HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198700017 Action Letter . . ~-- / { ~\~+L~i'~:'\ ;~,.~!. ;,.!ijil Ä.>.,~ :oc~' . j -J ....,'. ,. , ,~ ,do. .\'.,,<..' . . ,~¿y, f ¡ (it;t ~~ \0 COUNTY OF ALBEMAHLE Dept. of Planning & Cornmunit~· Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville. Vir~1¡ni(l 229014596 (804) 296-5823 April 17, 1987 Liberty Baptist Church Rt. 7, Box 239L Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-87-17 Liberty Baptist Church Dear Sir: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting OIl April 15, 1987, unanimously approved the above noted request to allow a pre-school to be located in the basement of Liberty Baptist Church. Property, located on the east side uf Rt. 20, approximately one-quarter mile north of its intersection with Rt. 610. Tax Map 63, Parcel 31. Approved su~ject to the following conditions: 1. Health Department approval; 2. Virginia Department of Transportation approval of commercial entrance ln accordance with letter dated March 18, 1987; 3. Fire Official approval; 4. Enrollment to be limited to no more than 12 children per day, three hours per day, five days per week, with expansion to not more than 20 children a day with Health Department approval; 5. Compliance with Section 5.1.6 of the Zoning Ordinance, with the waiver of Section 5.1.6(a); e e 1"d:Þ't:-1 PJ '0 f-'- lQl-1tJ' (1) f-'- (1) 1-'1-1 N rt I-'~ -.J ~ tJ: PJ 1-''0 I.Drt 00 f-'o -....JUl rt () ::r ¡:: 1-1 () ::r (j\ . f-'01-3 Ul::r f-'o ::l Ul o ::l Ul 1'0 rt(1) 1-1 () PJ f-' - ::l PJ Ull-' I-tl (1) ¡:: 1-1 Ul PJ (1) tJ' I-''d (1) (1) ~. 1-1 3 f-'o rt f-'o Ul f-'o Ul Ul ¡:: (]) P, rt o rt ::r (1) PJ '0 '"d I-' f--'- () PJ ;::l rt PJ ::l P, -....J . o ~ I-tlPJ f-'- Ul <: f-'o(]) rtl-1 (1) o P,I-tl (]) Ul Ul f-'- f-'o lQrt ::l (1) 1-tl'O 01-' 1-1 PJ ;::l '0 ~. 1-1 0'0 '01-' o PJ Ul ;::l (1) ;::l p, f-'- ;::l ¡::lQ Ul (1) Ul ·rt PJ I-tl I-tl rt o <: (1) 1-1 f-'- I-tl ~ PJ P, (1) ¡Q ¡:: PJ () ~ 3H (1)1-tl . ~ o ¡:: ::r PJ <: (1) PJ ;::l '< ¡Q ¡:: CD Ul rt f-'- o ;::l tfl ~ '0 I-' (1) PJ Ul (]) P. o ;::l o rt ::r (1) tfl f-" rt PJ rt (]) n- O () o ;::l rt PJ () rt t:)C¡ f-'-~ (fl g~ f-'. ~ ' ;::l rtl-3 ~ ~ g' ~ 8 '"O?:- I-' o. r '< I-tl \ ~ I"d~ ~ I-'t-¡ , PJ ... 8.m ~' . ::l ' ~ ~ Q § ¡:: ;::l f-" rt k' .. t:) (]) <: (1) I-' o 'ö 3 (]) ::l rt C¡ 1-3 t-cJ ::r: "- LJ. () ~