HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500035 Application Zoning Map Amendment 2015-07-01Application for �A
Variations from Approved Plans,_
Codes and Standards of Development `N,P
DATE: 7-1-15
Old Trail Village
55E-01 -Al
ZMA - 04 - 024
Contact Person: Bill Ledbetter
Address 914 Monticello Rd. city- Charlottesville state VA zip 22902
Daytime Phone (434) 977-0205 Fax # (434) 296-5220 E-mail BLedbetter@roudabush.com
What type of change is requested?
❑ Variation to the Plan [Variation to the Code or Standard
Provide a copy of the existing plan (may be a reduced copy) illustrating the area for which the change is requested. Provide a
graphic representation of the requested change.
Describe the variation being sought (may attach separate sheets):
With the Site Plan for Block 27, we are requesting a waiver to allow for roof overhangs and eave
he roof overhangs and eaves would only
be allowed to voiect one foot (11 or less into the setback.
What is the reason for each of the requested variations?:
The reason that we are requestinq this variation is so that the lots in Block 27 will be able to have
a larqer buildable area, which in turn, will allow for more variations in the design of the units in this
Block. Ultimately, this will create a more aesthetically pleasing streetscape design.
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
3/9/09 Page 1 of 2
In accordance with § c) of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to grant the variation, the Planning Director must
make positive findings under 5 criteria. Please provide information about these criteria for the Director's
consideration (may attach separate sheets).
1. Is the variation consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan?
Yes, the variation is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. This variation will allow us to
maximize the use of the building area and will provide a unique type of unit to enhance the look of Old Trail Village.
2. Does the variation increase the approved development density or intensity of development?
No, the overall level of density proposed for Old Trail Village will not be increased as a result
of this variation.
3. Does the variation adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the
zoning district?
No, the proposed variation does not affect the timing and phasing of the development.
4. Does the variation require a special use permit?
No, the proposed variation does not require a special use permit.
5. Is it in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application?
Yes, the proposed variation is in general accord with the approved rezoning application.
The director of planning and community development may allow a site plan or subdivision plat for a planned
development to vary from an approved application plan, standard of development and, also, in the case of a
neighborhood model district, a general development plan or code of development, as provided herein:
a. The director is authorized to grant a variation from the following provisions of an approved plan, code or
1. Minor variations to yard requirements, maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes;
2. Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements
shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same;
3. Changes to phasing plans;
4. Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards; and
5. Minor variations to street design.
d. Any variation not expressly provided for herein may be accomplished by rezoning.
3/9/09 page 2 of 2
Application for &Frt
Variations from Approved Plans,
Codes and Standards of Development
DATE: 7-1-15
ZMA NUMBER(s): ZMA - 04 - 024
Contact Person: Bill Ledbetter
Address 914 Monticello Rd. city Charlottesville State VA zip 22902
Daytime Phone (434) 977-0205 Fax #4( 34) 296-5220 E-mail BLedbetter@roudabush.com
What type of change is requested?
❑ Variation to the Plan VVariation to the Code or Standard
Provide a copy of the existing plan (may be a reduced copy) illustrating the area for which the change is requested. Provide a
graphic representation of the requested change.
Describe the variation being sought (may attach separate sheets):
For the Site Plan for Block 27, we are reauestina a waiver to allow for variations in the
front, rear, and side setbacks for the Single Family Lots. We would like to have a
resulting in a 5' front, rear, and side setback for all of the Sinqle Family Lots in Block 27.
What is the reason for each of the requested variations?:
The reason that we are requesting this variation is so that Block 27 will be able to have a traditional
neighborhood design with minimal setbacks. Old Trail was desianed so as to create a sense of
community among the residents and to produce neighborhoods with aesthetically pleasing building
architecture. The reduced setbacks will allow for more variations in the design of the units, with la
private yards. Ultimately, this will produce a close-knit neighborhood with a strong sense of community.
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
3/9/09 Page 1 of 2
In accordance with § c) of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to grant the variation, the Planning Director must
make positive findings under 5 criteria. Please provide information about these criteria for the Director's
consideration (may attach separate sheets).
1. Is the variation consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan?
Yes, the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan will essentially stay the same.
2. Does the variation increase the approved development density or intensity of development?
No, the level of density proposed will not change as a result of this variation.
3. Does the variation adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the
zoning district?
No, the proposed variation does not affect the timing and phasing of the development.
4. Does the variation require a special use permit?
No, the proposed variation does not require a special use permit.
5. Is it in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application?
Yes, the proposed variation is in general accord with the approved rezoning application. Because we
are only slightly altering the minimum front, rear, and side setbacks, no significant impacts are anticipated.
The director of planning and community development may allow a site plan or subdivision plat for a planned
development to vary from an approved application plan, standard of development and, also, in the case of a
neighborhood model district, a general development plan or code of development, as provided herein:
a. The director is authorized to grant a variation from the following provisions of an approved plan, code or
1. Minor variations to yard requirements, maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes;
2. Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements
shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same;
3. Changes to phasing plans;
4. Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards; and
5. Minor variations to street design.
d. Any variation not expressly provided for herein may be accomplished by rezoning.
