side of the parcel, a 20’ buffer zone has been provided for screening.
Along the southern and western parts of the parcel included for expansion, a 30’ buffer zone
is provided. A note on the plan states, “At the perimeter of the site, existing vegetation is
intended to remain and satisfy buffer requirements. If needed, supplemental landscaping will
be provided. Supplemental landscaping will include evergreen trees, such as Eastern red
cedar and American holly.” A fence will be provided within the buffer so that dogs running in
the southwest part of the parcel remain on the SPCA property. Due to the fact that almost all
activities are conducted within an enclosed building, no substantial detriment is anticipated.
2. Character of district unchanged. The character of the district will not be changed by
the proposed special use.
During its history at this location, the animal shelter has operated without changing the
character of the area or the zoning district. Sufficient space is available on the parcel for the
parking and building expansions. With most of the activities indoors, no change to the
characteristic of the C1 district is expected.
3. Harmony. The proposed special use will be in harmony
…with the purpose and intent of this chapter,
Chapter 18 of the County Code sets forth the reasons for zoning, provides the zoning
regulations, and provides processes for change. The proposed use appears to be
consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 18.
…with the uses permitted by right in the district,
Uses permitted by right in a Commercial district include retail sales and service uses. As a
result of the size of the property, vegetation on the property, location of the use near the
edge of the Development Area, and the mostly indoor nature of the shelter, the use is
viewed to be in harmony with the other by-right uses in the district
…with the regulations provided in section 5 as applicable,
Section 5.1.11 Commercial Kennel, Veterinary Service, Office or Hospital, Animal Hospital,
Animal Shelter lists several regulations some of which apply to the SPCA facility. The
applicant has requested waivers to these sections which are analyzed later in the report.
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Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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…and with the public health, safety and general welfare.
Staff believes that the current facility fulfills a community need by providing a home and
adoption services for dogs, cats, and other animals. The current proposal for an expanded
facility including moving fenced outside exercise areas will only improve the service
provided by the SPCA by contributing to improved health and well-being of the animals and
providing an opportunity for potential adopters to interact with dogs before adoption takes
4. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The use will be consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan.
The Comprehensive Plan has two different land use designations for this property. The
existing facility is on property designated as Office/R&D/Flex/LI. The area for expansion to
the southwest includes land designated for Urban Density Residential use. Primary
uses in this designation are residential only (multifamily and single-family) and the
Places29 Master Plan recommends gross density of 6.01-34 units/acre. Nevertheless, uses
like the SPCA, which blend elements of institutional, service, and public use categories,
may be considered as a secondary use in this designation, particularly when proposed at
an appropriate scale.
This request has also been evaluated for conformity with the Neighborhood Model which is
provided below:
Pedestrian Orientation A sidewalk that is adjacent to Berkmar Drive extends through
and past this parcel. Although the Places29 Master Plan calls
for landscaping strips between the sidewalk and Berkmar
Drive with bike lanes on both sides of the road, no changes
to Berkmar are anticipated with the expansion of the SPCA
use. Future road widening projects may be able to include an
improved pedestrian arrangement. This principle is met.
Mixture of Uses The existing SPCA will help create a mixed use area when
the surrounding residentially zoned property is developed.
This principle is met.
Neighborhood Centers The closest neighborhood center is the Rio Hills Shopping
Center located within ¼ mile, diagonally across Berkmar
Drive from the parcel under review for rezoning. This
principle is met.
Mixture of Housing Types
and Affordability
No residential use is proposed. This principle is not
Interconnected Streets and
Transportation Networks
No interconnections to adjoining properties are proposed.
The applicant has offered right-of way for future dedication
along the Berkmar Drive frontage as shown on the concept
plan. Staff has determined that no interconnections are
warranted at this time. This principle is not applicable.
Multi-modal Transportation
The Places 29 Master Plan and other referenced planning
documents recommend transit stops which include shelters,
benches, and stop information. The existing stop located on
Berkmar along the site frontage likely doesn't warrant a
shelter but a bench and concrete pad could increase the
attractiveness of transit service that would serve the SPCA
facility. The applicant has indicated a willingness to provide
amenities for a transit stop but does not wish to proffer them.
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Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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This principle could be met with a commitment by the
applicant to provide a shelter or bench at the transit stop.
