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ARB201800083 Staff Report 2018-07-09
ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project #/Name ARB-2018-83: Brookhill Blocks 4A and 4B Review Type Final Site Plan Parcel Identification 046000000019A0, 046000000019E 1 Location East side of Seminole Trail (Rt. 29 N) and north side of Polo Grounds Road (Rt. 643). Forest Lakes Community is to the north and Montgomery Ridge is to the east. Zoned Neighborhood Model District (NMD)/Entrance Corridor (EC) Owner/Applicant Crockett Corporation/Bohler Engineering (Ryan Yauger) Magisterial District Rivanna Proposal To develop blocks 4A and 4B with nine multi -family apartment buildings, parking areas, and associated improvements. Context and Visibility Blocks 4A and 4B lie adjacent to and immediately east of Rt. 29, an EC. [Figure 1] Block 4A is located south of Archer Ave., 4B is located north of Archer Ave. Visibility is partly mitigated by an existing tree line. Parcels to the west and south are rural in character, while parcels to the north and east are developed as the residential communities of Forest Lakes and Montgomery Ridge. ARB Meeting Date July 16, 2018 Staff Contact Heather McMahon PROJECT HISTORY DATE APPLICATION RESULT 11/9/2016 ZMA-2015-07 Staff comments provided on the rezoning proposal. 10/2/2017 ARB-2017-81 ARB review of the initial site plan for Blocks 4A and 8A 5/23/2018 ARB-2018-52 Staff review of the initial site plan for Block 4b BACKGROUND In 2015, the owners of abutting Tax Map Parcels 46-18, 46-18A, and 46-19 (a combined 277.5 acres) sought a Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA-2015-07) to rezone the rural properties (zoned R-1 Residential) into a Neighborhood Model District. As per the approved ZMA, 19 blocks will be formed and developed as a Neighborhood Service Center (Block 1), Urban Density Residential (Blocks 2 through 4), and Neighborhood Density Residential (Blocks 5 through 18). [Figure 2] This proposal focuses on Blocks 4A and 4B, which are separated by Archer Avenue, a new street which will serve as the development's main access route from Rt. 29. [Figure 3] This final site plan shows four large, rectangular multi -family apartment buildings on the north and south perimeters of Block 4A with a clubhouse, pool, fitness building, and parking on the interior, as well as a small maintenance building on the western boundary line. Five multi -family apartment buildings line the north, east, and south perimeters of Block 4B with parking relegated to the interior. Archer Avenue, the east -west entrance road from Rt. 29, terminates in a roundabout; Stella Lane is the north -south interior road that offers access to both blocks on the eastern edge. Although this is not illustrated on the Final Site Development Plan for these blocks, the southern portion of Stella Lane will feed into Polo Grounds Road. Brookhill's approved Code of Development requires a 100-foot tree buffer along Rt. 29 that will screen the western boundary of Blocks 4A and 4B, mitigating visibility of the apartment complexes from Rt. 29, the Entrance Corridor street under consideration. [Figure 4] Given this proposed 100-foot tree buffer, staff presumes that the majority of the interior of the blocks will not be visible from Rt. 29. Staff believes Archer Avenue will be visible, and likely the west, north and south elevations of the four buildings that flank Archer Avenue. Furthermore, the upper stories of the north and west elevations of the northwestern building may be visible from the EC without additional landscape screening. In addition, it may be that more buildings, or greater portions of the buildings, will be temporarily visible while the 100-foot tree buffer is established. El FTI Help Mobile Scale 1' = 521 fl 0 CQ 7 a 52 8 +Y j °© '© --� Google Maps • Go .,.. _-____. j AppGeo Save Map as Image Figure 1: map showing TMPs 46-19A and 46-19B1, which are blocks 4A and 4B respectively. Brookhlll D@¥■|op m ■ntLand Use Map . kO@11 � - 7501 ■AMIAKEDuR �UR■_OIENWTY E] ■DG.@ORwWac*p*rq 0 1EF-MRPA a Figure 2: Bok 2 Development Land Use Map, page zo the Code of Development "Bmo hlNeighborhood Model". apoe 119116 4 Brookhill Development Illustrative Conceptual Rian Figure 3: Brookhill Development Illustrative Conceptual Plan, page 8 of the Code of Development `Brookhill Neighborhood Model", approved 1119/16. Note that the red box denotes scope of work on this proposal. a� 4 P CL J Figure 4: "Proposed 100' Buffer along Route 29 corridor, "page 20 of the Code of Development "Brookhill Neighborhood Model'; approved 1119116. ANALYSIS REF GUIDELINE RECOMMENDATIONS 10-2-17 CURRENT ISSUE RECOMMENDATION [Block 4A] and 5-4-17 [Block 4B] Pur ose 1 The goal of the regulation of the design of development See recommendations below. The designs of the proposed multi -family apartment See recommendations below. within the designated Entrance Corridors is to insure buildings incorporate some traditional architectural that new development within the corridors