HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800039 Plan - Submittal (First) Initial Site Plan 2018-05-21EXIST 1n Tc 16' 16'r',' 10 t3ve 011 INITIAL SITE DEVELOFIVIENT FLAN I OR FANTOP5 CORNER TM F 07800-00-00-005 AO, TM F 07600-00-00-005E305 * TM F 07600-00-00-056G I RIVANNA DISTRICT, ALDEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SHEET INDEX C I - COVER SH LET C2 - EXISTING CONDITIONS � DEMO PLAN C3 - 51TE PLAN C4 - UTILITY * GRADING PLAN C5 - LANDSCAPE PLAN CG - ROAD DETAILS � SITE DETAILS APPROVED PROFFERS Tax Map 78 Parcel 58GI was rezoned to Highway Commercial per ZMA 2013-00002. The approved proffer statement is as follows: 1. Interconnectivity. Contemporaneously with, and as part of, frontage improvements along Stony Point Road (Rt. 20) required in connection ndth any subdivision plat m site plan for the Property, the 0—c, shall construct a private road from Stony Point Road (Rt. 20) across the Property to and ass T1\ IP 78-5A to U.S. Route 250, as labeled Road "A" on Exhibit C-1.1he location, alignment and design of Road "A" may be adjusted with approval of the County Engineer. The Owner shall ord an easement for the private road granting light of public passage over Road •A" which shall be recorded prior to the request for the first Certificate of occupancy for the Property. An access easement to Uv? 78- 6 shall be provided subject to an agreement baiwean the respective owners to shine the cost ofmaintenance aa<t oo wactionfor shared portions of Road "A". 2. Yo C'ertiticate of Occupancy until Road "A" is complete, the Owner shall not request a Cerfihcate of Occupancy for any building on the Property until the private road connection between U.S. Route 250 and Route 20 is completed along with entrance improvements as required by the Virginia Department of 1'ranspotation. Construction of Road `A" shall be deemed complete when the County Engineer determines the roadway is sate andconvenient for traffic. The location of the private road connections may vvy in accordance with entrance guidelines provided by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 3. Route 20 Widening. The Owner shall not request a Centificatc of Occupancy for any building on the Property antil the Owner has constructed a second north bound lane on Route 20 along the frontage of the Property such that two full north bound lanes are provided ou Route 20 from its intersection with U.S. Route 250 to the intersection of Road "A" and Route 20. LEGEND NEW I L'' T; iP TVr 12' B`,V DESCRIPTION EXIST TOP OF CURB ELEVATION SPOT ELEVATION TOP OF WALL ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION BENCHMARK STORM SEWER ROOF DRAIN - SEWER LINE WATER LINE GAS UNE —.r._— OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WARE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OVERHEAD TELEPHONE UNE ao ,,...— UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE PROPERTY UNE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE VACATED PROPERTY UNE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK D 0 ade NEW DESCRIPTION ® I- DRAIN INLET (DI) D ® STORM/SANITARY MANHOLE C PLUG ,111WATER VALVE & BOX � FIRE HYDRANT o WATER METER 0-0 UGHT POLE -&"s*- -0- UTILITY POLE SANITARY EASEMENT GRADING EASEMENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT WATER EASEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=1,000' EXIST NEW DESCRIPTION to 10 TREE UNE --"--�-- out 30 FENCE out 32 Total 76 STREAM — 31f — tc — INTERVAL CONTOUR JOU— —u0— INDEX CONTOUR 70 CC STANDARD 6" CURB CG -s CG -6 COMBINATION 6" CURB & -- GUTTER :.I CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK RIPRAP ASPHALT GRASS rr ~' fLL EC -2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND EXIST NEW DESCRIPTION to 10 PARKING COUNT I ITE Qty in 1 3101 122rooms 36 out 30 CROSSWALK out 32 Total 76 HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE 1 8511 4,350 SF 34 Za CG -12 .