HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800036 Correspondence Initial Site Plan 2018-07-06 (3) slope
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Friday,July 06, 2018 10:47 AM
To: 'Justin Shimp'
Subject: RE: SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
Attachments: Action Letter_SDP201800036_07-06-2018.pdf
RE: SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
Attached are your conditions of approval for the above ref plan.
Christopher P.Perez 1 Senior Planner
Department of Community Development 1County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road 1 Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez �..
Sent: Thursday,June 21, 2018 12:09 PM
To: 'Justin Shimp, P.E.'
Cc: 'Bedsaul,Willis';John Anderson •
Subject: SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
I double checked all the stuff we discussed at SRC:
A) The validity of the 5 spaces at the front of the property and setbacks
After consulting the ordinance, the existing buildings prior to 2015 only qualify the site to not meet the
maximum front setback. The minimum still needs to be met. By allowing the R/W dedication to consume the
parking spaces and touch the back of the sidewalk, we are creating a non conforming situation out of a currently
conforming situation. Thus, this will not be acceptable. Leaving the R/W dedication line back to the location
shown on the plans, this causes the parking spaces not to meet the minimum parking setback requirements.
Thus these spaces need to be removed because they do not meet setback requirements. The existing comment
on the SRC memo remains unchanged.
B) The Monticello Viewshed comment
Evidently you are right,this comment must be a recommendation for you to work with TJF. Their approval is
not required for final site plan. I'll amend my comment.
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
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Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 9:33 AM
To: Megan Nedostup
Subject: SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
FYI —I'll attend today's SRC meeting for this project; however, after fielding a few calls and then checking the
abutting owner notifications. It appears the citizens were notified that SRC for this item would be July 5th
(which is the next corresponding SRC date). While SRC reviewers and the memo noted todays SRC meeting.
Thus I will bring this item to both SRC meetings. Todays for applicant discussion, and 2 weeks from now for
citizen questions, then take an action the next day and still make my 60 day deadline.
Not ideal, but I'll roll with the punches. I already filled Carla in on the advertising error and told her my plan to
correct it.
Moving on.
Christopher P.Perez 1 Senior Planner
Department of Community Development 1County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road 1 Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From: Megan Nedostup
Sent:Wednesday,June 20, 2018 3:59 PM
To: Deel,Justin <justin.deel@vdot.virginia.gov>
Cc: Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: SRC
No agenda, I believe there's only one item.
PROJECT: SDP201800036—Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 076000000052L0
LOCATION: 667 Country Green Road
PROPOSAL: Request for initial site plan approval of a new gas station(6 pumps).The continuation of a 2,200 SF convenience store
and a 500 SF barber shop.The request includes the removal of 3 existing mobile homes,removal of existing water tank,and various
paved areas throughout the site.
ZONING: C-1 Commercial—retail sales and service;residential by special use permit(15 units/
acre),R-4 Residential-4 units/acre
OVERLAY DISTRICT: Steep Slopes(managed)and Airport Impact
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN:Neighborhood 5—Southern and Western Neighborhoods:Urban Density Residential—residential(6.01-
34 units/acre);supporting uses such as places of worship,schools,public and institutional uses,neighborhood scale commercial,
office,and service uses.Parks and Green Systems—parks,playgrounds,play fields,greenways,trails,paths,recreational facilities and
equipment,plazas,outdoor sitting areas,natural areas,preservation of stream buffers,floodplains and steep slopes adjacent to rivers
and streams.
Megan Nedostup, AICP(former Yaniglos)
(pronounced nuh-DAHST-up)
Principal Planner
Community Development Department
Planning Services
ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004
From: Deel,Justin<justin.deel@vdot.virginia.gov>
Sent:Wednesday,June 20, 2018 3:56 PM
To: Megan Nedostup<mnedostup@albemarle.org>
Hi Megan, can you send tomorrow's SRC agenda?
Justin Deel, P.E.