reflects the elements (masonry base, brick soldier courses, traditional architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the pilasters, cornices) but they do not have a strong purpose of ARB review and of these Guidelines, that connection to the historic architecture of the area. proposed development within the designated Entrance They are in keeping with the suburbanization of this Corridors reflect elements of design characteristic of the area (Forest Lakes to the north and Montgomery significant historical landmarks, buildings, and Ridge to the east) as well as with the rezoning (ZMA- structures of the Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and 2015-07) for this property as a Neighborhood Model to promote orderly and attractive development within District. The scale and style of the buildings are these corridors. Applicants should note that replication of consistent with contemporary developments. The 100- historic structures is neither required nor desired. foot deep landscape buffer along Rt. 29 will reduce the visibility of these buildings and parking areas as 2 Visitors to the significant historical sites in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area experience these well as maintain, to some degree, the traditional rural sites as ensembles of buildings, land, and vegetation. In character of this portion of the corridor. order to accomplish the integration of buildings, land, and vegetation characteristic of these sites, the There is a historic (19t1i century) house, Brookhill, on Guidelines require attention to four primary factors: the property. The scale and design of these multi - compatibility with significant historic sites in the area; family apartment buildings are not compatible with the character of the Entrance Corridor; site development the historic resource, which will be isolated on a 3- and layout; and landscaping. acre curtilage. Compatibility with significant historic sites: 3 New structures and substantial additions to existing Submit material and color samples, Because of the required 100-foot landscape buffer Submit material and color samples for structures should respect the traditions of the dimensioned elevations, and floor along Rt. 29, staff expects the west and north/south review. architecture of historically significant buildings in the plans of the apartment buildings for elevations of the four buildings flanking Archer Charlottesville and Albemarle area. Photographs of review. Avenue will be visible in the long term. Furthermore, Revise the elevation sheets to include historic buildings in the area, as well as drawings of the upper stories of other buildings may be visible a key that illustrates to which building architectural features, which provide important Consider submitting site sections despite the buffer, particularly the north and west wall on the overall site plan the examples of this tradition are contained in Appendix A. clarifying the level of visibility from elevations of the northwestern building in Block 4B. elevation corresponds. the EC. All but the east elevations of the buildings closest to the EC may be temporarily visible while the landscape Provide floor plans of each building, Extend the buffer southward at least buffer is established. The site sections that have been by floor, not the individual units. to align with the limits of disturbance. submitted confirm this. Provide color renderings of Buildings Dimensioned elevations and unit plans have been A and B as seen from the entrance of submitted for review, but architectural plans of the Archer Avenue at Rt. 29. entire building footprints are needed to understand if what appears as a fifth floor in Building A is habitable space or just parapet. While material samples have not been submitted, a materials "board" with digital images of the proposed materials has been submitted for review. The full extension of the landscape buffer southward will be reviewed when the final plan for Block 8 is submitted for review. 4 The examples contained in Appendix A should be used See recommendation above. The historic manor, Brookhill, has been isolated on a None. as a guide for building design: the standard of 3-acre parcel (Block 19) surrounded by a 20' tree compatibility with the area's historic structures is not buffer. Development on its edges will be mid- to high - intended to impose a rigid design solution for new density. Architecture that is compatible with this development. Replication of the design of the important historic resource in material and forms could tie the historic sites in the area is neither intended nor desired. new development with the site's historic character. The Guideline's standard of compatibility can be met The use of brick as a building material in the proposed through building scale, materials, and forms which may apartment buildings on Blocks 4A and 4B alludes to be embodied in architecture which is contemporary as traditional construction materials in the region well as traditional. The