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SDP201600017 Plan - Approved Initial Site Plan 2016-05-13
Johnathan Newberry From: Johnathan Newberry Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 4:57 PM To: 'Justin Shimp, P.E.' Cc: Amelia McCulley Subject: Initial Site Plan Approval Letter for SDP201600017 Bojangles Attachments: Bojangles- Initial Site Plan Approval Letter.pdf Justin, Attached are the conditions of approval for the initial site plan for the Bojangles at Hollymead. As we discussed on the phone this afternoon,the Zoning Division will need to determine whether a different sidewalk layout is still in "general accord"with the approved application plan. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 1 A vrftGll`nQ` COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 May 13, 2016 Justin Shimp 102 E Main St., Suite M Charlottesville, VA 22902 iustinna,shimn-),shim RE: SDP201600017 Hollymead Town Center Boj angles — Initial Site Development Plan Dear Mr. Shimp: The Agent for the Board of Supervisors hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced site plan. This approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided that the developer submits a final site plan for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the date of this letter as provided in section of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and thereafter diligently pursues approval of the final site plan. In accordance with Chapter 18 Section Early or Mass Grading may be permitted after the following approvals are received: 1. Engineering approval of a VSMP plan meeting the requirements of Chapter 17 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. The final site plan will not be considered to have been officially submitted until the following items are received: 1. A final site plan that satisfies all of the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code. 2. A fee of $1,613. Please submit 8 copies of the final site plan to the Community Development Department. The assigned Lead Reviewer will then distribute the plans to all reviewing agencies. Once you receive the first set of comments on the final site plan, please work with each reviewer individually to satisfy their requirements. The Department of Community Development shall not accept submittal of the final site plan for signature until tentative approvals for the attached conditions from the following agencies/reviewers have been obtained: Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — 2 copies — J.T. Newberry, jnewberrygalbemarle.org 1. Section 32.5.2(a) — On Sheet C1, please describe the proposed use as a "Restaurant with Drive -Through Window and Offsite Travelway." 2. Section 32.5.2(a) — On Sheet C1, please note this parcel lies in the Entrance Corridor (EC) and Airport Impact (AI) Overlay districts. 3. Section 32.5.2(f) — On Sheet C1, please add to the watershed note that the Powell Creek Watershed does not drain to a public water supply reservoir. 4. Section 32.5.2(n) - Sidewalks will need to be provided in general accord with the Application Plan prior to final site plan approval. 5. Section 32.5.2(p) — Submit a landscape plan to comply with Section 6. Section 5.1.60(a) — Please label the drive-through window. 7. Section 5.1.60(b) — It is not clear from the conceptual landscaping plan that this section is satisfied. 8. Section 4.12.8(e) and 4.12. 10 — A shared parking agreement according to this section must be approved prior to final site plan approval. 9. [Comment] Please correct the scale on Sheet C4. Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — 1 copy — Max Greene, mgreene(iDalbemarle.org 1. Planting plan does not have a scale or North Arrow on the sheet. Appears to be 1:20 scale. (18-32.5.2) 2. 16parking spaces require a 2' unobstructed overhang. (18-4.12.16.c.6) Planting plan appears to show proposed plantings in this area. 3. Road plans will be required for thru-road construction. Road will be built and accepted into the system or bonded prior to final site plan approval. (18- 4. Easement plat will be required for road across adjacent parcel. 