VDOT - Charlottesville
540-717-1408 (c)
c ®®ttn
Department of Community Development
401 Mclntirc Road, North Wing
- Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone 434 296-58'2
Fax (434) 972-4126
June 4, 2018
.. SDP 1800036 Oak 1110 Convenience Store-Initial Site Plan
Tax Map Parcel 0760000000521,0
I)car Sir or Madam:
4 This letter is to notify you that the following development proposal has been submitted to the County for
PROJECT: SI)P201800036—Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
t VIAGiS"l [RIA1. DISTRICT: Samuel Miller
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 076000000052L0
I.00A I ION: 667 Country Green Road
PROPOSA I: Request for initial site plan approval ofa new gas station(6 pumps).The continuation of
a 2,200 SI: convenience store and a 500 SN barber shop. The request includes the removal of 3
c.\istit:g 1M:bile homes, removal of existing water tank,and various paved areas throughout the site.
CONING: C- 1 Commercial retail sales and service; residential by special use permit(15 units/
acre), R-dl Residential -4 units/acre
OVI.R1.AY 115 l'RICI: Steep Slopes (managed)and Airport Impact
COMPRI.1'I:N'SIVI:PLAN:Neighborhood 5 Southern and Western Neighborhoods: Urban Density
Residential residential (6.01-34 units/acre); supporting uses such as places of worship, schools,
t public and institutional uses, neighborhood scale commercial, office, and service uses. Parks and
1 Green Systems parks. playgrounds, play fields, greenwas, trails, pathsrecreational facilities and
equipment.playas. outdoor silting areas,natural areas,preservation of stream buffers,floodplains and
steep slopes adjacent to rivers and streams.
This development proposal is scheduled for the Site Review Committee meeting on the date listed below.
I he applicant's attendance is not mandatory, although it may be requested by the County. Regardless of
E whether the applicant will he attending,the County staff will be available for consultation on the Site
l Review Committee meeting date at 10:00 a.m., in Room 235 of the County Office Building on McIntire
Road in Charlottesville. This meeting will he an informal session with the Site Review Committee to
€ discuss issues and share information.
i Prior to the Site Review Committee meeting,the Site Review Committee will review the development
proposal for compliance with the applicable ordinances or other applicable laws. At the Site Review
Committee meeting. on the dale noted below, one of two things will happen, either;
Slit tIwili provide a recommendation of approval stating the requirements that must be included
with submittal of the final site plan and those conditions which must be satisfied prior to approval
of the final site plan and, where applicable, those conditions which must be satisfied prior to
issuance of a grading permit.
2. Staff NN ill provide a recommendation of disapproval stating the reasons for disapproval by
identifying the plan's deficiencies and citing the applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance or
other applicable laws, and what corrections or modifications will permit approval of the plan.
Within li(lecn (I 5) days of the disapproval of the initial site plan the developer will be able to
resubmit a revised plan.
Dates scheduled for this development proposal are:
Site Review comments available (July 3, 2018)
Site Review Committee meeting date (July 5,-2018, 10 a.m.)
Plans for the proposed development are available for e •- . •- e Department of Community
Development. To assure the file information is ready for your viewing and to allow staffto be vailable to help
ith any questions. we encourage you to schedule a viewing time. Please call 296-5832 xt.3443 during
business hours(8 a.ni.-5 p.m., Mon-Fri)to schedule an appointment. While an appointment i not required,we
do give priority to those with appointments. Those without appointments may find them rials are in use by
others and/or staff is not available to help. Should you wish to attend the Site tew Committee meeting,
please notify the Department of Community Development so that any conce s may be adequately addressed.
Senior Planner , f,$ ' t/ /I �o a
Planning Division C � l/L Wedf
-\--VU S
FORGE FARM LLC C,(r14___ `C(/
LLC q,r
cc Justin Shimp Shimp Engineering PC
201 E. Main Street, Suite M
Charlottesville VA 22902
S1)P201800036 ��
Christopher Perez
From: Carla Harris - CDD
Sent: Thursday, May 17,2018 10:32 AM
To: SRC - SDP _ - • ZMA; SRC, Src Mailing L .t
Subject: Co ion on SRC Date for • •'ect SDP2018-036 oak Hill Convenience Store
orrection — SRC Date June 21 — n i June 7
PROJEC : SDP201800036— Oak Hill Convenience Store nitial Site Plan
I apolo l ize for the confusion.