Guidelines allow individuality in generally as well as Brookhill in particular. design to accommodate varying tastes as well as special functional requirements. Coin atibility with the character of the Entrance Corridor 5 It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to None. See comment in #1. None. establish a pattern of compatible architectural characteristics throughout the Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and coherence. Building designs should demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby structures within the Entrance Corridor. Where a designated corridor is substantially developed, these Guidelines require striking a careful balance between harmonizing new development with the existing character of the corridor and achieving compatibility with the significant historic sites in the area. Site develo ment and layout 6 Site development should be sensitive to the existing Adjust the 100-foot landscape buffer The development plan shows an organized None. natural landscape and should contribute to the creation to show continuous planting development pattern; however, significant grading of of an organized development plan. This may be throughout the 100-foot depth, the natural terrain will be required to accommodate it. accomplished, to the extent practical, by preserving the integrated with existing wooded area Stream buffers are preserved. trees and rolling terrain typical of the area; planting new in a naturalistic manner, as exhibited trees along streets and pedestrian ways and choosing in the Code of Development and in The 100-foot landscape buffer has been revised in this species that reflect native forest elements; insuring that accordance with the Forested Buffer submission to show continuous planting throughout any grading will blend into the surrounding topography Frontage of the Places 29 Master the 100 foot depth, in a naturalistic pattern that thereby creating a continuous landscape; preserving, to Plan. Include shrubs of varying includes large and medium-sized trees as well as the extent practical, existing significant river and stream heights to create a continuous shrubs, both deciduous and evergreen. valleys which may be located on the site and integrating understory. these features into the design of surrounding development; and limiting the building mass and height to a scale that does not overpower the natural settings of the site, or the Entrance Corridor. dsca in -Lan 7 The requirements of the Guidelines regarding Vary the plant species in order to The applicant has indicated that the center of Block Provide sufficient planting room landscaping are intended to reflect the landscaping achieve a greater continuity with the 4B is open space and it appears as lawn on the cross between the west (side) elevation of characteristic of many of the area's significant historic natural environment along the EC. section illustration. However, lawns in the the southwestern building and the sites which is characterized by large shade trees and conventional sense do not figure in this urbanized eastern edge of the 30-foot planting lawns. Landscaping should promote visual order within Provide sufficient planting room block. As per the Code of Development, a proposed buffer zone in order to ensure that the the Entrance Corridor and help to integrate buildings between the west (side) elevation of 100-foot landscape "forested" buffer will help entirety of the 30-foot buffer is into the existing environment of the corridor. the southwestern building [in Block 4B] and the eastern edge of the 30- mitigate visibility of the site from the EC and will help integrate the development into the natural appropriately landscaped. 8 Continuity within the Entrance Corridor should be obtained by planting different types of plant materials foot planting buffer zone in order to environment. This buffer is illustrated in the Code of that share similar characteristics. Such common ensure that the entirety of the 30-foot Development as a continuous planting from the elements allow for more flexibility in the design of buffer is appropriately landscaped. property line to a 100-foot depth and integrates what structures because common landscape features will help portions of the existing tree line extend into this zone to harmonize the appearance of development as seen [see Figure 41. from the street upon which the Corridor is centered. A variety of tree and shrub (deciduous and evergreen) species is proposed for the 100-foot landscape buffer. However, the two Buildings A have been located so that their western walls abut the buffer line; as a consequence, the full depth of the buffer cannot not planted adjacent to the building. See comments in #32 and #39 for more about setbacks. