HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201800005 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2018-07-02COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4176
June 29, 2018
Valerie W. Long
Williams Mullen
321 E. Main St.
Suite 400
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SP2018-5: Amendment to Malloy Ford Body Shop (TMPs 04500-00-00-068AO and 04500-00-
Dear Ms. Long:
Staff has reviewed your initial submittal for an amendment to a previously approved Special Use
Permit (SP2016-18) for body shop use at TMP 045-00-00-00-68A0. Comments that are available at
this time are listed below.
Initial comments on how your proposal generally relates to the Comprehensive Plan are provided
below. Comments on conformity with the Comprehensive Plan are provided to the Planning
Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report.
The Comprehensive Plan shows this area as commercial mixed use in Neighborhood 1. This
designation includes as primary uses: community and regional retail, commercial service,
and auto commercial service and office. Secondary uses include: office, research &
development, flex, residential, open space, and institutional uses. The proposed use is
similar in type and scale to the designated uses. The Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 2,
Natural Resources and Cultural Assets) establishes the goals for preserving the scenic
resources that are essential to the County's character, economic vitality and quality of life.
The Entrance Corridor Overlay District is intended to support that goal by maintaining the
visual integrity of the County's roadways. The Architectural Review Board addresses
potential adverse aesthetic impacts in the Entrance Corridors by applying the County's
Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines during their review of development proposals. The
ARB will review the subject request for conformance with the Design Guidelines when the
building permit is submitted for review.
Page 1 of 6 Revised 4-25-11 eke
The following comments related to zoning matters have been provided by Francis MacCall:
1. Property Issues
a. None identified at this time since all services will be occurring within the enclosed
structure per 5.1.31(c).
2. Conformity with Zoning Ordinance shown on Concept plan
a. All vehicles awaiting repair will still be located in the approved location with SP2016-00018
and as noted on the concept plan provided.
b. A Zoning Clearance is required for both the Body Shop use and the Motor Vehicle sales and
outdoor display use.
c. Note #1 on the plan should read: "This Concept Plan shall only apply if a body shop, as
defined in the Albemarle County Zoning Code, is approved with a Zoning Clearance on the
Property. If a body shop is not approved with a Zoning Clearance on the Property, in either
location, this Concept Plan does not restrict development of by right uses on the Property."
d. Revise Note #4 with a second sentence that states "Parking will be assured with a formal
shared parking agreement to be approved with a Zoning Clearance for the Body Shop use"
3. Conditions (SPs)
a. There is no need to restate Supplemental Regulations (5.1.31) as conditions. Revising the
conditions approved for SP2016-00018 by removing #2 and #3 and keeping #1 as previously
stated should be sufficient for this SP use.
Engineering and Water Resources
The following comments related to engineering and water resources have been provided by Frank
No objection.
The following comments related to fire and rescue have been provided by Shawn Maddox:
No objection.
Building Official/Inspections
The following comments have been provided by Michael Dellinger:
1. Depending on the building classification use and distance from property lines, fire rated
construction may be needed.
Entrance Corridor
The following comments related to the Entrance Corridor Guidelines have been provided by
Heather McMahon:
Revised 4-25-11 eke
1. Remove Sheet 4: Sales Area Exhibit and Sheet 6: Existing Waterline Exhibit from the
amended concept plan.
2. Add a note to Sheet 1: Overview Exhibit that states all outdoor storage and display of
vehicles remains consistent with the conditions approved with SP2016-11.
3. Proposed alterations to the building will require a building permit. ARB staff will review the
proposed alterations for compliance with the Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines at that
The following comments from VDOT have been provided by Adam J. Moore:
No Objection.
Albemarle County Service Authority (ASCA)
The following comments from ACSA have been provided by Richard Nelson:
1. Show existing sewer and sewer easements.
2. Vehicles shall not be stored in such away that would prevent ACSA from accessing sewer
VDH, Thomas Jefferson Health District
The following comments from VDH, Thomas Jefferson Health District have been provided by Alan
No Objection.
SP Conditions
At this point in the review process, we do not anticipate any conditions other than those standard
to Special Use Permits in general.
Action after Receipt of Comments
After you have read this letter, please take one of the actions identified on "Action After Receipt
of Comment Letter" which is attached.
If you choose to resubmit, please use the attached form. There is no fee for the first resubmittal.
The resubmittal date schedule is provided for your convenience.