Carla Harris
BZA Clerk/CDD Assistant II
County of Albemarle
Community Development Department
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
434-296-5832 Ext.3834
Nese 'tiro
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Thursday,June 21, 2018 12:09 PM
To: 'Justin Shimp, P.E.'
Cc: 'Bedsaul, Willis';John Anderson
Subject: SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
I double checked all the stuff we discussed at SRC:
A) The validity of the 5 spaces at the front of the property and setbacks
After consulting the ordinance, the existing buildings prior to 2015 only qualify the site to not meet the
maximum front setback. The minimum still needs to be met. By allowing the R/W dedication to consume the
parking spaces and touch the back of the sidewalk, we are creating a non conforming situation out of a currently
conforming situation. Thus, this will not be acceptable. Leaving the R/W dedication line back to the location
shown on the plans, this causes the parking spaces not to meet the minimum parking setback requirements.
Thus these spaces need to be removed because they do not meet setback requirements. The existing comment
on the SRC memo remains unchanged.
B) The Monticello Viewshed comment
Evidently you are right, this comment must be a recommendation for you to work with TJF. Their approval is
not required for final site plan. I'll amend my comment.
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development 'County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
\r' `✓
In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District ALBEMARLE CHARLOT I ESVILLE
State Department of Health FLUVANNA COLINTV(PA(MVRAj
• Phone(434)972-6219 P.O.Box 75546 NELSON COUNTY(LOVINGSTON)
Fax (434)972-4310
Charlottesville,Virginia 22906
June 21, 2018
Christopher Perez, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Oak Hill Convenience St. - ' - -salmis -- ;
Initial Site Plan t - view, SDP2618-36
Mr. Perez: \
As r-.uested, I've reviewed the Site Plan (5/7/18) for the proposed addition to e facility
r '-renced above. The water source will be the public system, but sewage disp o sal will
s e an existing on-site drainfield. I understand that the existing system currently erves
the store, as well as multiple homes in the trailer court. To address the change of us: that
will occur with the proposed construction, we will require a capacity assessment . a
professional engineer.
Concerning the existing well, located on the site plan at the southern edge of the area t f
disturbance, I recommend the well head be protected during construction. It appears final
grading may result in fill material added in this location, and if so, the well head must et
be buried. Any modification to, or abandonment of, the well must be preformed b a
licensed well driller and may require permitting by this office.
In addition, the proposed location for the fuel storage tanks encroaches within t - 100-
foot minimum separation distance to the well, and therefore must be relocated.
there are any questions or concerns, please give me a call, 434-972-43 e..
e/e, lit....----"--
Alan Mazurowski
Environmental Health Supervisor
Thomas Jefferson Health District
Christopher Perez
From: Mazurowski, Alan <alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 2:09 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: Re: SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
We do have regs that address minimum separation distances between wells and fuel tanks. I'm working in the
field in Greene today, so won't be able to look at that site plan again until tomorrow,but I'll try to make that a
priority so I can get revised comments to you early.
Alan Mazurowski
Environmental Health Supervisor
Onsite Sewage &Private Well Programs
Thomas Jefferson Health District
1138 Rose Hill Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22906
434-972-4306 office
434-972-4310 fax
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 11:27 AM, Christopher Perez<cperez(a,albemarle.org>wrote:
SDP201800036 Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
Additionally, I wanted to see if you had any requirements from VDH or the state that would regulate the
placement of an underground storage tank on the same lot or in close proximity to residential homes which are
served by well.
The mobile homes on the same lot (TMP 76-52L) are all served by wells,with the closest mobile home being
65' to the petroleum underground storage tank. Additionally, the majority of the mobile homes are of lower
elevation from the fuel tank storage location.
The County doesn't seem to have any regulations prohibiting this be "the site" is served by public water,thus
our 100' separation distance doesn't apply.
