HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800007 Plan - Approved Initial Site Plan 2018-04-16GENERAL NOTES OWNER/DEVELOPER: NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENTS NP, LLC C/O RICHARD SPURZEM 810 CATALPA COURT CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 (434) 923-8900 ENGINEER: COLLINS ENGINEERING 200 GARRETT ST, SU17E K CHARLOTTESWLLE, VA 22902 (434)293-3719 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL: APRIL 24, 2009 NORTHWEST TAX MAP NO.: OJ200-00-00-0.22KO DB .3929 PG 052 TOTAL PROJECT AREA: 39.99 ACRES TOTAL ZONING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL (ZMA-2000-00009 & ZMA-2013-017014) & ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY DIS7RICT, MANAGED AND PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES OVERLAY DISTRICT, FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICT AND AIRPORT IMPACT AREA OVERLAY DISTRICT SPECIAL USE PERMITS. ° SP -21706-034: MARCH 14 2007 SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FILL IN IHE FLOODPLAIN OF FLA T BRANCH CREEK FOR THE PROPOSED LEWIS AND CLARK DRIVE EXTENSION, REQUIRING COUNTY AND VDOT APPROVAL OF THE ROADWAY AND CULVERT DESIGN. ALSO REQUIRED ARE FEMA APPROVAL OF THE CROSSING, AND A COUNTY APPROVED ESC PLAN AND U171GA77ON PLAN, SPECIFIC LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS AND WALL DESIGN DETAILS. SP -2002-72: AUGUST 23, 2006 SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO REZONE 7HE PROPERTY FROM RA TO PD -MC PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL SPECIFYING THE TYPE OF UNITS, PHASING, CONSERVA77ON AREAS OPEN SPACE; GREENWAYS AND ACCESS LANDSCAPING, ROADWAY CONNEC77ONS, AND GRADING, U77LITY, AND DRAINAGE RESTRICTIONSS, COMP PLAN LAND USE DESIGNA77ON: (HOLLYMEAD - PLACES 29) URBAN DENSITY RESIDEN77AL TOPO & SURVEY- SURVEY PROVIDED BY W&W ASSOCIATES, INC DATED APRIL 25, 2007. SUPPLEMENTAL SURVEY BY W&W ASSOCIA TES, INC DATED NOVEMBER 4, 2009. TOPOGRAPHY IS AERIAL SURVEY PERFORMED BY VIRGINIA RESOURCE MAPPING DATED DECEMBER 2, 2006. TOPO FIELD VERIFIED BY COLLINS ENGINEERING IN NOVEMBER 2017. DATUM: NAD83, NA VD 88 USES- EXIS77NG - UNDEVELOPED AND RESIDENTIAL, PROPOSED - 184 MUL77-FAMILY RESIDEN77AL TOWNHOMES WATER SUPPLY PRO TEO77ON AREA: N/A WATER RESOURCE AREA: DEVELOPMENT AREA - COMMUNITY PROPOSED DENSITY. 184 UNITS f 39.99 ACRES = 4.60 DUTAC GREENWAY DEDICATION: 16.23 ACRES TOTAL ('6.68 ACRES OUTSIDE OF FLOODPLAIN) TREE PRESERVATION: 18.75 ACRES / (39.99 AC TOTAL) =46.9X BUILDING HEIGHTS. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 35 FEET SETBACKS: FRONT 8' MIN.; GARAGE DOORWAY 18; MAX 50' SIDE- 6' MIN. NO MAX; REAR: 10' MIN. NO MAX. SUBDIVISION STREETS: CURB & GUTTER WATERSHED: NORTH FORK RIYANNA BELOW WATER INTAKE - THIS LAND IS NOT WITHIN A WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED AGRICULTURAL/' FORESTAL DISTRICT- NONE EXIS77NG VEGETAT7ON: WOODED LIGHTING: NO S17E LIGHTING IS PROPOSED LANDSCAPING.- A LANDSCAPING PLAN SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THE FINAL S17E PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY ORDINANCE SEC77ON 32.29. STREET TREES SHALL ALSO BE INCLUDED WITH THE LANDSCAPING DESIGN TO INCORPORATE STREET TREES EVERY 40' ALONG THE ROADWAYS. TRASH RECEPTACLES: EACH UNIT WILL HAVE THEIR OWN TRASH CAN W77H TRASH REMOVAL SERVICE ONCE A WEEK. PHASING: SITE MAY BE PHASED AS SHOWN FINAL PHASE LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED WITH SUBDIVISION PLA77ING. ALL OPEN SPACE MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 25X OR GREATER FOR EACH PHASE OF THE DEVELOPMENT. DEVELOPMENT TO BE CONSTRUCTED BETWEEN 4 AND 6 PHASES. PARKING REQUIRED: 2 PARKING SPACES PER UNIT + I GUEST SPACE FOR EACH 4 UNITS 2 X 184 UNITS = 368 184 UNITS / 4 = 46 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 414 PARKING PROVIDED: OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES = 368 GUEST SPACES = 46 TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 409 STREAM BUFFERS/FLOODPLAIN: THE STREAM BUFFERS SHOWN HEREIN SHALL BE MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER PR07FC71ON ORDINANCE THIS 100 -YEAR FLOODPLAIN LIMITS EXIST ON THE SUBJECT PARCEL, PER FEMA MAP NUMBER 51003CO145D ADOPTED FEBRUARY 4, 2005. AN APPROVED CILOMR EXISTS FOR THE PROPERTY. THE PROPERTY IS WITHIN A STATE DAM INUNDA77ON ZONE ALONG FLAT BRANCH STREAM. RETAINING WALLS.- RETAINING WALLS ARE PROPOSED W17H THIS PLAN, SEE GRADING PLAN SHEETS 11 & 12 RECREAT70N. A MINIMUM OF 200 SF PER UNIT REQUIRED =.200 SF X 184 UNITS = 36,800 SF (G 85 ACRES) PASSIVE RECREA77ON GREENWAY PROVIDED = 17.86 ACRES AREAS: LOTS. • 8.20 AC. RIGHT-OF-WAY & ACCESS: 287 AC. TOTAL OPEN SPACE (INCLUDES GREENWAY & FLOODPLAIN): 15.98 2395 AC. (59.9X) EXIS77NG RESIDENCE: 2.43 AC. IMPERVIOUS AREAS 430,817 SF (9.9 AC) TOTAL ROAD,S/DRIVIFWAYS/PARKING. 222,848 SF SIDEWALKS: 42,373 SF BUILDINGS: 161,446 SF EXIS77NG UNDISTURBED IMPERVIOUS AREAS. • 4,150 SF CRI77CAL SLOPES: MANAGED STEEP SLOPES AND PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES ARE EXISTING ON SITE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. IMPACTS TO STEEP SLOPES ARE CONSIS7ENT WITH THOSE APPROVED BY THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. BURIAL SITES: NO CEMETERIES WERE FOUND DURING FIELD INVESTIGATION OF THE SITE TRAFFIC ANALYSIS• SEE APPROVED 77A REPORT FOR NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT PARKING UNIT AND BUILDING ENVELOPE TABULATIONS NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL AREA: NORTH POINTE RESIDENTIAL AREA PRELIM RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BUILDING BUILDING NO. OFSQ FT NO. OF SPACES GUEST SPACES; SPACES GUEST SPACES SPACES SPACES GUEST 3117. TYPE UNITS BUILD IING BEDIRO101 VIS REQUII�EG3 REQUIREO REQU16:EI3 REQUIRED PROVIDED PROVIDED SPACES REMAINDER 3. BUILDING TYPE DESCRIPTIONS: 203 ENVELOPE PER UNIT PER UNIT PER UNIT PER BUILDING PER BUILDING PERU NIT ; PER BUILDING, PROVIDED: 1 A, 6 4,788 3 2 0,25 12 1:50 2 12 2 B 9 6,840 3 2 0.25 18 2.25 2 18 3 B 64,788 C URB T/8 DENOTES TOP OF 3 2 0-25 12 1.5Q _ 2 _ _ . 12 C:) i 2 14 S 7 5, 586 3 2 0.25 14 1:75 2 14 6 8 5 3,990 32 0,25 10 1.25 2 10 7 C 4 3,°692 3 -2 0-23 8 1.061 2 8 o 0.25 8 1.40 2 8 9 A 6 8,912 3 2 0,25 1 2 1.50 2 92 10 B 5 5,760 3 ` 2 4.25 10 1.25 2 10 11^ B 5 8,990 3 2 0.25 10 1.25 2 10 128 � 4 3,192 3 2 4.2'5 S 1.40 2 8 13 A 5 3,990 3 2 0.25 10 1.25 2 10 14 C 7 51580 3 2 0_25 14 1.75 2 14 15 8 5 5.764 3 2 0.25 101.25 _ 2 10 16 A 5 5,760 3 2 0-25 10 1.25 2 'ICI 17 - B 8 6, 080 3 2 0.25 16 2.40 2 16 13 A 5 3, 9916 3 2 0.25 10 1.2.5 2 10 19 A 5 3,9'40 3 2 0.25 10 1.25 2 10 20 B 7 5,5i3e 3 2 0.25 14 t75 2 14 21 P. 5 5,760 3 4 .2:5 10 1.25 2 10 22 B 7 5,814 3 2 0.25 14 1.75 2 14 23 A {, 5 3,93,9903 2 0-2525 Iii 1.25 2 10 24 A 6 31990 3 2 4.25 101,25 .10 2 10 25 a a 5- 3, 99{1 3 2 0.25 1.25 2 { 0 28 13 6 1 i 912 3 2 0.25 12 1.50 2 12 27 G 7 6,064 3 2 4.25 14 1.75 2 14 28 S 5 3,800 3 2025. 10 1.25 2 10 29 B I 4 4,608 3 20.25 8 1,00 2 8 30 B 5 3,990 3 2 0.25 10 1.25 2 10 31 B 5 "x,990 3 2 025 ICJ 1.2 2 10 32 B I 5 3,J9G 3 2 0.25 10 1.25 2 10 33 Ex 5 3,9-,D 3 2 4.25 10 1,25 2 10 TOTAL o Ind 181 ,44E' � a 308 46 368 46 THIS PLAN EXISTING 1 Fk)TtJRE 2 TOTAL 187 SHEET LAYOUT SCALE: 1" = 150' NOTES: Sheet dumber 1. NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL AREA CONSISTS OF: NORTH POINTE 1 EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL UNIT N/A 184 NEW UNITS IN 33 MULTI -FAMILY BUILDINGS PROPOSED IN THIS PLAN 2 FUTURE SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL UNITS MINIMUM 2. THE GROSS RESULTING DENSITY OF UNITS AFTER THE FINAL 2 FUTURE UNITS IN THE NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED AREA ARE DEVELOPED SHALL BE 187 UNITS / 39.99 ACRES = 4.675 UNITS/ACRE. THE DENSITY PRIOR TO THE 2 "FUTURE 184 UNITS" BUT INCLUDING THE ONE EXISTING UNIT SHALL BE 185 UNITS / 39.99 ACRES = 4.626 UNITS/ACRE. REMAINDER 3. BUILDING TYPE DESCRIPTIONS: 203 A - THREE STORY FRONT, TWO STORY BACK RETAINING WITH GARAGE B - TWO STORY FRONT AND BACK WITH GARAGE SITE C - TWO STORY FRONT WITH GARAGE, THREE STORY BACK NOTES & DETAILS COLLINS ENGINEERING IS NOT NOTES & DETAILS RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY 0 CONSTRUCTION OR DAMAGES TO 'sIi THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ALL FINAL oz PLAN APPROVALS. ----i�200 W._ NOTES: 1. * S/F IS SINGLE FAMILY 2. ** THE EXISTING S/F RESIDENTIAL UNIT IS NOT PART OF THE RESIDENTIAL UNIT COUNT FOR NORTH POINTE. AFFORDABLE UNIT COMPARISON TO NORTH POINTE ZMA: Sheet dumber SIF MULTI - DETACHED FAMILY OTHER. TOTAL NORTH POINTE MAXIMUM N/A N/A N/A 893 ZMA PROFFERS MINIMUM 205 0 205 0 205 NIA 0 j 184 PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL AREA, NEW O 184 O 184 EASTING 1#* 0 FUTURE 2 0 1 0 1,* 205T-,21 REMAINDER GRADING, DRAINAGE, MITIGATION, & SWM PLAN 203 1 21 1 205 1 707 NOTES: 1. * S/F IS SINGLE FAMILY 2. ** THE EXISTING S/F RESIDENTIAL UNIT IS NOT PART OF THE RESIDENTIAL UNIT COUNT FOR NORTH POINTE. AFFORDABLE UNIT COMPARISON TO NORTH POINTE ZMA: T t 7 5 VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2000' Sheet List Table Sheet dumber Sheet Title 1 COVER 2 ZMA PROFFERS 3 ZMA PROFFERS 3A SPECIAL USE PERMITS 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS $ LAYOUT PLAN 6 LAYOUT PLAN 7 UTILITY PLAN q;a UTILITY PLAN S GRADING, DRAINAGE, MITIGATION, & SWM PLAN 10 GRADING, DRAINAGE, MITIGATION, & SWM PLAN 11 SITE 12 NOTES & DETAILS 13 NOTES & DETAILS =2.43 AC. 0 PROPOSED PAVEMENT 'sIi VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN oz I ----i�200 W._ CONSERVATION AREA (FOR SWM QUALITY CREDIT) =18.75 AC. S„ (INCLUDES PORTIONS OF OPEN SPACE, FLOODPLAIN, & GREENWAY) DEPTH OF EC -3A DITCH 200 PROPOSED CONTOUR 23.95 59.89 EC -2 DITCH 240.55 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVA 77ON 100% 1 82 �- -- TBC DEN07ES TOPIBACK OF g" DEPTH OF EC -2 DITCH T t 7 5 VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2000' Sheet List Table Sheet dumber Sheet Title 1 COVER 2 ZMA PROFFERS 3 ZMA PROFFERS 3A SPECIAL USE PERMITS 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS $ LAYOUT PLAN 6 LAYOUT PLAN 7 UTILITY PLAN 8 UTILITY PLAN S GRADING, DRAINAGE, MITIGATION, & SWM PLAN 10 GRADING, DRAINAGE, MITIGATION, & SWM PLAN 11 NOTES & DETAILS 12 NOTES & DETAILS 13 NOTES & DETAILS 14 TOTAL SHEETS LEGAa LEGEND TOTAL SALE % ALE 40' BUFFER LINE EXIS77NG CULVERT - - _ PEDESTRIAN TRAIL (DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE LOCATION PER ZMA PLAN) y y FLOOD PLAIN (TO BE DEDICATED TO COUNTY/PUBLIC USE) =9.55 AC. DRI VEWAY CUL VERT GREENWAY & TRAIL AREA OUTSIDE OF FLOODPLAIN =6.68 AC. 66 (EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED TO COUNTYIPUBLIC USE) 4 BENCH MARK OPEN SPACE AREAS (DEDICATED TO THE HOA) =7.72 AC. PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (TO BE DEDICATED TO VDOT) =3.0$ AC. I' • ' I PRIVATE ACCESS & MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS =2.43 AC. k r 0 CURB & GUTTER 0 EXISTING RESIDENCE TCT V EMAIN =2.43 AC. 0 PROPOSED PAVEMENT 'sIi VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN RESIDENTIAL AREA LOTS =8.10 AC. ----i�200 W._ CONSERVATION AREA (FOR SWM QUALITY CREDIT) =18.75 AC. S„ (INCLUDES PORTIONS OF OPEN SPACE, FLOODPLAIN, & GREENWAY) RCADS LEGEND TOTAL SALE % ALE -___-_ - --- -I EXIS77NG CULVERT ,.. �... EARTH DITCH TOTAL PERCENTAGE CUL VERT 12 DRI VEWAY CUL VERT 40 100% 66 DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. 4 BENCH MARK 110 CURB PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED 0 0 0 0 0% 0 1 CLEARING LIM17S 0 CURB & GUTTER 0 0% NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL ,AREA 0 PROPOSED PAVEMENT 'sIi VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN 28 EC -3A DITCH ----i�200 W._ EXISTING CONTOUR 28 S„ REMAINDER DEPTH OF EC -3A DITCH 200 PROPOSED CONTOUR 23.95 59.89 EC -2 DITCH 240.55 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVA 77ON 100% 1 82 �- -- TBC DEN07ES TOPIBACK OF g" DEPTH OF EC -2 DITCH -- 4" $'� r? C URB T/8 DENOTES TOP OF L_ #P3r�E Cpl; rBO 1.,- /f - FOR SALE OTHER FAMILY FAMILY TOTAL SALE % ALE FOR RENT % RENT CARRIAGE % OUSES CARRIAGE, E4 CHOUSES -TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL PERCENTAGE NORTH POINTE MINIMUM 12 12 16 40 100% 66 100% 4 100% 110 100% PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED 0 0 0 0 0% 0 1 0% 0 0% 0 0 0% NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL ,AREA 0 0 0 0 0% 28 42% 158% 0 0% 1 28 25% REMAINDER 12 12 1 16 40 1100%j 23.95 59.89 38 2.210 N/A 4 100% 1 82 75% ?(�ofIvvaf3.a rill ;l ?I4ll t (i C;}Jc i I Il�lll, i.l.- r AP146VALS DATE T �F iA DEPAR rMENT OF COMMUNITY Y DEVELOPMENT PLANNER/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTIONS ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARMENT OP TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPAR,rmENT TH 0.�� f 4`�'l SCOTT R. COLLINs' Lic. No. 035791,E 0 .101VAL O � <C UZ w m ® cn 0 UjH y H LU Ind ]I NOTE: 28 AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS (PROFFER 8.2) WILL BE BUILT IN THE NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL AREA OF THE OPEN SPACE TABULATIONS: NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT. I% - OVERALL OPEN SPACE TO BE DEDICATED TO COUNTY OPEN SPACE OFFERED TO BE DEDICATED TO COUNTY OPEN SPACE HELD BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION OR OWNER OPEN SPACE ;.. TOTAL FLOOD PLAIN GREENWAY OTHER AREA PROFERRED INTERMITTENT STREAM BUFFER LAKE AND PERIMETER PARK COMMON AREAS TOTAL AC. AC, % AC. % AC. % AC. % AC. % AC. % NORTH POINTE 181.14 11.760 6-W 11.400 6,344561016 6.45 3.84 1.93 1.10 35.40 19.55 67.03 37.01 NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL AREA30.99 9.55 23.38 6.68 16.70 . 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.001 1 7.72 19.00 23.95 59.89 REMAINDER 1 141.11 1 2.210 N/A 4.81 MA 1 6.45 NI,4 1.93 NiA 1 27.68 NiA 1 43.08 NIA ?(�ofIvvaf3.a rill ;l ?I4ll t (i C;}Jc i I Il�lll, i.l.- r AP146VALS DATE T �F iA DEPAR rMENT OF COMMUNITY Y DEVELOPMENT PLANNER/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTIONS ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARMENT OP TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPAR,rmENT TH 0.�� f 4`�'l SCOTT R. COLLINs' Lic. No. 035791,E 0 .101VAL O � <C UZ w m ® cn 0 UjH y H LU Ind ]I L9 T_ CL I% - c,e) L 1F-1 �r a }� a_ L_ 0- _C C:) o a C%4 v w W > W Q err. LdL.L o y L O IFAMM UJI o Z 9 a� L9 0 � J W °- � U o v c c) Lu 7 x wa a LU E' c U1 �0 UJI CD Z c Z c cr 4 w w 11.1 ca c U) L J C UJI a� o H v. � o a a . 0 0 T x c X+ .l. .._ N L Uj J c o n� E 0- _0 c JOB NO. 15211 a 0 a SCALE AS SHOWN c 6 SHEET NO. Zi n o � a go and SP - 200" w,vncr and � P�Lrccls.'_'Q, 2( Associates, L. 23F� 23G, 2_11 is the fee sirri into a single the respective term shall inc, the Neighborl when. a proff� ownersorthe propeltics sut- Froperty. anc "Properly,,- tit hereby volunt which .shall h County. The, itlelf gives ris to tile rezoninj , application pli � revised throug Albemarle Co Code"), The I ��� Ill. ENTR -)� I months after 'I Road Irnprov( Route 29, Owl AIMENDED AND RESTATED PROFFER STATEMENT NEIGH130141001) INV&STINIENTS - NP, LLC GINAL REZONENG APPLICATION. iVZMA-2000-009, SP -102-72 R_EZON ING APPLICATION: 9ZNIA 201 3-00014 PfAtTAINIIING TOTAX MAP AND PARCEL NUPNIBER 32-22k Nlarch 25� 2014 _�Iv'ith respect to the property describcd in rezoning application #ZNIA-2i)00�009, . -72 (tile original l'ZMA"), CWH Properties Limited partnership is the fee simple hodcrerows, along tile F,nirance Corridor trontage p�ircels owned by Owner. The buffer "vill, t: _� - consist of a minimum 40 -fool v6de continuous visual landscape arQa that shall be subject to AlIXI'llarle County Architccrural Review Board (-ARB") review and approval (the "Buff -e -r"). The Buffer rnay be located partly oil the Ciwiier�s Property and partly on VDOT property. In the - evellL VDOT ,it ativ linic iii the fnture reduces any ponlon of the Buffer located On VD0T 1 . property, the 0,Vviier shall, compensate for such reduction by c�,xteriding the Buffer on Owner�s I . . property in order to maintain a mliurmain 40 -1 -bot Buffer., even if'such compensation shall require the removal of`par�ing adjjacent, to such Buffvr, -)��) - - Appein-ance of Storin Water Nhinagsetrient ("Swm"J Facilities. The SWM IV. STORMWATER MANACENIENT ANI) s-rREAM 13EO CONS ERVATION I ; 4,1 Flood Plain. The area ofthe 100 -year flood plaiAi within tho�, Project shall reninin undiStUrbud. except for road crossings, public utility facilities arid their erossint ,,s, and pedestrian and blk-ing trails, and cititv to the extent Such CXCeptiorlS ,are pernlitted by County ordnimice,.s, wid , I rcg,ulations,� Upon the reclucst of the County, Owner shall provide �1. survey and pre -pare the � riecessan documentition and dedicate the ]arid within such flood plain to the County, � I 4�2 Stormwater Management Plan. The stormwateribest rnanagenient practices , ('BIN11") plan for the Project siriall be prepared, and all stormwater management facilities for the Project s I ha,ll be designed and constructed,, to aecornniodate A current stornn-vater dischin-ge froin . V. TRANSPORTATION 5� I Internal Street Construction Standards. Public streets, which in any event I shall includo at least Leake Road, North Pointe Boulevard, Northside Drive East irld Northwest Pas&ip,c� shall be (1) constructed in accord With the ilh.lStrati,,�e Urban design cross sectionsshowm ?� -7 I r � �-,)n Shect D -I to [lie Application Plan ("Sheet D-11") and also ill accordance with VDO'T' design standards pursuant to detailed plans agreed to between Owner arid VF)0'1', and �ii) dedicated for . public use and offered for acceptance into the state hThINray system- Trees (with a maximurn . spacing _, of -.fifty (50) feet), landscaping and sidewalks as ghovui oil Sheet D-1 shall be installed arid maintinned by the Owner in accordance with County Or VD0T` standards, tinless VDOT or 11 - , I . I 'this fesponslbility� Ow Count) agrees, in writhig to assurne - - review and, when satisCactory, ap prOVal, SL1hjCCt aIS0 to the Countyls approval of private,�tveets Undel- the Subdivision Ordinance (.Ch. 14 of the Albemarle County Code). Phasing. The Road Improveatents shall be constructed Lind completed in three Phases as set rorth bclow: 01) Phase I Road Tmerovernents, Prior to approval of (liefirst commercial. sLtbdivision plat or site. plan withili the Pro Ject, 0�vner shall obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the- C0115trUcti011 Of tile f0110WiJ1L_Y (collectively, the "Phase I I Road 111-1provenlents"): I facili-ties visible from the Entran,ce Corridor Ideritificd on tJ ication Plan (sturniwater ic Appli orth Pointe Charlottesville, LIX is the COntr=t PUrChaSer of Tax Niap 32, � I'llana,gernent facilities 1, 2. and I 0) shall be shovm oil a plan and be subject to ARD cc%/icw arid. , ' Tax Nlap Parcel 032AO-02-00-00400 (_Nrorthwoods Mobile I-Ionie Park Developniont) and froal 0 � F, (1) Southernmost F'ntrgance (in U.S. Route 29, A; 20AI, 20A2, 2OA3 arid 291 (the "NOTtll POillte Property"), and Violet Hill approval. SWIVI I shall be designied such that it�, shapc,, Placement, arid land form (gradilig) the existing developinents Oil the riorthea,sJ and northwes,l corners of Pro -flit Road and U -S. -S.? Timilla L. 1pletion tot- Internal Streets. 