� & HANDICAP PARKING NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. PARKING Required parking: Hotel: 1 space per room. 122 rooms = 122 spaces Retail: 1 space per 100 SF. 4,350 IF / 100 = 43.5 80% of 'retail sales area' - 34.8 spaces Provided parking: Hotel: 122 spaces Retail: 55 spaces OWNER / DEVELOPER Pantaps Corner, LC. 1100 Harris Street Charlottesville, VA 22903 ZONING TMP 78-5A, 5B HC - Highway Commercial, EC - Entrance Corridor TMP 78-58G1 HC - Highway Commercial, EC - Entrance Corridor Per Approved Application Plan. ZMA 2013-00002. SOURCE OF TITLE Tax Map 78, Parcel 5A, 5B & 5BG1: DB 4358 PG 684 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rivanna BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD88. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY & TOPO Boundary & topographic survey information provided by Field survey provided by Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. on March 23, 2018. Datum for topography NAVD88. BUILDING HEIGHT Maximum: 55' SETBACKS Front minimum = 10 FT from right-of-way. Front maximum = 30 FT from right-of-way. Side/Rear lots zoned Highway Commercial, primary structures will be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the Building Code. No Side/Rear max setback. Hotel complies with stepback front requirement. For each story that begins above 40 FT in height or for each story above the third story, whichever is less, the minimum stepback shall be 15 FT. EXISTING USE Vacant lot STEEP SLOPES Managed and Preserved Slopes are shown on C3 PROPOSED USE New 14,684 IF Hotel, 4,350 IF Retail Building, and Proffered Access Road LAND USE SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Ex. Buildings 0 IF 1.8 Ex. Pavement 0 IF 3.2 Open space 274.864 IF 95.0% Total- 274,864 IF (6.31 ac.) PROPOSED Area New Buildings 20,724 IF 7.5% New Pavement 102,073 IF 37.1% New Sidewalk 13,812 IF 5.01 Open space 138.306 IF 50.4% Total= 274,864 IF (6.31 ac.) Total Impervious Area = 136,103 IF (49.57) WATERSHEDS This site lies within the Upper Rivanna River Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. FLOOD ZONE According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO287D), portions of this property lie within a Zone AE 100 -year load plain. TRIP GENERATION Trip generation reflects AM and PM peak hour traffic. 5117?a r 19- SCS AM PM Use Description Hotel I ITE Qty in 1 3101 122rooms 36 out 30 Total in 66 44 out 32 Total 76 Retail 1 8511 4,350 SF 34 34 69 27 26 53.5 Total 70 64 135 71 58 140 Trip generation reflects AM and PM peak hour traffic. 5117?a r 19- SCS --- -- DEMO/ - — nom, t; ` r, { \ \ \ \ \ ltl co - J, \ \ h N I �'T ;' / \ \ I\�``\ � 1 III 3 II I \\ - '-I \ ' / PRESERVED SLOPES 1 I , `I 1 , 1 I I I I` 1 -. \ T.M. 7B-5AtVT ,lll 1. M. 78-5$G1 4 a/� J ell "`�•�` \\`� ' , -_, �J , i ,' i I I 11 � 111\ \I_� 1 / i -- __ _—_'_ _— ! / ` i ; I>� t SAO � lDoAO TREES }'a'a \\ fr{r 'i DEMO TREES -- `— I -\ _ \\ MARncm SLOP`_- I11f1 .i7 <I 41. 