5. Approved VSMP plans will be required prior to final site plan approval. (18- 6. Gutters shall be required where necessary to control or direct stormwater runoff. (18- 4.12.15.g) Albemarle County Information Services (E911) — 1 copy — Andy Slack, aslackkalbemarle.org — No objection Albemarle County Building Inspections — 1 copy — Jay Schlothauer, jschloth(&albemarle.org — No objection Albemarle County Architectural Review Board — 1 copy — Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewskikalbemarle.org — See attached Virginia Department of Transportation — 1 copy — Joel DeNunzio, Joel.DeNunziokVDOT.virginia.gov — No objection Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue — 1 copy — Robbie Gilmer, rgilmerkalbemarle.org 1. Fire flow test required before final approval. 2. Extend the road behind Target to allow for fire hydrant access, or add a new hydrant within 400' per travel way. 3. Please add a note to the plans" Knox Box required, contact Albemarle County Fire Marshal office for location." Albemarle County Service Authority — 1 copy — Alex Morrison, amorrison&serviceauthority.org 1. Construction plans will be required at the final site plan stage. Submit 3 copies along with a water data sheet to the ACSA, Attn: Michael Vieira, PE, to begin the process. 2. Change the proposed sewer connection so the angle with the existing flow is 90 degrees or greater. 3. Extend the water main with 4" DIP and a BOA near the proposed meter location. 4. Have Fire/Rescue confirm if FHA# 12072 will suffice for fire protection (due to access outside of the travel way). Relocate the proposed grease interceptor outside of the drive-thru lane. Virginia Department of Health — 1 copy — Alan Mazurowski, Alan.Mazurowski@vdh.vir ig nia.gov A food service permit will be required, and I recommend the operator begin the Food Service Plan Review process with the Charlottesville/Albemarle Health Department before beginning construction. 1. Food Service Plan Review Approval 2. Issuance of Food Service Permit If you have any questions about these conditions or the submittal requirements please feel free to contact me at (434) 296-5832 x3270, jnewberry@albemarle.org. Sincerely, J.T. Newberry Planner CC: Hollymead 29, LLC 195 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 MEMORANDUM TO: Johnathan Newberry FROM: Margaret Maliszewski RE: SDP -2016-17: Bojangle's Restaurant at Hollymead DATE: April 22, 2016 Based on the ARB's December 21, 2015 action on ARB -2015-112: Bojangle's, I'm forwarding the following recommendations on SDP -2016-17. Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18-30.6.4c(2), (3) and (5) and recommended conditions of initial plan approval: A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. Revised drawings addressing the following issues are required. 1. Add the standard window glass note to the architectural drawings: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. 2. Show the locations of rooftop and ground -mounted equipment on the plans and architectural elevations. Show how the equipment will be screened from view. 3. Provide additional trees and shrubs to mitigate the impacts of the drive-thru lane on the north side of the site as viewed from the EC. 4. Revise the plan to make the plants in the landscape easement legible, and to identify on the plan and in the schedule all proposed plants north of the parcel. 5. Clarify with a note(s) on the plan that all of the planting proposed on the pond parcel will be completed with the construction of the Bojangle's development. 6. Label all drive-thru related elements on the plan. 7. Revise the color of the rainguard to a more neutral shade. Bronze would be appropriate. 8. Provide details on the size and finishes of all the drive-thru related equipment. 9. Revise the plan to include a treatment for the manhole and headwall that establishes an appropriate appearance for the EC. Provide details. Treatment shall not be limited to landscaping. Coordinate this treatment with the existing and proposed walls and landscaping. 10. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to both the site and architectural drawings. "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." 11. Provide a complete lighting plan for review. Match new fixtures to existing fixtures in the shopping center. 12. Revise the rainguard to eliminate views of its light fixture. 13. Increase the proportion of shrubs in the shrub/perennial planting along the EC frontage. 