13601-e issuance of'certificatcs of - g Of con (n . I I-- � 0) [-C, is tile -ree simple ownci- ofTax Nl,lap 32, Parcels 23� 23A, 23137 23C, 223D, 23E, transition between the adjacQm conservation area arid the acijacent hard ett-c of the parldfig lot Rotitc 29, sp"ifically tile fibilowing parcels shown on the ,current Albemarle County tax, rnaps: ' occupallcY, OU'IlCr shall COMPICIC that W91TICIlt 01' an n1tCHIal Street aS ShOW11 On Sheet D -I 29 Southbound - correction of tire vertical (i) U -S. Route 4, , I arid 23.1 (,the ­Violct Vill Property"), and Neighborhood Im,esurierits - NP, LLC __ arid bUildilligJ5. 'file phla for SM'N[ I shall be subri-litted to the ARB �vilh the first ARB �_ tax map 312. parcels 38, 38A, 39, and �9A. tax inap 12A, parceds 2-I, 2-]A� ') IAL 2-1.13, 2 -IC I � I - I ' ' Nklthln the Pr ect which scf ves, the bui Iding or residence for which a certificattz of occupancy is Oi ' curvature in the roadway just north of the entrance� )le owner afTax Map 32, PaTcel 22K (Parcels 22H and .222K ha-ve been combined subraission for Buildirif�) 14 or 19 ide:ntificd on Sheet B to the Application Plan (-Sheet B"), or and 2-1D. The stortriwater management t'acilities shall initigate the stornuwater quality and s;ought with at least the stone base and alt but the final layer of plant -mix asphalt. The final layer (I I -)' U.S. Route 29 Southbound - construction of a continuous larcel 22K) (the "Neig,liborhood hivestments .P ro pert Y") � Unless otherwise� noted, � any such building that Is proposed to be located where Building 14 is located on Sheet B 11 � M, quantity impacts, for the storinwater generated both within the Project arid for such existing , of plant -mix asphalt shall be installed within one (1) year followIng the ,Issuance oil' the first 12 foot wide through lane (with shoulders or rail a requircd by \ID01") starting at a ponit pmtiQs arc individually and collectively referred to herein as tile, "O,winer". which I I pursuant to the leriars of Section 3.2. SWMi 2 shall have a rnore StrUctured appe,arance than 0 lf'site conditions as desexibed herein, as though the entire pree.s,istirig condition af the dra-iriai�e CeT't,ifiCatCOfOCCLip,trICyro.i-abtillciingori-esideiieeserve(lb theaffeciedstreet.segment. y .Quard -t; �� that is 1000 fieel north of tile southernmost entrance arid extending south to Airport Road, ude any successors in interest, The term Owner shall ref o h C 0 Der 0 I ,er t t e spcci fl w f SWIM 10 (.see belo,vv) and shall be designed Such that its shape., pLacernent, arid ].and form area is ,in undeveloped woodedsite and is being developed to the existino off-site conditions and Im- � ocid Investments Property, the North Pointe Property or tile, Violet ,Hill Properly (�,radln,, transition between the adjacent conse-rvation area arid the adjacent hard edge of the tO the proposed oil -site conditions. In addition, biot'llters shall cornpLise a rniL timurn of thirty-three 5.3 Road Improvem-ents, Owner shall design and construct all of the road .... 1. Z� ' 010 U.S. Route 29 Southbound - con-stwellon of dual left turn red condition relates to a specific property, and the term Owner shall refer to the parking lot arid buildinEs, The plan I'Or SWM 2 shall be submitted to the A113 witli the first and one-thi,rd percent (33 13%) of th , e total fectiured parking lot landscaped areas within the improvements rcFerencod in Sections 5.3, I (a), 5.3. 1 (b) arid 5.3 ), I (c) belowk, which are also shown � , I laries with taper at the crossover, rcspoctive properties coflectively whenevera proffercd condition relates, to all the I ARB subiriiSSi011 for any Of' Buildings 2,6 through 3) 1, S%�/M I 0 shall be designed 8uch that its I "Commercial Area" of the Project. as such Conunercial Area. is delineated on Sheet G of the I oil she'a r,)-1 to tile Appl'ication Plan and oil "'Alect F; to the Application Plan cntitled "External . Ject to this zoning rilap application, The North Pointe Property, the Violet Hill zn _, shape., piacenrent, and land 11.)rrn (gradiriv) are integral �vith the adjacent conservation area. The Application Plan ("Sheet 011), Road Improvement Plan" ("Sheet E") (collcctively, the "Road. Improvements"). unless such I - (iv) U�S, Route 29 Soull-tbouncil - construction of right turn lane the Nel,,hborhood Investritents Property are referred to collectively as the I-- plan for SWTv1 10 shall be submitted to the ARB at tile time road plans are submitted to the Road 1-rapyovenients are first constructed or bonded by others. The various phases of the Road witl-i taper to serve norihernmost entrance to SR 1515. . I less otherwise noted.. � - I - - I I I I County and VD0T for Northwest Passage. . I � I � I I . 43 Erosion and Sedimetit Coritrol, , . � In-tprovemPtits are also shown for illustrative paposes,on a color -coded copy Of Sheet B. that Is I . I . 1. I attachtd herm as ExhlbiL B. Owner shall dedicate to public use. any required right-of-way that it (V) U,S, Route 29 Nor(libound - construction of a coiitinuo,us Pursuant to Scctlon 313 of the A14Qi .%) narle Caunty Zoning Ordinance, Owner I'll, DENSITIES (a) The Owner ihall, to the "maximum exterit practicable", provide such . novv or hereafter owns ill fee simple. For purposes of this Section 53., the use olf the terni "road" I ' I 2 root wide througgh, lane (willishoulders or guard rail as may be req Ldred by VD0T) extending Lry' proffers the conditions listed in this Amended an� Restated Proffer 'Statou'lent, additional appropriate erosion and sedintelit control measures that exceed State and Local as i'� applies to internal streets shall also have the sarne meaning as the wond "street" in the � from Proftit (Airport) Read (ROUte 649) to the Nurthwest Passage entrance - � applied to the North Pointe 11"roperty if this ZNI,k is approved by Albemarle 3,1 Tatal Ruildotit- The total number or dwelling units within the Project shall not minimum standards. If there is a disagreement rcL farding �.vhetlicr the standard of "maximurn i i Albcmarle C()Lfflt�T Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 14 of file Albemarle COUnty Code) where . Q conditions are proff'cred as part of the ZMA arid it is agreed that: (1) the ZMA I exceed eight hundred ninety-three (893). Subject to Section 3.2, the building fbotprints and goss. I extent practicable" k, sausticd, the Virginia Dep-artment of Conservation and Recreation will be - appliaibic. (vi) -U,S. Route 29 -Northbound - construction of a ri�,ht hand ,- to thc need for the conditiomg, and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation i floor areas of cornmercial, office. arid other uses, and the building footprints of hotels shall riot ' provided an opportunity to review arid advise on such question, I tunt lane at the Southernmost entrance, the geometries of which will be subject to VDOT � requested. e-xceecl those set forth in the Land Use Breal<dowri Table on. Sheet A to the ApplWation Plan 5 _3. I Desi2ll -.11)(1, Phasing, All Road Irnprovtments shall be designed and phased as approval. ("Sheet A")� (b) Post- Construcii,on Stormiyater Management: The Owner shall, to the , I fol.10VIVS: i r Restated Proffer Staturnent shall relate to thc. multi -page I I mciXIMUTTI extent Practicable- providc po5t-coastruction stormwaler 13MI's that are desi-ned to , 11� (vii) U.S. Route 29 NorthbOtind -- con_�trucfion of left turn laric . i .n entitled "N,orth Pointe Community", preparcof by Keeney &'- Co,, Architeets, as ' )�.2 Limited-Adiustments to 1he Elcments of -the Application Plan, The ,gross floor achieve an average aririva,l sedii-rient removal rate of 80% as published by the; Center for - - Design. The Road filiprovements ,shall beshoy,vii on. detailed road plmis satisfying � - - with taper into SR 1511 D_ I - r June 13, 2006 and attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Application Plan"), and the area of the buildings used for commercial, office, other uses, and hotels shoiwil on Sheet A may ' - Watershed ' I Protection in Article 64 of The Practice of W,atcrshed PTOLeCtiOn (2000 edition). VDOT design standards which. shall be SUbmitted by the 0momer for review and, wh.,�n - ulty Codc in. effect as of the date ofthe Ofiginal Proff"er Statement (the "Countv I be adJusted within a range of tip to ten percent 00%), provided that the, maulm,orn gross floor These vvill Include, but arc riot lunited to. bioretenlion, hioreten'tion filters and wet retention satisfactoryl, approved by VDOT and the County (except for the Road Irnproverilents to U,S. I - (vii:i) SR 1515 Eastbound - construction and/or restripirig to I � Will) Pointe Comin.unity shall be referred to as the, "'Ilroj ect-" area for ea.cli category of uses shown on Sheet A. is not exceeded. The footprints of Buildings 6, basins, Route 291, which shall be sub�jecl only to VDOT approval) (1wreiriafter, the "Approvcd koad � provide left turn ]zinc ivith taper� 14 and '36 as shown oil Sheet A can be imirchanged. Notwithstanding the terms of this ' plans"). I he Ai)prc)vecl Road ?Ians shall show the Nvidth and length (excef,I as ,specified in �� 1 iECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED Section 3.2 to the! contrary, Building 14 sliall. not initiall-Y excecd 98,500 squ�ue feet, provided, 4A Strearn BUffer,arid Restoration. I"pon the commencernerit of the applicable Sections 5_1.1(a)(I)(ii) and (v) and Section 5.3.1(b)(1)(1)), location, type of 8ect�on, atid . � (lx) Installation of a traffic signa-t with 8 phase tirning, video , I however, that after tw�o Nfears following the issu.�irice of the certificate Of MXUPWICy t - or ' eornment period, the Owner shall notify the County and provide the County with a copy of any ' . gQomctrics of all lane improvements as required by VDOT design standaxds. All of the Road detection and associated intersection improvements at the intersection �vith U.S- Rome 29. ki - NICF CORRIDOR Building 14, .Building 14 may be a4justed ��,ithin a range of tip to ten. percent (10%), and if . I �, application(s) to the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers and/or DEQ f'or any s(Fearn disturbance. In Improveincitts shall bc constructcd in cornpliancc, with tile Approved Road Plans, The Road , 'Buildin I 14 is located in the location shown oil Sheet B, any suich expansion shall be loc;ated to I I �or rn.iti%gat',k)1-1 c addition, ifnecessary, after first looking on-site f � )pportunities available to satisfy Improvenicrits to U.S� Route 29 .,,hall be based on the then-eurrcrit VD01' design speed and (x) Close existing. cre)ssover at U,S, Route 29 ,and Creation of a 40 -Foot Buffer along the Entrance Corridor. Within, six (6) ,g tile cast so that thic additional spaQo is located along North 'POintC Boulevard, Notwithstanding the permitting process, the OwnQr shall. contact the County ro,r a list of off-site opportunities I CTOSS-StOpe requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph to the contrary, in Southern -most, Entrance to SR 1515. lie acceptance by the Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDOT") of the i i the terms of thts Section 3.2 to the contrary, but subject to th,e provisions of Section 8. 1, the within Albemarle County for such mitigation, arid shall look I' -'or such mitipation Opponunities �_, _� the event that the int -ti -tial residential street desiarls as shown on Sheet D-1 axe! not accepted by C, ritents as defirie� in Section 53 that are �-.ilong (lie northbound lanes of' U, ' County may authorize Building 21 as shown on Sheet A to be Mjusted by more than ten. perce-ilt off-site, VIJOT, the Owner shall submit detailed road construction plans for such streets to the Covaltv for . I �xl) Proposed Entrance I'Zoad be1weqn North Pointe BoulQvard ter shall plant and t1icreafter maintain at all titnes a landscaped buffer, incInding � , ( I oyb), I , . arid U.S- Route 29, I (2) NN orth Pointe Boulevard, Leake Road and Proffi t Road: I rd North PointQ Boulevardl� in ac,Qordance vvith the design cross-sections shoum on Sheet D -I, from Proffit, Road to either Northside Drive East or, it- Northside Drive East has riot vet been constructed to tho roundabout at. North Pointe Boulevard, North Pointe Boutevard shall be extended to Northwest Passage. The 0�,%,rer shall provide a fifty (50) foot public ri-lit-of-wa � 11 1� ,y alang Leake Road and shall construct a two-lane public street to be accepted by VDOT and as MUCh Of the, other iniprovements Show -n on the 1. cross-sections as possible within the ,n/allable fiojit-of-way as remonably deterillined by the �__ - I - County Engineer. (ii) The roundabout. Or such othex improvements as may be appioved by VDOT and tile County, at the intersection ofLeakc Road arid Prof'rit Road shown on Shect B and an additional WC31bOUnd rigyht turn, lane on Proff it Roid fmili Leake Road to Lf_,_,,'� Route 29 as shown on Sheet 2. In addition, for pcoperty �icqtfisiiion that is required for the off- site public right-of-way, fc)r '(, . s � - - . construct] )1:1 of the improvernents required by this Section 313. 1 (a)(2)(ii), fb,� Owiner shall rnAQ a casli contribution or provide a Ictler of -;rcdit in a forin approved by the County Attorney fbr SLIC11 Purpose Irt the aniount as deerned necessary for the property acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that.such amount shall not exceed. one hund I rcol fifty percent. (150',Vo) of'the Courity's fair.inarkc! value appraisal prepared for acquisition . and coadcuiriation purposes, The cash contribution or letter of credit described in this I Section 5.3, I(a)(2)(ii) sball beused io pay for the total cost oCthe right of way acquisition. The total cost of tile ri-lit of w,ay acquisition for the off�site property necessirry to construct the Z� improvements required by this Section 5_33.1(a)(2)(ii) shall il1cILtdC the normal costs Issociated I .. I N,vith aCqUirinty land, buildinas, structures, casements arid other authorized interests by Z, � � Condemnation or by purchase including, but not limited to, land acquisition, crigincering, SUrveying, and reasonable attorneys fees. The cash contributiton or th�� lettc:� of credit sh�ill be provided by the Owner within thirty (30) clays upon request by the County, If the property is . � - - acquired by purchase, the contribution for thu purchase price shall not exceed one hundred fifty ; , PeLecrit (150%) Ofthe colmt�'�, fair inarket vakic appraisal prepared for condemnation purposes I I - ' without the consent of the Owncr, Ifthe cost of the rig I Ight of way acquisition exceeds the arnount previously contributed. then the Owner shall reirnbUrse the County all such excess costs within thirty (30.) days upon request by the County, The County shall re.fund. to the Okvner all excess Coll tri bu L10115 Upoll completion of the land acquisition. (iii) intentionally Omitted I 'iv) � An additional through lano eastbourid oil Proffit Road from U& Rotite29totli,,e,i,otii,idaboiit at the LwerscctionofLeal,w Ro,adand Proll'it Road. Inaddition, for property acquisition that is rcquired for the off' -site pubtic right-of-way ibr Qon,slruaion of the I � I iniprovenlents required by lins Section 5.3,1(a)(2)(Iv), the O-�,vner slial-I make a cash contribution or pTovide a leiter of credit in. a rorin a proved by the Courity Attorney for Such purpose it, the p . - J aniout'a as dcci-ncd ncccss,aT)' -for the pfuperty acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that - � ,quch anwuni �ihall not exceed one huadred fi I - - ifty percent (.'50?/o) ofthc COULITY'S fair Riarket value i - appraisal prepared for acquisition and condemnation purposes. 'T lie cash contribution or letter of credit descriLbed in this Section 53, 1(a)(2)1(iv) Sliall be used to pay 1101' tile totat cost ofthe right or , . � . The ay acqUiSiti011 f -of the off�site property necessary way acquisition. - total cost of the right ofw� to construct the improvements required by this Section 53. I (a)(2)(iv) shall include the normal cost5 associated with acquiring land, buildings, structures, cascruerits arid other authorized inier,��sls by condeinnation or by pUrchase including, but not thnited to, land acquisiTion'. enerneerino, surveyim�, Lind reas " on,able attorneys fees- The cash contribution or ille letter of c;l . ­ I creditshall be provided by the ONviler will -tin thirty (110) days uppon req,uest bv the County. If tbe i Y I property s acquired by purchase, tile contribution lbr the ptirchase price si'lall not ex, hundrQd fifty percent (150'Xo) of tho, Cotinty's fair rnarket value appraisat prepared for condemnation PIL117POSCS WithOUt the consent of' fliQ Owner. if the cost Q tile ri&t of way- . 'r _, . acquisition C%Ceeds tile amoont previously contributed, then the Owner shall reimburse the County 211 SIX11 ,�UeSS COStS Within thirty (30) days upon request by the Counly. The Courity shall refund to 11iie 0�vncr all excess contributions upon coinpletion, of the land acquisition. Completion- of the Phase I Road_jmprovenients. 'Nithin fifteen (IS) months aftel' tile iSSLIanCle of the first building permit for a commercial building within the lands subject to fl-li� first vollinnercial. subdivision plat or site plart within the Project, or prior to the issuance of i a certificate Of OCCLIPWIGV flor such building, whichever is earlier all of the Phase I R,oad I _ZL� Improvements shall be accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acccptanc�,e if I such Road linoroveinents are a primary hithway, or accepted by \'D(Yl' for public use or bond"I � = � to the County for VDOT*s acceptance it'such Road Irnprovements aTe a ,wcondary highway. (b) Phase 11 Road Int: provenie tits. Prior to approval ofthe first site plan that Avould authorize the aggregiate cornmercial, office mid ho(el gross floor area -as shown oil Sheet A within tile Prcje�ct to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) Square ficel, Owner shall obtain all associated pernnits and post kill associated bonds required for d"it construction of the following (collectively, the "Phase 11 Road Iniprovcrnerits"), I . � . (t) Middle Entrance on U,S, R , 2utc-29 "Northsidie Drivc L'ast/ _-I_ SR I �S�!l (i) U.S, Route 19 Southbound - construction of a continuous 12 lbot %x,idc through lane (with shoulders Or (,'Llard rail as rnay be required by VD0T) starting at a point that is 1000 feet uorth of the Middle Entrance an� e\tending w the point where it I cortitects with the portit)n of the tan constructed pursuant to Section 5.3. 