3/9/09 page 2 of 2
Application for
�pF ALg�
Variations from Approved Plans,_;
Codes and Standards of Developmentya
DATE: 7-1-15
ZMA NUMBER(s): ZMA - 04 - 024
Contact Person: Bill Ledbetter
Address 914 Monticello Rd. city Charlottesville State VA zip 22902
Daytime Phone (434) 977-0205 Fax # (434) 296-5220 E-mail BLedbetteraroudabush.com
What type of change is requested?
❑ Variation to the Plan Variation to the Code or Standard
Provide a copy of the existing plan (may be a reduced copy) illustrating the area for which the change is requested. Provide a
graphic representation of the requested change.
Describe the variation being sought (may attach separate sheets):
For the Site Plan for Block 27, we are requesting a waiver to allow for th Mf the single
family attached units to be qreater than the maximum buildina height specified for sinale family units
in Table 6 on page 30 of the Old Trail Village Code of Development. The maximum building height
for single family units in Block 27 is 2.5 stories.
What is the reason for each of the requested variations?:
The reason that we are requesting this variation is so that Block 27 will be able to have 2 rows of
single family attached units that will act as townhouse units. With a larger building height, these
townhouse units will be able to provide families with a larger living space which will ultimately be more
comparable to the amount of living space found in single family detached units. Buildings taller than
2.5 stories will also produce a more aesthetically pleasinq buildinq architecture for this block.
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
3/9/09 Page I of 2
In accordance with § c) of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to grant the variation, the Planning Director must
make positive findings under 5 criteria. Please provide information about these criteria for the Director's
consideration (may attach separate sheets).
1. Is the variation consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan?
Yes, the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan will stay the same.
2. Does the variation increase the approved development density or intensity of development?
No, the level of density proposed will not change as a result of this variation.
3. Does the variation adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the
zoning district?
No, the proposed variation does not affect the timing and phasing of the development.
4. Does the variation require a special use permit?
No, the proposed variation does not require a special use permit.
5. Is it in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application?
Yes, the proposed variation is in general accord with the approved rezoning application.
The director of planning and community development may allow a site plan or subdivision plat for a planned
development to vary from an approved application plan, standard of development and, also, in the case of a
neighborhood model district, a general development plan or code of development, as provided herein:
a. The director is authorized to grant a variation from the following provisions of an approved plan, code or
1. Minor variations to yard requirements, maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes;
2. Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements
shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same;
3. Changes to phasing plans;
4. Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards; and
5. Minor variations to street design.
d. Any variation not expressly provided for herein may be accomplished by rezoning.
3/9/09 page 2 of 2
Application for
Variations from Approved Plans, �'t=
Codes and Standards of Development
DATE: 7-1-15
ZMA NUMBER(s): ZMA - 04 - 024
Contact Person: Bill Ledbetter
Address 914 Monticello Rd. city Charlottesville state VA zip 22902
Daytime Phone(434) 977-0205 Fax # (434) 296-5220 E-mail BLedbetter@roudabush.com
What type of change is requested?
❑ Variation to the Plan Variation to the Code or Standard
Provide a copy of the existing plan (may be a reduced copy) illustrating the area for which the change is requested. Provide a
graphic representation of the requested change.
Describe the variation being sought (may attach separate sheets):
For the Site Plan for Block 27, we are requesting a waiver to allow for th r single family
attached units to be below the minimum lot size specified in the Old Trail Village Code of Development.
The minimum lot size for Single Family units in Block 27 is 4,000 square feet.
What is the reason for each of the requested variations?:
The reason that we are requesting this variation is so that Block 27 will be able to achieve a higher
density by creating smaller single family lots. The maximum gross single family density for Block 27, as
allowed by the Crozet Master Plan, (table 5 on sheet 26 of the Code of Development), is 8.5 dwelling
units per acre. With the current layout of Block 27, the gross residential density is equal to 8.0 dwelling
units per acre, which is still below the maximum gross single family density allowed for this area.
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
3/9/09 Page 1 of 2
In accordance with § c) of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to grant the variation, the Planning Director must
make positive findings under 5 criteria. Please provide information about these criteria for the Director's
consideration (may attach separate sheets).
1. Is the variation consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan?
Yes, the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan will stay the same.
2. Does the variation increase the approved development density or intensity of development?
No, the level of density proposed for this Block will not exceed the allowable density for this area,
as stated in the Code of Development.
3. Does the variation adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the
zoning district?
No, the proposed variation does not affect the timing and phasing of the development.
4. Does the variation require a special use permit?
No, the proposed variation does not require a special use permit.
5. Is it in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application?
Yes, the proposed variation is in general accord with the approved rezoning application.
The director of planning and community development may allow a site plan or subdivision plat for a planned
development to vary from an approved application plan, standard of development and, also, in the case of a
neighborhood model district, a general development plan or code of development, as provided herein:
a. The director is authorized to grant a variation from the following provisions of an approved plan, code or
1. Minor variations to yard requirements, maximum structure heights and minimum lot sizes;
2. Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements
shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same;
3. Changes to phasing plans;
4. Minor changes to landscape or architectural standards; and
5. Minor variations to street design.
d. Any variation not expressly provided for herein may be accomplished by rezoning.
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