Notification and Advertisement Fees
Recently, the Board of Supervisors amended the zoning ordinance to require that applicants pay
for the notification costs for public hearings. Prior to scheduling a public hearing with the Planning
Commission, payment of the following fees is needed:
$236.00 Cost for newspaper advertisement
Revised 4-25-11 eke
$215.00 Cost for notification of adjoining owners (minimum $200 + actual postage/$1 per owner
after 50 adjoining owners)
$451.00 Total amount due prior to Planning Commission public hearing
Prior to the Board of Supervisor's public hearing, payment of the newspaper advertisement for the
Board hearing needed.
$236.00 Additional amount due prior to Board of Supervisors public hearing
$687.00 Total amount for all notifications Fees may be paid in advance. Payment for both the
Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors public hearings may be paid at the some time.
Additional notification fees will not be required unless a deferral takes place and adjoining owners
need to be notified of a new date.
Feel free to contact me if you wish to meet or need additional information. My email address is
Heather McMahon
Senior Planner
cc: File
Malloy Properties III, LLC
c/o Geoff Malloy
1300 Richmond Rd
Charlottesvill, VA 22911
enc: Action After Receipt of Comments
Resubmittal Schedule
Resubmittal Form
Revised 4-25-11 eke
Within 30 days of the date of this letter, please do one of the following:
(1) Resubmit in response to review comments
(2) Request indefinite deferral
(3) Request that your Planning Commission public hearing date be set
(4) Withdraw your application
(1) Resubmittal in Response to Review Comments
If you plan to resubmit within 30 days, make sure that the resubmittal is on or before a
resubmittal date as published in the project review schedule. The full resubmittal schedule may
be found at www.albemarle.org in the "forms" section at the Community Development page. Be
sure to include the resubmittal form on the last page of your comment letter with your submittal.
The application fee which you paid covers staff review of the initial submittal and one resubmittal.
Each subsequent resubmittal requires an additional fee. (See attached Fee Schedule.)
(2) Request Indefinite Deferral
If you plan to resubmit after 30 days from the date of the comment letter, you need to request an
indefinite deferral. Please provide a written request and state your justification for requesting the
deferral. (Indefinite deferral means that you intend to resubmit/request a public hearing be set
with the Planning Commission after the 30 day period.)
(3) Request Planning Commission Public Hearing Date be Set
At this time, you may schedule a public hearing with the Planning Commission. However, we do
not advise that you go directly to public hearing if staff has identified issues in need of resolution
that can be addressed with a resubmittal.
After outstanding issues have been resolved and/or when you are ready to request a public
hearing, staff will set your public hearing date for the Planning Commission in accordance with the
Planning Commission's published schedule and as mutually agreed by you and the County. The
staff report and recommendation will be based on the latest information provided by you with
Revised 4-25-11 eke
your initial submittal or resubmittal. Please remember that all resubmittals must be made on or
before a resubmittal date.
By no later than twenty-one (21) days before the Planning Commission's public hearing, a
newspaper advertisement fee and an adjoining owner notification fee must be paid. (See attached
Fee Schedule.) Your comment letter will contain the actual fees you need to pay. Payment for an
additional newspaper advertisement is also required twenty-two (22) days prior to the Board of
Supervisors public hearing.
Please be advised that, once a public hearing has been advertised, only one deferral prior to the
Planning Commission's public hearing will be allowed during the life of the application. The only
exception to this rule will be extraordinary circumstances, such as a major change in the project
proposal by the applicant or more issues identified by staff that have not previously been brought
to the applicant's attention. As always, an applicant may request deferral at the Planning
Commission meeting.
(4) Withdraw Your Application
If at any time you wish to withdraw your application, please provide your request in writing.
Failure to Respond
If we have not received a response from you within 30 days, we will contact you again. At that
time, you will be given 10 days to do one of the following: a) request withdrawal of your
application, b) request deferral of your application to a specific Planning Commission date as
mutually agreed to with staff, or c) request indefinite deferral and state your justification for
requesting the deferral. If none of these choices is made within 10 days, staff will schedule your
application for a public hearing based on the information provided with your original submittal or
the latest submittal staff received on a resubmittal date.
Fee Payment
Fees paid in cash or by check must be paid at the Community Development Intake Counter. Make
checks payable to the County of Albemarle. Do not send checks directly to the Review
Coordinator. Fees may also be paid by credit card using the secure online payment system,
accessed at http://www.albemarle.org/department.asp?department=cdd&relpage=21685.
Revised 4-25-11 eke
2018 Submittal and Review Schedule
Special Use Permits and Zoning Map Amendments
Includes 'I Resubmittal and Review
In most cases, after an initial SP or ZMA application is made, changes will be
recommended by staff to help an applicant more closely achieve conformity with the
Comprehensive Plan or comply with County regulations and requirements, or both. The
following schedule includes a-resubmittal that addresses staff comments prior to setting the
public hearing. This schedule represents the scenario that occurs most often with
successful projects.