1. (a)(1)(ii). lanes with t,aper, 0 i) [J.S, Route 29 Southbourid - construction of dual left turn (i i i) U,S� ROLAt, 29 Southbound - construction of a right turn � lane with. taper. (1v) U,S, ,Route 29 Northbound - construction of a right hand turn lane at the I'Aiddle Entrance, the tyeometrics of which will be su�ject to VD01'approval, � C7 (v) U_& Route 29 Northbound ­ cunstruQtioii of lQft turri lane "vith taper. (vi) SR 1-170 Easibound - construction Of or restriping of lanes to result In. separate left, througil, and rig -fit turri movements. C a ff (vii) Entrance road Wesibound - installati )n of a tn ffic si,,nal with 8 phase urning, v � ideol delection and associated intersection itoprovenients oil U.S. Route 29, (viii) F-dsting cirossovcrat Cypress Drive - constructimi to close the crossover. (i x) Frontage road froin C, I C ypress Drive to SR I S'70 - construction of a public street to serve properties currently accessing U.S. Routc 29 through Cypress Drive. (2) 'Northside Drive liPast between U.S. Route 29 and North Pointe Boulevard as ��hovoi oil Shcet D -L , Cumpletion of tile PhAqell Road Improvements, Within fifteen (15) months.- -_ . after the issuance of the ,First building permit fior a bUilding within the lands subject to the first I subdivision plat or site plan that -vvould authoiri7e the agggregniti;� commercial, offic-c and hotel gross floorarea as shown on Sheet A NNittihi thie Pro�ject to e-xcecd two hundred ninety thousand (.290,000) square fee!, or prior to the issuance. o& a Qcrtific:ate Of OCCUPWICY for any building that I causes .such t-1ross rioor area to ex,ceed two hundred ninety lliousand (290,000) square 6��et, whichever is earlier� all of the Phase 11 Road hilprovenicrits shall. be accepted by Vf)0'1,' for public use or bonded for N�DQT's acccptancc if such Roa(l Improvernents are a primary highwety, or mcepted by VDOT,for public use ior bonded to thc Courity for VDOT's acceptance if such Ro-ad Improvements are a secondary higilliway. As it rclates to tl-ie Neighborhood investments Property, Proffer -5.3. 1(c) is replaced arld amended as set forth beloNv, . I (0) Pbost 111 Road Inil2rovernenti, Prior to approval of ar subdivision plat or site plan flor =v developilleril Of the Nclghborlic)od Investriients Property or any partion thereor, '� Ovvner shall obtain all asso6ated permits and post all associated bonds required for the construction of the follknving road 1111prorVenients (collectively, -the ­11hase 11.1 Road Irriprovcniciats") tu the extent anysuch road improvernents have not already been complete& r �. (l ) Nortligininost Entrance (opposite LeNvis ct, Clark Drive) oil U.S, Route 29; (i) U.S. Route 29 Southbound - constrUCtiOn 01"left turn la.ne , with taper, (I [) Northwest Passape frorn U�S. RCUtC 229 tO tile sOLIth � t" property line of Ta% Map 32, Parcel 22K as shown on the Application Plan. (ill) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of' a right h�md turn lane, the orcornetrics of which will be subject to VD0T approval, 1 C7 (I Y) If tile traffic signal to be constructed, by others is in place prior to Owmer corrimencing. work on this'Northernmost H,ntrauce, and such traffic signal only inClUdes three legs, ffievner shall add ,the fourth leg, to the sional, �,vhich shall include additional Z__ I inast arms, signal heads, and ancillary equipment necessary to :support Northwest. Passape'S use OF the hitersectlon, as determined by V[)O'r, If' such. traffic signal is not in place and the VehiClltiLr tfZ1frJC generated by the Project caus,es the VD01'signal warrants to be met, arid VDOT I requires that I traffic si,)nal be installed Lis a condition of tile critrance pernait, O�,,Yner shall install such traf"fic si-tiaL (2) Within tv,,elve (12) months after issuance of tile b�u.ilding pennit for construction of the elementar ' y school on the School Lot, and it'not already completed, Owner vvill complete the irnpro-verilents s(�tfbrth in Section 53,1(c)(I) above. Cornl2letion of the Phase 11.1 Road Improvernents, Within irovelve (12) T11011ths after the occurrence of the applicable event ill Section _53.1( 1 c) vvilich required the Ovvner to obtain all associated. permits and, post all associated bonds reqUired for the COTISU'VICtioll Of tile Phase IN Rmid IMPTOVC-11-tents ', all of the lllu:ise Ill road improveracrits shall be accepted by VDOT for public use or borided for VD01"s acceptance if wch 'Road Irnprovcments are a Primary highway, or accepted by VDOT .for Public Lisc or bonded to the Co,unty t'or VDOT's acceptance IfAlch Road Improvements are asQcondary highway, 3,12 UpOn rccluest by the County, Owner shall tnal<e a,cash contribution to the County Or VD0T.for the cost ora cable or %vireless radio systerri that. will link one or more of the signals bctw�Qcn Lewis and Clarl�_ Drive and Airport Road: provided, however, that the total cash I 1 ' uontributimi shall riot exceed thirty-five thousand dollars ($3.55,000). Sul:)jeQt to matters of forcc 11.1�,IjeLlre, I fthe County does riot requcst the funds, or does request the funds bot tile construclion of the systern does not be . gin by the later of Decerriber -11, 2010 or three (3) years after completion of all ofthe Road Improvernents, said funds shall be refunded. to.t.he Owner. � - I 5.3.3 Prior to the approval of'plansfor improvements ,Lt any U �S� Route 29 i nfersection, Owner shall provide VD0T traffic signal network- timing plans that VDOT finds acceptably address the irnpa�js QC the proposcd traffic signals for peak traffic periods, , 53 ).4 Regional .Transportation Stn(ly, Cash Contribution � 11111, � I __ , __ --- - ls�� , AEL�N �_Sikl:�ME% � ., Upon request by the County, Owner shall make a cash contribution ofone hundred thousand dolln� ($100,0H) to the Counly for the purpmes of funding a re.gional transportation study i'or the Route 29 corridor, which 111CILICICS thC, SOU111-1 Fork aind North Fork of the Rivanna River and the 1-follyinead Growth Area of vdirell North Pointe is a part. The contributi 'oil Shall bc made Avithin thirty (30) days afler requested by the County anytime after the � . I . feZOT1111" 115 approvcd. If' tile request is riot madc within one (1) year after tile dote of approval of L, the first Final site plan for the first commercial building within the Project, this Proffer s-hQ11 become nu.11 and void. 11'such cash coutribution is not expended for the stated piti,pose within three (3) years from [lie date the funds were contributod to tlic Counly, all unlexperided Ainds, �1�-ialt bc rct"unded to the Ov,mer. VI, OPEN SPACE', AREAS AND GREENTWAY 6,1 Pedestrian Pathwa-vs. All pedestrian pathways shall be classi fic(l as dlo�vn on the Pedestrian Pathway Kcy on Sheet G and, except For the pathways to) be c�cnstructcd by the ' I County, shall bv shown on the subdivision plat or site plan for the underlying or adjacent lands within the Project, TI-ic pathways shall be constructed by Owner as Class A or Class B trails as identified oil Sheet G, and in accordance with the applicable design arid construction standards in thc Courity's DQsi,,n Standards Manual, ,Such constrUC.1iOn shall be in conjunction with the L. itriprovemerits l'or the subdivision plat or site plan, as the case may be. arid bonded with the �, I � streets if the pathways, are a subdivision improvement, or with a performance bond if the pattiNvay. s are a site plan improvement. The pathwayshow,'n oil Sheet �G aloing Flat Branch north arld south of Nortliside ,Drive East shall riot continue through a culvert if a culvert is used for the stn-.,arn crossing, The pathway intended for tile culvert betvveen Park E ;m I .., d Park F under North Pointe Boulevard shall cont"orin to the applicablo standards in VDOYs "Subdivision Street Guidance" and Owner shall maintain the pathway, if it is riot accepted by VDOT Cor illaintellance, 6�2 Lake. Upon request by thic County, Ownffshall dedicate to the County the take sholvit on the Application Plan l'or public use., provided that suel-liake wiJ I be available for use by Owner for stornlwaleT management as described in. Sheet C to the Application Plan. entitled "Stormwater Management arid Stream Conservation Ill an" ("Sheet C")� V11. TUTIS-SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED Vill. PUBLIC INFRAISMICTURE AND FACILITIES PROFFERS 8,1 Branch Library, (a) Upon requc:.st by the County, Gwrier shall dedi,cate to the Couaty the Fee ' simple interest in the land shown on Sheet H as a library, ,consis-ting ora 15,000 square foot fully graded pad site, with utilities, to accommo&axe a 12,500 soitiare foot, building lbotprint, a five ' C.T foot perimeter strip and up to a 25,000 square foot buildirib, together with a nonexclusIve =, t: - casement to the adjacent commort area for ingress, egress, construclion sta-ging and sufficient 4- L, COU-nty Code required parkint �, stoRnwater detention and water quality facilities for !he location of a free standl i ig JQ17ferson-Madison R�esional Library arid such other uses that are compatible . — with thc,� proposed -surrounding uses, as determined by the County (the "Library Lot"), Notwithstanding the terins ofthe prior sentence to the contrary, if the requirements tot, the library i budding require a larger building footprint, tile County may authorize the library building foutprint to be larger than as stated in the prior sentence, provided, howe'ver, that the size of the area shown as "Park If" on Sheet 11 ("Park- 14") andlor the si4�� of the adjacent parking area imirrediately north of the Library Lot on Sheet B (the "Llbrary Marking Lot"') shall be adjusted accordingly to accommodate .such larger buildbig footprint, The Owner shall not be responsitfle for any utility tap, fees, but Owner shall comptete construction of the Library Parking Lot and offier parking areas serving the Libuary Lot. The Owner shall permit the County to Use tile, � Library Parkin- Lot and/or, if not already Qonsti-Licted, Park H, t�or purposes of construction Z.P staging. Within twelve (12) months ai , ter written notice frorn the County that it intends to begin construction. of the library, the Owner shall roake the access roads and the area of the Librap,! . Parking Lot availabic with at least it four inch conipacted stone base for use Lis access and construction stagino. Such street access serving the Library Lot and the Library Parking Lot 0 - � shall be completed and available foe use no later than ten (I 0) months after issuance of the rrT-T 0_4� 51 -L -L '10, - Z.4 i -;-A , SCOTT R. COLLJNSZ ) �,_H ) Lie. No. 035791,�� 1$ 1 lk�,_IOXAL ��;�/�, ;M 0 �q —i t < (A ;:� � U X: un In M :D z 10 L" ;z _J 0 0 5 M in = � � 4 > LLJ (A lce M > UJ ce 11 Ul z 0 � , , , I f , a a JOB NO. U � a) 152116 � — a D .5-0 a 0 05 1, M > SCALE 0 � F, -6 i' = AS SHOWN U.S: (n . I I-- � 0) 0 > SHEET NO. 0� W 0 2 W rr, 'n — li— W 0 _(__ = 3: a continuous informal mix of large, medium and small deciduous trees ranging from one and one - 4 half inches (1'/2") to two and one half inches (2%" ) caliper and evergreen trees ranging from four .,1 Wagner Wagner feet (4') to six feet (6') in height; P`Page 2 of 8 Page 3 of 8 " 9. All ofthe above -noted landscaping shall be shown on the road plans submitted for Northwest u m August 23, 2006 August 23, 2006 Passage. The plans shall include a complete planting schedule keyed to the plan. The plans are v subject to approval of the Design Planner; z f „ tr 40 single family detached residential units in an year (including an year riot to the COUNTY OF ALBEIVIARLE 10. Design details of the retaining walls, including column cap design, pier design, stone finish, other ( ) g Y Y y ( g y Y P A. Open space areas not dedicated to public use shall be for the use and enjoyment of Department of Community Development materials, etc., plant size and planting configuration shall be shown on the road plans and are COUNTN' OF ALBEMARLE date of approval of the first commercial building permit), the excess lots shall be credited 901 McIntire Road, Room 227 subject to approval ofthe Design Planner; and the residents of the Project, subject to the restrictions that may be imposed by any Department of'Comm Development to the lots required in subsequent years. Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 declaration recorded as part of a conveyance of these areas to a homeowner's g I L Ifthe use, structure, or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not commenced 401 McIntire Road, Room 22" association. Open space areas dedicated to public use shall be for the use and Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4012 within sixty (60) months after the permit is issued, the permit shall be deemed abandoned and the e:liarrottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 3. Conservation areas. The conservation areas shown on the Application Plan shall remain Fax (430 972-4012 undisturbed and shall be protected from develo m enjoyment of the public, including the residents of the Project. authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. Pharnc f434} 296-:+83. _ ) p p eat impacts to the satisfaction of the County's program authority for the Water Protection Ordinance (Chapter 17 of the March 13, 2007 common area amenities such as playgrounds, picnic areas, hardscapes, and PAR Albemarle County Code) (the "Program Authority"), except that the pedestrian paths B. No structural improvements other than utilities, pedestrian and biking trails, an Please be advised that although the Albemarle Count Board of Supervisors took action on the g 23 shown on the Application Plan may be placed in a conservation area where shown on the exercise equipment shall be established and maintained in the open ace areas. County P 06 p P g August Lo 20 project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all Application Plan. Storm drainage outfalls and other pedestrian paths may only be placed applicable a in conservation areas if the Program Authority finds that no other location is reasonably Valerie W. Long a PP approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes. 6. Aggregate set aside for open -space related areas. In no event shall the total area of available and that the disturbance is necessary far such a proposed use. Williams Mullen Donald J. Wagner open -space related areas comprised of the conservation areas (Condition 3), • compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; Notwithstanding the terms of this Condition 3 to the contrary, the Program Authority may 32l East Main Street, Suite 400 P � GEMC & Riverbe€�d, LP conservation areas with utilities (Conditicr, 4), open space (Condition 5), greenway • approval of and compliance with a SITE PLAN; and approve a utility main within a conservation area, even if it is not shown on the Charlottesville, VA 22402 PP P � � PO Box 5526 (Conditions 5 and 7), and landscaped buffer areas (Conditions 5 and 8) shown on the + a caval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. Charlottesville, VA 22905 Application Plan, and the Program Authority may approve other disturbances and/or Application Plan, be less than a total of thirty-five percent (35%) of the total land within pp measures as may be appropriate in the Program Authority's discretion to further protect a pp conservation area. the Project to be developed for residential uses, as shown on Sheet G to the Application com RE: SP 2006-034 North Pointe - Stream Crossing (Sign #S) In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not commenced Plan entitled "Open Space and Green Way Plan," dated March 6, 2006 ("Sheet G"). Tax Map 32 Parcel 22K within sixty (60) months from the date of Board approval, it shall be deemed abandoned and the permit RE: ZMA-00-009 North Pointe PD -MC (Signs #97, 98, 99) 4. Conservation areas with utilities. The conservation areas with utilities shown an the terminated. The term "commenced" means "construction of any structure necessary to the use ofthe ANDpermit7. Rivanna QreenwaVlaccess. The Owner shall reserve for dedication to public use a „ Application Plan shall remain undisturbed and shall be protected from development impacts to the satisfaction of the Program Dear Ms. Long: SP -02-072 North Pointe Residential Uses (Signs #97, 98, 99) P g m Authority; except that: greenway along the boundary of the Project and adjacent to the Rivanna River, between the flood plain line and a preservation area (hereinafter, the "greenway") as shown on If you have questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact Tax Map 32 Parcels 20, 20a, 20al , 20a2, 20a3, 22h 22k, 23, 23a, 23b, 23c, 23d, 23e, Sheet C. On February 14, 2007, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on SP 2006-034, North Sherri Proctor at 296-5832. 23 f, 23g, 23h, 231 and 29i A. The streets and pedestrian paths shown on the Application Plan may be placed in a Pointe Stream Crossing, to allow fill in the floodplain of Fiat Branch Creek for a road crossing to provide conservation area with utilities where shown on the Application Plan, Other AThe Owner may grant such utility easements across the greenway as are required far access for residential development on Tax Map 32 Parcel 22K in the Rivanna Magisterial District. This Sincerely,, pedestrian paths, other streets, and sanitary sewers, storm drainage outfalls, and/or A. a forced main utility and for the proposed uses shown on the Application Plan, each stream mitigation measures may only be placed in a conservation area with utilities if special use permit was approved basad on the following conditions; Dear Mr. Wagner: with the prior written consent of the County. Erosion and sediment control structures the Program Authority finds that no other location is reasonably available and the c disturbance is necessary f and measures shall be permitted within a greenway solely to address impacts from 1. County and VDOT approval ofthe final lane configuration for the Northwest Passage over the The Board of Supervisors approved ZMA-2000-009 North Pointe on August 2, 2006. Your y or such a proposed use. In any event, the construction. authorized land disturbing activity within the greenway, except as otherwise requested stream crossing with the final road plans; V. Wayne i� rezoning from RA Rural Area to PD -MC Planned Development Mixed Commercial was maintenance and use of the improvements shall have the minimum environmental impact on the conservation area with utilities necessary for the improvements by the Owner and approved by the Program Authority. 2. County and VDOT approval of final design plans and hydrologiclhydraulie computations for the Director of Planning � _-___ approved in accordance with the attached proffers dated July 20, 2008. An application R ry provements to be stream crossing; planiplan of development dated June 13, 2006 was approved as part of the rezoning. Please established and maintained, and the long-term impacts shall be adequately mitigatedB.