14. Shift the shrub groups to screen the parking spaces and drive-thru lane that front the corridor. 15. Terrace retaining walls 6' in height or taller, or show why the terracing isn't necessary to establish an appropriate appearance along the EC. INITIAL 51TE FLAN fOR L VA &&III MEEN A �j an I= T,11111!!�X M/ 1' 03210�O-OIO-0�0-041 D4 RIO D15TRICT, ALE3EMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA LEGEND EXIST NEW DESCRIPTION VICINITY 5,617 SF 11.4% Open space 43,831 SF 88.6% Total= MAP (1.13 ac.) SCALE: 1°V=1 000W Area X 12s Tc TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 3,808 SF 7.7% New Road/Sidewalk 31,878 SF 64.8% Open Space 13,562 SF X 12'— SPOT ELEVATION 49,248 SF ji t, .kli=I ,j .. - Total Impervious Area X 12'TW TOP OF WALL ELEVATION GRASS ALBEMARLE COUNITY SERVICE AUTHORITY X 12' ew BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION z '> EC -3 MATTING BENCHMARK r R WETLAND FIRE OFFICIAL to to iY G' STORM SEWER CROSSWALK F u.. — RD — ROOF DRAIN .....::,w....,,.�.: _.—s.� SEWER LINE rry'' r zi r, ._. — 6"W WATER LINE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION GAS GAS LINE 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS oHE— OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRE SITE_......._-..-.... <r uGE — UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OHT OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE �a?, .. ----�- UGT — UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE ;. «�s RE I' I DRAIN INLET (DI) � STORM/SANITARY MANHOLE T. r C PLUG '`z ® WATER VALVE & BOX > # FIRE HYDRANT ®" WATER METER C 1 1 c :; aria r'ville Al 0-0 LIGHT POLE , - —0— UTILITY POLE IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOGGLE MAPS PROPERTY LINE — — — ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE VACATED PROPERTY LINIE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SHEET INDEX SANITARY EASEMENT GRADING EASEMENT C — COVER 5 I }—� I E ET DRAINAGE EASEMENT _..-., _. - ... _....... UTILITY EASEMENTC 2 — i KO ! f i_.. R5 AND, G E N NIA L. NOTE 5 ....._....,... _. _... WATER EASEMENT C- E I 5T I N G C O N D 1 T I O N _....w... _.... ACCESS EASEMENT _ STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT C4 - 5 I T E LAYO U T TREE LINE C 5 - UTILITY P LA N GRADING FLAN FENCE C G - ROAD FLAN D► ETA I L5 STREAM C7 - LA N D 5 C A F I N C P LA N --- 12— — ,--- INTERVAL CONTOUR — oo — INDEX CONTOUR PROPOSED USE Drive-Thru Restaurant With Offsite Travelway OWNER I DEVELOPER Hollymead 29, LLC 195 Riverbend Drive Ste 1 Charlottesville, VA 22911 STEEP SLOPES Managed slopes on this site are shown on Sheet C3. IMPERVIOUS AREA SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Impervious 5,617 SF 11.4% Open space 43,831 SF 88.6% Total= 49.248 SF (1.13 ac.) PROPOSED Area % New Building 3,808 SF 7.7% New Road/Sidewalk 31,878 SF 64.8% Open Space 13,562 SF 27.5% Total= 49,248 SF (1.13 ac.) Total Impervious Area = 35,686 SF (72.5%) PARKING SCHEDULE Parking Analysis (Per approved PDMC Zoning) Required: 13 spaces per 1,000 Restaurant Floor Area Boiangles' Restaurant = 3,808/1,000 x 13 = 50 Total Required Parking: 50 Spaces Total Spaces Provided: 47 Spaces Shared Parking Will be Provided with Full Buildout of Block C1. WATERSHEDS This site lies within the Powell Creek Watershed. LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING Detailed Landscaping and Lighting Plans Will Be Provided with Future Submissions. ZONING PD -MC: Planned Development -Mixed Commercial Subject to Proffers, Application Plan, and Code of Development SOURCE OF TITLE D.B. 4654 P. 212, D.B. 3667 P. 685, D.B. 2904 P. 065 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rio SOURCE OF BOUNDARY & TOPO Source of Boundary Survey: Field Survey by Roger Ray and Associates on June 25, 2015 Source of Topography: 2' contours field run by Roger Ray and Associates on June 25, 2015 Survey Updated by Roger Ray and Associates on February 4, 2016 Benchmark and Datum: NAVD88, Site Benchmark: Storm Manhole Top at Northern Corner of Parcel Elev = 540.51 BUILDING HEIGHT Maximum Height: 35 Feet SETBACKS As Per PD -MC Code of Development EXISTING USE Vacant Lot TRIP GENERATION AM PM Use Description ITE Qty Daily In Out Total In Out Total Fast -Food Restaurant 934 3,800 SF 1885 104 100 1 204 94 86 180 CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK Total 1885 104 100 1 204 94 86 180 FLOOD ZONE According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO140D), this property does not lie in a Zone AE 100 -year flood plain. SIGNATURE BL OCK DATE v JUST . SHII✓IP � �,ic. 0. 