Do you have anything in your regs that would cover this? To protect public safety and health from potential
spills/leaks from this proposed underground fuel storage tank.
Also, I'll restate my last email in this one so you don't miss it: So I finally got into this project and asked the
applicant how the site was to be served. They stated that it will be on public water but not public sewer; rather,
the site will rely on a septic system. Will this affect your comments at all, in which you state they will be on
both public water and septic? Let me know, SRC is tomorrow but I can tell him you need to revise your
comments if that is the case.
Illiar t
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Christopher P.Perez 1 Senior Planner
Department of Community Development'County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road'Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
Now woe
Christopher Perez
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 2:44 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: FW: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market - visibility for EC
Here is what I sent to Margaret and Heather about the ARB portion of it.
But please not the location of the pictures from a site visit. Please let me know if you have any questions about them.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
iiil:r 401 44,
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250
www.albemarle.org \
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Monday, December 04, 017 2:59 PM
To: Margaret Maliszewski<M :liszewski a albemarle.or:>; Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org>
Subject: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hi Market-visibility for EC
Margaret& Heather,
I did a site visit for my PreApplication eeting today(PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market) because I was out for another
site visit.
I think the proposed gas canopy might b- visible from the EC after all.
I've put some pictures up on the server, bu I will probably have to explain them (I:\DEPT\Community
Development\Planning Division\Design Plan 'ng\ARB\photos\Oak Hill Marktet 12-04-2017).
There are some big trees that would possibly blo the view, but that assumes they preserve them. So at the least we
would need to make sure they do.
I also think those very trees would be impacted if not -moved with their proposed changes.
Although the existing convenience store is on the far si.- of the lot from the EC the topography is such that the
majority of the parcel is below the EC and therefore does noblock the view of the convenience store which is on a hill
(and I think as high or higher than the EC).
If I don't hear back from you before my 4PM preapp time I'll just to them that the visibility of the site from the EC is
still to be determined.
If one of you has a chance to look at the pictures before the meeting, an. or attend the meeting,that would be cool.
%it two
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250
Christopher Perez
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 3:28 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: RE: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market gas pumps and site plan
Here are some other things that were discussed in December at the preapp meeting for PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill
Market gas pumps and site plan.
Please keep in min s'was 5 months ago and they could have been in contact with the reviewers and got them to
recd siders
�• y had paid a fee to hook up to public water, but were waiting on the process for the hookup.
They wer Tying to get an easement to get a public sewer line connection but were having problems in the
nego . tion with the owner.
• VDOT told them that:
o The entrance was not according to the standards
o The perpendicular parking had to go. Angled would not be allowed either. Only parallel parking would
be considered.
• Theeislanwould need to be modified.
• Ron H. told them that:
7 The Mobile Homes that are no longer there have been gone for more than 2 years and therefore cannot
o The gas pump triggers parking requirement
o He couldn't agree to a subdivision to do a 2nd use on a new adjoining property without meeting the
re•uirem-u • .. kin: for the existin: ..se,_
o he Heol to nrpylte._.rheiequired.nuumber-Qf;i�l3G�S!
o The boundary of the C-1 portion of the site would have to be figured out. This parcel is split zoned.
o The convenience store is considered "domestic waste".
• I me. Toned
o .- 5.1.20(b) re uirement for tanks and loading spaces for petroleum. t'1 of .0 e...
• the Monticello view shed requiremen .
o It will very likely b ve lsl. - . - .nce Corridor and the need for an ARB submittal. Margaret and
Heather had not weighed in on this before the meeting, so I didn't give them any specifics.
• In reference to the need to buffer to adjoining uses:
Q Ron and I both mentioned the need for the buffer.
ojpointed out they needed the 20' buffer even to the residential portion of the split zoned property.
o Ron said they might be able to enhance the buffer, bu ••• -.f w.}'; , -
ordinance to see what can be done in an undisturbed buffer.
• I pointed out they needed to reach out to Fire/Rescue since they V- - not at the preapp meeting.