€n this condition shall be construed to obviate the re B. The Owner shall dedicate to public use the greenway and all pathways shown through 3. The applicant must obtain a map revision, letter of revision, or letter of amendment as required refer to these documents for any future applications and requests on this property. g requirements established land depicted on Sheet G as "Greenway"; provided; however, that the property from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and copy the County Engineer on all VWC/aer for stream buffers under Chapter 17 of the Albemarle County Code or shall constitute correspondence; On August 2, 2006, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors also took action on SP 2002- a waiver of such requirements. owners within the Project shall have access to and over such pathways at all times the pathways are open to the public. The greenway and pathways shall be dedicated 4. County approval of a grading and an erosion and sediment control plan prior to the issuance of a 072 North Pointe to allow Residential Uses on Tax Map 32 Parcels 20, 20a, 20a 1, 20a2. 20a3, permit for modification of the existing stream crossing; Cc: North Pointe Charlottesville LLC 22h 22k, 2, a, , 23c, 23d, 23e, 23 f, 23g, 23h, either upon the request of the County, or in conjunction with the platting of the grading P 32323b23j and 291 in the Rivanna Magisterial B. Erosion and sediment control structures and measures shall be permitted within a conservation area with utilities sole/ to address impacts from authorized land) residential lots adjacent to the section of the greenway to be dedicated. If the 5. Natural Resources Manager approval of a stream buffer mitigation plan prior to the issuance of a CIO Great Eastern Management Co. District. This special use permit was approved based on the following conditions Y p greenway and pathways are dedicated by platting, the greenway and pathways shall disturbing activity within such area, unless otherwise requested by the Owner and be set apart on the plat for public use with a notation that the greenway and pathways grading permit for modification ofthe existing stream crossing; P.O. Box 5525, Charlottesville, VA 22905-552b 9 Y P Y b. Provide an informal planting of mixed tree and shrub species and sizes to compensate for 1. Residential mix. The dwelling units within the Project shall consist of the following three approved by the Program Authority. are dedicated for public use. If the County accepts dedication of the lake referenced removed vegetation, and low -growing plants to stabilize slopes in the "proposed landscaping Virginia land Trust; Charles Wm Hutt & Shirley L Fisher Trustees types: (a) single-family detached, including carriage house units; (b) multi -family; and (c) in section A of the Proffer Statement for the Project (ZMA 2000-009), upon request areas" shown on the plan submitted for ARB review entitled "Proposed Entry Layout with P O Box 8147, Charlottesville VA 22906 other (consisting of townhouses, duplexes, attached housing, condominiums in the C. The Program Authority may approve other disturbances and/or measures as may be Landscaping North Vilest Passage Intersection @ Route 29 Horth" with revision date of 12-04-06, commercial areas and any other unidentified housing types). The minimum number of appropriate in the Program Authority's discretion to further protect a conservation by the County, the Owner shall dedicate c public use the access pathway east of the 7. Provide large shade trees on the north and south sides of Northwest Passage, along the sidewalk each of the three dwelling unit types shalll be 205 of the 893 total perm dwelling units. area with utilities. middle entrance and leading t0 Fiat Branch as shown on Sheet G. g g S Amelia McCulley 9 Yp� P 9 and space reserved for the sidewalk, two and one half inch (2%") caliper minimum at planting, Tex Weaver C, Access easements to the Rivanna River shall be provided as shown on the fortyfeet 40' on center, for a minimum distance of four hundred feet 400' from the existing Chuck Proctor 2. Phasing of residential units. Beginning froom the date of approval of the first commercial 5. Open space. The Owner shall restrict from development all open space areas Application Plan for the benefit and use b y j ( ) ( ) g y property owners within the Project edge of pavement of Route 29 North; Sherri Proctor building permit, the owner shall record su bdivislon plats creating a minimum of forty (40) designated as greenway; buffer areas and park areas shown an the Application Plan. 8. Provide trees in the median of Northwest Passage, beginning at the point closest to Route 29 lots for single family detached residential units each year thereafter until plats have been This condition shall not apply to development parcels, conservation areas, and North that can be approved by VDOT and extending for a minimum distance of four hundred feet recorded creating lots for a minimum of two hundred (200) single family detached conservation areas with utilities shown on the Application Plan. D. The Owner shall be responsible for the costs of drafting the deeds of dedication, having required surveys conducted and plats prepared, and recordation costs. (400') from the existing edge of pavement of Route 29 North. The planting shall take the form of residential units. If the owner records subdivision plats creating lots for more than forty Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Page 6 of 8 Page 8of8 Page 4 of 8 Page 5 of 8 August 23, 2006 August 223, 2006 August 23, 2006 August 23, 2006 August 23, 2008 9 eighty the upgrades shall be completed for such acceptance within one hundred ei y property lines or within available easements All amendments hall be subject to the Engineer will make the determination. The builder must provide evidence of the 8 Landscaped buffer between residential areas and tura! areas. Before the County issues Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action a certificate of occupancy for the first dwelling unit constructed on any of the lots shown (180) days after the request by the County, review and approval by the County Engineer. ability to maintain any retaining wall which could not be maintained without the use of on the project noted above no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully on the Application Plan abutting the areas shown on the Application Plan as "Open adjoining property. p 1 p p y and y y Space Buffer 30' " along Pritchett Lane Lots Al -6, H8-20, 1_15-34 and N2-5 , the Owner B. Extension to Tax Map 32 Parcel 23H1. In the event that any of the residential units A. The Overlot Grading Plan shall be drawn to scale not greater than one (1} inch equals begin until all applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. p ( } g { ) fifty (50) feet, with all proposed grading shown at contour intervals not greater than F. Except for the main entrance to the dwelling, which shall be governed b • Condition 10 This includes: shall establish and thereafter maintain a heavily vegetated buffer in the open space buffer within the Project adjacent to Tax Map 32, Parcel 23H1 are developed under a site g, g Y Ian, the Owner shall design and construct extensions to Tax Ma two (2) feet interpolated and shall demionstrate to the satisfaction of the County (G), the Pian shall demonstrate that an area at least five (5 feet in width, or to the lot common areas. The buffer, where one does not already exist, shall be planted in P g p 32, Parcel 23Hf by } compliance with applicable PROFFERS; accordance with a landscaping plan approved b the Count The landscaping plan shall way of two streets within the fifty (50) foot wide ri hts-of-wa located as shown on the Engineer that: line if the distance is less than five (5) feet, from any possible doorways to dwellings p pp P g p Y y� P g p g Y as shown on the Plan or from the edges of an rade level + compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; include the following: (i) an informal mix of screening trees, loosely staggered, fifteen (15) Application Plan and identified by the notation "R.O.W- Reserved for Future g y g patios as shown on the s approval of and compliance with SITE PLANS ANDI R SUBDIVISION 1. All concentrated runoff is conveyed across lots using vegetated swaies or Plan that will not be served b a stairway, has grades no steeper than ten percent pp P PLAN(S) O SIGN PLAT(S); and feet on -center, (ii) the same species of screening trees shall be clustered in groups and Dedication," adjacent to the church property identified as Tax Map 32, Parcel 23Hf o, Y y g p P that fronts on Pritchett Lane. The exact location of the rights-of-way underground drainage structures in a manner that does not result in flooding of {10 io} perpendicular to the exterior wall approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. alternate groups of screening trees shall be provided to create a naturalistic rural ghts-of-way shall be fixed by buildings or erasion as a result of the grading. For the purposes of this landscape, ur large and medium shade trees shall be interspersed amort the screening the applicable final site plan requirement, flows from roof downspouts will be considered concentrated flows if G. to lieu of the foregoing provisions, the grading plan for the residential units loccated in In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not P {...J 9 p 9 g trees; (iv) clusters of ornamental trees shatl be provided in groups of 3's and 5's; and (v) 4 not adequately dispersed before reaching the property line. the southeastern portion of the Project as shown on the Application Pian shal9 be commenced within twenty-four (24) months from the date of Board approval, it shall be deemed tall shrubs shall be massed to help integrate the proposed plantings into a naturalistic 1 The streets shall be designed and constructed to applicable Virginia Department of J pp abandoned and the permit terminated. The term "commenced" means "construction of an rural landscape. The features described in (i) through (v) herein define a "naturalistic Transportation public street standards. The streets shall be constructed in included as part of the site development plan application for the appurtenant p y structure necessary to the use of the permit." rural landscape " Approved plant species shall be obtained from the Albemarle County conjunction with the applicable final site plan, or at such other time authorized by 2. Overland relief is assured in the event that drainage structures do not function, commercial area as shown on the Application Plan Y Engineer the Count En under such terms and conditions the Count Engineer Overland relief will be considered satisfied if buildings are designed to have Recommended Plants List and the buffer design shall be subject to the review and g y Eg finished floors at least one {1 }foot .above low Dints for an drainage area which H An requirement of this condition If you have questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to approval of the Director of the Department of Community Development. The Owner shall determines to be appropriate, including the requirement that the Owner provide P y g Y q may be waived by the County Engineer by includes the house. With dams and similar impoundments, this should be submitting a waiver request with the preliminary plat. If such a request is made, it contact Sherri Proctor at 296-5832. maintain the buffer. adequate surety or accepother ted guarantee th ee that the streets will be constructed and measured from the top of the dam. shall include: (i) a justification for the request contained in a certified engineer's maintained until accepted into the state highway system. report; (ii) a vicinity map showing a larger street network at a scale no smaller than Sincerely, 9. Extensions. Unless the dedication of public right-of-way and the construction of such 2. The streets shall be constructed as close to the roe B. The County Engineer may allow other drainage structures (e.g., riprap ditches) where one {1} inch equals six hundred (600) feet, (iii) a conceptual plan at a scale no smaller streets or accessways, as applicable, are required in conjunction with the approval of a property rty line between the Project it has been determined this change will! not significantly impact usable yards (e.g., than one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet showin surve ed boundaries of the / subdivision plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and related sections, or their and Tax Map 32, Parcel 23Hf as determined by the County Engineer to be feasible g Y without obtaining offsite construction easements. The rights-of-way shall be cobblestone Swale next to a driveway)„ where slopes are too steep for vegetated property; (iv) topography of the property at five (5) foot intervals for the property being � � �' successors, the following streets or accessways, as applicable, shall be constructed and g g y swales (e -g., steeper than 33% grades;), or where the change would better mitigate subdivided and on abutting lands to a distance of five hundred rights-of-way shall be reserved for dedication to public use as provided herein graded as close as possible to the Project property line. g 9 ed (500} feet from the V. Wayne Cilimberg impacts on adjoining properties (e.g., nnatches offsite drainage structure), boundary line or a lesser distance determined to be sufficient by the agent; (v) the 3. To allow the completion of street im locations of streams, stream buffers, steep slopes, floodplains, known wetlands; and Director of Planning A. Extensions to Pritchett Lane. The Owner shall design and construct as emergency P provements to and beyond the Project property C. Public drainage across lots shall be in .storm sewers except open drainage ways may vi the proposed la out of streets and lots access ways extensions to Pritchett Lane within the fifty (50) foot wide rights -of way line, temporary construction easements on the Owner's property and outside of the p g y Y ( ) P P Y unit types, uses, and location of parking, be allowed if the plat restricts construction of a building within fifty (50) feet of a as applicable. In reviewing a waiver request, the County Engineer shall consider located between Lots H-9 and H-10 and Lots L-16 and L-17, respectively, as shown rights-of-way to be dedicated shall be reserved on the applicable final site plan. proposed open drainageway. If a storm sewer is used across lots, easement widths whether the alternative proposed by the Owner satisfies the purpose of the VWC/aer on the Application Plan, subject to the following: The site plan also shall include a note stating that no improvements shall be must be sufficient to allow excavation vivith 1:1 side slopes on the trench, sufficient requirement to be waived to at least an equivalent degree. In approving a waiver, the established within the reserved area. Within ninety (90) days after request by the room on one side of the trench to stockcpile excavated materials, sufficient room on County Engineer shall find that requiring compliance with the requirement of this 1. The emergency accessways shall be designed and graded to accommodate a County, the easements shall be granted. No improvements shall be located within q Cc: Violet Hills Association, etal the temporary the opposite side of the trench to allow for movement of materials, and adequate condition would not forward the purposes of the County's Subdivision and Water C/o Greater Eastern Management Co. minimum Virginia Department of Transportation standard for a public street as p ary construction easements until the construction of the street room for a backhoe boom to swing. Fences, walls, driveways, and other uses are not Protection Ordinances or otherwise serve the public interest; and granting the waiver g improvements onto Tax Ma 32, Parcel 23H1 has been completed p g g Post Office Box 5526, Charlottesville; VA 22905 determined by the County Engineer, and constructed using pervious parking P P pleted so that the need allowed within the easements, except where a "hold harmless" clause is included in would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, to the orderly pavers or other materials sufficient to support fire and other emergency vehicles, for the temporary construction easements no longer exists, but that support grass or other round cover, in conjunction with the construction of the easement agreement. development of the Project, and to the land adjacent thereto. Amelia McCulley pp g g 4. Within ninety after request 1. The Owner may Tex Weaver the streets serving Lots H-7 and L-14, respectively. y 90 ( ) days y q est by the County after Tax Map 32, Parcel 23H1 D. No surface drainage may flow across nnore than three (3} lots or one-half (112) acre, y request that the Plan be amended at any time. All amendments shall has been upzoned, the Owner shall dedicate to public use the streets and rights -of- whichever is greater, before being collected in a storm g sewer or directed to a drainage 6e subject to the review and a rovaf b the Count En 2. The fifty (50) foot wide rights-of-way shall be dedicated to public use upon request way and offer the street for acceptance into the state highway system. pP y y Engineer- Chuck Proctor Sherri Proctor way outside of the lots. by the County, together with all necessary right-of-way for the fifty (50) foot wide 11 Sanitary sewers. ASteve Allshousel residential uses shall be served by gravity sanitary sewers: Sarah Baldwin 10. Overlot radia Ian. For all subdivisions with lots less than 15,000 s feet eet in size E. Retaining walls higher than four (4) feet (measured from the top e , y ey grinder pumps. of the face to the however, basements may be served by fights -of -way to be geometrically connected to adjoining streets as approved by the square County Engineer. and not otherwise requiring a site plan, a lot grading plan ('Overiot Grading Plan") must ground on the downhill side) shall be designed by a professional engineer to assure Bruce Woodzel! (Real Estate) be approved by the County Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit for a new residence on an such lots The Overlot Gradin long-term stability. Retaining walls building using a VDOT standard or a pre - 3. if requested by the Count/ within ten (10) years after the first certificate of Y () g Plan must satisfactorily demonstrate engineered product that includes certification are not required to provide a separate In addition, the Board approved the following WAIVERS: occupancy is issued for a dwelling unit within the H or L sections shown on the compliance with all Erosion and Sediment Control requirements for drainage conveyed professional engineer's certification provided the building contractor provides an Application Plan, and after the property on the east side of Pritchett Lane opposite across such lot(s). An "Agreement in Lieu of a Plan" will be allowed for building permits,, affidavit that the wall was constructed consistent with the standard. Retainingwalls 1. Section 21.7 minimum yard requirement waiver to allow for alternative setbacks in the respective emergency access ways has been upzoned, the Owner shall provided the general drainage patterns and grading matches that shown an the Overlot q Gradin Plan. The Overlot Gradin higher than four (4) feet in useable yards or places where the public might walk must accordance with the application plan; and convert and upgrade the emergency access ways to the applicable Virginia 9 g Plan may be revised at any time by the subdivision include a railing similar in desig n to what is required for elevated decks. In 2. Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance related to critical slopes; as shown an the application Department of Transportation public street standards for acceptance into the state developer or individual lot owners, provided all work can be accomplished within their circumstances where it is questionable whether a railing plan - highway g is required, the County �_ highway system. Subject to weather delays or force majeure, the construction of ;tH a SCOTT R. COLLINSZ P' Lie. No. 035791 1!1�:- .10ALE z D F- < t5 m Z 0 U) 0 C) `� N Wpy J H tsa t JOB NO. v � 152116 9 Q � SCALE 7 v SHOWN �j AS HOWN � C N C O SHEET NO. ci nes 0 3A c m o � s l- 3 bUildin,0 perrijit ror the library. -, that aspl-ialt p4vement irt areas used for , provided, howevet construction staging by the County not be required to be installed until thirty (30) clays (or such lon-er reasonable Lime as may be necessary due to \-ve�ather �,on.ditions) after the County has reMOVed iiti COnStfUCtion-related materials and equipment, L".7pon the request of the Courity, Park 1-1 shall also be dedicated to public use, but the ON.vtier shall not be responsible for niaintaining such park. Owner shall be responsible f'or inaillrenattee of' the Library Parking Lot and other parking spaces serving the Library Lot and the Courivy shall have no obligation to be a member af' any Owner I S aSSOCi-,16011. The COUnty's request lot- dedication of the land fbr the 1,ibrary Lot -arid Park 11 shall be made within tiiree (3) years following the later to occur of (i) issuance of the first residential building permit within the Project, (ii) OwrieCs completion of' the iritrastruc lure (including but not I hulled to streets, water, sewer, electric, gas) required flor the use of the Library Lot, or (iii) December 31. 2016 (which December "I 1� 20t6 deadline may be extended by written mutual agree-ment of tile Owner arid the County). If a request :for stich dedication is not inaole within three (3)) years following the later of thesc dates, this proffer will be null and void. (b) Green Roof. In the event that the requirernents for the library building require a larger building footprint, anti the Cout%, elects to authorim the library building footprint to be Jar,, ler than 12,500 square feet pursuant to section 8. 1 (a) above, and in the further event that the building is developed as a condominiurn arid the County requests the Ow-ner to assume ownership for a portion of the larger building, O-wmer shall accept such ownership at a reasc)nable price upon which the pat -ties may nautually agree, arid shall contribute. to the County, on a pro rata basis based on the proportional size of the portion of the library building owned by the 0�,vner relative to the size of the librar bnilding as a whole, the cost of' designing and Y t__ constitleting, such building. Thcse costs may include, if desired by the County, installation of a ��grcen roof," and any additional expcnses associated with structurally reinforcing the roof' as rIeCCS,Sary to Support !he green roof'. Within ten (10) clays after receipt of a request for payment by the County that is accompanied by documentation to support the progress payrnentarnount as provided in the construction contract, the ONvner shall submit such paymerits to the County. Alternatively, in the event the County elects to design the library building as a Leadersfilp in Energy and. Environmental Design. ("LEED") building, the Owner shall contribute to the County, on a pro rata basis based on the proportional size of the portion of the Hbrary building owned by the Owner relative to the size of the library building as a whole, the additional costs Of constructing the library building to obtain LEED certification for the building. Within ten (10) days after receipt of a request for payment by the County that is accompanied by documentation to,support the progress payment amount as provided in the construction. contract, the Owner shall submit such paytrients to the County. The cl,esign of the green roof, or the c s riteria utilized to obtain the LEE,,f) certification, as applicable, shall be in the Coun(y's discretion. &2 Affordable Housinf-T. Subiect to the terms arid. conditions ofthis Section 8,2, the Oivri,cr shall provide a 1111,11IT1111ni of forty, (40) "for -sale" residential dwelling units as affordable dw0Ii11;,1,, Units, a minimum of sixty-six (66) "for -rent" residential dwelling units as affordable dwclling unit,;, and a 1-niniMLIM of four (4) Carriage House Units, (as Carriage 1-10 use U n its are dedned in Section 8.2(d))� The forty (40)'Tor-sale" residential dwelling units shall be comprised of tile f0ttowing type's of d�vellinv , units: twelve (12).froin multi-fta-nily; twQlve (12) rrom. ­otlicr" (-consisting of townhouses, duplexes, attached housing, condoininiurns in the commercial areas and other unidcritificd, bousing, types); and sixteen (t6) front single f.aprilly detached, each at the the purpose described hercnn, but shall, by Jauuary 30.. 2017, or thirty (3 ) 0) days after such later clate, contribute five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) cash to the County to be used by the COLVV for prc�jects identified in the County" s CIP reasonably related to the needs of' the North Pointe community, and irl Such event the School Lot may be used for other residential purposes as approved by the County after request by Owner for an. amendritent to the Application Plan, AfIcr dedication and berore the County usics: the School Lot for a school or for park and recreational purposes, andifrequested by the County, Owner shall aiaintain the School LoL until requested by the Courtly to no) longer do so, subject to the Owrter5s right to exclusive use of the School Lot for park and recreational purposes.- Stich park and recreational purposes shall be only those uses shown an an approved. final site plan or subdivision plat for the area that includes the School Lot. Upon being requested by the COILInty, Owner shall cease all use anti rnai tile riance of the School Lot and rernove all irnprovements established by Owner that the County reqtiests be, renioved. The County shall not bc� obligated ito pay 0,m.ier for any improvements established by Owner that the Coun(v retains. The deed or dedication for the School Lot shall provide that -if the County accepts title to the School Lot and then does not construct eittier a park or a school within iwenty (20) years tbIlowing the date tile Board of Supervisors approved ZMA. 2_013- 00007, then upon 0-vvneCls request title to the School Lot shall be transferred to Owner at no expense to Owner. 9.2 'Bus Stoll Turnoffs, Bus Stop Iniprovemertts, and Bus Service, (a) Owner shall construct ten �,10.) public: bus stop turnoffs as shown on. the A,pplicatioti Plan, or otherNvise two (2) in the soatherntriost residential arQa.. four (4) in d-te commercial areas and four (4) in the other residential areas, each in a location inutuail,'y acceptable to Owner -and the County. The bus stop turnoffs shall be approved with street construction plarisfor the Prc�jectand borided and constructed with thestrects, (b) Upon the request by Ific Count),, Ovvner shall contribute the total surn of I tN,%,cnt),, five thousand dollars ($25,600) cash towar& the design and construction of the above ground bus stop iinprovernents such as benchzs and shelters meeting standards established by the County at each bus stop. If the County does not request the funds,. or requests the l'iunds but does not constrUd tile bus Stop iFTIP17OVenients by the later of December 3 1 � 2015 or three (3) years after completion of the road nctwork, that includes the bus stop turnoffs, tlie sul le t to matters n � c of force majeure, the unexperided fund,,,- shall, in the discretion of the Countv, either be returned to Owner or applied to a projject identified. in the County's capital improvements program within or adJacent to the Pro iect that beriefits the Project, �c Within thirv, days after the introduction of public, transportation to t[Le Project, Owner shall contribute iwenty-five thousand dollar-,; ($25,000) cash to the County to be used for operating t�xpeuses related to such service, mid shall thereafter annually contribute Twerity-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) cash to the County, to be used l'or operating expenses related to such service for a period or nine (9) additional years, such that the total functs contributed to the County pursuant to this Section 9.2(c) shall not exceed ­['�,Nfo Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000). If the introduction of pubfic transportation to the Project does not conamence by the. later of ten (10) years after the Board of Supervisors approved ZMA 2013- 00007, or seven (7) years after the date of the issuance of the first certi ficate of occupancy for the first corritnercial building within the Project, this Section 9.12(c) shall become trull and void. C� sale prices and under the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 8.2. "I'lic ffivner shall C011\11eV tile responsibility of' Constructing the al'Ibrdable units to the subsequent owticrs of lots 'within the Property. (a) Multi-Famllv and "Othei" for -Sale Affordable thilts. For Inulti.-I'amily arid "other" tbr-sale affordable dvvellim, units within the Property, such aff-ordable units shall be affordable to WUSCholds with incotnes less than eighty percent (801)/10) of the area iriediari family Incotne (the "Affordable Unit Qu4hrVi1111 111C(Alle"), Stich that llu-, housing costs consisting of' � Z-1 principal., interest, real estate taxes and hori-teowners insurance (PITI) do not 'exceed. thirty percent (30%) of' the Affordable Unit Qualifying Income,, provided.. however, that � I in no even( shall the s�ellirig price of such affordable units 'be less than the greater of One I -fundi -ed Ninety Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($190,400) or sixty-flve percent (65%) of the applicable Virginia Housing Development Authority (­VHDA"') maxinlUrn rnortgaui� for first-tiinc horne buyers at the beginning of the 90 -day identification and qualification period referenced in Section 8.2(r). (b 1) Single Family Detached For--Salg Affordab.1-e t1irlits ("Nifoolerately-Priced V,uits7j. For single family detached for -sale affordable units within the Property ("Moderatcly� Priced Units"),, such kloderately-Priced Units shall be affordablc to hutis0iolds with inconaes less than one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the area median 'family incorne (the '�Mtoderately-Priced Unit Quali6,illg Income"). such that the housing costs consisting of PITI do not excecd thirty percent (30%) of' the Moderately -Priced Unit Qualifying, Income, provided, however, that it-, no, event shalt the selling price of -such Moderately -Priced Units be required to be less than the greater of Two Hundred 'Thirty Eight Thousatid Dollars (S238,000) or eighty percent (80%) of the applicable VIJDA maximurn mortgage for first-tinae honre buyers at the beginning of the 90 -day identification and qualification period referenced in Section. 8.140, (c) For -Rent Affordable Units. For a period of five (5) yea:rs fbllo�ving the date the certilleate of'oecupancy is issued by the County for each for-rertt affordable unit, or until the units are sold as low or moderate cost units qualif�ying as such under either the Virginia Housing Development Authority., Farmers Home Adininistration, or HOLIsing and Urban Development, Section 9, whichever comes first (the *"Affordable Territ"), such units shall be rented to households with incomestess thart the Affordable Unit Qualifying lricorrne� No fbr-rent aff'ordable unit may be counted more than once towards the number of for -rent aff'ordable dwelling units required by this Section 8,2. (i) Convevance of Interest, All deeds conveying any interest in the f'Or-rent affiordable units during the Affordable. Term shall coiatain language reciting that such unit is subject to the terms of this Section 8.2(c). in addition ` all contracts pertaining to a conveyance of any for -rent affordable unit, or a,ny part thereof. during the Aftbrolable Term, shall contain a complete and full disclosure of the restrictions and controls established by this Section 8.2(c), Prior to the conveyance of any interest in. any for -rent affordable unit durin.- tile Affordable Term, the then-currew owner shall tioli�y the County in writing of the, convoyauce and provide the name, address and telephone number of the potential grantee, and state that the requIrernerits of this Section 8,2(c)(i) have been satisfied, X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES I0J , Dediciation of Riall't-of-Way.7.Extension to Parcel 22E, Unless the dedication of public right-of-way and the construction of such, street are required in conjunction with, the approval of a subcilvision plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and related sections, or their successors: Owner shall reserve the fifty (50) ftV wide right-of-way bocated within the area shown on Shcet B and identified as a "50' R,O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication"conriecting a right- ol'-way 1rorn the proposed middle entrance road into North Pointe to the southern property line of Ta_-� Map 32, Parcel 22E ("'I'MI? 32-222E"). Priar to the issuance of a bUildit-Ig Permit r0r Building _32, as shown on the Application Plan, Owner shall record in the ClerVs Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, a current, irrevocable deed of dedication ded 'cating to public Use for road purposes, the are -a labeled "50' R,O.W, Reserved for Future Dedication." Owner acknowledgcs� that if it is not part or a subdivision plat approved by the County. such. offer of dedication must be first reviewed and approved by the, Board of Supervisors arid accepted by the Board, Stich deed of dedication shall include the f'ollowino conditions� (i) that TMP 32-22b shall have beet! upzoned; and (ii) that. prior to its use Jbr road purpose,;. there shall have been constructed (-in (lie land so dedicated a road approved by the County and accepted by VDOT for pubtic use or borided for VDOT's acceptance, At the tKile of the construction of the access road servi,n­ Buildino 32. the Owner shall construct the intCLSCCt'01! eLltb vadii or the road I I L_ T IMP 3 )2-'2121 F' , and extend c.ortstruction of such road for at least a minirrium of one. hundred (100 ) feet front Northside Drive East. The O�Awner shall also piace at flic end of such extended road, a, sign, approved by the County, advising- wid notifying the PlIbliC that such right-of-way is the location of a future road extension. 0,vvner shall, grant temporary construction easements as determined necessary by the County P�Tlginccr to allow for the road to be extended to TMP 32- 22E L ,, Which 10MISU'LLCU011 easernents shall be on Owner�s property arid outside of the dedicated right-of-way, and shall be established by the applicable site plart. No Improvements shall be located within the temporary construction casements until construction of such road has been cornpleted. l(12 Access to Tax NIlap 32A, Section 2, Parcel 4 _feurrent Northivoods Mobile Home J1-ark__Propet-h,), Unless the dedication of'public, right-of-way and the construct tion of such, street are required in conjunction with th-c approval of a subdivision plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and related. sections, or their successors: Owner shall reserve an area in the location labeled -50' R.O,W, Reserved for Future Dedication," at the eastern end of the main conimercial access road froin U.S. Route 29 an Sheet B for access to Tax Map 32A, Section 2, Parcel 4 ("TNIP 32A-2-4"). Prior to tile issuance of a building p�,,rrnit for Building 6 or Buildings VI through. A76. each as shown on the Application Plan, whichever is ��arlier, Owner shall, record irt the ClerlCs Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, a eurrent.. irrevocable deed of dedication dedicating to public use for, road purposes, the area labeled "50' R.O,W, Reserved fbr Future DL-dication." Owner acknowlcdges that if it is not part of a subdivision plat approved b), the County, such off�r of dedication must be first reviewed and approved by the Board. of Supervisors and accepted by the Board. Stich deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that TMP 32A-2-4 shall have been ulmoned; and (ii) that prior to its use for road purposes, there shall have been L��tut �'. During the Affordable Term and within ninety (90) day -s 60110%virip the end ol'each calendar year, the thert-current owt-ter shall provide to the Albemarle County Housing Office a certified annual report of all 6or-rent affordable units tbr the I - inirn.cdiately preceding year in a forni arid substance reasonably acceptable to the County HOUShIg OffiCC� Sub Ject to all fccleral, state and tocal housing lav�'s, arid upon reasonable notice durin,; the A�*fordable Term, the thert-current Owner shall make avaikable to the County at (lie then -current Ownei's premises, 11'reqUCStedi ariv reports, copies of rental or lease agreements. or Other data p(��rtaining to rental rates as the County may reasonably require. (d ' ) Q.arriaue _Houso Units. Carriage HOU-Se Ulnits shall meet the requirements f1ir a sitiole tarnily dwelling as defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, shatl be on [lie saine parcel as the priniary dwelling unit to which it is accessoiy, and shall not be I subdivided from the prunary residence ("Carriage lJousc Units"), The subdivision restriction shall be included on the plat creating such parcels and be incorporated into cacti deed conveying title tO Such Pal-CCIS, (C) E�16 gllbdiNdSj011 plat and Site pllu lbr land within tile Property which includes aff'ordable units (which, for this Section 8.2(c) shall include Moderately- Priced Units) ,,;,hall designate the, lots or units, -cis applicable, that will, subject to the terms and conditions of this proffer, incorporate affordable units as described herein. 