45183 SS'IONAIL - CG -2 STANDARD 6" CURB u; i CG -6 COMBINATION 6" CURB ,& GUTTER CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PLANNER a �. CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK `i RIPRAP CURRENT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER ASPHALT GRASS ALBEMARLE COUNITY SERVICE AUTHORITY EC -2 MATTING ROM EC -3 MATTING WETLAND FIRE OFFICIAL to to PARKING COUNT CROSSWALK ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ;:=rT /z,"4 HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE .AISLE CG -12 BUILDING OFFICIAL rry'' r HANDICAP PARKING VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT I'S SHOWN. DATE v JUST . SHII✓IP � �,ic. 0. 45183 SS'IONAIL - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right—of—way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip—rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in corder to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. & Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe — Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). I�Cpi I E. 1 1 TAX MAP 32, FAMN 41D, 43444", 45,46 37.1 Acres �#.:.` �i :Ai # i , i Y f Y.'i a+8 s+ na 9a' 'f AApplication'} :A f k ! } below) ll i f f Y i tax #:e;# i s _Propertyl Thme f ,t - we proffered as part of the rcquested zoning ;1i is agmed that: i-. » 1i F:itselfgives . tothei&"tfor the i i 'A " i Y #' y f'#fi f 1 i # i have a, reasonable relation to the rewaing nqueg, iz3.`i .. r A: #'1:-F R:f # sYj': i. , iiii ae Yi i it k ": F # ,..i i i '' i' Ai 'vs' - i i •. i "- # �k AA„"` -wb :a i�:: •# i ii AA ,Pon requestof the Gounty,the Clww' all coj*ibuteSIOOwoo to the Cq4Mor Coai&W11te . 6 ODO coarilyf sWI be " j w b i 30 days after requested by the County Oker the first, fliot sito 01,10 or 3ubdivision plat is approved, 'in Area C and, if #expended i k purposes Y:three.years firolnthedate, .: Y +, r6nt3ik' k. su& fixndi shall be i aA i.+.._E:•.. TbAt OWneri.4 t w s ds'i i,e "total contribWoe) to .irf..a #r the purpose 9f. -funding ;aA-_.limprovementsrelated to the -.,i. ik h+'6: ATdAm Center. _,..'k contri i i+f,:i A 'el bepaid asfollows : S 100;000 -OG ":;!k i" i 11. A"..i x:'A to tt w, COAMY Within M days After the fim finalsiteA r a#Ivlsit !i i Y+:i'r ; t dwelling ,.v4 :Y Y +.in An* c;,ttv reawmerof Ya ":i t6i. ,i A # i `i : i paid on pro, .{i� atheA A r:' c u. :i F# P of# Af#+. iancy is, a+. .d for 1 i dwelling Y the:pro rats. owtr%vtion sWbe ':..Y F.#..k i Aar.. 31 lk# ! f ek.^units.W;: F..A 4iasput W • i:f:' ' final 1.. i.A or a.{,.t ".. 'fA f'. ;afive y years, after tho#:". A approval.ifirst final site g l; i or mbdivistionplatbetotal *=tnibutiou { '. not bY,;ivas p R Ik'i i i Wf i A Odual left intersection _ M 4 29 and A.f.� qi 4# f Y } f ,.f #: ;f W.. �•. ,a q # 1i #.,..,, ##.A a:4 3:.`t Y' I�.. ...� . � # f :taw, -:�: i ' e# A • } :r. ` i : _ `. -1 �;'; ' A �".:. 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HurtTnistee E ff V11 O� 01: U JUST SHIMP jic. 0. 45183 ��SSIONAL ���t a{'" \� , :. -.-560- \ , - - a "".+ r f \• iy, t' e ",. _-_____1111.-._-_____ 560....._------Y/^_! - ' ------ - ,z yi, 9 y •p1110 ? a - saa \\ , �'3, �j. r' _ _____.__ _�--__-...-_____-- k < w r ' ' - . y �r Nti h f r - T,M 32-4iD6 ----------- ------ --------------------- A� \'>\ §' `}' WATER LOT C _. - - VALVE I\, ; -' ' r f-ICILLYMEAD _F0WNCD\4TTR ' f rte` ------- - - -- BLOCK C4. r A -- --------------------------------------------'-------- --' w �1_ rr -,5 �.,... /r y',6 1, ^, -- - I . r ------ --- w 5s RIP IN%- f- } <p"°�' - _ :,�11 "\ _ _.-1111 _ rQ-' �'\ .r' ',11 J W. t 11r11M } l' 'i r 111.1-._.- ., . * 4, _._... ".,....,...,, ..... ............,-_1__-r..,.e «.1111-,..�._ - ...,..,,,.,.^11.1'1,--„ _ _ ,..nf x .-..,,...,«.,.,_........ ..m. -.. - *"a," L- ,,,, -. 1___1-1_1-___1111111,. "'" ..+: s., .. ,�.::"- 1111. _.._„ _ ................. 11-11 ... «-. .... - .. 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'', { I '- r ,,� :t, i f 1• e• 1 n i G I _ m , { I _- m= A / ENCHM I ? `/ �K A� 540 31 x \ 0.d \ < »rt I ! + jx i1 "j\ \\ S± mm / // I/ ,zly. \\ : \ l \` � / - fl', i + L, rcr, $ ) J ...,� + '' i i Y 1 , 1 + m T' 7 q9 '� ) ,-> / 1 Sad 1i# \\ S 1 , % i 1 x,,, 60' BUILDING RESTRICTION AREA r °: ti \\ R ( j66 =a e 4 .l,'✓il. .