Note, there is also an existing barbershop in the building.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 2:42 PM
To: Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Subject: FW: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market gas pumps and site plan
I noticed you got Oak Hill Market SDP2018-36.
Below is a follow up email I sent them in reference to PreApp2017-159.
I will be sending at least one other email to you, which I had sent to Margaret & Heather before the preapp meeting.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 9:50 AM
To:Justin Shimp, P.E. <justin@shimp-engineering.com>; dharma.b.patel@gmail.com; saurabh.godhwani@gmail.com
Cc: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org>; Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>
Subject: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market gas pumps and site plan
Dharma,Saurabh and Justin,
I wanted to touch base with you in reference to outstanding questions, and new information, in reference to your
preapplication meeting on Monday for the Oak Hill Market(PreApp2017-159).
Two things:
1. It is my understanding that the addition of the gas pumps would not be considered to increase the sewer
capacity requirements. With that in mind, and having chatted with David Benish, it was decided that the fact
that your sewer system is not on the C-1 portion of the parcel will not be an issue since it is an existing
condition. If for any reason a change you propose to the site would require additional sewer capacity then the
Christopher Perez
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 2:42 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: FW: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market gas pumps and site plan
I noticed you got Oak Hill Market SDP2018-36.
Below is a follow up email I sent them in reference to PreApp2017-159.
I will be sending at least one other email to you, which I had sent to Margaret& Heather before the preapp meeting.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
ti+ F 5
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250 •
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 9:50 AM
To:Justin Shimp, P.E. <justin@shimp-engineering.com>; dharma.b.patel@gmail.com; saurabh.godhwani@gmail.com
Cc: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org>; Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>
Subject: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market gas pumps and site plan
Dharma, Saurabh and Justin,
I wanted to touch base with you in reference to outstanding questions, and new information, in reference to your
preapplication meeting on Monday for the Oak Hill Market (PreApp2017-159).
Two things:
1. It is my understanding that the addition of the gas pumps would not be considered to increase the sewer
capacity requirements. With that in mind, and having chatted with David Benish, it was decided that the fact
that your sewer system is not on the C-1 portion of the parcel will not be an issue since it is an existing
condition. If for any reason a change you propose to the site would require additional sewer capacity then the
location of the sewer treatment system would need to be evaluated again. Also, please keep in mind that this is
just the County's zoning requirement about the location of accessory uses and has nothing to do with any
Virginia Department of Health (VDH) regulations and requirements that may exist.
2. I had mentioned to Justin on the phone yesterday that I had neglected to mention landscaping in our meeting
on Monday. I was uncertain, because so much of the site and uses are "existing" how much flexibility there
would be in meeting the County's requirements in a new site plan. In discussion with the other planners
yesterday it was confirmed that, despite the fact that the store use is existing, all regulations and standards will
need to be met with a site plan. There of course are many regulations and standards,from different portions of
the code and supporting documents,that have to be met but one example is the street trees requirement. That
requirement could be challenging considering the issues with parking along the road frontage. I'm sorry I did
not specifically address that in the preapplication meeting two days ago but those meetings, as I mentioned at
the beginning of it, are just meant to be an overview and not cover all issues that a full review with an official
submission covers.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
'�•':1 ire'
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
Adam Moore—VDOT(Charlottesville) Frank Pohl—Engineering
Health Dept.—(Charlottesville) Richard Nelson—ACSA
Tim Keller—At-Large PC Member Michael Dellinger—Inspections
Elise Kiewra- GIS Shawn Maddox —Fire&Rescue
Dan Mahon—Parks&Rec.
Margaret Maliszewski—ARB
Brian Walton—Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District
FROM: Albemarle County Department of Community Development—Division of Planning
DATE: May 15,2018
RE: Site Review Committee Meeting—Thursday 10 a.m.,
Meeting Room#235, Second Floor,County Office Building
Attached is the list of site plans and subdivisions to be reviewed based on the schedule below.This list may include
electronic submittals which may be accessed by clicking on the link provided.Please review these projects and send
your written comments to the applicable planner by the Monday preceding the Thursday meeting.
