HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198700098 Action Letter , e e 'ì¿-" /> 1.--;\ f,:,'~";¿','_,~,,'.'i III Lj~,"h 1\'_, ~""~L~:':ll ",'''".-;·l'í \ \ 1 ,~_'y/, , '-' '"i ,f·;, ':~'~':, / / COUNI\' ()I /\I.HU\1/\J\I.!. ( ./ [) (lj"t of Pl.l nn ¡ n~] i\r (> I :1~~ PH. ¡ '¡; ¡ V rJ:, : : t i](ì1 '\l'!:\fL'~' I·', _'Ii :".~hd:·¡uq{' :~':ltL\. \ ;~'~;Ti . ',i;: I \t~li 'SCL~ j ..,~qu-E),~l.~ T·ìr;,C_(-:~.:r'J ')J: 1989 JWK Properti2s, Jne Attention: John F. WL~]'~m~ ~ Rt. (j, Box GC\ Charlott sville, VA 22901 RE: SP'-B7-98 JvJK '.L'ax Map 112 r '2¿-lX Mal) 113 I T'ropcrtic.:" Parcel,,~ 2 G I?2 r c:cl_l 61~_; (Albc'marl<..' 2J7\,231\, [<<Jute 2GS Carri,aCTc 37D fiT :,} ::~ (.~ lJr l :' Dear Mr. Williamson: '_;'he Albel:lëirlp County BO;lCd of Sup;,-·rvi:;or;· I at. i. t:; lE¡-C:- i n(j on January 18, 1989, unanimously approved the above-noted request to allcw a ì1mseurn for di::;pl¿1Y of hurse dr¿Hvn vph:cJo:c: on pr:.Tc:~ty zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property, lceated on the cast s~de of Pt. 20 at '-:.oat·terls Bridge, part of Viewmontu F:1nn.J'ax Ed.p J12, scctts'li.lle f1agiE;ter:~ial r)~i_st}"..i,(:t:" T)];r_,:t~3r? r;c)tr: t}·l,~,-r· tr1i:-~;\r)rr()'/~-] is ::;ll}:)j c~ :,.::t t.o t !1e f ()], 1. Ol\T ir1cf C() nÖ. j~ -L _~:. C,lri S : 1 . "/.~_/-q..:..nla IJer)a;~t-.;'nc:·nt (;f ·i"r'~1n..t -:=¡rtrl:" f~jr)[)r' ¡'_ entrance \duth I.i.jht ÒI,d iet t tun] LH,C<:; (-, _ (.': '. :~: (. l---; ,J ¡ 2 . Aprr(~p,-·;,t-e 1 ~·¡":tl "'n(1 (-....t-,' ~N~.un" . l~tu -')"V ] ·'c...'-a. "'~",\...L,\......_ -~ '.-'.......A.. 'l .J ~_"_,...tLT._-:.... f,~.:,:it:..::l",-'., {'~t-}~}L.~, 'a. ~f" <'(''''''''00 c1.:.C'..,U)C"'] "nrl ')" ".U .-...', l,J.. ..::l.......~.......Å_ - ,......l..-.-:'1.·'. ~U.L c!l \.~·~'·.~,,!.._t}:_ ,~-,~jtJ~)r)!_~:('-: -,; t:h.' p='c.\'i.~" iO;ì J. r/fuse'lill gift sJlcll) .:~:; ·~::01jl;i_t-,t.(~(j fc't:, tnt":: s-~lc~ ()f mZ1t~i:,::rLaJ rel.atcd t:~) musct~~ al~C~i-l(:t~;; sRl~s 2rCQ stlL~~ r10t 0XC~2c(1 1.() };)21'''c~(:.r.it~ ()f tllC~ total 11lLl<::·;C1J.yn lJ1J.Llrjj_I;(J (lr(?(l;~ 4 . ,utn,--lc.·. "-0 screu"l~ nn-'--" b' . " d 'fU ]' .LJC,..·._c~,l..".'"-~1:)<,_, : -.t:--.1 "'~j "':J, "::'l:.·~L.J~ >c ~'t'O\.r.l(.lC;-,.[()lP -<-'Ltc? ;~¡J J.!-'j aC~COL·(Jd.rl~:e \.vJ.th, ;-)I::.~(;C}C .r--l J~:,"7.~j.d (,)~. th(::: ZOf11.nr¡ ")rcljn,ìr:c~t~; , "" ~. .," ~, ,,~ , >;< . "'" "'" ,r , >I\"~ if' > ""<; -~ '';; ~ ~ ~ '"" ", -. .. ..;¡ ~ ~;:t .~ . , .: ,~~...;.~~~a::,~~~~~1~#.r~i:~~44"..¡1t~~·~./t~tr~~~~.i.)~>¿~~t& ;L~,~~~~~,~ e e JWK ~roperties, Ine PagE. :? cJiH'è-:,n.-y 23, 1989 .~¡¡oo V' 5. This ~:pccia} 1l.s(~ pcrmlt .1;-; 3rplicant in lettnr dated Hr. ..John Horno, :-..icJl1C"l by .\1 be ma. r 1 c c., rr L ¿10 C jvíu~; C· t~ ;': ?-,; (; '\ 1.-:' rlL.l (~l~ fOT' theo :-1"->' dC~>Cli hed Ly the ...) c· ;£.() I 1 '_~ n n ! , ::l d rJ Ç! t'(_ S S ;~~c t·o Phj 1] ippi> de \7j ¡ t"'¡'-":, ¡',.; ('r~Lu:'( S. !)L~_\'jì\(l ('crì,~'"~('J 6. 'Th(? ag.ricultuL-",_J. P:;¡;:cur:: .;IE"1 be· ()I"(!.l::l.te:l In r"':0n):.[ ct:icn 'tilth an agr cuI tUi.' tbcccla u~(:¡ tD t_hc pUrL'~- of t.hc n111sr;1~:n . If y:)U ,:;hoüJd have a~)ov ::' flc:ted act_ion, ,-_1 f1 ~{ q tl c; r; t. i (j n ~-; ~; r ('·C1n'l r~10 n L ~._~ 'yor 'IJ -~ ;-(1 _J, nqtr'lt~~ pJ Cd Sr;. dc~ rlc'!t_ 11(:::3 i -t~ë1t_c' t~0 c.::c)n t¿'t(>t. ~~t~~. sine 'rely, //._'\ , , \ '. _r.f....¡ /' ¡f- t L/ i.. I jOhn T. P. Horne ì:fÜ-ector of Planning f , ! '1 , ' I ! '; I . rf,/ '. ,. 1.( , i !f I. ,- I \' ". ,f:;. CDm:nunity D('vclopm'~nt= ,JrrpI-I¡1 j CVJ CC: Jeff Echols Yathy Dodson ,) dC1-'~ ColI ins .i/,_ ... . _, I .. .. ~ 6'" I'.. _~ . ,.;l, v, + ... , ~ ¡¡,¡ .. ,,'"