� L-� V / !1 / I /t f 4 ..`t ,c' :4 1 tf / / x E J f # i i f II k S (O. B. 2678-437) i ° 7 .s ( 1 -�C�p r '^ / / 111 ( /.:: F£I ..zi3i.._i7 \ t \,` YJ - .. ' I i 3 O�1J IEP,. H(OLLYMFAD 29 LLC / x r F _ _ ' ; r s , i oumim j ' / f ( t,.' ` I 1 \ '. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. ✓F } i t' d , I f -. t-� ) f l I \' 1`a - 1` .a ..fir' CONSTRUCTION & LANDSCAPE (.. } , N4; 1, i E C7g v ]-�1 S{ 3 D1 L1.. =�-(j��-% G / 1 ! 1 I 1 IL,1.•M+^ EASEMENT (D: B. 2678-389) i i t , ._ ° 7 '� mi.a I! } , 4. k myn 7 ..i 1 . I1 J ACRES I7 /I 1!� tI F I {'_ 4i k.,+x 1k �.7 r` j , i j I 1J I \ �ill :I 1 - • S L r" , /! , i' it )) , , ,4-, i s, t _-....1- x i , t '+ f'O�J'11P'•l�. �D-MG a11 // \a, `k f , 1 .r f 'S r t -ir ,t t s, i Y gVIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER 1 \ a 'r \' , \ /' II I I I 7 t r -' 1 F 1 l f !, , n g CIUK'KENIT USE: lACA�1i I I I ,;COMPANY E1ISEMENT i ! .. ) % t s // (D. B. 2687-325) I i t '" _ - /( II 1 I X 1 ,', s - --- 1 111--1111-- /'` i f `.'' i i' T.f 1. 32--i ; D3 N48 `4�' 55"W 12'A. 22'--_ l \ _1111_ . _1111 _eac - _ - - `I O',^✓f''lEP POST T L r 1111 s i t t:, OrF(C-F L P9D 2 ---1111-- - / APPRDXIMAT_ LOCATION i1 + ,r -----'1111-` 1 ' , Ij !I \ + ''t ��,�. 2g(lG} ��cj ft OF GAS LINE EASEMENT "'"� 8 `,\$ I 1: ? I } x l r 4I ;Y m.e. z9me-137) i g t „L . - r {{ ,74 A R,ES I.i. / x a t.4 ly - `, i 1 - ? / Ip r..,.r \ -W i 70f `f 1 f cy r f... _. __.._ I e 1 f+a2 I j <-...T... .u* \' F 1 r`I IPPF-f. lT 11,^_,F, r->Pf=f.l �_P AM1 F / '., '+'-. i .a ] 4 APPROXIMATE IsOCATION J I 1- I \\ \ s. c 1, t... +" I OFF-SITE LANCSCAPING I ( 7 \ \ t I t _ l' \ a 3 + -. ASEMENT M.S. +2678 1258 / ; '+ 1 ? / \ > + - 1 v\ 'QI�¢ A 1 b , 7DI 1 t ♦ r t J i i 7! / \ \ } j { # x- k I 's \ t i S g `:1 I y > n ; ± t I i 1, e ;: . -- -- 3. � I t __( \ y - 3 ,_..i , r I 11 II ! x a \:>a:" 1 ,'f. ° y "' /' r( �&.I, ;I ,. ' \ , j'ri \ I r r t} 1 r"rt+ . I If", _ 1111 ! - .. .._.-._i ' s 1. i ,".,' ?_ a4`I' °,, � 5.;0- - // M1 �. \ \„ \\\ , ''���111' ! \\ i(1 t r 71 3 -'--f1 -1111.: 1x l f! sf 7 ,5 1111 _ \ I r ///m 1 `.v\\ 1" \, -- 1111=� ✓ t 1 7 'y... 6 / !! r 1 I L ` .-.S {i mak. ' i 3 // - / 'F' 'l 9 "^ r s „-- . - . 1111.. 1__111.-..-......,„.,.,„..- 1111. . - .»___.11_11._ 1 , 1:111.,-, .<. -'-»_-_,1..11 .. „11.1.1"_,,.... t -,S ,. 9 / / :: 3 - 1111, s -' ---__ ,.11 ix w' ,, , i a !� 3 \ ' 20 . D G T + \ ,. i E �, i t',\ ' ,..,..................,„,..:. ___ w - ... ' ;)_._ 1111. ',",\ i+ D. e. 2789-125 1111.!-�, ,. •.rv;�" - .,, PERM EASE 1-1 -`1111„. 1111.. .,. .-_ .mom,. . ,. 1;11__„1 .,.>.. 1111-,-”--1111.; rr ,�.. ,._".,..,�....... .,_ _ .,R _ /1111...1.._. ...'._<w -, ATNA E MEN ,1 - - -, - ...,..,...., . �y .. 1111 1111_ 1111 ;.,. 1 ?,;.). �> t"":" r ,, Ss < <�. .c. s /fA, -'N,.. v ��. 1111,, s/- - �>, ...�' ,,. ._>ty,!ha"f : >.,'.. , : , - ?1i3 a• ., _,'a V.,--� 'r ..:,,,,:,..,.:,ry, t..r. SP'' x - r A -.,.....m.. P � ,"`3'3r 1• .,f��,.a� �X X� ,,.,....111:1, ,.,.M 1111-. ._ z ., .,s ....�,.", a..zx, .,: �;-. _....__' ,:.._:�.. ' wyr -' a o/ !h i p t , 's,.', , �' -_, ...,_._....,_„ w (; . ,..-,_...yy >£� � .. �`.�.,.._,.....,.-._-.. ,.,r. C: ':.1111_ „'1111: u. -w .;. , C ~ J 1"X'.5 ..; f'ay: ---- . ,: yr, ,.-,M„ -. .,. . ry. ' .«" ; .. 111.1. \ ..1111. ._,."._"-"_: 1111- u,p.,. . K I / �Nw.hc« .. ,, --^^----^"' - --- - --- _`'sA� It a ) , - 20' SANITARY SERER ESMT. i /, r -_`1111._ m,..,a. „ ,.�...x xw..,:<... ' s.°` t 1 i ,ter ... (D. B,., 2769 125) ,".� .:,,>s. '-� :K.. -u .,,/..; ,.» .,,:w ... �...,.: ,, .. ,> .. .: . ,„1111, , 1111., .u, ” y' .` . 1111: - - ;'a :: , ..°�, / - s - 20' SAND ,,, ., : �.>�. , .4 _ ...,: SANITARY SEWER ESMT. -----------_, -_ __ -__ • :i`!,+E`1'r ,1 :`'`s, ::,,.",; ,a". ,a.. +, F'� \�t<..�± ,C ,.<a... - , r S _ x -a -h ,I:: _ _ _ w (D.B. 2789-125 -- ,.,_..e -/r r` \, '2" a -<-i , r.....<,.. - 'r !' ,' \ aGINIA -ELECTRIC AND POKER .. �(; q: ` I - i �I r �i. ,q 3 t'"s � a p�''..-d'� COMPANY EASEMENT �, I -$r - 151"E t< d -1 I _ - `-__\, , 111_1 .-__ 1111.,, _, 1111_ 1111 __.._. __-_ __ ; i° ,lv "-P '-- I (D.B. 2667-325) ,w.,.. . �11c.. 1111, 1111, ., 1111. -- ,J ". M s 1':;111 a .. .,1111.. > ._ �?.,_ „ 1'^111. . t :,q i < _ §f 1_11_1 / -� - - �— - ` -' --- - - r .ilc ,. ,,. F* 55 3 -- 8 w'2 -- --- 1111- - -<rF= '. '�`Aq,. '02"W 2541183 ' / - ,", ,.