1 -he first such subdivision plat or site ptan shall include a minirriurn of three (3) such affordable units. Thereafter, arid until the toval number of afforclable dwelling units preff"cred hereunder shall have been fulfilled, the Owner shall provide a mialt-ruini ofthree (3) ,,,uch affordable dwelling units per year. Each final subdivision plat and linal site plan also shall include a running total of the number and perceiita�,e of affordable units previ�_)usly provided and proposed 'to be provided 'by the subdivision plat or site, Vlna� For 11UPOSCS of this Section 82(e), such units shalt be deerned to have been provided when the subsequent owner/bUilder provides vvi-itten notice to the CounLy I Housing Office or its dosivrice that the uni.t(s) will be -avallable for sale, as required by Section 8,2(f) below. In the event that the Owner provides more than three (3) affordable dwetling units In a sing1c year, the Owner may "carry over" or "bank" credits for such affordable units, Stich that the additional affordable units which exceed the minimuni annual requirement inay be altocated fo-,�vard tile minimum number of affordable units required to be provided for any f`UtUFC Year, The rmaxii-num number ofafforclable units that may be carried. over or banked shall not exceed twelve (12) per year. Nomrlith,,,tanding the terms of this Sectlora, 82(e) to the contrarv, upon the writtun request of the Owner. the Count),, may authorize an alternative process and/or schedule fbr the provision and/or delivery of such atfordable units upon a determination that the request is in general accord with the purpose arid intent of Section 8.2 and/or otherwise f1irthers the goals of providing affordable housing in the County, (f) All purchasers of the for -sale affordable units shall be approved by the Albernarle Coumv HousiirLL, Office or its desigonce. The subsequent owner/builder shall provide tile COUnly or its designee a period of ninety (90) days to ideittify and prequality an eligible purchaser t,or the affordable unit, The ninety (90) -day period shall corni-nence upon written notice from the theri-current owner/bUilder that the Unit(s ' ) will be available for sale. If the County or its designee does not provide a qualiflied, purchaser who eyectnes a contract of purchase during this ninety (90) -day pQrkod, the then -current owner/builder shatl have the right to sell the unit(s) without any restriction on sales price or income of the purchaser(s), provided, however, that any constructed on the ]arid so dedicated a road approved by the County arid accepted by VDOT For public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance. At the time ofthe construction of the roundabout serving BUilding 6 and BUildflAgS V I thrOUgh V6 the Owner shall construct the intersection curb radii and extend construction of the road for a distance of at least thirty feet beyond the roundabout- The Owner shall also place at the end ot'such extended road, a sign, approved by the Courity, advisimar arid notifying the public that such right-ol-7-way is the locatiOn of a future road cmettsion, Afiei- dedication wid before the conditions of the dedication have been satis'l-led. and if requested by the County, Owner shall maintain ilie dedicated land until requested by the COLInty� to no louger do so, sul�ject to the Owner's right to exclusive use of the tied icated la nd For park, recreational, and/or greenspace purposes. Upon. being requested by the County, Owner shall cease all use and maintenance of the dedicated land and remove all. improvements established by Owner (if any) that the County requests be removed. Owner shall grarit temporary construction easements is determined necessary by the County Engineer to allow for the ro,,�,id to be extended to T,.,M_P _32A-2-4, which construction easernent's shall be on Owner's property and OLItSide of [tie dedicated right-of-%vay, and shall be established by the applicable site plan. No i rn prove ments s -hill. be located within the tealporary construction casements until ccmsti�uction oCsuch road has been conipleted. XL SIGNATORY 11A Certificatc. ']'lie undersignod C�;,rtifies that it is the only Owner of' 1hQ 'Neighborhood Investirients Property, which is the subject of ZMA 2013-000t,l. 11.2 The Owner. Thesc proffers shall run with the Property and each reference to Owncr within. these proffers shall include within its rucaning, and shall be binding upon, Ovvner's successor(s) in intort�,st and/or the developer(s) of the Property or any portion of the Property, (SI-naturc Pap i Immediately Follow) tn _-e I Linit(s) sold without such restriction shall nevertheless be counted towrard the number of affordable units required to be provided pursuant to this tcruis or thiss Section 8,2, The requirements of this Section 8.2 shali apply only to the First sale of cacti of the affordable units. (g) The County shall have the right, froin time to tirrie. on reasonable notice arid subject to all applicable privacy laws, to inspect the records of'Ovvner oi- any successors in interest for the purposes of as,��uring corripli, nce ith this proffer, (h) Cash Proft'er. T,IJ1,$.Plt0FFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty (60) days after the Board of Supervisors approval of ZMA 2000-009, the Owner shall cause to be contributed three hundred thousand. doltars ($_300,000) cash to the County of Albemarle for the Albeinarle Housing Initiative Fund or such other similar fund as may be established or authorized by the County. 'The contribution shall be to fund affordable home ownership loan programs within the Project arid other areas of Albemarle COUnty, inClUding those provided by rion-profit housing agencies Stich as the Piedmont Housing Alliance, Habitat for Humanity, and the Albemarle Housing frnproverrient Program. If such cash Contribution is not expended for the stated purpose within five (5) years fii-om the date the -funds were. contributed to the County, all 1,11-leXpencled funds.shall be reffinded to the, Owner, IX. EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FAC11,1TIES 9,1 Elementary, School Site. Within two hundred seventy (270) days following request by the Counly, Owner shall dedicate to the Cotinty the. land shown on the A-pplicalion Plan as "Elementary School 12.85 Acres Schematic LaYOUt", consisting of approximately 118 5 acres (or a sn-ialler portion of such land in the CouriVy's sole discretion) (,the "School Lol"). Prior to dedication, the School Lot shall be graded and compacted by owner to a rm-nimurn of 95% compaction as measured by a standard Proctor test vvith suitable material for building construction -as certified by a pr(Jessional eagincer or as otherwise approved by the County Engineer to establish a fully graded pa.d. site to accointriodate an elementary school. The recreational field irnprovements shown on the Application Plan shall be fine graded and have top soil arid soil amendments added, and the mains for an underground irriglation system serving the recreational fields shall be installed. Stich improvements shall be reasonably equivalent to those existing at the recreational fields at Baker -Butter Elementary School, exclusive of any above ground improverrients, The pedestrian pathways as shown on the perimeter of the School Lot on the ApplicatiDn Plan shall be reflected on the subdivision plat prepared by Owner creating the School Lot and the pathways shall be installed when the site is graded for the recreation fields. The Owncr shall provide ail utilities to the School Lot. The dedication shall include easements across Owner's land for access t -.c) and use of Storm Water Basins 5 and 10 shown oil the Appticalion Plan, together with all temporary construction casements to allow Storinwater Basin 10 to be redesigned and enlarged, if necesmary, to accommodate the School Lot stoTrnwater..'rhc ,School Lot shall be used as an elementary school site, btu. if the County determines that the School Lot will not be used as an elementary school site, it shall be uscd by the Cotirity for park and recreational purposes sev.,ing both the North Pointe community and the region. if the Co-unty does not request that the Scl-lool Lot be dedicated by the later of December 3 ) 1. 20 16 (*Nvhich December 31, 2016 deadline may be extended by written inutual agreement of the Owner and the, County), or 'three (3) years after the issuance of the first residential building permit within the Project, the Owtier shall be under no further obligation to dedicate the School Lot for 111, y llis- Proffler IStaternent may be signed in counterparts aricUor via thesirnite with the �,Ilue f1,111 Corco �Ind effect as if all signatures were original and on one doctiment. Date: Z 7 COMMON WEALTH 017VIRGINIA CITY 0FRJCHN1/10Nt) NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTNIENTS - NP, LLC William 11. s4e�vnl_klke Its: Aucitt Thc undersigned Notary Public in and for thc -,Ifon�5aid hereby certifies thal William 11, Shevvinake as Agent lor Neighborhoud Itivestruents - NT11, LL,C signed the faregoing Proffer Staterricat beaTing the date as of 2014, acktiowledged the same before ine in rnyjurlsdiction aforesaid, on behalf orsaid limited liability conrpatl�'. Given Ltnder 1-ny hand this djy of 2014. Nly con-Lini'sSion expires - 1 0 S Wim -2 SCOTT R. COLUNS�Z F --i Lic� No. 035791,'r_-� 0 UJ 0 Z 0 UJ ce co D U) L _4 at I I& �V LU UJ V) JOB NO. 152116 9"o 4 rt7 GREENwAY LINEu. SCOTT R. COLLJNSZ (DEQ!CATED 777 F U Lic. No. 035791,�� F p 1A, PUBLIC U!�E) F PATHWAY or -0 Ai�pi irATI( OATAT, LOT 1 ^ LOT 1,760 LOT LOT UtLUER AREA 47 1,565 LOT LOT NUMBER AREA LOT NUMBE LOT -1,3,L5 1,370' --93 94 t, 590 1117_1,403 40 -.,- 1,40 -2 3 1,380 49 2,555 95 1,515 141 1,405 4 1,410 50 1,970 96 1,470 142 3,1W 5 1,465 51 1,970 97 1, 47a, 1143 6 7 2,425 1,975 52 1,970 53 1,970 98 90 145 22125 2,280 1*3 2,115 9 10 11 12 1,490 1,480 1,470 1,465 55 3,210 56 2,100 57-- .2,045 58 2,040 101 1-1,395--- 102 1, 3'_35 103 1,885 --- 104 1,895 147 148vM 149 150 2,035 2,785 - 2,470 1,970 13 1,450 105 1,400, 151 1,970 14 1j410 002 2;96 1,395 _152_ 9741_ is ic 2,030 1,775 61 1,3011 62 1,900 _106 107 1,403 109 1,950 153 1511 2'T10 1,970 W 1,375 53 1,820 109 23AU 155 2,430 18 1,375 175 110 1,540 156 7,360, 19 1,375 65 2,081) 111 l's35 157 1,660 20 3,375 A& 1,610 112 J 1,535 158 --660-- 21 1,63-, 67 1,610 113 1, 535 159 1,6w 22 2,12559 2,750 114 1,535 150 3,150 23 24 25 1'795 W 1,795 1-'-m 69 1,8905 70 1,395 71 1,395 2,29 116 1 2,830 117 IMG 15 162 163 2, 610 2,460 Zo 1,795 72 i 1,400 im 1,970 1 70 164 7,970 27 1,795 732,010 119j 11970 165 2,275 28 2,310 74 2,085 121 ?,62,0, 166 1,395 29 30 2,044) L' 60 75 1,535 76 1,535 121 122 1,750 167 168 1 1,395 31 1,580 77 1'535 1..73 J 1,535 169 1,765 32 1,630 18 1,535 124 1,535 170 1,750 31 1, 7_05 1,535 125 1,535 171 1,395 34 m 1,775 bo 2,345 1216 1,540 172 1395 i'395 3 6 1,98f1173 82 1,970 129 I'm 174 --lEl-0 37 1,400 33 1,970 129 1,395 175 1,920 m 1,400 84 1,970 130 1,395 176 4qL 39 40 14`.70 2,135 85-- -2,-435-- 86 2',514 131 1,405 132 1,970 ---178 in 1,395 1,400 41 42 2,2W 1'c02i - -8-1 1,970 1,970 -- 133 1,800 134 1,390 179 i8o 1,835 I'B 15 43 11620 0 135 1,375 181 1,400 45 1 1,94L 2,555 sl 3,035 135 11390 37 I'SiO 182 3 _1, 400 1,400 ---T-"-- ,�b --- 1,525 --tT 92 vvis 138 1,910 ig4_ mm 1,931) Lu Q V) 0 i---1 QL OL ui O :3 (D Lu cy- D n, < L Li z < U I Z F - Lu0 - LU LJL <D cr, X U) O C7 C7 LLJ L'J rloo 0 v) uj C-) O a- 16 c T5 0 ry Lu b ui E -t- uj 0- 108 NO. 152 16 -2 0 �n SCALE cn 30' ID SHEET NO. ID C 5 C) GREENWAY LINE (DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE) F PROPOSED LOT BOUNDARY LINE z 0 r` H V SIDEWALK (TYP.) W 4 LL 2 _ _. . ,. . ;;q�� NOTE AS BUILT SIGHT DISTANCE FOR THE SIGHT DISTANCE LINES CROSSING THE MEDIAN WILL BE A CONDITION OF PERMIT COMPLETION /al _ — — :....:.::. �.�' PER VDOT REQUIREMENTS. ...> �.:. ��^'� � .,'", " �%/ ,Sid LO IJ i „sr% LUx { n :J Lu � ! 1N y co z PROPOSED LOT � a BOUNDARY LINE i "' " (COINCIDES WITH ..f; FLOODPLAIN LINE) _/4 so A fn 3R.. ad P wo l FENCING H o SCOTT R. COLLJNSZ Lic. No. (}35791,2. Z H � Lnm w =) n Ln z w IDNAL Ii s O ■ SCALE III = 30" ii. INSTALLATION OF ANY tNLLIJ5t1.) IJ I lt_I 1 T rLJFXt_r_iV1F_r4I J VVI 111111 111E 1\11Ji i i �i ar,,...�. �.._ __„ -_ __ _ __.-_ _ GOVERN 711E MATERIAL iii. CONSTRUCTION OF THE CUTS AND FILLS, INCLUDING FIELD DENSITY TESTS, BEFORE PLACEMENT OF ROADBED 2. WHERE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY, IT SHALL BF ■ w Y e " w BASE MATERIALS. REMOVED FROM THE ENTIRE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH AND REPLACED WHERE NECESSARY WITH SUITABLE MATFRJAL TO THE SATISFAC77R OF THF ENGINEER. .Y �• p�k� .r 3. ALL GROWTH OF TREES AND VEGETA77ON SHALL BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED FOR THE iv. A FINAL PAVEMENT DESIGN, BASED ON ACTUAL SOIL CHARACTERISTICS AND CERTIFIED TESTS, SHALL BE ENTIRE EASEMENT. OTHER TREES AND VEGETATION WHICH OBSTRUCT SIGHT N COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE THE PAVEMENT STRUCTURE IS PLACED. DISTANCES AT ROAD INTERSECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED. i . PLACEMENT OF BASE MATERIALS, INCLUDING STONE DEPTHS, CONSISTENT WiTH THE APPROVED PAVEMENT 4. ALL VEGETATION AND OVERBURDEN TO BE REMOVED FROM SHOULDER TO SHOULDER . PRIOR TO THE C0NS7RUC77ON OF THE SUBGRADEL DESIGN, PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE PAVING COURSE OR COURSES, FOLLOWED BY FIELD DENSITY AND •, n �, " . \ 1 . MOISTURE TESTS AND THE PLACEMENT OF A PAVING 'COURSE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. OftAINAGCONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENT INCLUDING DEPTH AND DENSITY, UPON COMPLETION AS PART OF THE FINAL 1. ALL PIPE CULVERTS, EXCEPT PRI VA TF ENTRANCES, SHOWN HEREON ARE TO BE RCP a. i Vi. CONSTR INSPECTION. WITH A MINIMUM COMER OF ONE (1) FOOT T 2. STANDARD UNDERDRAINS (CD -1 OR CD -2 OR UD -4'S) TO BE PROVIDED AS INDICATED Vii. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING VDOTA MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK PRiOR TO EACH OF THE ON THE PLANS, OR WHERE FIELD CONDITIONS INDICATE 1 ABOVE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION, J. ALL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE PIPES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWENTY (20) FEET IN ~' LENGTH AND HAVE A MINIMUM DIAMETER OF FIFTEEN (15) INCHES AND SHALL 8E viii. FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE THESE INSPECTIONS WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TESTING OF PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAION THE ROADS AT THE DISCRETION OF VDOT OR MAY LEAD TO THE ROADS NOT BEING ELIGIBLE FOR STATE SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. F` 4, ALL DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL BE CLEARED AND GRADED TO THE SATISFACTION OF � THE ENGINEER, DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL EXTEND TO A POINT DEEMED AS MAINTENANCE, NA TURAL WA TER COURSE ' ENE. ,AL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STREETS PA VEMEN RIP GENERATION "1� S 1. CONSTRUCTION INSPEC77ON OF ALL PROPOSED ROADS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE MADE 1. AN ACTUAL COPY OF THE CBR REPORT IS TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE BY THE COUNT?: THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLACEMENT OF THF AGGREGATE BASE MATFRJAL. IF 77IF SSV VALUES ARE LESS RIP GENERATION BASED ON ITE TRIP GENERATION MANUAL (8TH EDITION) DEVELOPMENT (296-58,32) 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE START OF CONSTRUC770N. THAN 10, THE DEVELOPER WILL BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT FOR ENGINEERS APPROVAL 84 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED UNITS (CODE 230) 2. UPON COMPLETION OF FINE GRADING AND PREPARA TION OF THE ROADBED SUBGRADE, THE THE PROPOSED METHOD OF CORRECTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE CBR TESTS PERFORMED ON THF SUBGRADE SOIL. THREE (3) COPIES 2. SUBGRADE MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER FOR GRADE, TFMPLA7E AND OF THE TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THF COUNTY, IF A SUBGRADE SOIL CBR OF 10 COMPACTION BEFORE BASE IS PLACED. DT: 1069 VPD {534 ENTER/ 535 EXIT) OR GREATER IS NOT OBTAINABLE, A REVISED PAVEMENT DESIGN SHALL BE MADE BY THE DESIGNS. TEF SR PO RED GRADATIONCTFOR MATERIALS MUST B SUBMIT D SPLACNG AGGREGG THE MATERIAL M PEAK: 81 VPH (14 ENTER/ 67 EXIT) ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED WITH 11011/%THE TEST RESULTS FOR APPROVAL. BASE M PEAK. 96 VPH (64 ENTER/ 32 EXIT) J. SURFACE DRAINAGE AND PIPE DISCHARGE MUST BE RETAINED 1,01 -Mv THE P PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY 77 -JE' COUNTY. ALL DRAINAGE `1. 174F REQUIREMENTS TO PUGMILL AGGREGATE BASE WILL BE WAIVED IN THE EVENT {) RIGHT-OF-WAY OR WITHIN EASEMENTS WATERCOURSE. OUTFALL EASEMENTS ARE TO BE EXTENDED TO A BOUNDARY LINE OR A NATURAL WA TE 7} -!AT 7HE SURFACE COURSE IS BEGINNING AT THE COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLA770N ETO AGGREGATE0 E EVENT 7HA T 7HE E COURSE IS APPLIED 4. GUARDRAIL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE EXACT LENGTH, LOCA77ON AND APPROPRIATE END PRIOR OF DAYS, 774E PUGMILL REQUIREMENT WILL APPLY 1.5 TREATMENTS WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL GUARDRAIL 5, IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, 7HE USE OF AN AGGREGATE SPREADER IS REQUIRED WHEN PLACING AGGREGATE x:15 MAY BE REQUIRED AT LOCA 77ONS NOT SHOWN WHEN, BASF 1}.f OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY, WHEN GUARDRAIL 1S REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE INSTALLED 6• BASE MUST BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER FOR DEPTH, TEMPLATE, AND COMPAC77ON 447 FOUR (4) FEET OFFSET FROM THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO 714E FACE OF GUARDRAIL, AND BEFORE SURFACE 7REATMENT iS APPLIED, 55 SHALL BE INCREASED TO SEVEN (7) FEET. ROADWAY SHOULDER WIDTHS7 PRIME COAT MUST BE APPLIED TO BASE MATERIAL PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF 5. WHERE URBAN CROSS SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED, ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES SHALL ASPHALT (PRIME COAT RC -250 ® 0..3 GAL./SQ. YD.), �3 CONFORM TO VDOT CG -9(A, B OR C). 8. BITUMINOUS SURFACE TO BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WI7H CURRENT VIRGINIA S. WHERE RURAL CROSS SEC77ONS ARE INSTALLED, ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES SHALL DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS GirardI.Laa1L (WQst&East Scgimits) CONFORM TO VDOT STANDARD PE -1. 