However, the applicant does not wish to be tied to such a
commitment as it would prefer to use as much of its funds to
provide the animal shelter service to the community. Staff
does not believe the provision of a shelter or bench is
essential to this application.
Parks, Recreational
Amenities, and Open Space
Portions of the property are intended to remain wooded and
a 30’ buffer zone is shown on the plan. A fence is proposed
around the exterior of the parcel and it will include the 30’
buffer zone. Dog walking trails will be provided in this area
This principle is met.
Buildings and Space of
Human Scale
Due to the distance of additions to the facility from Berkmar
Drive, this principle is not applicable.
Relegated Parking This principle is not met; however, the Planning Commission
previously indicated that meeting the principle was not
essential due to the expected preservation or provision of
screening adjacent to Berkmar Drive.
Redevelopment This principle is not applicable.
Respecting Terrain and
Careful Grading and Re-
grading of Terrain
A 44-foot grade change exists from the highest part of the
property to the lowest part of the property which creates
challenges for building additions and parking areas.
Managed slopes are designated in several places on the site.
The applicant has shown expected grading on submitted
plans. Most areas to be regraded are shown at 3:1 slopes
which is preferable to 2:1 slopes. Due to the location of an
intermittent stream and a proposed parking lot and a new
driveway near the existing stormwater facility, the applicant
has been unable to create 3:1 slopes everywhere on the site.
Retaining walls are shown at a maximum of 6’ in height. This
principle is not met; however, topographic challenges of the
site make it difficult to provide for parking and building areas
without small areas of 2:1 slope.
Clear Boundaries with the
Rural Area
This principle is not applicable.
Special Exception Requests
The Board of Supervisors may grant special exceptions to certain parts of the Zoning
regulations as provided under Section 33.9. The applicant has submitted two special exception
requests and Attachment 5 includes the applicant’s request and justification:
1. Special exception from Section 21.7, which prohibits disturbance of a 20-foot area
between commercial and residential districts, and Section 4.20, which requires a 50-foot
minimum side and rear setback for structures.
2. Special exception from both subsections (a) and (b) of Section 5.1.11 of the Zoning
Ordinance, which state:
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Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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Waiver/Special Exception Request History
During the review of the last special use permit amendment (SP200700044), staff
recommended approval of two similar waiver requests (which are now called “special exception”
requests). These waivers granted relief from Section 5.1.11(a), as well as a 20-foot setback
requirement between commercial and residential uses. Relief from Section 5.1.11(a) permitted
fencing that was not solid, and relief from the 20-setback requirement permitted the installation
of fencing and landscaping closer to a neighboring property line. Staff found several reasons to
support both waivers; primarily, they related to the safety of the animals and visitors to the
CASPCA facility, but they also included factors such as the cost to comply and the unique
characteristics of the property.
Current Special Exception Requests
The first request seeks to again be excepted from the requirement to maintain a 20-foot buffer
zone, as well as an exception from the requirement that any structure to be located at least 50
feet away from a side or rear property line that abuts a residential district. The applicant notes in
their justification that this exception is needed not only for the proposed additions at the side
and rear of the existing facility, but also for a small portion of the existing CASPCA facility itself.
Staff also acknowledges that the outdoor exercise areas along the side of the existing facility
technically meet the definition of a “structure” and should be considered as part of this request.
The second request seeks to be excepted from all of the requirements contained within Section
5.1.11(a) and (b). To comply with these supplementary regulations, the applicant would
otherwise need to provide fencing on the site that was concrete block or brick, provide a sound
study from the nearest residential property line, and make significant reductions to the existing
facility to comply with the 200 foot separation requirement.
Analysis of the Special Exception Requests
Staff believes the most significant potential impacts resulting from these exception requests
relate to sight and sound. On the existing CASPCA site (Parcel 86), the encroachment of the
proposed additions and associated improvements brings development of a commercially-zoned
site and its associated noise closer to a residential district. On Parcel 88, the specific form of
development is undetermined, but the applicant has committed to an enlarged buffer zone that
will not contain any structures.
As mentioned earlier, the CASPCA has responsibly operated at this site over a long period of
time. In fact, the Zoning Division has not received any complaints regarding the CASPCA in the
past 15 years. Additionally, the architect has provided specific information about the
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Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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construction standards for the proposed additions and their expected sound attenuation. The
proposed building materials have successfully addressed noise in other similar applications.