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES Compatibility with significant historic sites Structure design 9 Building forms and features, including roofs, windows, None. The proposed apartment buildings incorporate some Clarify the metal eyebrow feature and doors, materials, colors and textures should be traditional architectural elements (masonry base, brick provide a material/color sample. compatible with the forms and features of the significant soldier courses, pilasters, cornices) but the buildings historic buildings in the area, exemplified by (but not do not have a strong connection to the historic See recommendations in #3. limited to) the buildings described in Appendix A [of architecture of the area. Code of Development the design guidelines]. The standard of compatibility requirements impact the form and appearance of the can be met through scale, materials, and forms which apartment buildings. The code requires that building may be embodied in architecture which is contemporary facades have breaks every 80 feet and that maximum as well as traditional. The replication of important building height is limited to 4 stories or 60'. These historic sites in Albemarle County is not the objective of conditions have been met. In addition, the Code of these guidelines. Development stipulates that 1. Buildings taller than 3 stories must step back 15 feet after the third story OR 10 Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding context of buildings. 2. Buildings taller than 3 stories must have a minimum setback of 15' from the street. None of the 12 Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor should use forms, shapes, scale, and materials to create a buildings have stepbacks, but this setback requirement cohesive whole. has been met. 11 The overall design of buildings should have human Submit dimensioned elevations and scale. Scale should be integral to the building and site floor plans for review. There are 5 apartment building types (A-E) design. represented on the plan, as well as a clubhouse, fitness building, and maintenance building (the last three are concentrated on block 4A). The last three are single - story structures with maximum heights of 36', 36', and 18' respectively. Buildings A, C, and D are 4- storied buildings with parapets that read as a fifth story, but their maximum heights are 53' from grade. Buildings B and E are 3 stories with parapets and maximum heights of 42.5' above grade. There is a question whether the fagade of Building A has a fifth habitable floor due to the presence of windows in a tower element. According to the materials "board," the proposed materials are 2 shades of field brick veneer; hardiplank with a stucco finish; 3 field paints in shades of grey; white trim paint; and white vinyl 10 windows. Brick is used at the base of the buildings while fiber cement comprises the majority of the exteriors. The architectural elevations call out a "metal eyebrow feature" that needs clarification. Similarly, the architectural elevations call out pilasters and columns, yet both appear to be engaged and to be comprised of fiber cement, which would barely distinguish them from the planar walls. The facades do have distinguishable bays, offering some relief to the mass. Although the building height is in compliance with the Code of Development, the scale of the apartment buildings is large. The parapets, in particular, appear oversized, but they may be hiding rooftop mechanical equipment. 13 Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from building Eliminate blankness in the planar The facades of the proposed buildings have variation None. design should be relieved using design detail or elevations by incorporating and relief (projections, recesses, balconies) as well as vegetation, or both. architectural detailing and relief. proposed shrubbery such that blankness is not a characteristic of the design. 14 Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural connecting None. No architectural connecting devices are proposed. None. devices should be used to unify groups of buildings within a development. 15 Trademark buildings and related features should be None. There is no evidence of a trademark design in the None. modified to meet the requirements of the Guidelines. submitted drawings. 16 Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should not be Add the standard window glass note The note has been provided on the architectural None. highly tinted or highly reflective. Window glass in the to the architectural drawings. elevations. Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 3001o. Specifications on the proposed window glass should be submitted with the application for final review. Acce sory structures and equipment 17 Accessory structures and equipment should be Clarify the purpose or proposed use The blank, rectilinear space in the middle of the Include the location of the proposed integrated into the overall plan of development and of the blank rectilinear area in the parking area of Block 4B has been clarified as lawn or mail kiosk and any other proposed shall, to the extent possible, be compatible with the middle of the parking lot [of Block open space for residents' use. The architectural accessory structure on the site plans building designs used on the site. 4131. elevations (A32.01 and A42.01) suggest that the site (C-301 and C-302). includes a mail kiosk, but this structure has not been located on the site plan set. 11 18 The following should be located to eliminate visibility Revise the plans to show all loading The trash enclosures/compactors on both blocks are Provide additional evergreen from the Entrance Corridor street. If, after appropriate and service areas, storage areas, located on the western edges of the parking areas, landscaping in the vicinity of the trash siting, these features will still have a negative visual mechanical equipment (ground- and closest to the EC. The compactor on block 413 does compactor on Block 4B to eliminate impact on the Entrance Corridor street, screening should roof -mounted), above -ground not appear to be sufficiently screened to eliminate its visibility from the EC. Provide be provided to eliminate visibility. utilities, and any proposed fencing. visibility from the EC; more landscaping in the dumpster/compactor screening details a. Loading areas, Show how visibility of all equipment vicinity may be required to achieve this. in the plan. b. Service areas, will be eliminated. Show how the c. Refuse areas, visibility of the trash compactor on No ground mechanical equipment is illustrated in the Provide a roof plan and elevations d. Storage areas, the western edge of the block will be site plans, leading to the assumption that the HVAC that show all proposed roof -mounted e. Mechanical equipment, eliminated. mechanical units will be roof -mounted. If this is so, mechanical equipment. Provide sight f. Above -ground utilities, and then a roof plan showing the heights of the proposed line drawings to confirm that the g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, razor wire, and similar units and their placement must be submitted for equipment can't be seen from the security fencing devices. review. Sight -line analyses must show how these units street. will not be visible from the EC. Provide all proposed utilities on the No above -ground utilities have been illustrated, Utility Plan (C-501 and C-502). although a number of underground utilities have been illustrated on the utilities plans (C-501 and C-502). Provide the Existing Conditions and However, electricity, cable, and telephone have not Demolition plans (C-201, C-202, and been included on the site plan set. These may be C-203) with a revised site plan set for underground or over -head. review. A chain -link fence currently exists around the VDOT- Provide the heights, materials, and owned stormwater management facility (SWMF). The details of any new proposed fencing applicant has indicated previously that the fencing on the site for review. Chain link is around the SWMF will be removed. This should be not appropriate. marked on the site plan sets. Additionally, since new fencing is proposed in this area, height, materials and details must be submitted for review. 19 Screening devices should be compatible with the design None. Proposed plantings are the primary means of Indicate the color of the retaining wall of the buildings and surrounding natural vegetation and screening the relegated parking areas and refuse areas. block on the plans. Provide a sample may consist of: Proposed walls A-F (walls C and F are not expected to for review. Clarify if the wall detail a. Walls, be visible from the EC) are shown on the east, south, applies to all proposed retaining b. Plantings, and and north edges of the two blocks. An Anchor walls. c. Fencing. Diamond Pro retaining wall detail is provided. The color of the block is not indicated. 20 Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be Show how the landscaping A VDOT-owned SWMF exists to the west of the See recommendation in #36. designed to fit into the natural topography to avoid the requirements in the Code of northwest corner of block 4B; aegis over the 12 need for screening. When visible from the Entrance Development and the Entrance maintenance of the SWMF will be transferred to the Corridor street, these features must be fully integrated into Corridor Design Guidelines will be applicant/property owner. The grading plans show the landscape. They should not have the appearance of met in the northwest corner of the additional grading and enlarging of the retention pond, engineered features. block, surrounding the existing storm- as well as a 113-foot long by 10-foot wide level water management facility. Submit spreader. Overall the form of the enlarged SWMF materials and illustrate the height of looks engineered, not natural. the proposed fence adjacent to the Stormwater management facility for review. 