HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201700032 Staff Report 2018-06-19UPDATED STAFF RECOMMENDATION: SP201700032 ("UVA Tennis, Permanent Connector Road, and Birdwood Golf Course Addition") June 19, 2018 UPDATED Staff Recommendation: Based on the findings described in the staff report for SP201700032 and factors identified as favorable therein, staff recommend approval of the special use permit amendment SP201700032 with conditions as recommended in the staff report, but with revisions to recommended condition of approval #9 as shown below: Recommended Conditions of Aaaroval — SP201700032: 1. Development of the Birdwood Property shall be in general accord with the concept plan entitled "Birdwood SP 2017-00032 Concept Plan" prepared by Elise Cruz, University of Virginia Foundation ("UVAF"), dated April 27, 2018, which includes sheets 1-4 (the "Concept Plan"), attached hereto, as determined by the Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord, development and use shall reflect the following major elements shown on the Concept Plan and on each corresponding Concept Plan Detail, as noted below: A. Exhibit A — Concept Plan (Sheet 1 of 4): i. Locations of structures, improvements, and uses; ii. Limits of Golf Course, including 18-hole Golf Course, Par 3 Short Course, Practice Ground, Short Game area, and associated improvements; and iii. Location and alignment of Connector Road between Golf Course Drive and Berwick Road. B. Exhibit B — Tennis Facility Detail (Concept Plan Sheet 2 of 4): i. Location of Tennis Facility within area shown in green shading; ii. Location of future tennis courts within area outlined in a dashed oval and entitled, "Future tennis courts", and prohibition of high mast lighting in this area; and iii. Provision of ADA-compliant pedestrian infrastructure to connect Birdwood property (TMP #75-63) with neighboring Boar's Head Sports Club property (TMP #59D2- 01-15). C. Exhibit C — Golf Practice Facility Detail (Concept Plan Sheet 3 of 4): i. Building location, orientation, and mass; ii. Parking lot location; iii. Installation of new landscaping for screening purposes; iv. Retention of trees shown for preservation; and v. Earthen berms adjacent to the new parking lot. D. Exhibit D — Connector Road Detail (Concept Plan Sheet 4 of 4): i. Location and alignment of Connector Road between Golf Course Drive and Berwick Road; and ii. Pedestrian infrastructure (including sidewalks, crosswalks, and outdoor lighting) Any new construction and/or improvements at the subject property, other than the site improvements that are in general accord with the Concept Plan and with each corresponding Concept Plan Detail as determined by the Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator, shall require an amended special use permit, except for the following: • Modifications to golf course layout within the boundaries of the existing 18-holegolf course, and outside of the boundaries of the Birdwood Mansion "Historic Core" and "Outer Precinct" as identified in the Birdwood Landscape Site Protection and Stewardship Strategies Plan (2015); Construction of athletic -related accessory structures or other athletic -related improvements which primarily support the use of the golf course facilities and/or tennis facilities and which occur within the general area of those uses. Other minor modifications to the Concept Plan or corresponding Concept Plan Details that do not otherwise conflict with the elements listed above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, as determined by the Zoning Administrator. 2. Design and development of the improvements shown on Exhibit C — Golf Practice Facility Detail (Concept Plan Sheet 3 of 4) shall be subject to the following, as determined by the Planning Director or designee: a. Placement of the parking lot within the "bowl" created by the existing terrain in a way that minimizes grading of the slope to the north of the new parking lot, which is to be preserved for its screening effect; b. Construction of earthen berms adjacent to the parking lotwhich are compatible with existing topographic variation and which further reduce the visibility of the parking lot and parked cars from Golf Course Drive; c. Approved planting plan and planting schedule which, at minimum, include: i. New landscaping materials planted in naturalistic or informal arrangements which are consistent and compatible with the existing landscape in terms of character, density, and species; ii. A meadow or similar grass landscape along Golf Course Drive; and iii. The use of native plant materials; and d. Submittal of a conservation plan prepared by a certified arborist to preserve trees identified for preservation, including the treatment of all ash trees (species Fraxinus) that are to be preserved for protection againstthe emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis), to be used in conjunction with any required conservation checklist. If all reasonable alternatives for preservation have been explored, and such trees cannot be retained due to the health of the tree as determined by the certified arborist, removal may occur. 3. Design and development of the improvements shown on Exhibit D — Connector Road Detail (Concept Plan Sheet 4 of 4) shall comply with the Special Exception (Grading Buffer Waiver) and all Special Exception Conditions approved by the Board of Supervisors on April 4, 2018. 4. Expansion or replacement of the Clubhouse is permissible, provided that all site plan, building permit, and all other applicable permit approvals are properly obtained. 5. No change in use of the Birdwood Mansion is permitted through this Special Use Permit Amendment. 6. All proposed outdoor lighting forthe property shall complywith Albemarle County Code, except as otherwise modified or waived by the Board of Supervisors through the approval of a Special Exception request (as may be applicable). Tall mast lighting shall not be permitted fortennis courts in the area designated as "Future tennis courts" on Exhibit B — Tennis Facility Detail (Concept Plan Sheet 2 of 4), dated April 27, 2018. 7. Sound studies that demonstrate compliance with the Albemarle County Noise Ordinance, as determined bythe Zoning Administratoror her designee, shall be submitted to Albemarle County prior tothe issuance of a Certificate of Occupancyforthe Tennis Facility. 8. Theowner's traffic consultant shall conduct signal warrant analyses forthe Golf Course Drive and Ednam Drive intersections with U.S. Route 250 to determine if volumes indicate that any modification to intersection controls should be implemented. Such analyses shall be conducted a minimum of two times (the first shall occur twelve (12) months after the permanent opening of the connector road, and the second shall occur twenty-four (24) months after the permanent opening of the connector road), and shall be submitted to Albemarle County for review. If any modification is indicated based on traffic volumes collected per standard procedures of the Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDOT"),the owner's consultant will prepare and submit the requisite Signal Justification Report evaluating alternative intersection control to VDOT and Albemarle County and engage in discussion about the appropriate measures, if any, to betaken at either intersection. 9. If VDOT and the County determine at any time within five (5) years after the permanent opening of the connector road that signalization or other improvements — together, "transportation improvements" — are appropriate for the Golf Course Drive intersection and/or Ednam Drive intersection with U.S. 250 / Ivy Road, the owner shall pay its pro rata share based on its proportionate contribution to the need for such transportation improvements. I ON III" ■. ■. 10. The owner shall continue to implement an Integrated Pest Management/Nutrient Management Plan to reduce adverse water quality impacts. 11. Ingress and egress along Birdwood Drive shall continue to be restricted, to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator, to only those residences served by Birdwood Drive and shall not be used as an access to the Indoor Golf Practice Facility or other areas of Birdwood. 12. Use of the property must adhere to the Events Management Plan as described in Proffer #4 of ZMA201700010. 13. SP201700032 shall remain valid so long as construction of any one of the uses proposed herein is commenced within 5 years from the date of approval.