9. ENCROACHMENT POSTS, WALLS, SIGNS, OR SIMILAR ORNAMENTAL STRUCTURES THAT 7 COMPLIANCE' WITH THE MINIMUM PAVEMENT WIDTH, SHOULDER MD 711 AND DITCH SECTIONS, AS DO NOT ENHANCE A ROADWAY'S CAPACITY OR TRAFFIC SAFETY, SHALL NOT BE 7,56 SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SEC77ON DETAIL, SHALL BE S7RICTLY ADHERED TO. PERMIT7ED WiTHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY ONLY 77-IOSE S7RUCTURES SPECIFICALLY 8, ROAD PLAN APPROVAL FOR SUBDIVISIONS IS SUBJECT TO FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT VALIDATION, AUTHORIZED BY PERMIT ISSUED BY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAY 21A SHOULD THE FINAL PLAT FOR THIS PROJECT EXPIRE PRIOR TO SIGNING AND RECORDA TION, THEN $E L OCA TED MGM,\/ THE STREETS RIGHT OF WAY �'�l'4'Ik`t1Y�tt1 ��5t�;p1 Iii•-== Lo Location .AD'T H07 Design if -'BR SSS' Dr Surface 11 ki 8:��� b� a sub4asc IT 9 AD`' _ Laois zOnd I lock Drive, (Est. Future AD 1') 3000 {) 3000 i 5 ! kl'.2_5 : 9NII-9.5 1.5 2.25 BM -25 4.5 x:15 2113 ';1 1}.f i 41 i.iiTair 1 1..1IT4 447 tl 447 55 � 11.62 SM -9.5 2 2,25 BM -25 �3 2,15 2 1 A 5 0.613,L15 ! '. GirardI.Laa1L (WQst&East Scgimits) 139 Cl 1:31 5 ; 7,56 SM -9.5 2 1125 BM -25 ii 2.15 21A 8 0.6 9.3 A&ich f�rra e 226 0 2"17 5 5 9.2T SNI -9,5 2 � 12.25 13N1525 t) 2.15 21A 9 0.6 %30 Aldrich "]`ernace (`ooth ol'CAr and Lane) � :424 r"Aklridli L111 :644 1)ill�7ni(v'ulrri v _ _ - _ � E(i 0 � fl {G 424 614.4 t68 5 _. 5 5 5 5 i 1.44 12:e?t3 ' ?? Sl`°'1=9.5 S`v1,-9.5 `i t -E)5 2 2 � _ 2.25 11%4 25 2.2 131-25 2.25 1i C ?5 3 3 (J 2.15 2.15 2.15 21 A 21!t lr� 5 .5 -� € O6 0,6 0.6 13.5)5 ' '3.36 Giir<ard Way 93 0 93 5 a 16j:6 i 4111-11, ti 2 125 1311%4-23 t) 2.15 21 A ci 0,0 9.30 {;5111 CiA:St 1 fl 2 2,25 [IM -25I 2.1:5 21A 3 0.6 91:_11 filiau'ti "IVLTracc 70 a 70 5 5 5.17 ]SM -9.5 12 12.25 BM -25 10 12.15 121A 930 ; 1,5 TO 2 Sin -9,5 10.5" PAVEMENT SECTION ON ALL ROADS, o" To 3" eM-25 EXCEPT LEWIS & CLARK DRiVE(15") & ' 5" TO 9" 21 A ' GIRARD TERRACE (11.5!1) 10" PARKING SPACE PAVEMENT SECTION S" 21 A APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS SHALL BE NULL AND VOID. N`otT:: 1. Contractor to bort any existing pavement being utilized and coordinate 7aith VDOT on upgrades to geometric design standards to ensure the above Specifications are tnet and 9. ALL SIGNS OR OTHER REGULATORY DEVICES SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR are in accordance, ivith the ir standards. UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THE ALBFMARLE COUNTY ROAD NAMING AND ?. All roaads but I e vis. anti Clark, Dive shall receive: a 112'3 to 11" prime and seal (binder) over the stone subbase for construction trA`fac until final asphalt is placed. 'The stone PROPERTY NUMBERING ORDINANCE AND MANUAL. aggregate and hinder shall he inspected for settling .anti failures Ta.nd repai L91�- 10. TRAFFIC CONTROL OR OTHER REGULATORY SIGNS OR BARRICADES SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER WHEN, IN 714E OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, 7HEY ARE DEEMED CG -12 H1DTT:HYDCMR IC CEMiENTCL$DFWALLK (DRB RAMPS EPTH' I INST NCIfS. AREAN'5OUARE YARDS) �Uj CURB '#HEN REQUIRED (CG -2 OR CG -3 IN LINEAR FEET) CG -12 NECESSARY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE- SAFE AND CONVENIENT ACCESS GENERAL NOTES DETECTABLE WARNINC SURFACE (AREA IN SQUARE YARDS) 11. THE SPEED LIMITS TD BE POS7ED ON SPEED LIMIT .SIGNS ARE 5 MPH BELOW 7HE DESIGN SPEED, 1. THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL of PROVIDED MA av TS AP A OV DOMES, EACH 0F.THE ABOVE EACH is A SEPCUT RATE PAY ITEM AN) SHOULD 11 '�7� VDOT t i 2. [}ETECTASLE WARNriG SHALL 8€ FROM THE MATERIALS APPROVED LIST FOR � Si)i/WEI7IIED FOR EhCH CURB CUT RAA. OR AS DETERMINED BY YDVT FOR PUBLIC ROADS. 11111CTA1L€ WARNING SLIF'AGES, PRODUCTS NOT LISTER SHALL MEET SDEWALK -RAMP 12;1 MAX A, E � DSS -DRAINS UNDER TO BE INSTALLED UNDER TllE SUBBASE IIA: FRE9UIRRFACES N THE LSPECIAL )ATT D T T CG -12 DARDS AND 1a1 I PERMISSIBLE CONST. L )HRS T 110 C PRECAST W 1W IN LAMA . 12. VDOT STANDARD CD -1 OR CD -2 CR SPECT L SURFACE CTI SHALL AP EOVAITrE1a TO THE sratAaARDS aND 5'illh. JaNT 4�°TE 112 IW t 1F CA$1 ± . SPECIAL DESIGN SECTION FOR APPR4VAJ., AY)OD P'9 iF PWCAS'i. MATERIAL AT ALL CUT AND FILL 7RANS177ONS AND GRADE SAG POINTS AS SHOWN ON 7HE ,ROAD 3. SLOPING ASIDES OF CURB RAMP MAY BE PDURED a.1ONDUTHICALLY WITH RAMP a° co FLOOR OR BY USING PERMIISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH RLQ'UFREO BAITS. - .�. A�ATIRIiN CUR@ it G�1ii°PFR 1-k1hYRNi A �,' J E,• I _ OF IOD FEET OR tA147IIIa F OF 011497 w 4. IF RAMP F4'OOR. M PRECAST JaCILES' MUST BE PROVIDED FOR DOWEL. S STJ '� .. I y SM+�.1. � TI'AM7 Ft}Pi kS $ice. �1�►# � � 0 PROFILES. THAT ADJOINING FLARED SADES CAN RE CAST R"1 PLACE AFTER E'LAC£Iu1EN$ 9F' - _...K,i:i MAXAK 3 O1R1ffi 6 GUTT€R, }� - Ez 13. A VIDEO CAMERA INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL STORM SEWERS AND CULVERTS THAT ARE PRECAST RAW FLUCNt. PRec<sT CONCd2ET£ SFAaL BE CLASS A-4. TYPE � DEEMED INACCESSIBLE TO VDOT 0R COUNTY lNSPECTTONS. THE VIDEO INSPEC7TON SHALL BE s. REQUIRED BAFIS ME: To NU7 � x B.. PJMGEtJ 1°CENTERS TO 151+rER ALONG A-„�J TRUNCATE© DOMES 4 o .� �" "�T1�9`"ari�1 cuRe � cui�rER`�"L � 1CL ` BOTH SIDES. OF THE RAMP FLOOR, AO-OEPTK OF RAMP FLOOR, MINIMUM, PERPENDICULAR SEE SHEET 1 of d FOR DETAILS rs � � CONDUCTED !N ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT'S VIDEO CAMERA INSPEC77ON PROCEDURE AND WITH A CONCRETE cG £R v1 � � T ' ' TAfRg .Fid STT" TANGENT PIAN p��Uj 6. ARE INC CUR.D IN PAY GUTTER SLOK TRmSITIONS AWAC£NT TO CURD R.A»S STD, CG -2 Tam 13ANEAiEH�1T. + "M 0 VDOT OR COUNTY INSPECTOR PRESENT Gwa®' UF16 AND ENT FOR CURB CURB AND GUTTER, �'* �•+•y 7. CURB RAMPS ARE TO BE LOCATED AS SHIOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED - :ter 12� 5'-U'" CROSSWALK 5 IS 9A5EID dd �.i�W,I1Y� T t�#E 6F CGDE t„�,•r D BY THE ENGINEER. THEY ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WHEREVER 12:1 MAS _r.°a R � � 1+� 1 � An LOESS §4'E Ft74TE WITHrN THE 1nGhT ar waY ill' A 1RIGHW-4 4%1_1TI TYPICAL PLACEMENT' ON AS LIFEW STAt10AROS, TIE SECTIgN 4 V � o CROSSES A CSA49 REGARDLESS OF WHETHER 5AD£MALi, 15 EXISTING.PRCJPISEO, BAC OF CURB 2 1 48 1: ,� �3.�j',1 ARL COUNTY AT INTI RSER ST OR NONEXISTENT. THEY MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN PEDESTRIAN. CR4SSYY'A.KS � j� ,�%f�`� A$ swlovlN ON PLANS DR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENSSNEER,.6rmSI•wa�.is NOT TYPE 8 zo :1 as: . V NOTES i.7 BE EQUATED 6EHN'J VcHICLE STKRA Llt'5 E74ISTlNG LIGHT _ POLES.t*tE P.ASAiLLEL e WITH BUFFER STRIPD. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION o d HTirRrauTS,gfRc3 I#LITS, tC ACCESSgiLt 1igYYE$ P1#au.,d A D91aTIra7cW5 UNOB"}TRUCTED STiHLE F11RM AND �SL1P RE519'iAMT PAIN CCNhAiCT tiE ALL ACCESS45LE ERMEN S OF A FACILITY THAT CAN BE APPROACHED. ENTERED 2 MfN. N LIJ AND L4ER 9Y PEOESTMANS. PaECT9CN �_ THE SELECTION OF CURB TYPE AND THE CONFIGURATION OF THE � > - /� �{ O RUCT70N WITHIN ANY EXIS77NG PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING CONiNEC7TON TO a, RotuPS MAY BE PLAGED QN RADIAL OR TANGE:NTIA',.. "$EGTIO � PROVIDx0 T1i:AT 1z�1 M+'� UTILITY R STRIP MAY EERY TO MEET t=xlTHE FIELD canlDl7soNs * • y'ir _ .. . - � �. a � 1. PRIOR TO ANY CL/NSTSI - SLOPES ROADWAY GEOMETRCS PROVIDING THE DIM NSIONS AND THE CURB OPENING 15 PLACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CROSSWALK Ai#) 12oIIkA%_ SLOPES ?,RE A9 NaiEO. A :- _D p ¢4 'p pS to Z ANY EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM 7HE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION THAT THE SLOPE AT THE CONNECTION OF THE CURB OPENING 15 �; _ (VDOT). THIS }- [ WIV Y NOT ACCURA TEL Y REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE .PERMIT. WHERE PERIaENDIk,ONC TO THE tB �' " , t' " Z YLIDT 1 i 14+40' PLAN �J' DRA YY/Y MAY 9, Tl'FIGpy CL�lG}7�T£ £4YALK 15 4' $HIGiC. WHEN THE ENTRANCE fl?�11 �G6YiNf3T NOTES FOR GENERAL NOTES ON THE DETECTABLE WARNh'NG SURFACE, ' ' IT* S W - SEE SHEET i OF 4. } ?�. } <A � dk � 6 * d°S M M Z ACC,OMMCDA.E THE TURNING +REI}Uff..MENTS OF ANTICIPATED HEAVY TR" ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN. TRAFFIC, REFER TD STANUMD; GG -13, COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE iITEAYY 4"� - AT � , 2'• HIGHER THAN � CD 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFJCA TJDN.S AND RUCK )RAF RAW$xR E U5 TE I3EPTIi. €DUE �F PAVEMENT T 1+D, aVT1EN CURB RAMS .ASE 45.4 u+1 C4NJUNGTIjN tiyITR a SHARED USE Pats, A7 � ,AAI£ AS TOP OF CURB � � I � � " � r+� . Z %--. 0 Z �y VDOT OTHERWISE O THE MINIMUM WIDTH SHALL BE THE WIDTH OF THE SHARED U5E PATH, STANDARDS OF YLlOT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 11. WHEN ONLY ONE CURE RAMP I5 PROVIDED FOR TWO CROSSINGS SOIAGONALL TYPE ' EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE W1 TH THE APPROVED A ,4' n a' LANG AREA SHALL BE PROVIDED TO MANEUVER A WHEELCKNR PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR 3. INTO THE CROSSWALX WITHOUT GOING 1470 THE TRAVEL A"AY. THIS V f A' EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER LANDING AREA MAY INCLUDE THE GUTrER PAN. TRUNCATED DCME a. 12, ALL CASES WI -CAE CURB RAMPS tNTERSE07 A RADsA SECTLON OF &' -3.4" C P CURB AT CONSTRUCTION. ED. RNINg. ENTRANCES SIHa« a an E A FACTORY HUMBER R 13EiI���� � r O TJ a r1 d fA © 4• ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED, AND MULCH TH£ -BACKMODIFIED OF CLC19: 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2: 1 (HORIZONTAL: VER77CAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER Ca a D a ' 0 0 Q a ' a 17 SLOPES OF ,3. 1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. LING RAS 4 O a U a o a Io Q r7 0 O Q Q c7 Q 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZA TION MA T LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINW ON OF THE � 14 U U U Q U Q I„ 0 C, 0 o U Lt 4 0 �,'; 4 9 R 4 St ✓,�' 14 9 ST C> 4 0 K� C1 C1 ARY !N ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAIJNAGF CHANNEL " ° ° ° ° '° �' O ° ° ° ° ° ° r- r I T COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, JT IS DEEMED NECESS O 0 o O 'O 0 100 O 0 6 A 0 O Q 7 ALL TRAFFIC CON7ROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM 7R,AFFIC CON7ROL NOTE: s JJ/� �• DETECTABLE WARNING S* THE REQUIRED LENGTH OF A PARPI.LEL RAMP IS �' DEVICES AT ECK OF CURB 14'• VARAABLE FULL 'WIDTH 6F RA}JP FLOOR LIMITER TO 15 FEET, REGARD ESS OF THE SLOPE - AT L w En 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRE7E PIPE -CLASS III. EEE KITE 1�. `�`- WARM TAY L1UIlS DETECTABLE iWl�9M'4il'li"s TRUNCATED I7��AdE DETECTABLE WARNING o � Li�TJ�L SHEET P 4 � � N v 9. ALL EXCAVA77ON FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WiTH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE En 1NSTAlLEt3 0I� �. RADIUS DETAIL +{+7 DETECTABLE /��L ��)�p�1 /� 11 Ada �/''�J SPECIFICATION "12 DETECTABLE T1t11'll'tINV 51JRFtiLE Rlse rc' Raw,6 IR X +� s n CONSTRUC77ON INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 19.26), ' BRIDGE CC -12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE RCFt"R NC: �� COMBINATION 5 CURB AND GUTTER ROAD APRT MOM o Q) TRIAD AJJD IDiETAWD Chi NOTES) REV. 7/05 TYPE C (PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR) APPLICATION105 or RE 9H1££T 3 OF 5 RE'AI9RON DATE (GENERAL NO a ES) 105 -s VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SO2 � DAA £� � � � � O7ti5 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF T1RhAd5S+OR7AT14iN 502 203.0, 501 OEPAiiTMENr TX THAN FtTATHF1 } + 203,05 204.0: I G-2 CR -2,21, U CG^Jd WIDTH OF I I a C7 aitoTlu OF ENTRANCE 27'`1"' MIN -282Y4"TAX. RAIL. HEIGHTj I A�1 c� 1ASIYr sAaat stAtt4 GENERAL NOTES & LIMITS CC PEDESTRIAN AA; LIMITS OF PLUESiRMAN NOTES, SRA1KA TO 9E AS I I iS MAINLINE (ROADWAY INSEE NOTE 87 - •- A. ?- ACCESS ROCI1E _ .w._ _,.�.........._.._ � - ACCESS. ROUTE EXPANSION JOINT .� �& 0 M +� UNPAVED SPACE .. WN-OR<TAV 11 � L9NPAYEt7 SPACE 1, TAS TTEtii IAieY F%WC'JIu$ ESR CAST �V PLACE. SHOWN CAN Fa.AAs7 � � 1, WHAT L'X+-1115 Li5ED F1JR STiT CDt'uN£CT� THE O ted" �'a" !z' /2a' d �s'° 1 RAaO THE _ E 1' 1+E?'1T5 VI Lij Ay . " 8 ... _.. - - 2. GCIfi%rRP TE TO S- AJ IF CAST phi K AM, �"' �" - F..' 3," - .. - - - SHOWN ON PLANS) t� TSS I itUitt 111:5% R PL, L :StRHT Z_ 3„11 � .il � 1! 3,.11 � �. � - -- - � S CL]NNECTKIA iW1.lST EE Df*.TM`,p1ED 1N ACA7DRD WITH w S k RHE* #ixU lag IF (a CAAAAAA�T # 2" R % JIi7 till l CKTATNCE RIECD O EXISTING Oafs F ROPOSED � � � WIDTH OF 3. CURS HAVW A RADIUS OF FEET O1R LESS TE 7Z _ SIDEWALK CR SIDEWALK SPACE � J` + NT CURB INCLUDFO IN � RAMAL CURET- ' ""' -ITRAFFIC THE DE;aTHI FONR. SIDEWALK 1, CMM HAWS � ,.,, tALtatac FACE 9r T@I TP11L � PtAI FOR AS _ AE 7f ,r" � bra' i �` Ta/RNNG 78 CF ,i6N'i}C.PATEn HEAVY TRttOa{ � U ,¢ CC -df, t NAS 7 2. TITi�Ja THE LTNTRx'aD!'£ 1RAiDM OANa1K77 i'£ TTa£ 7a ENTRANCE GUTTER � - .. p THE R#i1M9Fif;1'UR.I7 9E EXPANSION I�a3Nr ! - - ;, 'EINE lifTaTH Of CUFR9 MAY iRf3AUOED A� 6iRKKai "$' aac7T€ LOW - 13 _ m ak9 3'° f15" DEPT;H7 1111 Re1Cl'D ,aS liliCH1 AS �' N * .iy ' '. r r r f �n"iA:' '.a1r ',�,M"/iYTi3%a.:, ,�. < /x��;',rY✓ WaT'.3.ti .k++: S'piEYlAt.1t i T9TTHat1i 1TTT5 Ul= _.. - 1- 1 _ s c2C BEA fH81N ORDFt; INUIT. THE E6TT4At " RAE 6' �e e �y � RI LIMIITpE�`R�aA,t .. - -d`• '.Ta• g ! r= CESi'S ROUTE NC1Ni-T1t;&VERSAFiY..E ^GESS R7UTE t or CtJfif3 MI1LL C4iN M4'ITtI THE TOP SIF' A �' " ' ( 3 I I I 1 I .,'�."�•.-�-� 7 THE CU T ON THIS STAND B i'dY �Uj C? � - -'� ti INNS I!" J w - COiAl15E OF THE PAVDAENT S9 TRR n fAE. G ; ' R.; F PAN90W EaIH A 1984 Sg AO BJ TED 'TG WATCH THE UDUINTAEL.F CUR 15 U OT. THE 1iEPTH rS 7O 9?E 16"s T SHAOWHL +e 75.', :�' j I i 1 iC if iOlyT NFSG%tlR%titDM w NO AC41Ld MI TRE a TO BE 1AAQE PEDI TI IAN ACCESS ROUTE DETAILS WITH I FOR x t7Ei AusE hN rracR€ASE 1N TS£iaTN. 1s '° n,' '.' -"` _.- 4• SE£ 'STANDAiRO t%s-7i FOR 1d@ RJ4+ DE'aI�,N TL' @£ Uj U \ FLO}i LINE z Y1itTliC1L1T tJI AWED SPACE O. CE 2 TO 8E osw ON ROADWAYS NEXTNG ,e' �* NOT): NIppW "B" 2" -ti" OR 1S `� iAP�JHI€ RCHAOWAY i iRiTT# IBES SiMIiaAH>i. THE FOR 'TSE AS SHOWN 1N 1x.� � IJP 2a G�-� CR„�A MOWN 9N TYPICAL, CTiOPL A� yy��y A7 APPEtt70S A THE OR ROM OESKaN MMTLAut, S. OPTP01dAL FLOWLitE MAY REQUIRE kfAAP7aG # A sa Ar}pRT1ONAy, RIGHT-OF-WAY IS 1 OR3®RED =F` TIt£ LIMITS pN EHE MCTIV 13N R;5 LEAN 5TA11YTiA! .. ,�¢,„�` - gs"r._3" POST SPACING) A�'-11j�" POST SPAial1uS PROR-S"1iR't OF aBIT6£la TO P#AE4X.1A� P1:ShRSIhiG 4'IF iVe4TER: 3.� �� Q w ENTRANCE W of OF PEDEST MAN ACC.CSS ROUTE { EXTEND BEYOND EXISTING 1"3,. P I .� VIE4I11 DESIRApLE MINIMUM 16' OR PROPUSED VUOT RIGHT -OF WA i 4 , ^ b „' b MAX DYNAMIC DEFLECTION - 9' MAX DYNAAAFC DEFLECTION - 2" a - EXPANSION JOINT ABSOLUTE 6CNIMVM 12• t A ,,.• B EF�17R1�NGE Alt?TE�a Q..�-� EDGE avEMeNr �. I r * r - - IAS ROADWAY SLOPE 8. PLAN ARE TO 11CATE WHELN CC pSTRUCIM S F A FLOW � PEDESTRIAN aoCQESS Ru"UTfS RRDV-D'£ A bONTINADC'A15 A. A. TD'PAVtA9OLIC CLIRYE LRT£ 15 REIMATR£lp T[i 1'RR7VILT£ POi.�'i'TC.'£; AFWRA?a5 A THE ENMANOE. - UNOBSTRUCTED, STABLE FIRM AND SLIP RESISTANT °^-:, th", S �° �`...; �',,, T � LEGE i# SNCRNDER OR SLOPE � _ - 7, PA"AEIIEHT SNAIL Bf TEA2 TO YFIE O 3 O PATIH CONNECTING ALL AGCFSSrBLE ELEMENTS OFA '�"' ` .Ay.° =,p.' -` IjP'iTR7ii,AI„ FLOW LR1E - -- [} W LINE AVXE 1TaT ANY SLBGPCONI T9UCTaATICN FAQiLITY THAT CM BE APPROACHED, ENTERED ANa7 yam, - d., � a,. ^ s+.� -. HIa9 P i'LAPJ USEID BY PEDESTRIANS. 9.m. . .G. )/M# ROAMAY REQUIRED FOR MASE PAVEMENT WWH CPN 13E (D + 21, RADIUS sRz@ers£ NOTES, Tax aaAx � QAITTED iw TTI! EWr RAMC E I iK IF FIEDESTRIMI ACCESS ROUTES ARE BEING - GUARDRAIL LOCATIGNS SHOWN ON PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE st.QP£ �-- "'+�-..,`�^ •^-- $. RACIAL oea CC} . NRAT'iQN I'.'CJR@ A#a,��i"fTEI'R s +L^ PR!OVOLD,A MINIMUM # TRAVLRS L€. WIDTH IS ONLY AND C47d L£ A4JD3T £O 41)R1NG CiPNSTRUCTICik I AtA3 "� ""-•.. � �iAa:r. NOY RE CONS BE%DV R!W 1..1NdE f 0 REQUIRED WITH A MAX, Cr CT2CgSs SLOPE, "E, SECTION = A• 6,i AS OIRECT£[J BY THE ENGINEER, EXCEPT FOR T PURPOSES. !Z WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH St'AWARD * b . � in F M OPTIONAL CR -2A METMOD � OPTILNwAL GH -21A METHOD � U OG• -3 OR CG -7, TH£ fiURD FACE ON THS k "' FOE? RETAIL'S 46 POST AND 1it.00340UT5 SEE SHEeT NQ. SOLOS. USING NESTED RAIL USihO .ApprT141NiAL � S. THE ° 'TLE EN'E CtNCIEE ME CGi 3 ORD IS T9 8E ApsA ,TAO TO MATCH Z 9 H+ A • • 2O' YIDIAIL : F GIESri STA DARD IS GEN%@ JUSTFIURATICN. #-' ' R.,rC.Ir�FACE FOR 4ETAILS OF RAIL ELEMENT, RAIL SPLICE JC1 NT, AP+Ci RAIL ON BACK IGF POST B' f�L- CiS1iAERl"JAt. EH7 '�" A!� LISTED Ra TATE ALLSYWABI.E €HRrIRAAIGE 1$H'{.4L1F / '� � U UNPAVED 5tpa Wdil SPACE PFRAfitLIC kA + . �f ASSOCIATED HiARCHNARE SEE MEET NOS. 591,01 AND 5QI.O7. VALL" J HafST TO STREET irrJ ®1 A WHEN NESTED P OR ADDITIONALACI RAIL IS PLACED ON BACK OF POST _. U -� TRUCT 6R.AL1E Cly$ YRPHa A PANidI9OL1C CI,3RVE. FOR CR -2A TSAe FUST SPr4C1NC WILL BE &"-3' .. h A= TU RAIL ELEMENTS ARE FURNISHED SHOP GLIRVEZa FOR RAd)a N RF.' BETWEEN 5 FEET AM 154 FEET. 51`CiIC?N A� •• � ALLOWABLE 1=1NT1tA�Iv1GE �al'�'A�iE Cli1r+I51CsE5 n LU NORMAL GUTTER - y _ ' - _- _, BASE m r t r J.-.� -�"", "„"'"•,`�„'•,""' "''s x s = �" • d, iA`" i'� -yb, - ALL BE SE AL PASTS SHALL BE 5E7 RE TH P�} T SHALL - - � "-'" ��� -_-- • ' NUI 6E �T WITH A'{ARIATION SIE MORE THAN " PER FOOT _ 'N " t}. - 6-. I a a a a a ctr . a r $•h b g S. FROM VERTtUAL. W -BEAM, BLOGKOUYS, A149 POSTS SHALL RE l' g - R•a • J:9Y ?.G 10% CHANGE: ,a ;'ea'm'« �.i° �. '+T" SET AND ALIGNED WIIHOUT ALTERATION OR FORCE, AS PER & iMA"4aBle� ^qa?e �� SECTION 505 T'NE SF£CIF9AT34NS. SECTION C -C ALL GR -2 AND CR -2A RAIL��HAIL BE MAJN74WO AT A AGUREUATE BASE CLASS A3 tH.E,S.0 CONC. TYPE I2`-DHEIGHT C#' 2734°' MIMIN28T'a" MAXAX AS MEASURED PER SIZE 218 �""°� B" ST'k1>K7AJ'RC9 GR -IHSS, D"-4;•` 5'-1J^ POINT OF GRADE C14 MCE MAX.SLOPE _ ALL W -BEAM RAILS CDR E LAPPED %d THte DIRECTION CSE vEHICI,LAR TRAVEL F17R 1"1iE fI'AISrIED RtTkP7tAY. FIR CORK ANO CUTTER ONLY .A THE OPTIONAL GR -2A METHODS Of NESTING THE RA. CR USE x x' 12 X MAXIMUM INCREASE IN SLOPE AT MINIMUM KY NFERVALS yy 9. FOR SIDEWALK CIWRF1 ANI) GUTTER AS X X 3 X MAXIMUM DECREASE. IN SLOPE FOR FIRST TD°INTERVAL, AND SI AH{ :U;6CR-2A+L RAL 5B THE BACK OF THE FEST FIR BUILT CONCURRENTLY R X MM MMM DECREASE FOR SUCCEEDINC MINIMUM iD' INTERVAES , a . - ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE PRIOR CR -2A SHALL 13E APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER SECTION A -A m.� �. z:�� IF it l 1 I�I� PRIVR T{7 Ihs rALLATIi1N. SECTION D -D yM„ ..,,.. SPECIFICATION S"PECIFHCATKIN oc STANDARD ENTRANCE GUTTER REFERENCE ReFER�rxx STANDARD 511 GARB €OADI AND BRIDGE 51ANDARO - SHiE£T i Of T REVISION DATE 502. JIM. _. - ATRTMENr IJV TRANSPORTATIONN x C�A1RTlEtaT OF 3a'PAi�17AITAiAN'i 07115 VIRGINIA OEP _-- .. . r r DESIGN "SIDE LLI 12'1 `- - 12:1 M .