21 The following note should be added to the site plan and Include the mechanical equipment The note has been provided on the architectural Provide the standard mechanical the architectural plan: "Visibility of all mechanical note on the site plans and elevations but not on the site plan set. equipment note in the General Notes equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be architectural drawings. on C-101 of the site plan set. eliminated." Lighting General Guidelines 22 Light should be contained on the site and not spill over Submit a lighting plan which includes Stella Lane and Archer Avenue will be public streets. Revise the lighting plan to eliminate onto adjacent properties or streets; all proposed free-standing and wall- Spillover is greater than 0.5 fc at the entrances to each spillover in excess of .5 fc at the mounted lights and their photometric block from these roads and, therefore, must be property line along Stella Lane and output, manufacturers' specifications, reduced. Archer Avenue. and cut sheets with the final site plan. 23 Light should be shielded, recessed or flush -mounted to None. Only freestanding site lighting has been illustrated on Revise the lighting plans to include eliminate glare. All fixtures with lamps emitting 3000 the site plans. As wall -mounted, architectural lighting any proposed wall -mounted lighting. lumens or more must be full cutoff fixtures. has been illustrated on the architectural elevations, Submit manufacturer's specifications their illumination output should be calculated in the for any proposed wall -mounted photometrics and their manufacturer's specifications lighting for review. should be submitted for review. Provide total lumens in the luminaire schedule for all proposed lights. 24 Light levels exceeding 30 footcandles are not None. The highest footcandle value provided is 3.9. None. appropriate for display lots in the Entrance Corridors. Lower light levels will apply to most other uses in the Entrance Corridors. 25 Light should have the appearance of white light with a None. All lighting models listed in the luminaire schedule on Provide a cut sheet for all proposed warm soft glow; however, a consistent appearance the lighting plans are 40K, which means a consistent fixture types showing all options throughout a site or development is required. "day white" light color throughout the site. However, chosen. Identify the color finishes in Consequently, if existing lamps that emit non -white the one manufacturer's specification provided does the cut sheets. light are to remain, new lamps may be required to match not reflect this. them. 13 26 Dark brown, dark bronze, or black are appropriate None. The finish colors have not been specified for any of colors for free-standing pole mounted light fixtures in the models. the Entrance Corridors. 27 The height and scale of freestanding, pole -mounted light None. All freestanding lights have a proposed mounting Provide a note on the lighting plan fixtures should be compatible with the height and scale height of 18 feet above grade. However, no wall- that 18 feet is the maximum mounting of the buildings and the sites they are illuminating, and mounted lighting has been shown. height from grade for the pole lights, with the use of the site. Typically, the height of inclusive of the base. freestanding pole -mounted light fixtures in the Entrance Corridors should not exceed 20 feet, including the base. Revise the architectural elevations of Fixtures that exceed 20 feet in height will typically the buildings and structures to include require additional screening to achieve an appropriate the placement and mounting heights appearance from the Entrance Corridor. of the proposed light fixtures. 28 In determining the appropriateness of lighting fixtures None. The photometric values have been calculated with Provide photometric values for all for the Entrance Corridors, the individual context of the LLF equal to 0.98. An LLF of 1.0 is needed to meet proposed lights in which the LLF is site will be taken into consideration on a case by case County requirements. equal to 1.0. basis. In the luminaire schedule, model A has 29 lights in the Rectify the lighting plans to illustrate quantity field, yet 28 were located on the lighting the same number of proposed lighting plans (C-704 and C-705). Similarly, the quantity of fixtures as listed in the quantity field model C is listed as 8 in the luminaire schedule, yet 7 of the luminaire schedule. were located on the lighting lan. 29 The following note should be included on the lighting None. The note has not been provided on the lighting plans. Provide the standard lighting note on plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp the lighting plans (C-704 and C-705). that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle." 30- Guidelines for the Use of Decorative Landscape None. None proposed. None. 31 Lighting Land sca in 32 Landscaping along the frontage of Entrance Corridor Adjust the 100-foot landscape buffer The Code of Development requires that the Rt. 29 Provide sufficient planting room streets should include the following: to show continuous planting frontage meet the `Forested Buffer Frontage' criteria between the west (side) elevation of a. Large shade trees should be planted parallel to the throughout