The Submission and Review Schedule is: II /
SITE REVIEW: June 18 �ti�Q, — �`�
For the attached site plans please review each plan for compliance with the technical requirements of Chapters 14 and
18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle and/or other applicable laws enforced by your agency/department.Please
1. Recommend approval,including conditions that must be met prior to approval of the final plan and including
conditions required to be satisfied before a grading permit may be issued under chapter 17 of the Code.Any
recommended conditions shall pertain to any requirements of this chapter and other applicable laws.Or,
2. Recommend denial. Any recommendation for denial shall clearly state what requirements of Chapter 18 of the
Code or other applicable laws that the plan does not satisfy.
If you have any recommendations for revisions please feel free to provide that information. Please be clear in
your comments what a"required" revision is and what a"recommended"revision is.
If you are unable to attend the meeting,please submit your comments so they will be available at the meeting.
PROJECT: SUB201800088—Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 076000000052L0
LOCATION: 667 Country Green Road
PROPOSAL: Request for initial site plan approval of a new gas station(6 pumps).The continuation of a 2,200 SF
convenience store and a 500 SF barber shop.The request includes the removal of 3 existing mobile homes,removal of
existing water tank,and various paved areas throughout the site.
ZONING:C-1 Commercial—retail sales and service;residential by special use permit(15 units/
acre),R-4 Residential-4 units/acre
OVERLAY DISTRICT: Steep Slopes(managed)and Airport Impact
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN:Neighborhood 5—Southern and Western Neighborhoods:Urban Density Residential—
residential(6.01-34 units/acre);supporting uses such as places of worship,schools,public and institutional uses,
neighborhood scale commercial,office,and service uses.Parks and Green Systems—parks,playgrounds,play fields,
greenways,trails,paths,recreational facilities and equipment,plazas,outdoor sitting areas,natural areas,preservation of
stream buffers,floodplains and steep slopes adjacent to rivers and streams.
Architectural Review Board Mary Hughes
Krystal Brinkley Melissa Spangler
Jennifer Whitaker United States Postal Service
Melvin Kosler Sandy VonThelen
Sprint-Manager of Engineering Scott B.Peyton
Ronnie Rutherford
E-mail copy:
Board of Supervisors Planning Commission
Joe Letteri Dan Mahon
David Benish Donna Shaunesey
Claudette Borgersen Jack McClelland
Jeff Werner Steve Watson
Steve Blaine Melissa Wiley
Mike Heckman Francis MacCall
Sabrina Stanwood Steve Allshouse
William D.Fritz Doug Walker
Now' ftto
PROJECT: SDP201800036—Oak Hill Convenience Store—Initial Site Plan
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 076000000052L0
LOCATION: 667 Country Green Road
PROPOSAL: Request for initial site plan approval of a new gas station (6 pumps). The
continuation of a 2,200 SF convenience store and a 500 SF barber shop. The request includes the
removal of 3 existing mobile homes, removal of existing water tank, and various paved areas
throughout the site.
ZONING: C-1 Commercial—retail sales and service; residential by special use permit (15 units/
acre), R-4 Residential -4 units/acre
OVERLAY DISTRICT: Steep Slopes (managed) and Airport Impact
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood 5 —Southern and Western Neighborhoods: Urban
Density Residential—residential (6.01-34 units/acre); supporting uses such as places of worship,
schools, public and institutional uses, neighborhood scale commercial, office, and service uses.
Parks and Green Systems—parks,playgrounds, play fields, greenways, trails,paths, recreational
facilities and equipment, plazas, outdoor sitting areas, natural areas,preservation of stream
buffers, floodplains and steep slopes adjacent to rivers and streams.
Ntmoil "INS
Christopher Perez
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 3:28 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: RE: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market gas pumps and site plan
Here are some other things that were discussed in December at the preapp meeting for PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill
Market gas pumps and site plan.
Please keep in mind this was 5 months ago and they could have been in contact with the reviewers and got them to
• They had paid the fee to hook up to public water, but were waiting on the process for the hookup.
• They were trying to get an easement to get a public sewer line connection but were having problems in the
negotiation with the owner.