Staff believes adhering to the proposed construction standards and materials, along with the
commitment to maintain a 20-foot vegetated buffer zone (on Parcel 86) or 30-foot vegetated
buffer zone (on Parcel 88) will appropriately address the expected impacts to adjoining property.
To be clear, staff believes it is appropriate to install perimeter fencing and landscaping within
these buffer zones as necessary to enhance existing screening and meet the requirements of
Section 32.7.9.
Section 33.9 does not require the Board of Supervisors to consider any specific set of criteria
when considering these requests, but does allow conditions to address any possible impacts of
a special exception. As a result, staff recommends approval of both special exception requests,
subject to the following conditions:
1. The installation of perimeter fencing and landscaping to enhance screening shall be the
only disturbance permitted within the buffer zones.
2. On Parcel 86, no proposed building addition or new structure shall encroach closer than
40 feet to a side or rear property line, except that any fenced outdoor exercise area shall
be at least 20 feet from any residential lot line.
3. On Parcel 88, no proposed structures shall encroach closer than 50 feet to a side or rear
property line, except that any fenced outdoor exercise area shall be at least 30 feet from
any residential lot line.
4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit information to the
satisfaction of the County Engineer and the Zoning Administrator (or their designees) that
demonstrate the sound attenuation qualities of the construction materials used in the
renovation of the clinic can reasonably meet the fifty-five (55) decibel sound limit in Section
Staff has identified the following factors favorable to this application:
1. The enlarged facility will help the CASPCA contribute to provide a valuable function
to the community.
2. The CASPCA has operated successfully at its current location for over 15 years with
no complaints.
3. Most activities of the use occur inside enclosed buildings.
3. A 30-foot vegetated buffer zone is provided between the use and the residential
district adjoining to the south and west of the parcel.
Staff has identified no factors unfavorable to this application.
Staff recommends approval of SP201700022 with the following conditions:
1. Development and use shall be in general accord with the conceptual plan titled
“Charlottesville Albemarle SPCA Rezoning/Special Use Permit Application” prepared by
Timmons Groups and dated December 18, 2017, last updated April 5, 2018, (hereafter
“Conceptual Plan”), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator.
To be in accord with the Conceptual Plan, the proposed development and use shall reflect
the following major elements essential to the design of the site:
• location of buildings and structures (not including fenced outdoor exercise areas)
• location of parking areas
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Planning Commission April 24, 2018
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• no parking lots, driveways, or permanent structures within 30 feet of the property
lines adjoining parcels zoned residentially
• dedication of right-of-way along Berkmar Drive
• landscaping and screening at the perimeter of the site as noted on the plan
• a 30’ buffer zone on TMP 04500000008800
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made
to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Additional buildings, structures, fencing, and parking may occur in the area shown for SPCA
expansion in accordance with the Conceptual Plan.
3. Fundraising activities and other special events shall not occur unless a zoning clearance
has been issued by the Department of Community Development;
4. Animals may be walked and/or exercised outside only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
7:00 p.m. While animals are outside, they must be supervised and be either on a leash if
outside the fenced area or contained within a fenced area if not on a leash;
5. Support facilities located on TMP 45-88 must be shown on an approved site plan and
fenced to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator;
6. Fencing, other than for outdoor exercise areas, shall be of the same or a similar material
identified on the plan entitled “Charlottesville/Albemarle S.P.C.A. ZMA-2000-005, SP-2000-
022, revised November 6, 2007.”
Final wording of the proposed conditions may change after review by the County Attorney.
Staff recommends approval of special exceptions to the requirements of Section 21.7, Section
4.20, and Section 5.1.11(a) and (b), subject to conditions. Because staff is recommending
approval of these special exceptions and approval is granted by the Board of Supervisors, the
Commission need not take any action on them. However, if the Commission wishes to comment
on the special exceptions, those comments will be provided to the Board of Supervisors.
A. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend approval of this special use permit:
Move to recommend approval of SP201700022 CASPCA with conditions identified in the
staff report.
B. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend denial of this special use permit:
Move to recommend denial of SP201700022 CASPCA with reasons for denial. Should a
commissioner motion to recommend denial, he or she should state the reason(s) for
recommending denial.
Attachment 1: Location Map
Attachment 2: CASPCA Proposed Development Plan dated April 5, 2018
Attachment 3: CASPCA Narrative
Attachment 4: SP200700044 Special Use Permit Conditions
Attachment 5: Request for Special Exceptions