the 100-foot depth, in the Places29 Master Plan (Chapter 7, Design the southwestern building [in Block Entrance Corridor Street. Such trees should be at least integrated with existing wooded area, Guidelines). The forested buffer frontage is defined as 4B] and the eastern edge of the 30- 3'/2 inches caliper (measured 6 inches above the ground) as exhibited in the Code of "existing and recommended swathes of land with foot planting buffer zone in order to 14 and should be of a plant species common to the area. Development. relatively dense stands of trees [that] are intended to ensure that the entirety of the 30-foot Such trees should be located at least every 35 feet on screen travelers through the US 29 corridor from buffer is appropriately landscaped. center. Provide sufficient planting room development on the other side of trees... [to] create a b. Flowering ornamental trees of a species common to the between the west (side) elevation of rural appearance..." The amount of trees proposed area should be interspersed among the trees required by the southwestern building [in Block within the 100-foot buffer are sufficient, although the preceding paragraph. The ornamental trees need not 4131 and the eastern edge of the 30- there are gaps in particular places that should be alternate one for one with the large shade trees. They may foot planting buffer zone in order to planted more densely. be planted among the large shade trees in a less regular ensure that the entirety of the 30-foot spacing pattern. buffer is appropriately landscaped. The request to "provide sufficient planting room c. In situations where appropriate, a three or four board between the west (side) elevation of the southwestern fence or low stone wall, typical of the area, should align building [in block 4B] and the eastern edge of the 30- the frontage of the Entrance Corridor street. foot planting buffer zone" has not been met. In d. An area of sufficient width to accommodate the addition, this building's side elevation does not meet foregoing plantings and fencing should be reserved the minimum requirement (10 feet) of the rear setback parallel to the Entrance Corridor street, and exclusive of established in the Code of Development for this block. road right-of-way and utility easements. As it is currently drawn, the west line of the building abuts the 30-foot buffer, and trees will need to be spaced away from the building to allow maintenance access. The applicants may request a special exception or waiver of the setback requirement and have already expressed a desire to do so. 33 Landscaping along interior roads: Reduce the on -center distances The proposed trees and shrubs along Stella Lane and Provide the trees on Stella Lane and a. Large trees should be planted parallel to all interior between trees lining the entrance road Archer Avenue are not included in the landscape Archer Avenue at 2%2" caliper at roads. Such trees should be at least 21/2 inches caliper to 40' o.c. Add canopy trees to the schedules on the landscape plans (C-701 and C-702), planting, spaced 40' on center on (measured six inches above the ground) and should be 19-30-foot wide medians within the although they do fall within the EC overlay and average. of a plant species common to the area. Such trees should entrance road. Provide ornamental require ARB review. (The trees are shown on the be located at least every 40 feet on center. trees and shrubbery on the north side of the entrance road to match what is corresponding road plans.) The planting distances are still 50 feet on center and should be reduced to 40 feet Include the trees and shrubbery on Stella Lane and Archer Avenue to the 34 Landscaping along interior pedestrian ways: a. Medium trees should be planted parallel to all interior proposed on the south side of the on center to comply with this ARB criterion. plant schedules on the landscape pedestrian ways. Such trees should be at least 2%2 inches entrance road. plans (C-701, C-702, and C-703). caliper (measured six inches above the ground) and Provide their botanical and common should be of a species common to the area. Such trees names, quantities, calipers. should be located at least every 25 feet on center. Alternatively, provide the road plans for ARB landscape review. 