-. - --,,- ;, _.__ __ . .w_.;„ .�:..:: ^` _<.._w --11;11 __ _.w,w ,.,..r » m 1111. „",., <..,..._ ,-11_1«1 - ...�,,__.. _1111..",, ,,,,,,,,,,,,__.,,_,. --. .k,,..._ . -...__,,, __ 11_1_1,_--. __,, u _.._ . _ _: _ _ __ 3a _. _ . . n,r' , t�� i-. LJ. S, ROUTE 2`J ;§;`> SEMINOLE TRAIL SOUTH BOUND LANE VARIAELE WIDTH P/W t I I 0 •• •i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ���NLT�1 of 1Q �I VIt 0 _4 __� JUSTI HIMJ .45Lic. 183 0711�V'SIONTAL w�O�� 20* SANITARY SEWER ESMT. (0-8. 2789-125) 1.1 A TCD F 6 ' 0 o 4 JUS TI ti -limp Inc. 45183 O U.S. ROUTE 29 SEMINOLE- TRAIL. SOUTH BOUND LANE VAR[ABLE WIDTH R/W 10 0 10 20 30 m m I*- -M- a ��Ml E 0 m m m - AMMEMEMEMEMIL- Scale: 1"=10' Date 03/21/2016 Scale 10' Sheet No. C4 OF 7 File No. 15.039 570 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 53 r Cj stj r 0 r 0 0 � Ld LIMITS A' 1/2 `h'IOTH OF ENTRANCE d PEDESTRIAN L:MflS 00 — PEDESTRRIAN RqM {nw {-_j +� + V M ILLI 010 v- lz ACCESS FROM 11IMBEIRWO G__ –A BLVD RVI EV f40 1_58 F1 _ 558 69 16. 66vic 7-4.7 311) 383.33SD 6i 0 +50 10+00 SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING. TREE TIES, SEE SPE 1-1/2" SQ. OAK STAN SET 180 DEGREES APART FINISHED GRADE APPLY 2" OF MULCF PLANTING AND WAT THOROUGHLY 4" COMPACTED EAF WATERING BERM EXISTING GRADE PLANTING PIT. SEE EXACT REQUIREME PLANTING SOIL, ANI SOIL AMENDMENTS REMOVE BURLAP & FROM TOP 1/3 OF RI BALL UNDISTURBED SOIL 10+50 11+00 NEW ROAD 1 PROF EE Horizontal Scale: 1"=30', Vertical Scale: 1"=10 QII� 6" G ..n SURFACE SEE NOTE4-Q',p. BASE a SUBBASE 4' RADIUS 71:' .d � MIN d.n SURFACE BASE d d., SUBBASE 12" SIF CURBI I3 EXTRUDEDVE �EC:kA1MM NE£II�ICE az X X CG -2 I NOTES: 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLA55 A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI F PRECAST. EE, 3. FACE OF C1 un) WILL' HE PAIDOFOFEV_ E fS RADIAL CUI 4. THE DEPTH OF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS 7 1w. DEPTHI OR INCREASED MUCH AS 3" (27" OEPTHI IN ORDER TNAT 7HE B07T0 OF CURB SVILL COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF A COURSE OF THE PAAVVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. OTHERWISE THE DEPTH IS TO BE 18" AS SHOWN. NO ADJUSTMENT N THE PRICE BID M TO BE MADE FOR A DECREASE OR AN INCREASE IN DEPTH 5.CG-2 6 TO BE USED ON ROADWAYS MEETING THE REO REMENTS FOR CO -6 AS 0 N PPPEEDIX A OF THE MOT ROAD DESIGN M,{ANUAL. STANDARD 6" CURB VORGNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 11+50 12+00 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 0 12+50 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 53 0 0 GG-sD A -o-� t� WIDTH OF I i' ENTRAIxE � 4'-0" �,IIN. LIMITS A' 1/2 `h'IOTH OF ENTRANCE d PEDESTRIAN L:MflS — PEDESTRRIAN RqM 6H EXPAhIBION JOINT ROUTE ISI _ 4 0" �iIN__ ROUTES k EXIS R OR PR -S a SIDE ATN OR SIDESY�u-I� SPACE I PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE DETAIL CURB INCLUDED IN u EXPANSroN JOINT ENTRANCE GUTTER F. Xy w rn ADDITIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY IS REQUIRED IF THE LIMITS 0' PEDESTRIAN ACCESS POUTE EXTEND BEYOND EXISTING C d OR PROPOSED MOT RIGHT -OF W UNPAVED SPACE ; i 0ETA4 TO BE USED WHEN THE D WIDTH OF SPACE I I 'W UNPAVED SPACE AND SIDEWALK SPACE S LESS THAN 7'. r B'• FLOW LINE Z w yl 'rj'ID7H OF GUTTER ENTRANCE WIDTH .p E%P AN SIGN JOINTDESIRABLE MINIMUM 16' ABSOLUTE MINIMUM 12' ® ACCESS ROUTES DYSLI A CONTIANT UNOBSTRUCTED, G ANLL FIRM ANO SLIP RESISTANT UNOBSTRUCTED. AND PATH CONNECTING ALL ACCESSIBLE ELEMENTS OF A EDGE OF PAVEMENT-— Y ve FACILITY THAT CPN PPRROACHED, ENTERED MN USED BY PEDESTRIANS. o`ao p a`e A B� +k IF PEDESTRIAN ACCESS [[�� ARE BEING HALF PLAN PROVIDED,A MINIMUM 4'TRAVERSI�8LE WIDTH IS SECTION D -H• REWIRED WITH A MAX. 2X CROSS SLOPE. WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH STANDARD2`0"� CG -3 OR CG -7, THE CURB FACE ON THIS STANDARD IS TO BE ADJUSTED TO MATCH C TLE MOUNTABLE CURB CONFIGURATION. p, 1 *09 TO 10%. CHANGE PARABOLIC CURYE �. FACE OF CURB S"�5EO>,,, SIDEWALK .SPACE o • _ • _ • o . a R 127, MAX. SLOPE _�� .... a.o.a. NO MPL GUTTER SECTION C C CLASS A3 (H.E.S.) CONIC. 