Preapp must be
hold no later than
this day to file
application by
Deadline for
Deadline for
(3 P.M.)
First Set of
Comments Due
to Applicant
Next "
Resubmittal Date
(see Schedule)"
Public Hearing
(no sooner than)
Mond a
Vac 98 2017
Tue Jan 96
Mar 02
Mar 05
Ma 01
Feb 05
Tue Feb 20
A r 06
Apr 16
Jun 26
Mar 05
Mar 19
Wy 04
May 07
Jul 10
A r 02
A r 16
Jun 01
Jun 04
May 07
May 21
Sep 25
Jun 04
Jun 18
Au 03
Oct 09
Jul 02
Jul 16
Tue Sep 04
Oct 30
Au 20
Oct 05
Oct 15
Dec 18
Au 27
Sera 17 Nov 02
Nov 05
Jan 15 2019
Oct 15
Dec 14
Dec 17
Feb 19 2019
Dec 03
Dec 17 Feb 012019
Feb 04 2019
Apr 09 20151
Dec 17
Tue Jan 15 2019 Mar 01 2019
Mar 04 2019J
Mav 07 2019
Bold italics = submittal/meeting day is different due to a holiday.
Dates with shaded background are not 201$_
SPs for offsite or electric message signs follow the Variance schedule for the BZA.
2019 dates are tentative.
* Board of Supervisors' worksessions and public bearings will be scheduled after the Planning
Commision's action on applications.
"' Resubrnittals are accepted on ANY resubmittal Monday listed after the date of the written comments to
the applicant. The PC public hearing date is the earliest date at which the request may be heard after the
corresponding resubmittal deadline date.
These schedules provide basic Information. Please consult with the Planning Division for more
details regarding schedules and processing
Revised 4-25-11 eke
Fee Vie= f Dee tii 13Y abD^
-- ---- -Resubmittal of information for Special Use Permit or
,4 ,
Zoning Map Amendment
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PROJECT N-U Sr2.0-1W - 5---- --- P.OJEcr rcIM:l MUDM1�_TkI iict r-oY_-FiR.Q_'&a'M- t
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W."K-Z 86~69
Ca nmunity Developaent Project Caoadinator
------------- ---Irei- ------
----------- Resabassittal Fee is Vnt
Name of Applicant Phaae Nmnber
Resubmittal fees for Special Use Permit - original Special Use Permit fee of $1,075
Fast resubmission '
❑ Ear additional reaubarissien
Resubmiital fens for original Special Use Permit fee of $2,150 '
❑ Fast resubmimEGU
❑ Each additional ren*m:issien
Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $,2,488
El First
❑ Each additional re3L1Lmission
Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $3,76
❑ resubsioa
El�.. ch additional resmbrr issien
$1, 8 R 1 1
❑ Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request — M. notice feu Rill be repaired
----------------------------..--------------- - - -- ---------------------------------------------- _.
To JSe,taasd. after ataBreTiew for public notice:
Most applications for Special Use Permits and Zoning lisp Auteadment require at least one public hearing by the Planning C:ommissioa:
and one public hearing be the Board of Superxison_ Virginia State. Code requires that notice for public hearings Fig Wk by publishing
a legal advertisement in the newspaper aid be mailiep letters to �,d scent properly ownen- Tl erefere, at least two fees for public notice
are required before * The total fee for putlic notice will be
provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and trust be paid before
Prrepmin_ and m li 6- x dt=_lhiming uF to fifh� (5 v)notices
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Actual cost
mminn-m of E280 for total of 4 ablicatio=-
Count' of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville. VA, :2902 V cis, : (.4341296-5832 Fax-, (434) 9"" 126
4 1" Pal -
Revised 4-25-11 eke
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
From: Francis H MacCall, Principal Planner
Division: Zoning
Date: 6/22/2018
Subject: Initial Comments - Review Comments for SP2018-00005 Malloy Ford Body
The following comments are provided as input from the Zoning Division regarding the above
noted application(s).
1. Property Issues
a. None identified at this time since all services will be occurring within the enclosed
structure per 5.1.31(c).