� :. g+1,NiN ') -Tal€ &lTTCii � Tta€ T AND a„ «_Die CUTTER WAY R E CLEC PARALLEL TO 'THE SLOE OF � IC�1 J �,._• SUBBASE COURSES PROVIClEo A � c 0 T MIN AT Y .2" NIGHER THAN EDGE OF PAVEMENT THIS AREA WAY BE CONCRETE WNRltlAii DEPTH OF 7" AT OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR 15 MADTI'AI EO', �• � U� � L CJ A_ k'�+, ATS'",)K,SAME AS TOP OF CURB THE 1151 0 #D 5' 15,1 o � 30 - K° 13:1 - 74 THIS COMBINED tPARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR) DESIGN FOR ALTERATIONS CAN BE � � N C USED WITH ADJOINING BUFFER STRIP. LANDING AT 80TTOM OF TWO SLOPING SIDES WITH 50" X 60" MIN. DIMENSIONS. THE SHORT PERPENDICULAR FUN TO THE STREET - czU '� U CAN BE PROTECTED BY A LANDSCAPED SETBACK OR CONNECTED TO THE SIDEWALK WITH A WARPED SURFACE. �(D COUNTY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, JT IS DEEMED NECESS O 0 o O 'O 0 100 O 0 6 A 0 O Q 7 ALL TRAFFIC CON7ROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM 7R,AFFIC CON7ROL NOTE: s JJ/� �• DETECTABLE WARNING S* THE REQUIRED LENGTH OF A PARPI.LEL RAMP IS �' DEVICES AT ECK OF CURB 14'• VARAABLE FULL 'WIDTH 6F RA}JP FLOOR LIMITER TO 15 FEET, REGARD ESS OF THE SLOPE - AT L w En 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRE7E PIPE -CLASS III. EEE KITE 1�. `�`- WARM TAY L1UIlS DETECTABLE iWl�9M'4il'li"s TRUNCATED I7��AdE DETECTABLE WARNING o � Li�TJ�L SHEET P 4 � � N v 9. ALL EXCAVA77ON FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WiTH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE En 1NSTAlLEt3 0I� �. RADIUS DETAIL +{+7 DETECTABLE /��L ��)�p�1 /� 11 Ada �/''�J SPECIFICATION "12 DETECTABLE T1t11'll'tINV 51JRFtiLE Rlse rc' Raw,6 IR X +� s n CONSTRUC77ON INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 19.26), ' BRIDGE CC -12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE RCFt"R NC: �� COMBINATION 5 CURB AND GUTTER ROAD APRT MOM o Q) TRIAD AJJD IDiETAWD Chi NOTES) REV. 7/05 TYPE C (PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR) APPLICATION105 or RE 9H1££T 3 OF 5 RE'AI9RON DATE (GENERAL NO a ES) 105 -s VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SO2 � DAA £� � � � � O7ti5 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF T1RhAd5S+OR7AT14iN 502 203.0, 501 OEPAiiTMENr TX THAN FtTATHF1 } + 203,05 204.0: I G-2 CR -2,21, U CG^Jd WIDTH OF I I a C7 aitoTlu OF ENTRANCE 27'`1"' MIN -282Y4"TAX. RAIL. HEIGHTj I A�1 c� 1ASIYr sAaat stAtt4 GENERAL NOTES & LIMITS CC PEDESTRIAN AA; LIMITS OF PLUESiRMAN NOTES, SRA1KA TO 9E AS I I iS MAINLINE (ROADWAY INSEE NOTE 87 - •- A. ?- ACCESS ROCI1E _ .w._ _,.�.........._.._ � - ACCESS. ROUTE EXPANSION JOINT .� �& 0 M +� UNPAVED SPACE .. WN-OR<TAV 11 � L9NPAYEt7 SPACE 1, TAS TTEtii IAieY F%WC'JIu$ ESR CAST �V PLACE. SHOWN CAN Fa.AAs7 � � 1, WHAT L'X+-1115 Li5ED F1JR STiT CDt'uN£CT� THE O ted" �'a" !z' /2a' d �s'° 1 RAaO THE _ E 1' 1+E?'1T5 VI Lij Ay . " 8 ... _.. - - 2. GCIfi%rRP TE TO S- AJ IF CAST phi K AM, �"' �" - F..' 3," - .. - - - SHOWN ON PLANS) t� TSS I itUitt 111:5% R PL, L :StRHT Z_ 3„11 � .il � 1! 3,.11 � �. � - -- - � S CL]NNECTKIA iW1.lST EE Df*.TM`,p1ED 1N ACA7DRD WITH w S k RHE* #ixU lag IF (a CAAAAAA�T # 2" R % JIi7 till l CKTATNCE RIECD O EXISTING Oafs F ROPOSED � � � WIDTH OF 3. CURS HAVW A RADIUS OF FEET O1R LESS TE 7Z _ SIDEWALK CR SIDEWALK SPACE � J` + NT CURB INCLUDFO IN � RAMAL CURET- ' ""' -ITRAFFIC THE DE;aTHI FONR. SIDEWALK 1, CMM HAWS � ,.,, tALtatac FACE 9r T@I TP11L � PtAI FOR AS _ AE 7f ,r" � bra' i �` Ta/RNNG 78 CF ,i6N'i}C.PATEn HEAVY TRttOa{ � U ,¢ CC -df, t NAS 7 2. TITi�Ja THE LTNTRx'aD!'£ 1RAiDM OANa1K77 i'£ TTa£ 7a ENTRANCE GUTTER � - .. p THE R#i1M9Fif;1'UR.I7 9E EXPANSION I�a3Nr ! - - ;, 'EINE lifTaTH Of CUFR9 MAY iRf3AUOED A� 6iRKKai "$' aac7T€ LOW - 13 _ m ak9 3'° f15" DEPT;H7 1111 Re1Cl'D ,aS liliCH1 AS �' N * .iy ' '. r r r f �n"iA:' '.a1r ',�,M"/iYTi3%a.:, ,�. < /x��;',rY✓ WaT'.3.ti .k++: S'piEYlAt.1t i T9TTHat1i 1TTT5 Ul= _.. - 1- 1 _ s c2C BEA fH81N ORDFt; INUIT. THE E6TT4At " RAE 6' �e e �y � RI LIMIITpE�`R�aA,t .. - -d`• '.Ta• g ! r= CESi'S ROUTE NC1Ni-T1t;&VERSAFiY..E ^GESS R7UTE t or CtJfif3 MI1LL C4iN M4'ITtI THE TOP SIF' A �' " ' ( 3 I I I 1 I .,'�."�•.-�-� 7 THE CU T ON THIS STAND B i'dY �Uj C? � - -'� ti INNS I!" J w - COiAl15E OF THE PAVDAENT S9 TRR n fAE. G ; ' R.; F PAN90W EaIH A 1984 Sg AO BJ TED 'TG WATCH THE UDUINTAEL.F CUR 15 U OT. THE 1iEPTH rS 7O 9?E 16"s T SHAOWHL +e 75.', :�' j I i 1 iC if iOlyT NFSG%tlR%titDM w NO AC41Ld MI TRE a TO BE 1AAQE PEDI TI IAN ACCESS ROUTE DETAILS WITH I FOR x t7Ei AusE hN rracR€ASE 1N TS£iaTN. 1s '° n,' '.' -"` _.- 4• SE£ 'STANDAiRO t%s-7i FOR 1d@ RJ4+ DE'aI�,N TL' @£ Uj U \ FLO}i LINE z Y1itTliC1L1T tJI AWED SPACE O. CE 2 TO 8E osw ON ROADWAYS NEXTNG ,e' �* NOT): NIppW "B" 2" -ti" OR 1S `� iAP�JHI€ RCHAOWAY i iRiTT# IBES SiMIiaAH>i. THE FOR 'TSE AS SHOWN 1N 1x.� � IJP 2a G�-� CR„�A MOWN 9N TYPICAL, CTiOPL A� yy��y A7 APPEtt70S A THE OR ROM OESKaN MMTLAut, S. OPTP01dAL FLOWLitE MAY REQUIRE kfAAP7aG # A sa Ar}pRT1ONAy, RIGHT-OF-WAY IS 1 OR3®RED =F` TIt£ LIMITS pN EHE MCTIV 13N R;5 LEAN 5TA11YTiA! .. ,�¢,„�` - gs"r._3" POST SPACING) A�'-11j�" POST SPAial1uS PROR-S"1iR't OF aBIT6£la TO P#AE4X.1A� P1:ShRSIhiG 4'IF iVe4TER: 3.� �� Q w ENTRANCE W of OF PEDEST MAN ACC.CSS ROUTE { EXTEND BEYOND EXISTING 1"3,. P I .� VIE4I11 DESIRApLE MINIMUM 16' OR PROPUSED VUOT RIGHT -OF WA i 4 , ^ b „' b MAX DYNAMIC DEFLECTION - 9' MAX DYNAAAFC DEFLECTION - 2" a - EXPANSION JOINT ABSOLUTE 6CNIMVM 12• t A ,,.• B EF�17R1�NGE Alt?TE�a Q..�-� EDGE avEMeNr �. I r * r - - IAS ROADWAY SLOPE 8. PLAN ARE TO 11CATE WHELN CC pSTRUCIM S F A FLOW � PEDESTRIAN aoCQESS Ru"UTfS RRDV-D'£ A bONTINADC'A15 A. A. TD'PAVtA9OLIC CLIRYE LRT£ 15 REIMATR£lp T[i 1'RR7VILT£ POi.�'i'TC.'£; AFWRA?a5 A THE ENMANOE. - UNOBSTRUCTED, STABLE FIRM AND SLIP RESISTANT °^-:, th", S �° �`...; �',,, T � LEGE i# SNCRNDER OR SLOPE � _ - 7, PA"AEIIEHT SNAIL Bf TEA2 TO YFIE O 3 O PATIH CONNECTING ALL AGCFSSrBLE ELEMENTS OFA '�"' ` .Ay.° =,p.' -` IjP'iTR7ii,AI„ FLOW LR1E - -- [} W LINE AVXE 1TaT ANY SLBGPCONI T9UCTaATICN FAQiLITY THAT CM BE APPROACHED, ENTERED ANa7 yam, - d., � a,. ^ s+.� -. HIa9 P i'LAPJ USEID BY PEDESTRIANS. 9.m. . .G. )/M# ROAMAY REQUIRED FOR MASE PAVEMENT WWH CPN 13E (D + 21, RADIUS sRz@ers£ NOTES, Tax aaAx � QAITTED iw TTI! EWr RAMC E I iK IF FIEDESTRIMI ACCESS ROUTES ARE BEING - GUARDRAIL LOCATIGNS SHOWN ON PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE st.QP£ �-- "'+�-..,`�^ •^-- $. RACIAL oea CC} . NRAT'iQN I'.'CJR@ A#a,��i"fTEI'R s +L^ PR!OVOLD,A MINIMUM # TRAVLRS L€. WIDTH IS ONLY AND C47d L£ A4JD3T £O 41)R1NG CiPNSTRUCTICik I AtA3 "� ""-•.. � �iAa:r. NOY RE CONS BE%DV R!W 1..1NdE f 0 REQUIRED WITH A MAX, Cr CT2CgSs SLOPE, "E, SECTION = A• 6,i AS OIRECT£[J BY THE ENGINEER, EXCEPT FOR T PURPOSES. !Z WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH St'AWARD * b . � in F M OPTIONAL CR -2A METMOD � OPTILNwAL GH -21A METHOD � U OG• -3 OR CG -7, TH£ fiURD FACE ON THS k "' FOE? RETAIL'S 46 POST AND 1it.00340UT5 SEE SHEeT NQ. SOLOS. USING NESTED RAIL USihO .ApprT141NiAL � S. THE ° 'TLE EN'E CtNCIEE ME CGi 3 ORD IS T9 8E ApsA ,TAO TO MATCH Z 9 H+ A • • 2O' YIDIAIL : F GIESri STA DARD IS GEN%@ JUSTFIURATICN. #-' ' R.,rC.Ir�FACE FOR 4ETAILS OF RAIL ELEMENT, RAIL SPLICE JC1 NT, AP+Ci RAIL ON BACK IGF POST B' f�L- CiS1iAERl"JAt. EH7 '�" A!� LISTED Ra TATE ALLSYWABI.E €HRrIRAAIGE 1$H'{.4L1F / '� � U UNPAVED 5tpa Wdil SPACE PFRAfitLIC kA + . �f ASSOCIATED HiARCHNARE SEE MEET NOS. 591,01 AND 5QI.O7. VALL" J HafST TO STREET irrJ ®1 A WHEN NESTED P OR ADDITIONALACI RAIL IS PLACED ON BACK OF POST _. U -� TRUCT 6R.AL1E Cly$ YRPHa A PANidI9OL1C CI,3RVE. FOR CR -2A TSAe FUST SPr4C1NC WILL BE &"-3' .. h A= TU RAIL ELEMENTS ARE FURNISHED SHOP GLIRVEZa FOR RAd)a N RF.' BETWEEN 5 FEET AM 154 FEET. 51`CiIC?N A� •• � ALLOWABLE 1=1NT1tA�Iv1GE �al'�'A�iE Cli1r+I51CsE5 n LU NORMAL GUTTER - y _ ' - _- _, BASE m r t r J.-.� -�"", "„"'"•,`�„'•,""' "''s x s = �" • d, iA`" i'� -yb, - ALL BE SE AL PASTS SHALL BE 5E7 RE TH P�} T SHALL - - � "-'" ��� -_-- • ' NUI 6E �T WITH A'{ARIATION SIE MORE THAN " PER FOOT _ 'N " t}. - 6-. I a a a a a ctr . a r $•h b g S. FROM VERTtUAL. W -BEAM, BLOGKOUYS, A149 POSTS SHALL RE l' g - R•a • J:9Y ?.G 10% CHANGE: ,a ;'ea'm'« �.i° �. '+T" SET AND ALIGNED WIIHOUT ALTERATION OR FORCE, AS PER & iMA"4aBle� ^qa?e �� SECTION 505 T'NE SF£CIF9AT34NS. SECTION C -C ALL GR -2 AND CR -2A RAIL��HAIL BE MAJN74WO AT A AGUREUATE BASE CLASS A3 tH.E,S.0 CONC. TYPE I2`-DHEIGHT C#' 2734°' MIMIN28T'a" MAXAX AS MEASURED PER SIZE 218 �""°� B" ST'k1>K7AJ'RC9 GR -IHSS, D"-4;•` 5'-1J^ POINT OF GRADE C14 MCE MAX.SLOPE _ ALL W -BEAM RAILS CDR E LAPPED %d THte DIRECTION CSE vEHICI,LAR TRAVEL F17R 1"1iE fI'AISrIED RtTkP7tAY. FIR CORK ANO CUTTER ONLY .A THE OPTIONAL GR -2A METHODS Of NESTING THE RA. CR USE x x' 12 X MAXIMUM INCREASE IN SLOPE AT MINIMUM KY NFERVALS yy 9. FOR SIDEWALK CIWRF1 ANI) GUTTER AS X X 3 X MAXIMUM DECREASE. IN SLOPE FOR FIRST TD°INTERVAL, AND SI AH{ :U;6CR-2A+L RAL 5B THE BACK OF THE FEST FIR BUILT CONCURRENTLY R X MM MMM DECREASE FOR SUCCEEDINC MINIMUM iD' INTERVAES , a . - ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE PRIOR CR -2A SHALL 13E APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER SECTION A -A m.� �. z:�� IF it l 1 I�I� PRIVR T{7 Ihs rALLATIi1N. SECTION D -D yM„ ..,,.. SPECIFICATION S"PECIFHCATKIN oc STANDARD ENTRANCE GUTTER REFERENCE ReFER�rxx STANDARD 511 GARB €OADI AND BRIDGE 51ANDARO - SHiE£T i Of T REVISION DATE 502. JIM. _. - ATRTMENr IJV TRANSPORTATIONN x C�A1RTlEtaT OF 3a'PAi�17AITAiAN'i 07115 VIRGINIA OEP _-- .. . FLARL RATES-` DESIGN "SIDE BEYOND SPEED SHY LINE - SHY LINE' MPH L31INE FLARE FLARE LS RATE RATE 70 T 3111 .26.1 i5e1 4 ED a'' 14=1 * 50 5.5' 211 1151 0 #D 5' 15,1 5.1 x 30 - K° 13:1 - 74 O JOB NO. CLUA E k a ' i r c 140TEa Ai LOWAI R:E 'TAS £ IF. WT o c s a �L APPUCA B TD srREST CO11TE£TADh15 >_ C SCALE SECTION C -C �+1__1�+•��AA� *5Utz9£STEO 140IM M FLARE RATE AS �3rT4JVYN U . FOR SEW --RIGID! BARRIER SYSTEMS. XVD= \V00 r A COPY OF THE ORIGNAL SEALED AND Sir WD 6RAWIkG IS GN FILE iN THrE CENTRAL OFFICE. SFELrREA1TCEN 1SPEC�ICA4TION WIFENIX � }1FGAST�` SHEET NO. � o ROAD AND HIWOC:£ STMN7ARDS ROAD AND mTlacE STANDARDS STANDARD BLOCKED -OUT W -BEAM GUARDRAIL C lREEVISSDTR WE E~£T I Or t SHEET 1 of 2 rT VISIC:N DATE (STRONG POST SYSTEM) 211 'u£1"2 COWER �& E'NTRAWX REV W01� s � 261D1 541.4'4 D5714 VtROIIilA I�£t�ARTMENT OF TkAMSPOR'TATION VMINIA EEPARTIADIT OF rRA1NWORTAnoN 20.IZ4 h 3 7 O JOB NO. CLUA E k a ' i r c 140TEa Ai LOWAI R:E 'TAS £ IF. WT o c s a �L APPUCA B TD srREST CO11TE£TADh15 >_ C SCALE SECTION C -C �+1__1�+•��AA� *5Utz9£STEO 140IM M FLARE RATE AS �3rT4JVYN U . FOR SEW --RIGID! BARRIER SYSTEMS. XVD= \V00 r A COPY OF THE ORIGNAL SEALED AND Sir WD 6RAWIkG IS GN FILE iN THrE CENTRAL OFFICE. SFELrREA1TCEN 1SPEC�ICA4TION WIFENIX � }1FGAST�` SHEET NO. � o ROAD AND HIWOC:£ STMN7ARDS ROAD AND mTlacE STANDARDS STANDARD BLOCKED -OUT W -BEAM GUARDRAIL C lREEVISSDTR WE E~£T I Or t SHEET 1 of 2 rT VISIC:N DATE (STRONG POST SYSTEM) 211 'u£1"2 COWER �& E'NTRAWX REV W01� s � 261D1 541.4'4 D5714 VtROIIilA I�£t�ARTMENT OF TkAMSPOR'TATION VMINIA EEPARTIADIT OF rRA1NWORTAnoN 20.IZ4 h 3 Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) General Water & Sanitary Sewer Notes All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority on January 15, 1998, except as modified below. 1. All construction materials and methods of construction must be approved by RWSA prior to the start of work. A preconstruction conference with RWSA is required prior to the start of work. 2. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (1-800-552-7001). 3. RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 977-2970 ext, 205) shall be notified three business days prior to the start of construction. 4. All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on RWSA facilities on weekends or RWSA holidays without special written permission from RWSA. 5, For sanitary sewer line construction: RWSA may require bypass pumping for tie-ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure tested before a connection is made to the system. 5. The location of existing utilities as shown on the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessarily complete or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depth of all existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the pians and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not. Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 7. Erasion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from RWSA. No grading or filling shall be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 8. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and RWSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey may be required. For blasting within 100 feet of any operative RWSA sewer lines, bypass pumping and/or pre- and post -CCTV may be required. RWSA may also require certification from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities. Damage to any utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 9, The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements for utility crossings. When a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with compacted 57 stone to the spring line of the existing pipe, 10. New water main installations shall be tested, chlorinated, flushed and water samples approved prior to making any permanent connection to the public water system. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water system. 11. All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilities into service. 12. No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement. This includes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc, 13. Trees are not permitted in the RWSA easement, fa CUT 1/4": 1 "�'•,� FiL�-=III ilI 11114^�. i iii�Lii i1 w.Ai aailara avi• .PAWAV I�arr JR ��rxer T�SPAC" o ,JIVI . V 15r" a H 3.00' a 1 10.00' —69' R/W— IZ IZ UJ LU 4.00' �4) 4.00' —BIKE VDOT STD BIKE— LANE MS -2 LANE 12.00' 12.00' TRAVEL LANE I TRAVEL LANE �' I I O ' TREET DD -2 TREE LEWIS ANI) CLARK DRIVE (69' R/W) PUBLIC ROAD DESIGN SPEED=30 MPH POSTED SPEED=30 MPH O W 3.00' 10.00' 1 1 SURFACE COURSE 11{11{11111{1111{ll{II{II{IIIIIII{Ili{I{II 111111111111111111111 INTERMEDIATE,E.Z, 4" OR 8" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, •�Srr !r�ly�. D�Ae i �� L!".1 � LAIN �w-d!".1 %!-_r4 OR : DEPENDING ON ULTIMATE TRAFFIC LIMITS / I � 1 UNDERDRAINS f fj a COMPACTED SUBGRADE ASPHALT P► RA NO SCALE NEW FINISHED GRADE . r r]sjalV��iv 3' CUA 1/4": 3:1 STREET REE UD -4 (TYP BOTH SIDES) SECTION A -A - - -- SECTION THROUGH ELEVATION TOP OF CONCRETE MIN WALL 42„ SITE GRADE FAIL ° u g 4 SITE ° WALL A TT rrT �r r� ° . T rY L �l LTJ l.[ t�±t+rEd Z NOT TO SCALE T '«'S °,HALL LPL PUkINTEED AI IW??INAW4 O (14 x H DISTANCE F.<.0°A SA K O F F_—','LOCK : S, A J B. f IA9 BIE: PLANTED iT:�..� s"'f'L.iJAi N 9 ! AJ BUFT SHALL LL 3T _tLE 'd7bATCr"hT i ..J 0 _ rtR P E R B F "s LAT Hr f M T 1 N G t' %x,17 T H IN z O i V%IAI- k _ L0%,V PERT EA6ILITy SOIL 4' MIN. BACK OF WALL TO FACE OF WALL FILTER FABRIC UPPER WALL vr� 3 \\ \ \ST P U C r : At 0 , 4 a s� KF ILL. 71 LOWER WALL ( m s- ,_ ff TYPICAL s _ FINISHED I N GRADE i -A DIA.. DRAIN TILE EXISTING GRADE 6" VDOT No. 21A AGGREGATE 4 STONE—COMPACTED PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC IN AREAS REQUIRING STABIL17ATION AS DETERMINED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL O P H ENGINEER- //////////// COMPACTED SUBGRADE (95%) NOTE: ANY ROCK ENCOUNTERED WITHIN r ' GEOSYNTHE TIC REINFORCEMENT J THE FIRST 0.5' SHALL BE REMOVED AND 4°° DRAIN TILE (ELEVATION VARIE r DISPOSED OF. REPLACE ROCK WITH VDOT No. 21A STONE AND PROVIDE 95% COMPACTION. GRAVEL PAVEMENT - SECTION NOT TO SCALE NOTE; USE GRAVEL PAVEMENT SECTION FOR SWM FACILITY ACCESS ROAD SECTION A -A - - -- SECTION THROUGH ELEVATION TOP OF CONCRETE MIN WALL 42„ SITE GRADE FAIL ° u g 4 SITE ° WALL A TT rrT �r r� ° . T rY L �l LTJ l.[ t�±t+rEd Z NOT TO SCALE T '«'S °,HALL LPL PUkINTEED AI IW??INAW4 O (14 x H DISTANCE F.<.0°A SA K O F F_—','LOCK : S, A J B. f IA9 BIE: PLANTED iT:�..� s"'f'L.iJAi N 9 ! AJ BUFT SHALL LL 3T _tLE 'd7bATCr"hT i ..J 0 _ rtR P E R B F "s LAT Hr f M T 1 N G t' %x,17 T H IN z O i V%IAI- k _ L0%,V PERT EA6ILITy SOIL 4' MIN. BACK OF WALL TO FACE OF WALL FILTER FABRIC UPPER WALL vr� 3 \\ \ \ST P U C r : At 0 , 4 a s� KF ILL. 71 LOWER WALL ( m s- ,_ ff TYPICAL s _ FINISHED I N GRADE i -A DIA.. DRAIN TILE 4 r REINFORCEMENT LENGM O P H , r; (TYPICAL) I WALL PLANTING DETAIL (5' MIN.) 4" CONC. 1 4" 21-A STONE BASE CONCRETE SIDEWALK NO SCALE �12 REFLECTIVE ALUMINUM TH 0 RESERVED LEGEND AND BORDER — GREEN PARKING WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE C� • BACKGROUND BACKGROUND — SCOTT R. COLLINSZ ` WHITE TYPICAL AT ALL HANDICAP SPACES t-) Lie. No. 035791 THIS SIGN TYPICAL AT ALL "VAN 16 VAN ACCESSIBLE" PARKING SPACES, ACCESSIBLE JONAL Cs PENALTY SIGN WITH WORDING AS REQUIRED BY STATE OR LOCAL LAW ——GALVANIZED "U" CHANNEL POST o Qw �[if 073 mCY Ld o o VDOT A3 GENERAL CONCRETE aw O TOPSOIL AND SEED J Ln En 0 _0 '6" to 4" MIN, UJ Ce BEVF 1 —0„ HANDICAP PARKING SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ONE AT EACH HANDICAP SPACE. WHERE HANDICAP SPACES FACE 1-1 EACH OTHER WITHOUT WALKWAY, THERE SHALL BE ONE POST WUJ ITH , SIGNS MOUNTED BOTH SIDES r EXTEND GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT TO VflT IIN 2 INCHES OF THE LOWER BLOCK FACE 101, AnchorTM Diamone V�— INFORCEMENT CONNECTION WX )(NOT TO SCALE) 6"MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR LEVELING PAD Was = WIDTH OF OVERSIZING De = DEPTH OF EXCAVATION L = LENGTH OF GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT Wa8=(2rDc)+L+6" W09 rAnchofm Diamond' x 11:1 EXCAVATION OVERSIZING WK %(SCALE:3rsr'=V-0") m..dnANCff01WALLS ,"W- AnchorTM Diamond® X TYPICAL BASE PREPARATION WX )(NOT TO SCALE) DIAMOND PRO (TAN) SEGMENTED WALL DETAIL NO SCALE �i UJ F_ U Q) D LJJ o LU o 4 U Lz i U I L' >, ■ ■ v G 1•� o 06 U i75 U UJ U) U & W. y 0 L 1]� �7 Wi 'S -- °' O UJc � O Ca G z� LU o w z Z Z c w U V)LLJ i J c G � U C3 \ i O � v �a Xo X U v � t+ C � O U LU o LU LU UJ o- 0 ]OI3 NO. a � 152116 Q � G N SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET NO. o 12 q,� G r REINFORCEMENT LENGM FINISHED , r; GRADExI . r ' GEOSYNTHE TIC REINFORCEMENT J 4°° DRAIN TILE (ELEVATION VARIE r 6"MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR LEVELING PAD Was = WIDTH OF OVERSIZING De = DEPTH OF EXCAVATION L = LENGTH OF GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT Wa8=(2rDc)+L+6" W09 rAnchofm Diamond' x 11:1 EXCAVATION OVERSIZING WK %(SCALE:3rsr'=V-0") m..dnANCff01WALLS ,"W- AnchorTM Diamond® X TYPICAL BASE PREPARATION WX )(NOT TO SCALE) DIAMOND PRO (TAN) SEGMENTED WALL DETAIL NO SCALE �i UJ F_ U Q) D LJJ o LU o 4 U Lz i U I L' >, ■ ■ v G 1•� o 06 U i75 U UJ U) U & W. y 0 L 1]� �7 Wi 'S -- °' O UJc � O Ca G z� LU o w z Z Z c w U V)LLJ i J c G � U C3 \ i O � v �a Xo X U v � t+ C � O U LU o LU LU UJ o- 0 ]OI3 NO. a � 152116 Q � G N SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET NO. o 12 q,� G