0 a oaooeease eo BASE T E 2 SI2E E FOR CURB AND GUTTER ONLY %% ®POINT OF GRADE CHANGE FOR SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTE BtNLT CONCURRENTLY X X 12 X MAXIMUM INCREASE IN SLOPE AT MINIMUM 10' INTERVALS SECTION A -A XXX 3 X MAXIMUM DECRERSE IN SLOPE FOR FIRST 10' INTERVAL AND e X MAXIMUM DECREASE FOR SUCCEEONO MINIMUM 10' INTERVALS SECTION D -D STANDARD ENTRANCE GUTTER REV. 2l O6 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 502 203.03 11+50 12+00 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 0 12+50 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 53 0 0 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 9+50 10+00 110+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+0� JEW ROAD 2 PROFILE Horizontal Scale: 1"=30', Vertical Scale: 1"=l SEE PLANIS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT L15T OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING A5 NECESS&KY OR AS DIRECTED BY SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP Of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ROOTBALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN IN ABOVE FINISHED GRADE MULCH 2'.11 DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER(}4\404 4 �4 4 REMOVE BURLAP FROM PLANTING AND WATER Qo TOP 1/3 OF KOOTBALL E THOROUGHLY. 4 3" TALL WATERINGE o PLANTING PIT. — ® L' BERM �� {� w= Uj � e m L0 PREPARED SOIL FOR SHRUBS o v � o� rM C, o FINISHED GRADE 'y E OD N E C� Na _�• /. S�� N K m \ w I. DIA. MIN I`i .. �,'i...� Q C� 0EMtn _�� BEY Q SOIL SURFACE \ /Al, � � Q N � � W "� N � ; w o ROUGHENED — EZ M -A } TO BIND NEW SOIL _ _^ ~° o InCq�� u U �u 1 u E P E DO E vem 0 0 q 4 4 0 a E of fl^ F \m `� a 1 W N 6 E W h� Ina NrUD �� Mu w N N � N LL 0 0 TYPICAL MANHOLE FRAME & COVER J COVER LIFT NOTCH 12 3/8" WATER CAST IRON LID NOTES: (1) FOR TOUCH READ METERS A 1-3/4" DIAMETER HOLE IS REQUIRED IN THE LID. TYPICAL METER BOXES (5%8"-1" METERS) L-'- ilr EE- IILD" ,rrr ,'.r E -0.,I H,11_ 11I ,41 A -IL, ',I'-. LL �` .i:',I_ 'L I. L'A'G=I'JT '.:_C' R CJP,_ F,-' . =,=11-I4L M1 FE''1 II 3/T ;m._I� HI: .:;'JFLI'"IG J.,C ' IJ rT _G ",11CLF �,'ILr F -IC,- I. \'v ICI,_71 -13 TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION ,'�R"-KY 10 EIALG '_iv[z;IA Y_, F, t:_ I f 'i i i',H St T T r I:i T. `{ i, F` 5 F{_i� 3 1D! ;11_ _I.I'>}._.�E-s`1 - I� _ i 7 ^it''„I 'ETI"._r 1�4 11 Il d' # I 4 _ °..tr ..�u>,_I_ee N _ I i a I%, .u�'I ,..i. .7 _�C: :I"`-�(;_ '�S_ gL�I_l,f.,.. Ll J T 3 E Y I K-( L I_ t_ " i . r' ,, J 0 i _ } N J`....,.. BE l._!..'_a. .�._ ;.,t - __ _ 1('.:I ._ _•- D I) M: T I LE I R 0;', ,1 'tJ1 jL-} _FE R r 1 P w_ IN ^TAAt- � I I, I`',t '.' R! EE:)DIi'''<{., ° 4 4" – 3,000 PSI CONCRETE ° 0000000000000000 4" – VDOT #21A BASESTONE IIIIII—IIIIII—I ±– — COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED 3 TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECT ON C5 Not To Scale FEVER SERVICE t_ATERTAL COrINECTICAH i�OTES: 'H [,F '' R i ICC I A yA! N:",F- T' ' A 1�1 ':',I F A 1D, NC IINI/_ 1T L �\ !.�rl FCR II -C -',VI'' L,. FF \L IIF1(=.ATEL TF= Uf (:_FI bV l) =LE ATG_'iV 1F THE -E-,V - AI :AI_ E �I A L FCL Al I,''I , _r !Fal•I E I.' ;=LEV-,,-I,.;D.I r:;F- -HE T"r 'IFF ..11••1'::=CT=C'' T" '.-11F till-! i F. - u t:C'rF1=R LAfEKAL`_- TAPED I\1 F 13T'.,t'J,; _-PNEIH MAIN sl AL:'_ _ I,,k-C-. -D I_1 d N A. PIPE _A_IDL,_E. c, II'I,'L''.IJ f•, ( AD-_ F R SEVjE -R'`/I E C)INMI . ,1L_', ..HALL -.r- _.., -, �L F C) C F F ) �. AI_L SEWN+ k I_A'TERALS SH,._',- 'A','F P. ^A11N,1\A1JMCOVER Dlf\M___EF?_ I`AIN U_ =E'; E.= ATERAL','E G' -T TREATED FINIJHED GTRCUIN. II, A`1<ER PLILI, X11, OF MAIN I_I ,F ' r' F ER VI LAI =RAL SECTION I ry 1 ' � 1 - s I , L,I;'JY 7- IE PLAN VAR d= FL SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECT101\1 1.511 OF SM -9.5A SUPERPAVE 2.5" – ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COARSE TYPE BM -25.0 0000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0I 6" – VDOT #21A BASESTONE III—IIIIII—IIII I� COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TYP CAE PAVEMENT SECTION FOR NEW ROADS Not To Scale I l; 0��NLTH II o 4 JUST HIMP > 45183 r v 0 r J VIL-SIA. 12+09.D e �r SAG S I 10+51.86 SAO -ZLIEV.540.09._ N c0 co 1\ O c0 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 9+50 10+00 110+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+0� JEW ROAD 2 PROFILE Horizontal Scale: 1"=30', Vertical Scale: 1"=l SEE PLANIS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT L15T OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING A5 NECESS&KY OR AS DIRECTED BY SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP Of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ROOTBALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN IN ABOVE FINISHED GRADE MULCH 2'.11 DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER(}4\404 4 �4 4 REMOVE BURLAP FROM PLANTING AND WATER Qo TOP 1/3 OF KOOTBALL E THOROUGHLY. 