HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201600037 Correspondence Minor Amendment 2016-11-16 Johnathan Newberry
From: Bedsaul, Willis C. (VDOT) <Willis.Bedsaul@VDOT.Virginia.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 2:36 PM
To: Johnathan Newberry
Cc: Moore, Adam PE (VDOT)
Subject: SDP-2016-00037-C.W. Hurt Contractors Shop
Attachments: SDP-2016-00037 C.W. Hurt Contractors Shop— Minor Site Plan
Hello J.T.,
Attached you'll find the review comments on the above subject. If you have any questions please call.
Willis C. Bedsaul
Engineer Land Use
Virginia Department of Transportation
Land Use-Albemarle/Green/Madison
701 VDOT Way
Charlottesville Residency
Ph# 434-422-9866
Cell# 540-717-0005
Johnathan Newberry
From: Johnathan Newberry
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2016 6:12 PM
To: 'Tim Miller'
Cc: 'Rob Brugh'
Subject: RE: SDP201600037
Apologies for the delay.
This application is being processed as a Minor Amendment, so please bring a reduced fee the next time you
come to the office ($538) and we will refund the existing fee ($1613).
Planning Division
1. [General Comment] On Sheet 001, please change all of the areas that label this application as a "Major
Amendment" to a "Minor Amendment."
2. [General Comment] On Sheet 001, please change the site plan number in the title next to your stamp from
"SDP200100103" to "SDP201600037."
3. [Section 32.5.2.a] On Sheet 001, under Site Data, please show the full tax map and parcel number as
4. [Section 32.5.2.a] On Sheet 001, under Site Data, please change the Zoning to Light Industry(LI) and note
that Steep Slopes (Managed) is an overlay district.
5. [Section 32.5.2.a/Section 4.20(b)] There is no side or rear setback if the abutting lot is zoned commercial
or industrial (except that any primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the
current edition of the Building Code). On Sheet 001, under Site Data, please remove the building setback
information or specify that it is a 10' front setback. Please also remove the 10' BSL shown on the side and
rear property lines.
6. [Section 32.5.2.b] On Sheet 001, under Site Data, please note the maximum amount of paved parking
7. [Section 32.5.2.n/Section 30.7.5] Retaining walls above 6 feet in height within this district must comply
with the design standards in Section 30.7.5. Please revise accordingly.
8. [Section 32.5.2.p] This proposal removes required landscaping from SDP200100103. Please submit a
landscape plan that complies with Section 32.7.9.
J.T. Newberry
Senior Planner
(County of Albemarle, Planning Division
434-296-5832, Ext 3270
From:Tim Miller[mailto:tmiller@meridianwbe.com]
Sent:Thursday,September 01,2016 8:08 AM
To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>
Cc: 'Rob Brugh'<rbrugh@comcast.net>
Subject: RE:SDP201600037
‘1000 1144
I have not heard back from you on the status of your review. We cannot proceed until we receive your
comments. When will you be able to complete your review?
Tim Miller, P.E., L.S.
Meridian Planning Group, LLC
440 Premier Circle,Suite 200
Charlottesville,VA 22901
From:Tim Miller [mailto:tmiller@meridianwbe.com]
Sent:Thursday,August 25, 2016 10:29 AM
To: 'Johnathan Newberry'<inewberry@albemarle.org>
Cc: 'Megan Yaniglos'<myaniglos@albemarle.org>; 'Alex Morrison' <amorrison@serviceauthoritv.org>
Subject: RE:SDP201600037
Have you completed your review of these plans?
Tim Miller, P.E., L.S.
Meridian Planning Group, LLC
440 Premier Circle,Suite 200
Charlottesville,VA 22901
From:Johnathan Newberry [mailto:inewberry@albemarle.org]
Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 2016 6:16 PM
To:Tim Miller<tmiller@meridianwbe.com>
Cc: Megan Yaniglos<myaniglos@albemarle.org>;Alex Morrison<amorrison@serviceauthoritv.org>
Subject: RE:SDP201600037
Hi Tim,
I'm almost finished with comments from Planning. Here are the requested changes from other reviewers:
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)—See attached.
Soo' surf
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue—Robbie Gilmer, rgilmer@albemarle.org
Based on plans dated 5/23/16.
1. Fire flow test required before final approval.
2. Please add a note "Knox Box is required, please contact the Albemarle County Fire Marshal Office to determine
the location."
Albemarle County Department of Engineering—Max Greene, MGreene@albemarle.org.
1. Plan appears to be a "Part of a Greater Plan of Development" and will require a VSMP plan prior to final site plan
Albemarle County Service Authority,Alexander J. Morrison, P.E., amorrison@serviceauthority.org
I have reviewed the above referenced application and have the following comments:
1. Show existing sewer main and easement on the parcel.
2. Provide fixture counts for the existing and proposed buildings so the ACSA can determine if a meter upsize or
separate meter is the most cost effective option.