5 i . �4'(Tot I)-.. - - _�_ �\ \ ''nom_ \` ,,, \ . _./ ` I P101 (�" L n1, l \ _ -_ \ Ir' - - - - - __ pr - T. w. 7B 5a - - 1 ':k I __--,, - . t �S -7--•.�.� ➢: —TIIIT III - ---- wE I� I I I r � / � � , I •, `• � «. «� .; A\ II 1' \ I; 1 I , i % `I \ I ` 1"--I I \I ' I � a. yd \ T6lSPORAPY GPABING �SEMENT ON T.I%I Z-5BG1 UR \\ \ IKM \\ f154°i scl I I I I l II l 1 i ' Ii I I l --- -- DEMO/ - — nom, t; ` r, { \ \ \ \ \ ltl co - J, \ \ h N I �'T ;' / \ \ I\�``\ � 1 III 3 II I \\ - '-I \ ' / PRESERVED SLOPES 1 I , `I 1 , 1 I I I I` 1 -. \ T.M. 7B-5AtVT ,lll 1. M. 78-5$G1 4 a/� J ell "`�•�` \\`� ' , -_, �J , i ,' i I I 11 � 111\ \I_� 1 / i -- __ _—_'_ _— ! / ` i ; I>� t SAO � lDoAO TREES }'a'a \\ fr{r 'i DEMO TREES -- `— I -\ _ \\ MARncm SLOP`_- I11f1 .i7 <I 41. 5 i . �4'(Tot I)-.. - - _�_ �\ \ ''nom_ \` ,,, \ . _./ ` I P101 (�" L n1, l \ _ -_ \ Ir' - - - - - __ pr - T. w. 7B 5a - - 1 ':k I __--,, - . t �S -7--•.�.� ➢: —TIIIT III - ---- wE I� I I I r � / � � , I •, `• � «. «� .; A\ II 1' \ I; I \` I , i % `I \ I ` 1"--I I \I ' I � a. yd \ T6lSPORAPY GPABING �SEMENT ON T.I%I Z-5BG1 UR --- -- DEMO/ - — nom, t; ` r, { \ \ \ \ \ ltl co - J, \ \ h N I �'T ;' / \ \ I\�``\ � 1 III 3 II I \\ - '-I \ ' / PRESERVED SLOPES 1 I , `I 1 , 1 I I I I` 1 -. \ T.M. 7B-5AtVT ,lll 1. M. 78-5$G1 4 a/� J ell "`�•�` \\`� ' , -_, �J , i ,' i I I 11 � 111\ \I_� 1 / i -- __ _—_'_ _— ! / ` i ; I>� t SAO � lDoAO TREES }'a'a \\ fr{r 'i DEMO TREES -- `— I -\ _ \\ MARncm SLOP`_- I11f1 .i7 <I 41. 5 i . �4'(Tot I)-.. - - _�_ �\ \ ''nom_ \` ,,, \ . _./ ` I P101 (�" L n1, l \ _ -_ \ Ir' - - - - - __ pr - T. w. 7B 5a - - 1 ':k I __--,, - . t �S -7--•.�.� ➢: —TIIIT III - ---- wE sTgT^ \` 30 0 30 60 90 LNWScale: !'=30' CHISELED 1 DN C W.Mll I � I I I I I I it �1 I� j $ P I /32.40 9 1\1--551 /'L Iii I 11 1 II yd \ it '— 1 � IKM sTgT^ \` 30 0 30 60 90 LNWScale: !'=30' CHISELED 1 DN C W.Mll I � I I I I I I it �1 I� til Iii I 11 1 II I it i it '— 1 � scl I I I I l II l 1 i ' Ii I I l I C¢ 1 I wo I I I LD CD t ._..._.-C:)_ I �I + cri 14 X -4A II Q 0 W Z g � � O W z Z O O W U �® W W J 0 W Q F- 5 L Q m Q Z Date 05/21/2018 Scole 1"=30' Sheet No. 2 OF 6 File No. 12.025 r 30 0 30 60 90 3 OF 6 File No. 12.025 LEI ISE <... VEI.FTST_ PROPOSED LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE P Planting Type Cal./Height Quantity Large Deciduous Tree 3.5" Cal. 25 OLarge Deciduous Tree 2,5" Cal. 44 Medium Shade Tree 25" Cal. 24 Ornamental Tree 6' Ht. 13 j Evergreen Shrub 24" Ht. 247 \ l \ � I \ y � NOTE: SPECIFIC SPECIES WILL BE PROVIDED WITH ge / FINAL SITE PLAN. NO SPECIES WILL EXCEED 25% I\�, 2 Qe J/ :J OF PLANT TYPE. I XNIZ / LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: I I SITE REQUIREMENT ( 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. SITE AREA 274,864 SF x 107 = 27,486 SF CANOPY REQUIRED: 27,486 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: WILL BE PROVIDED WITH FINAL SITE PLAN INTERIOR STREET TREES ( LARGE SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) — 40' O.C. PARALLEL TO ROAD 823 LF/40 = 21 X 2 (ALLEE) = 42 REQUIRED: 42 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 44 LARGE SHADE TREES PARKING LANDSCAPE ( 10% OF PARKING PAVED AREA. 73,173 SF X .10 = 7,317.3 SF REQUIRED: 7,317.3 SF OF LANDSCAPED AREA PROVIDED: WILL BE PROVIDED WITH FINAL SITE PLAN LARGE SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) 176 PARKING SPACES (176 / 10 = 17.6) REQUIRED: 18 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 19 LARGE SHADE TREES SCREENING PROVIDED FOR DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE: 10 EVERGREEN SHRUBS ENTRY CORRIDOR: LARGE SHADE STREE (3.5" CAL.) — 35' O.C. W/ INTERSPERSED ORNAMENTALS (6' HT.). 