2. Conformity with Zoning Ordinance shown on Concept plan
a. All vehicles awaiting repair will still be located in the approved location with
SP2016-00018 and as noted on the concept plan provided.
b. A Zoning Clearance is required for both the Body Shop use and the Motor
Vehicle sales and outdoor display use.
c. Note #1 on the plan should replace "construction" with "approved with a Zoning
d. Revise Note #4 with a second sentence that states "Parking will be assured with
a formal shared parking agreement to be approved with a Zoning Clearance for
the Body Shop use"
_._ ,_e.�
ReviewReviewComments for SP201800005 Amend Existing Special Use Perry
Date Completed: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 DepartmentlDivision/Agency: Review Status:
Michael Dellinger CDD inspections w See Recommendations
Reviewer. �. _ p L_
Depending on the building classification use and distance from property lines, fire rated construction may be needed_
Review Comments ror SP201800005 Amend Existing Special Use Per rr'E
Date Completed: Monday, June 25, 2018 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Heather McMahon w CDD ARB see Recommendations
Proposed alterations to the building will require a building permit. ARB staff will review the proposed alterations for compliance
with the Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines at that time.
1601 Orange Road
Cu:peper. Wglnla 22701
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
June 26, 2018
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Heather McMahon
Re: SP-2018-00005- Malloy Ford Body Shop- Conceptual Application Plan Amendment
Review # 1
Dear Ms. McMahon:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plans as submitted by Shimp Engineering, dated May
21, 2018 and find it to be generally acceptable.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the VDOT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434)
422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. if further information is desired, please
contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866.
1& k I ODI
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency
Review Comments ror SP201800005 Amend Existing Special Use Perm
Date Completed: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
Reviewer Richard Nelson AGSA Requested Changes
Show existing sewer and sewer easements.
Vehicles shall not be stored in such a way that would prevent ACSA from accessing sewer manholes.
In Cooperation wits the Thopnas .Pelf erson Health District ALaEMAALE CMARLOTTESVILLE
State Department of Health
Phone (434) 972-6219 P. O. Box 7546 P+ELSON COUNTY (LOV)NGSTOW
fax (434) 972-4310
Charlottesville, Virginia 22906
June 22, 2018
Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Malloy Ford Body Shop Amendment
Plan Review
Ms. McMahon:
As requested, I've reviewed the subject Site Plan for the proposed use at the facility
referenced above. Water and sewage disposal will be provided by public utilities and
therefore, I see no issues with the amendment.
If there are any questions or concerns, please give me a call, 434-972-4306.
Alan Mazurowski
Environmental Health Supervisor
Thomas Jefferson Health District
alan.mazurowskigvdh.vir ig nia.gov
�<S'LoF A�T
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
To: Valerie Long (vlong_@williamsmullen.com); Nicole Scro (nscro@williamsmullen.com)
From: Cameron Langille
Date: May 10, 2018
Subject: Mandatory Pre -Application Meeting for TMP 04500-00-00-068AO on 4-30-2018
The following are County staff comments regarding the above noted pre -application meeting. This meeting satisfies
the requirement for a pre -application meeting prior to submittal of a special use permit (SP) application. The purpose
of for the meeting can be found in Section 33.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and are italicized below, followed by staff
(i) provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project;
The applicant is proposing to amend SP201600018 in order to allow a body shop within a portion of the existing 40,000 sq.
ft. building located on TMP 04500-00-00-068A0. The subject property measures 2.06 acres, is zoned HC Highway
Commercial, and is located on the west side of Route 29. The building address is 2060 Seminole Trail. All portions of the
parcel are within the Entrance Corridor (EC) Overlay District, Airport Impact Overlay (AIA) Zoning Districts. There are
areas within the Managed Steep Slopes overlay District behind the building at the rear of the parcel. In the HC zoning
district, body shops require approval of a Special Use Permit.
SP201600011 and SP201600018 were approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on December 14, 2016 to
allow outdoor storage and display of vehicles (SP201600011) and body shops (SP201600018) on TMP 04500-00-00-
068C1. That property is adjacent to (north of) TMP 45-68A and both parcels are owned by Malloy Properties III, LLC.
Zoning and Planning staff informed the applicant that in order to allow body shops on TMP 04500-00-00-068A0, the
SP201600018 special use permit must be amended to allow body shops on both TMP 04500-00-00-068AO and TMP
04500-00-00-068C 1.
As stated by the applicant during the meeting, no other changes to the existing improvements on TMP 04500-00-00-068AO
are proposed as part of this special use permit. The amendment would be to simply allow body shops on that property. No
existing buildings will be demolished or new buildings constructed, no changes to the parking lot and travel ways, no site
grading, etc. The applicant did state that two roll -up doors on the existing building would be removed and replaced, and staff
informed the applicant that changes to the building exterior will be subject to the Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines, which
will be reviewed by either by the Architectural Review Board (ARB) or ARB staff planners, depending on the extent of the
changes. This will be handled at the time of a building permit or demolition permit application review.