.I:i1. Newberry
Senior Planner
Comity of Albemarle, Planning Division
434-296-5832, ext. 3270
From: Megan Yaniglos
Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 2016 12:00 PM
To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>
Subject: FW: Message from VIRGINIA CALL(94348820121)
This is for you. SDP2016-037. Can you give him an update?
Megan Yaniglos, A/CP
Principal Planner
Community Development Department
Planning Services
ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004
From:Cisco Unity Connection Messaging System [mailto:unityconnection@cobm-cucxnpub.albemarle.org]
Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
To: myaniglos@cobm-cucxnpub.albemarle.org
Subject: Message from VIRGINIA CALL(94348820121)
Department Community Development
"inv.��, Planning Services Division
401 McIntire Road North Wing•Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Mfr Phone: (434)296-5823 •Fax: (434)972-4035
From: JT Newberry Date: 06/22/16
To: Way Schlothauer- Inspections ORobbie Gilmer-Fire and Rescue
airafalir 0
°Alex Morrison-ACSA 0
°Andrew Slack-E911 0
OJoel DeNunzio-VDOT 0
JOB#/FILE NAME:SDP-2016-00037 C.W. Hurt Contractors Shop- Minor Amendment
We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or ❑ Under separate cover
El Copy of Letter ❑ Prints El Plans
❑ Plats ❑ Specifications Cl Other
# of Copies Date Description
1 5/23/16 Date of Tim Miller's Stamp
These are transmitted as checked below:
® For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other
Remarks: The title labels this plan as a major amendment but it will be processed as a minor
amendment. I have the files for the approved fmal site plan (SDP200000118) and the last amendment
(SDP200100103 - Major) in my office if you would like to see either of them.
Comments are due in City View or email by: 7/11/16 Signature: JT Newberry
°V Department Community Development
$'=T , Planning Services Division
+� ►; 401 McIntire Road North Wing•Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone: (434)296-5823 • Fax: (434)972-4035
From: JT Newberry Date: 06/22/16
To: Way Schlothauer- Inspections ORobbie Gilmer-Fire and Rescue
OEngineering 0
Alex Morrison-ACSA 0
OAndrew Slack- E911 0
OJoel DeNunzio- VDOT 0
JOB#/FILE NAME:SDP-2016-00037 C.W. Hurt Contractors Shop-Minor Amendment
We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or ❑ Under separate cover
❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ❑ Plans
❑ Plats ❑ Specifications ❑ Other
# of Copies Date Description
1 5/23/16 Date of Tim Miller's Stamp
These are transmitted as checked below:
® For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other
Remarks: The title labels this plan as a major amendment but it will be processed as a minor
amendment. I have the files for the approved fmal site plan (SDP200000118) and the last amendment
(SDP200100103 - Major) in my office if you would like to see either of them.
Comments are due in City View or email by: 7/11/16 Signature: JT Newberry
County of Albemarle
Tax Map and Parcel(s): 07700-00-00-040P1 Date: 12/7/15
This checklist is intended to facilitate and document the meeting discussion.
Tim Miller and two Brughs(Father and Son)
Current Development:
1 Planning: J.T. Newberry
1 Engineering/County Engineer: John Anderson
1 Service Authority: Michael Vieira
Building Official:
Housing Office:
Description of Location: End of Broadway Street
Existing Zoning: Light Industry(LI)
Zoning/Planning History:
SDP2000-118- Final Site Plan"C.W. Hurt Contractors Shop"and associated LORs
SDP2001-103-Major Amendment"C.W. Hurt Contractors Shop"
Comp. Plan location and land use designation Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial
AGENDA[Typically, the Planning Division planner will lead the meeting.]
I. Introductions and Disclaimer: "This pre-application conference is advisory and based on information
provided prior to the meeting. Since details are rarely provided at a pre-application conference,staff's
comments will be general in nature. If staff doesn't have answers to an applicant's questions,we will get back
to you over the next week. Similarly, if staff needs additional information to assist you in making a future
application,we will get back to you over the course of the week to obtain that information."
2. Applicant explains proposal and asks questions.
Summary of proposal/Questions:
Propose to add a 1,200 sq. ft. industrial office building.
Topics Discussed (Check those that apply; add notes as necessary)
Comp. Plan recommendations including Master Plans and RA Plan recommendations
Following Special Use Permit: meeting conditions, application plan conformance
Following ZMA:application plan conformance, proffer conformance
Conformance with Code of Development
Variation(s) required
Waivers/exceptions/variations from Site Plan or Sub ordinance
Need for transportation study
Interconnections to adjacent property/development(street/ped/bike) -- DA
Public road access internal circulation (in conjunction with Engineer or Current Planner)
Private Street request
Natural Features/Open Space Plan/ Greenway System
Urban Design / Public Spaces/Parks or RA- rural character issues
Other community facility issues
Entrance Corridor/ARB
Historic Preservation
Rural clustering RPD option and conservation easement options
Deeds required
New and Existing
Utility (ACSA, RWSA, Private)/Building Code Issues
Groundwater assessment, including LUST sites
Jurisdictional area issues
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