HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800033 Review Comments Minor Amendment 2018-06-13Short Review Comments Report for: SDP201800033 SubApplication Type: 2300 HUNTERS WAY - MINOR Minor Amendment Date Completed:05/10/2018 Reviewer:Heather McMahon CDD Planning Review Status:Requested Changes Reviews Comments:See letter in laserfiche Division: Date Completed:06/13/2018 Reviewer:Heather McMahon CDD Planning Review Status:Administrative Approval Reviews Comments:see approved plan in laserfiche Division: Page:1 of 1 County of Albemarle Printed On:June 21, 2018 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 May 10, 2018 Justin Shimp Shimp Engineering, P.C. 201 E Main Street, Suite M Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: ARB -2018-66: 2300 Hunter's Way — Minor Site Plan Amendment, and SDP2018-33: 2300 Hunter's Way — Minor Site Plan Amendment Dear Justin, We have received the above -noted applications for a County -wide Certificate of Appropriateness as well as a Minor Amendment to SDP2016-12: Nationwide Homes, Major Amendment. The following revisions are requested to make the proposal consistent with the design criteria that apply to the County -wide Certificate as well as the Minor Amendment. 1. Please revise the submitted Site Plan (Sheet C3 of 8, dated 5/7/18) to show just the proposed demolition plan. 2. Please revise the landscape plan (Sheet C5 of 8, last revision dated 10/18/16, prepared by Shimp Engineering) of the approved Major Amendment to the Final Site Plan of Nationwide, SDP2016-121 to show the proposed additional landscaping and proposed fencing. Include: a. A revised landscape schedule that includes approved plants as well as proposed plants. Ensure that the landscape schedule indicates plant species with both common and botanical names, quantity, size at planting, and symbol used. b. A fence detail and elevation that illustrates the appearance of the fence and stipulates material(s) and the specific color(s) proposed. Include the plants in the fence elevation. c. Identification of the 12 parking spaces that are dedicated to vehicles awaiting repair. The submitted information does not clearly show how providing an 80' section of fence, projecting that section forward 18" from the remaining fence, providing two corners, and adding 5 groups of 4 plants will be sufficient to achieve an appropriate appearance for the EC. Please clearly show how the fence design, materials, color and planting work together to establish an appropriate appearance. In particular, the quantity, type and spacing of the landscaping material are critical to a successful design. The EC screening fence design criteria are copied at the end of this letter for your reference. Within 15 days of the date of this letter, please send me a letter (by email is acceptable) indicating whether you will or will not proceed with these revisions. If you choose not to proceed with these revisions, staff will be unable to approve your application. If you choose to proceed with the revisions, please forward me one set of revised drawings together with a memo summarizing the revisions you've made. Your decision to make the revisions will suspend the 60 -day review period associated with your original submittal. However, I expect to complete the review of your revised proposal within 2 weeks of your re -submittal. If you have any questions about this action, please contact me as soon as possible. I look forward to receiving your revisions and completing this review with an approval letter. Sincerely, ;A. pxbol— Heather McMahon, Senior Planner hmcmahon@albemarle.org 434-296-5832 x3278 cc: ARB File 2018-65 Heartrock Farm LLC 2521 Summit Ridge Trail Charlottesville, VA 22911 (.'0tj'N"rY-wwE {.ERrlFjc, j,F OF APPROPRIATENESS TENESS SVVMmn tenerng IIES]Gfti CRITERIA HeilRht Heko r shock! be as bursa passible while maintaining f olars Full seremin No shiny, reflective finishes_ Skze kale Lengths of W or rnme Length -of fence should be must provide uaristian 'by mitigated through surface using thaw in height, relief, either Ln derail ar different material. massing. pQMrjnR cambinalions, projections Placement of planing shall. be Fences longer than 40' shall forward -or bacl4 piers, sufficient m allow for proper iochrde ane evergreen tree ocher sindker futures, aQ a plant growth. ora shrubs for each AM" eomhinsiLoR ofthese. secuoa ar por dan thcrcaf Structure E"gm Minuniu clue plaecOf the Deisilingshauld be used in ornamental screening Lacada■ fence strucrurc in the mitigate surface and texture. fences may be approved an laardscspc. IDL—.jgn Sad atase-bye bersrs. detailing should bt simple. Feng'es along lxti&strian routes shoald lx scaled and detailed rclativcto human sire. 1laterlalg PossiMe f-ence materials No chain link with or widroui Me Lal panrtl fenciing+xill include wast, woad vinyl. sLais. No barbed wire, likely require plianting aompositc. stone, bride mean wire or siroi lar &vim. along the fence for deccarativc concrete Mo* Length and }ieihility of fence miugatiorL moat panels, w a will be considered in camhinalionofthese dtterki ningappropriarc fence mmmeriaLs malerial. Fence material dwuld march Of complemern rhe mmcriaLs found on rhe building and -or adjoining itrucimres or ISnd-,ca Fence rnaterialsshould have a Kmen track rec rd of durability and longevity relalnlc ra color retention and avcrall EPPMa0ft. f olars CoLor should be neutral — No shiny, reflective finishes_ 6w example: gray, brawn. Flay finishes are required or Meek_ A whine screening fence will rar6y be aDwomiate. pQMrjnR Planting should be used io Placement of planing shall. be Fences longer than 40' shall masses to mitigate the sufficient m allow for proper iochrde ane evergreen tree visual impan ndtht 3engrb plant growth. ora shrubs for each AM" of dw 6enee. secuoa ar por dan thcrcaf planted on the public side. Lacada■ AremraquMag screening should be pLaoed behind buildings, as vielared from the EC. if h4dings SreTm available for screening, are q and Ica&Fes ro he sacci" should be located as far froin the EC as PcHiNt. L o"ibig screcning fences aLc,ng pedestrian paths shouLd be I hnited.