• VDOT told them that:
o The entrance was not according to the standards
o The perpendicular parking had to go. Angled would not be allowed either. Only parallel parking would
be considered.
o The island would need to be modified.
• Ron H. told them that:
o The Mobile Homes that are no longer there have been gone for more than 2 years and therefore cannot
be put back.
o The gas pump triggers parking requirements.
o He couldn't agree to a subdivision to do a 2nd use on a new adjoining property without meeting the
requirement for parking for the existing use.
o They need to provide the required number of spaces.
o The boundary of the C-1 portion of the site would have to be figured out. This parcel is split zoned.
o The convenience store is considered "domestic waste".
• I mentioned
-�S o the 5.1.20(b) requirement for tanks and loading spaces for petroleum.
o the Monticello view shed requirement.
o It will very likely be visible from the Entrance Corridor and the need for an ARB submittal. Margaret and
Heather had not weighed in on this before the meeting, so I didn't give them any specifics.
• In reference to the need to buffer to adjoining uses:
o Ron and I both mentioned the need for the buffer.
o I pointed out they needed the 20' buffer even to the residential portion of the split zoned property.
o n sai t ey might be able to enhance the buffer, but I pointed out they needed to check the
ordinance to see what can be done in an undisturbed buffer.
• I pointed out they needed to reach out to Fire/Rescue since they were not at the preapp meeting.
Note, there is also an existing barbershop in the building.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner 7
Community Development t.tc-4)
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Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Monday, May 14,2018 2:42 PM
To:Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Subject: FW: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market gas pumps and site plan
I noticed you got Oak Hill Market SDP2018-36.
Below is a follow up email I sent them in reference to PreApp2017-159.
I will be sending at least one other email to you,which I had sent to Margaret& Heather before the preapp meeting.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
'►{ 40' ,fir
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902 •
434-296-5832 ext.3250
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent:Wednesday, December 06, 2017 9:50 AM
To:Justin Shimp, P.E.<justin@shimp-engineering.com>; dharma.b.patel@gmail.com; saurabh.godhwani@gmail.com
Cc: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org>; Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>
Subject: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market gas pumps and site plan
Dharma, Saurabh and Justin,
I wanted to touch base with you in reference to outstanding questions,and new information, in reference to your
preapplication meeting on Monday for the Oak Hill Market(PreApp2017-159).
Two things:
1. It is my understanding that the addition of the gas pumps would not be considered to increase the sewer
capacity requirements. With that in mind,and having chatted with David Benish, it was decided that the fact
that your sewer system is not on the C-1 portion of the parcel will not be an issue since it is an existing
condition. If for any reason a change you propose to the site would require additional sewer capacity then the
• *vrra/
location of the sewer treatment system would need to be evaluated again. Al o, please keep in mind that this is
just the County's zoning requirement about the location of accessory uses and has nothing to do with any
Virginia Department of Health (VDH) regulations and requirements that may exist.
2. I had mentioned to Justin on the phone yesterday that I had neglected to mention landscaping in our meeting
on Monday. I was uncertain, because so much of the site and uses are "existing" how much flexibility there
would be in meeting the County's requirements in a new site plan. In discussion with the other planners
yesterday it was confirmed that, despite the fact that the store use is existing,all regulations and standards will
need to be met with a site plan. There of course are many regulations and standards,from different portions of
the code and supporting documents,that have to be met but one example is the street trees requirement. That
requirement could be challenging considering the issues with parking along the road frontage. I'm sorry I did
not specifically address that in the preapplication meeting two days ago but those meetings,as I mentioned at
the beginning of it, are just meant to be an overview and not cover all issues that a full review with an official
submission covers.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250
Christopher Perez
From: Patricia Saternye
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 2:44 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: FW: PreApp2017-159 Oak Hill Market - visibility for EC
Here is what I sent to Margaret and Heather about the ARB portion of it.
But please not the location of the pictures from a site visit. Please let me know if you have any questions about them.
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
‘1004 S4040
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Community Development
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
434-296-5832 ext.3250