HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201200038 Calculations Minor Amendment.WOO MA- � j V') � +L-so�,\JV-7 ct,,Z7 0.25 rollabW L5 rA -CD-ns -5 eo 0, C:2, Tr _ VL Ali _���•E%`. kil i Cl DL 7__ i l • � i2 .55 ` _ i tic^ f 1�--7 -.3 8S wt. 30.1 —1 2-4..31 2.7. z4 7-4b zz G9 Z9,80 - _ �-� •� �s l� . �_� k* 3a- 17 2 4- i3 (� 0. � - ` 47 _ _ l 3 f ,1- T �o1—. �-^ - t . 7 3.43 i zo , Pore *�3 - — II 0 CT:7 LA ' KA �I -z7 ii -707-4) r a-A1v,03F� icc oy —_—_ Lai -rib — ,� � 1 ,� ` � � y� � �- � � L S :T7 left V 6� j�'1 >x gzlksi� ------ •' V: -`L -`rl_��. S'PY�L .L�--OA -s I ;ii it ��� ��iv�Ts { ____-___-_„T.__ �! �� - Em Westminster Canterbury Drop Inlets.txt ChannelFlow printout Project title: west cant_ IDF file or const: a2 [row references are given in brackets] _Curb Qb(cfs) Qc(cfs) Qt(cfs) S n. Sx T(ft) d(in) W(ft) W/T Sw Sw/Sx Eolw(ft) area2l 0.00 0.36 0.36 0.0200 0.013 0.0208 3.91 0.98 2.00 0.51 0.0208 0.999 0.85 12.00 LI -I area22 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.0200 0.013 0.0208 0.43 0.43 2.00 4.65 0.0833 4.000 1.00 12.00 LI -I _ InletInSump Q(cfs) L(ft) d(in) di(in) h(in) d/h al(in) a(in) angle T(ft) DI3A 0.36 2.50 1.04 wr 3.04 5.50 0.19 2.00 2.00 45.00 4.18 [area'l,area21] Computation Date: Sun Mar 25 11:34:00 EDT 2012 is CO H )76 b AV -7 J S i C" Tlt-�--- �, a-AAq A t l� 3 4 Leis A� A-JFe- 7.4 r- --z A,ylVe 4� ,L� i �J-� 5 i 1'0 '; Aw DITCII CALCULATIONS: NOIWAL CRITICAL_ ------------- SLOPE(F"FFT): .0142 .0116 FLOW (CFS): 11.98 VELOCITY (F1/SEC): 8.0839 7.2586 L.ENiITTI (FT): 126.80 DEPTH (FT): 1.1725 1.3335 MANNING;S N: .0130 TRAVEL `1'INQl (101N): 0.36 CIIZCUL.AR CHANNEI, DI_-1A1LT'ER= 1.5 F'1" P1PE CAPACflY= 12.5=1905 CPS Itii'CURN FOR ANOTHER PROBLEM - ANY OTHER KEY ENDS: DITCH CALCUL. \::'IONS: NORMAL. CP I'I'ICAL ------ -------- SLOPE (FT!FT): .0179 .0073 FLOW (CFS): VELOCITY 10.7.214 7.0065 LENGTH (FT) DEPTH (F'I'): 1.1239 1.5564 AIANNINGS N: TRAVEL TMIE; (AIIN): 0.26 18.38 156.33 usic CIRCULAR CHANNEL DIANI TER= 2 FT PIPE CAPACITY 30.35737 CFS RETURN FOR ANOTHER PROBLEM - eINY OTHER KEY ENDS: p `) J r-� Iki T© CJ \-*�- DITCH C_U-CULATIONS: Il,(ORI\IAI. CI:TTICAL ------ --------- SLOPE (FT;FT'): .0180 .0079 FLOW (C:FS): 19.85 VELOCITY (FT/SEC): 10.3186 7.3137 LENGTH (FT'): 100.14 DEPTH (FT'): 1.1789 1.6153 i\JANNEyM N: .0I30 TRAVEL TIME (MIN): 0.16 MCULAR CHANNEL DIANLti;TL•'R= 3 FT MPP. CAPACTI'Y= 30.41.143 CFS RETURN FOR ANOTHER PROBLI-1 11- ANY OTHER KEY ENDS: r-'- ,P�C,- I� t el DIICII CALCULATIONS: NORIVIAL ClUTICAL SLOPE (F 'FT): — ------ .0144 -------- .0082 FLOW (CFS): VLLOCTI'Y (FT/SEC): 0.5288 7.4578 LET-IG-1-11(FT) DEPTH (FT): 1.2990 1.6416 MANPdINGS N: "TR,kVEL TIIDiiL (iVIIN): 0.22 CIRCUL:1R CHANNEI.. DIAnll:TER--- 2 FI' PIPE CaPACI'1'Y = 27.33728 CFS 20.58 124.84 0130 RE'TLTRN FOR ANOTHER PROBL'ENI - ANY OTMER KEY ENDS: �I:pV- 'D I DITCH CALCULATIONS: NORININL I. (:1'I'I1CAL ------ -------- SLOPE (PT/P'1): .0278 .0093 FLOW (CPS): 20.77 VELOCITY (FUS Q: 12.3237 7.4975 LENGTH (FT): 64.70 DEPTH (FT'): 1.0573 1.6486 AiIAI\ININGS Nr: .0130 TR_1\/EL TIMI? (1\4LN): 0.09 MkCULAR CI-LANNEL DIA E, TER= 2 FT PIPE C_UTACITY= 37.83454 CFS RETURN FOR _ANOTHE.R PROBLEM - ANY OTHER I'EY ENDS: DITCH CALCULATIONS: NOI:Iv1AI. C. I'IIC_1I. ------ -------- SLOPE (FT!FT): .0337 .01083 FLOW (CPS): 20.77 VELOCITY (FT/SEC): 11.7639 7.4975 LENGTH (PT): 118.96 DEPTII (FT): 1.1129 1.6=686 IVIANNING`i N: ,0130 'MA: `EL 'II ME (A/LIN): 0.17 CIRCULAR CILANNEL DI_AMETER= 2 FT PIPE C_UJACII'Y = 3=6.80033 CPS RE'T'URN FOR ANOTFIFIZ PRO BLE Al - ANY OTHER Id,.Y ENDS: DITCH CALCULATIONS: NORA/Vd, C1 I'1'ICAL -------------- SLOPE (ITT T): .0293 .0084 FLOW (CFS): 2496 VELOCITY' (I"YisEC): 12.5877 7.5373 LENGTTI (FT): 95.72 DEPTH (F'F): 1.0172 1.6556 1\LA1 NINGS N: .0130 R;vVEL'ntv[E (RdIA1): 0.13 CMCULAR CHANNEL DIANIETER= 2 FT PIPE CAPACITY = 38.7956 CFS RETURN FOR ANOTHER PROBI-nil - ANY OTHER KEY ENDS: p v p,- MW} " (3 VA - DITCH CALCULA'T'IONS: NORNLLL CPITICAL ------ -------- SLOPE (FT/FT): .25334 .0295 Ff_.O\4 (CFS): 41.12 VELOCITY (FT/SEC): 33.3306 13.1=497 LENGTH (FT): =46.88 DEPTI-I (FT'): 0.8297 1.9608 MANNINGS N.: .0130 TRAVEL TME Q IN): 0.02 CIRCULAR CHANNEL DIAMETER= 2 FT PIPE CAPACITY" = 114.1879 CPS RETURN POR ANOTHER PROBLEM -ANY O'1'IE R KEY" ENDS: PROTECUL M ON ' MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD (10 -YEAR STORM) Westminster Canterbury of the Blue Ridge PROJECT: JOB #: 12-003-00 New Parking Lot North Side DESCRIPTION: SHEET t of 1 10 -YEAR CRITICAL STORM DURATION C = developed condition runoff coefficient --6-.-9- 2CA a (b -t/41/ Td - l - b go A = drainage area, acres 0.27 a;o = 10 -year rainfall constant 161.6 b;o = 10 -year rainfall constant - 18.73 t, = post -developed time of concentration, min. 5 golo = 10 year allowable peak outflow, cfs 0.48 Tdio = 10-yeaz crifical storm duration, min 34.74969334 10 -YEAR CRITICAL STORM INTENSITY a;o = 10-yeaz rainfall constant 161.6 a I b +Td blo = l0 -year rainfall constant 18.73 Tdio = 10 -year critical storm duration, min 34.74969334 Ito = 10 -year critcal storm intensity, in./hr. 3.021707678 10 -YEAR PEAK INFLOW C = developed condition runoff coefficient 0.9 OT = CIA Ito = 10 -year critical storm intensity, in./hr. 3.021707678 A = drainage area, acres 0.27 -year peak inflow, cfs 0.734274966 10 -YEAR REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME Q10 = 10-yeaz peak inflow, cfs 0.734274966 r V = I Q; Td + 4° Td - 3�° 60 l 4 2 4 Tdio = 10 -year critical storm duration, min 34.74969334 t� = post -developed time of concentration, min. 5 q°io = 10-yeaz allowable peak outflow, cfs 0.48 VIo = 10 -year required storage volume, ft3 977.6248317 V10= 10-yearrequired storage volume, ac.ft. 0.022443178 NOTES MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD (2 -YEAR STORM) Weastminster Canterbury of the Blue Ridge PROJECT: JOB # : 12-003-00 New Parking Lot North Side DESCRIPTION: SHEET 1 OF 1 2 -YEAR CRITICAL STORM DURATION C = developed condition runoff coefficient 0.9 2CA Q (b -t,1-4) Td — — b q0 A = drainage area, acres 0,27 a, = 2 -year rainfall constant 106.02 b, = 2 -year rainfall constant 15.51 t, = post -developed time of concentration, min. 5 q°, = 2 -year allowable peak outflow, cfs 0.39 Td = 2 -year critical storm duration, min 27.89497334 2 -YEAR. CRITICAL STORM INTENSITY a, = 2 -year rainfall constant 106.02 a I b +Td b, = 2 -year rainfall constant 15.51 Td, = 2 -year critical storm duration, min 27.89497334 h = 2 -year critcal storm intensity, in./hr. 2.44257724 2 -YEAR PEAK INFLOW C = developed condition runoff coefficient 0.9 0i = CIA I, = 2 -year critical storm intensity, in./hr. 2.44257724 A = drainage area, acres 0.27 QL7 = 2 -year peals inflow, cfs 0.593546269 2 -YEAR REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME Q, = 2 -year peak inflow, cfs 0.593546269 O tg° Td 3 t 1 17- �Q; Td + - - g° 60 4 2 4 Td, = 2 -year critical storm duration, min 27.89497334 t° = post -developed time of concentration, min. 5 q°, = 2 -year allowable peak outflow, cfs 0.39 V, = 2 -year required storage volume, ft3 623.812223 8 V, = 2 -year required storage volume, ae.ft. 0.014320758 NOTES MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD (100 -YEAR STORM) Westminster Canterbury of the Blue Ridge PROJECT: JOB#: 12-003-00 New Parking Lot North Side DESCRIPTION: SHEET 1 of 1 100 -YEAR CRITICAL STORM DURATION C = developed condition runoff coefficient 0.9 2CA a (b —t/4) Td = — b Ago A = drainage area, acres 0.27 aioo = I00 -year rainfall constant 244.82 bloo = 100 -year rainfall constant 20.81 t° = post -developed time of concentration, min. 5 gmoo = 100 -year allowable peak outflow, cfs 0.65 Tdloo = 100 -year critical storm duration, min 39.02693343 100 -YEAR CRITICAL STORM INTENSITY aloo = 100 -year rainfall constant 244.82 I _ a b fZ d bioo = 100 -year rainfall constant 20.81 Td,00 = 100 -year critical storm duration, min 39.02693343 hoo = 100 -year critcal storm intensity, in./hr. 4.091452987 100 -YEAR PEAK INFLOW C = developed condition runoff coefficient 0.9 Oi = CIA 1100 = 100 -year critical storm intensity, in./hr. 4.091452987 A = drainage area, acres 0.27 Q100 =100 -year peak inflow, cfs 0.994223076 100 -YEAR REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME Quoo = 100 -year peak inflow, cfs 0.994223076 V = �o Td + ¢t` - 9°7 d - 3g t`l 60 1 Td 100 = 100 -year critical storm duration, min 39.02693343 t� = post -developed time of concentration, min. 5 gmoo =100 -year allowable peak outflow, cfs 0.65 V100 = 100 -year required storage volume, fl3 1495.380196 VIoo = 100 -year required storage volume, ac.ft. 0.034329206 NOTES pk, 5�I-c, From: David Hirschman Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 11:00 AM To: Steven Snell; Mark Graham Subject: Westminster Stormwater Basin I have distilled all this down to the following: 1. The Stormwater Plan is approved as per the latest submission of 25 -Jan -01. A maintenance agreement is already on record. 2. What does this basin cover: 4 X WQV for WCBR (60% removal requirement) = 74,704 cf 2 X WQV for Fontanta (30% removal requirement) = 43,902 cf Total Storage Required without Luxor = 118,606 cf Storage in Basin including forebays = 167,449 cf Storage available for Luxor future WQ requirement 48,843 cf 3. If you all agree with this assessment, we should keep it on record for future developement within the basin's drainage area. dhirsch@albemarle.oro David J. Hirschman, Water Resources Manager Albemarle County Department of Engineering & Public Works 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804)296-5861 FAX (804)972-4035 jv1 �6-o 17- cl 3 q-0 -11'37 jv1 )ESCRIPTIOW: SHEET C OF 1 STATIO14cDIST X SEGT /1rm,s.t. AVG. AREA V 000IJE t ,.s X :30 aG 17 z x 113i ISd -2 x 27 CJ%� 5S X i1�b�� c -r• X X X X x X ' X X X n ' 6�77 X wll+ IIJ (� GLOECKNER EIqGINL_LrtlNu/aunvF-l", Charlottesville, Virginia'