280 LF OF STREETSCAPE/35 = 8 REQUIRED: 8 LARGE SHADE TREES W/ VARIABLE ORNAMENTALS PROVIDED: 8 LARGE SHADE TREES W/ 11 ORNAMENTALS 6' RETAINING WALL TO BE SCREEN WITH EVERGREEN. 1,704' RETAINING WALL AT 6' HT. PROVIDED: 247 EVERGREEN SHRUBS AT 24" HT. NOTES: 1. Contractor to apply 4' diameter by 2-5" wood chip bedding around all proposed trees, and mulch bedding around shrubs. 2. All other landscaped areas shall be sodded. 3. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 4. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 5. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 6. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. IRON FOUNUI — — — — — — — — — — — — — IF -------------- I f P oza f CHISELED "x" f ON COC: f a eirovserc a zx 2" I I ar,rra-F f a ------ -------�_. za- i I n U f -4 I30 D 30 60 90 Scale: 1"=30' CD Lf J (U W O U7 �0157�- JUST1.00, z Q J W Q U z Q J P� w W Z (� Q z Z If}_ W ZI, 0 O' U WO W LU I Q W � m Z � J Q Data 05/21/2018 Scale 1 "=3 0' Sheet No. 5 OF 6 File No. 12.025 2" OF SM -9.5A SUPERPAVE m o „ J SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE VDOT #21A BASESTONE PLANS FOR EXACT z LAYOUT AND SPACING. °, w hill IITIf IIiII IIiII I — COMPACTED SUBGRADE SEE FLAP! FOK EXACT LAYOUT. CFACE n 8 R TO BE FIELD VERIFIED PLANTS AS FECIFIEG IN 1 -ANT LIST w ARBOR TIE, OR EQUIVALENT )R A> eHOINI'l. AD JUST -FACING AS F., I NESE: _AR;/ OKAS DIRECTEDSET Bl CYIRUB PLUMB. TOP OF z RGOTBALL CYIALL NOT EE MOKE 1 ANDCCAFE AD:CIIITECI. TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION FOR PARKING 8c TRAVELWAYS 1-712" SQ. OAK STAKES TAN' ABOVE FIN! HEDCRADE o a C£j Not To Scale -- — SET 180 DEGREES iMULCYI 211 DEEP p w z APART INL,VIECIATEL'f AFTE.e Qd 0� G 4 REMOVE DUKLAF FROM 'I ANTING ADD' WATER n � TO, -I/3 OF RCOTBAJ_L 1.5" OF SM -9.5A SUPERPAVE FINISHED GRADE 4 O TI10 FOUGt1L'i. TALL WATERING 3" - ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COARSE APPLY 2" OF WOOD CHIPS FJ-ANTINS FIT. / BER,VI o TYPE BM -25.0 AFTER PLANTING AND FkTTAF'f[, SOIL FOP SI1KUo5 m °o o o` II-II IIII �,,o�o„'o„oIII -o FINI5HED,-RADE 6" — VDOT #21A BASESTONE WATER THOROUGHLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4" COMPACTED EARTHW q� wo CBR=10 WATERING BERM ` Lvi Na Q TO BE FIELD VERIFIED EXISTING GRADE m CIL URrAc.E z m 2 TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION FOR PRIVATE ROADS -:- U` E FD C8 Not To Scale PLANTING PIT. SEE SPECS TU SIND VEP✓SOP_ �I I'I1I II IBJ III I�, -II_ wF FOR EXACT REQUIREMENTS, o y a PLANTING SOIL, AND PLANTING SOIL AMENDMENTS. 4' - 3,000 PSI CONCRETE w ° REMOVE BURLAP & (T)SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 4" - VDOT #21A BASES -ONE STRING FROM TOP 1/3 ' C8 Nat OF ROOT BALL TWO TIMES To Scale I I I ITI ITj COMPACTED SUBGRADE UNDISTURBED SOIL BALL DIA. (MIN) Y I LTH OF CBR=10 .� t - TO BE FIELD VERIFIED (MTYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION (2)TREE PLANTING DETAIL C JUSTI��� C8 Not To Scole ---- - -- ----- -- — C8 Not To Scale U O�. i. 451 IMP Y PO Q, �. S SIONAL J_ Q f— W W o�z W Z�C[ �o� Z �, z W z 0 0 JRyU W W "ROW W W J W Q W Q m z Q Z Date 05/21/2018 Scale N/A Sheet No. 6 OF 6 File No. 12.025