4 3" TALL WATERINGE o PLANTING PIT. — ® L' BERM �� {� w= Uj � e m L0 PREPARED SOIL FOR SHRUBS o v � o� rM C, o FINISHED GRADE 'y E OD N E C� Na _�• /. S�� N K m \ w I. DIA. MIN I`i .. �,'i...� Q C� 0EMtn _�� BEY Q SOIL SURFACE \ /Al, � � Q N � � W "� N � ; w o ROUGHENED — EZ M -A } TO BIND NEW SOIL _ _^ ~° o InCq�� u U �u 1 u E P E DO E vem 0 0 q 4 4 0 a E of fl^ F \m `� a 1 W N 6 E W h� Ina NrUD �� Mu w N N � N LL 0 0 TYPICAL MANHOLE FRAME & COVER J COVER LIFT NOTCH 12 3/8" WATER CAST IRON LID NOTES: (1) FOR TOUCH READ METERS A 1-3/4" DIAMETER HOLE IS REQUIRED IN THE LID. TYPICAL METER BOXES (5%8"-1" METERS) L-'- ilr EE- IILD" ,rrr ,'.r E -0.,I H,11_ 11I ,41 A -IL, ',I'-. LL �` .i:',I_ 'L I. L'A'G=I'JT '.:_C' R CJP,_ F,-' . =,=11-I4L M1 FE''1 II 3/T ;m._I� HI: .:;'JFLI'"IG J.,C ' IJ rT _G ",11CLF �,'ILr F -IC,- I. \'v ICI,_71 -13 TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION ,'�R"-KY 10 EIALG '_iv[z;IA Y_, F, t:_ I f 'i i i',H St T T r I:i T. `{ i, F` 5 F{_i� 3 1D! ;11_ _I.I'>}._.�E-s`1 - I� _ i 7 ^it''„I 'ETI"._r 1�4 11 Il d' # I 4 _ °..tr ..�u>,_I_ee N _ I i a I%, .u�'I ,..i. .7 _�C: :I"`-�(;_ '�S_ gL�I_l,f.,.. Ll J T 3 E Y I K-( L I_ t_ " i . r' ,, J 0 i _ } N J`....,.. BE l._!..'_a. .�._ ;.,t - __ _ 1('.:I ._ _•- D I) M: T I LE I R 0;', ,1 'tJ1 jL-} _FE R r 1 P w_ IN ^TAAt- � I I, I`',t '.' R! EE:)DIi'''<{., ° 4 4" – 3,000 PSI CONCRETE ° 0000000000000000 4" – VDOT #21A BASESTONE IIIIII—IIIIII—I ±– — COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED 3 TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECT ON C5 Not To Scale FEVER SERVICE t_ATERTAL COrINECTICAH i�OTES: 'H [,F '' R i ICC I A yA! N:",F- T' ' A 1�1 ':',I F A 1D, NC IINI/_ 1T L �\ !.�rl FCR II -C -',VI'' L,. FF \L IIF1(=.ATEL TF= Uf (:_FI bV l) =LE ATG_'iV 1F THE -E-,V - AI :AI_ E �I A L FCL Al I,''I , _r !Fal•I E I.' ;=LEV-,,-I,.;D.I r:;F- -HE T"r 'IFF ..11••1'::=CT=C'' T" '.-11F till-! i F. - u t:C'rF1=R LAfEKAL`_- TAPED I\1 F 13T'.,t'J,; _-PNEIH MAIN sl AL:'_ _ I,,k-C-. -D I_1 d N A. PIPE _A_IDL,_E. c, II'I,'L''.IJ f•, ( AD-_ F R SEVjE -R'`/I E C)INMI . ,1L_', ..HALL -.r- _.., -, �L F C) C F F ) �. AI_L SEWN+ k I_A'TERALS SH,._',- 'A','F P. ^A11N,1\A1JMCOVER Dlf\M___EF?_ I`AIN U_ =E'; E.= ATERAL','E G' -T TREATED FINIJHED GTRCUIN. II, A`1<ER PLILI, X11, OF MAIN I_I ,F ' r' F ER VI LAI =RAL SECTION I ry 1 ' � 1 - s I , L,I;'JY 7- IE PLAN VAR d= FL SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECT101\1 1.511 OF SM -9.5A SUPERPAVE 2.5" – ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COARSE TYPE BM -25.0 0000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0I 6" – VDOT #21A BASESTONE III—IIIIII—IIII I� COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TYP CAE PAVEMENT SECTION FOR NEW ROADS Not To Scale I l; 0��NLTH II o 4 JUST HIMP > 45183 f VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY EASEMENT (D. B. 2687-325) 3 APPROXIMATr LOCATION OF GAS LINE EASEMENT (D.B. 29,08-137) I 1- 20' SANITARY SEWER ESMT. (D.B.2789-125) ----------I f •' i 8.. ,O.L 1ya00000r,,,v Q P,RM AINAGEEA 789-125) r RGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER y COMPANY EASEMENT (D.B. 2687-325) U.S. ROUTE 29 SEM NUL_E TRAIL_ SOUTH BOUND LANE VARIABLE WIDTH RIW 544.6 X SANITARY' SEM (D.B. 27789-1 C z.:.. T rv; 3_ m "1• "1 l . STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, ss CONSTRUCTION 6 LANDSCAPE t EASEMENT (D.B. 2678-389) f £: t { i a # # t 1 i 4 ♦ # �? � ' s i f t 1 # # # o- O�f,) �.. c r ` # e 4 # t 3 I NOTE: Conceptual Landscaping Shown. Full Landscaping Plan to Be Submitted With Final Plan. � tip,LTH 0 J i_J ST1 t1im1 Lic. . 451 83 �S,slovaL ��v Date 03/21/2016 Scale Sheet No. C7 OF 7 File No. 15.039 Yi ai 11 1 7 1 h t � } 1 \ x 1 d ; 6 S a , f �1 { # f d w 1 ry j-tl1 } - 1 f( if j t- i S• t CIL 3 C � • { 3 � R � , 1 i � tip,LTH 0 J i_J ST1 t1im1 Lic. . 451 83 �S,slovaL ��v Date 03/21/2016 Scale Sheet No. C7 OF 7 File No. 15.039