1. Section 24.2.2(17) — By Special Use Permit (Body Shops).
2. Section 5.1.31 — Supplemental Regulations (Automobile or truck repair shops, body shops, motorcycle and off road
vehicle sales and service shops, and public garages)
(ii) Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
• The site is located in Neighborhood 1 of the Places29 Master Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates
the site as Commercial Mixed Use. Body shops are consistent with the Commercial Mixed Use land use
designation called for by the Comprehensive Plan.
• Proposals for development in the designated Development Areas are evaluated for conformity with the
Neighborhood Model. Applicable principles are redevelopment, relegated parking, and interconnectivity
between parcels. The concept plan approved for SP201600018 would need to be amended to show the
parcel boundaries of TMP 04500-00-00-068A0.
(iii) Broadly identify theplanning, zoning and other issues raised by the application that need to be addressed by
the applicant
- The property lies in the Entrance Corridor and a major element of this project is conformity with the Architectural
Review Board (ARB) Design Guidelines. The applicant stated that only two roll -up doors on the north side of the
building would be removed, and all other portions of the building exterior would remain unchanged. Any work to
the exterior of the building will require ARB review and approval prior to building permit approval. Please be
advised that the narrative for the special use permit should state the proposed changes to the exterior of the
A single concept plan was approved with SP201600018 (body shops on TMP 04500-00-00-068C1) and
SP201600011 (outdoor storage and display on TMP 04500-00-00-068C1). The applicant must submit a revised
concept plan in order to allow body shops on both parcels. A new sheet should be added to the original concept
plan that shows the parcel boundaries of TMP 04500-00-00-068AO and TMP 04500-00-00-068C1. The plan
should note where the body shops are proposed within the buildings on each lot.
o Moving forward, the original concept plan approved for both SP201600011 and SP201600018 will only
apply to the outdoor storage and display use, SP201600011, on TMP 04500-00-00-068C1.
- The new concept plan exhibit should also show the overall building footprint of the existing structure on TMP
04500-00-00-068A0, and denote what portion of the building would be occupied by the new body shop. Please
provide a calculation that states the total building square footage, and the proposed body shop use square footage.
The applicant stated that the intention is to still have a body shop on TMP 04500-00-00-068C1 sometime in the
future (as approved with SP201600018). In order to meet the minimum parking requirements for a body shop on
TMP 04500-00-00-068A0, the applicant wants to utilize some of the existing parking on TMP 04500-00-00-
068C 1. A calculation showing how many parking spaces will be needed for a new body shop on TMP 04500-00-
00-068AO should be provided with the special use permit application. Per Section 4.12.6 of the Zoning Ordinance,
the applicable use for calculating the minimum required parking spaces for a body shop is Automobile service
station and truck repair shop: One (1) space per each employee plus two (2) spaces per each service stall. In
addition, when accessory activities such as the rental of automobiles, trucks and trailers of all types exist on the
site, there shall be provided suitable area to accommodate the highest number of rental units expected at any one
o If there are not enough existing spaces on TMP 04500-00-00-068C1to accommodate the minimum
required parking for a body shop on both parcels, additional parking may be needed on TMP 04500-00-
o The County will require the recordation of a shared parking agreement between TMP 04500-00-00-
068A0 and TMP 04500-00-00-068C1 in order to share the parking spaces between both parcels to meet
the minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. This will likely be a condition of the special use permit.
- No outdoor storage and display uses are proposed on TMP 04500-00-00-068AO with this special use permit
amendment. Please state this in the narrative for the special use permit amendment.
(iv) Identify other applicable procedures
• A Community Meeting is required as part of the review of the rezoning/SP request. It is preferred that the
community meeting be held in conjunction with a Places29-Rio Community Advisory Committee meeting. This
CAC generally meets on the fourth (4th) Thursday of each month at 6 PM in room 235 of the Albemarle County
Office Building located at 401 McIntire Road. You are responsible for setting up that meeting with staff and the
CAC chair, Nancy Hunt. This meeting should be held, if possible, within 30 days from the date the special use
permit is submitted, and can be held prior to the submittal of the rezoning application. Adjacent property owners
and neighborhoods (and the Coordinating Reviewer/planner) should receive advance notification of this meeting
• Staff will provide a template for the Community Meeting invitation letter during review of the SP application.
(v) Identify the information the applicant must submit with the application, including the supplemental information
0 See attached checklist.
If you have any further questions, please contact me at 434.296.5832 ext. 3432 or blanizillep_albemarle.ora.
Cameron Langille
Senior Planner
A) SP Application
B) Community Meeting Guidelines
C) Checklist