35 Landscaping of parking areas: Increase the interior parking lot tree Staff expects that the parking areas, adjacent to the Provide additional perimeter parking a. Large trees should align the perimeter of parking count to 37 trees [in Block 4A]. EC, may be temporarily visible in places until the trees so that the average planting areas, located 40 feet on center. Trees should be planted reforested areas of the 100-foot landscape buffer are distance is 40 feet on center. Ensure in the interior of parking areas at the rate of one tree for Coordinate the perimeter parking lot established and mature. Therefore, sufficient parking that the calipers for these trees are 2.5 15 every 10 parking spaces provided and should be evenly planting (trees and shrubs) with the lot trees are necessary to mitigate visibility from the inches at planting. distributed throughout the interior of the parking area. buffer planting for a coordinated EC. Perimeter parking trees have been provided (13 b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should appearance. on block 4A and 11 on block 4B); all are listed as 1- Provide 8 additional interior parking measure 2'/2 inches caliper (measured six inches above 1.5" caliper, and must be increased to 2.5" caliper at trees to Block 4B and 1 additional the ground); should be evenly spaced; and should be of Increase minimum planting height of planting to comply with this criterion. The planting interior parking tree to Block 4A. a species common to the area. Such trees should be proposed shrubs on the north entrance distances vary widely, from 35 feet on -center to 340 planted in planters or medians sufficiently large to to the parking area and along the feet (the entire north edge of the parking area in block Ensure and demonstrate that there are maintain the health of the tree and shall be protected by entrance drive to 24 inches. 4B has no perimeter trees, for instance). no potential utility conflicts between curbing. the proposed locations of c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to minimize Revise the landscape plan to provide There are 279 parking spaces listed in block 4B (278 underground utilities and the the parking area's impact on Entrance Corridor streets. a minimum of 31 interior parking were counted); this requires at least 28 interior proposed locations of large shade Shrubs should measure 24 inches in height. trees. Add additional perimeter parking trees, while 20 have been provided. An trees. parking area trees so that the average additional 8 trees are required to comply with this planting distance is 40' o.c. [in Block standard. Block 4A has 251 parking spaces listed (250 4B]. counted), which calculates to 25 interior parking trees needed. 24 trees have been provided, one short. Staff is also concerned with potential underground utility conflicts in regard to several of the interior parking trees proposed. Staff has conferred with colleagues in Engineering, who state that it is their standard preference to not permit the planting of large deciduous trees in utility easements, and most particularly not within 7 to 8 feet from the center of a pipe or line. Staff has identified 3 Zelkovas proposed to be planted in the stormwater easement within the interior parking area of Block 413 and 2 proposed London Planetrees to be planted in the stormwater easement within the interior of parking area of Block 4A that should be relocated outside of the easements. Shrubbery is proposed for the southern edge of the parking area, closest to the EC. 36 Landscaping of buildings and other structures: Additional landscaping may be Shrubs are proposed for the fagades of those buildings Provide the 50'-deep landscape buffer a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the needed to soften the appearance of facing Stella Lane and Archer Avenue. between the west (side) elevation of front of long buildings as necessary to soften the exterior walls. the northwestern building in Block 4B appearance of exterior walls. The spacing, size, and type Since the first review of the rezoning, staff has been and the VDOT stormwater of such trees or vegetation should be determined by the Provide sufficient planting area concerned that the SWMF to the immediate west of management facility as required by 16 length, height, and blankness of such walls. between the west (side) elevation of the northwest corner of block 4B is not sufficiently the Code of Development. b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, northwestern building and the screened from the EC. The existing condition Alternatively, plant 30' of buffer and other structures; dumpsters, accessory buildings and stormwater management facility to confirms that the appearance is not appropriate for the between the EC and the stormwater structures; "drive thru" windows; service areas; and mitigate views from the EC. EC. The Code of Development requires that the 100- management facility. signs. Shrubs should measure at least 24 inches in foot landscape "buffer shall be reduced to 50 feet height. Show how the landscaping between the VDOT stormwater management facility requirements in the Code of and the development;" yet only a single or staggered Development and the Entrance double row of trees measuring approximately 20 feet Corridor Design Guidelines will be wide has been provided. This does not meet the met in the northwest corner of the standard outlined in the Code of Development. Two block, surrounding the existing storm- previous comments to the applicant on this issue, water management facility. Submit made during the Initial Site Plan review of Block 413, materials and illustrate the height of have not been addressed. The applicant has been the proposed fence adjacent to the apprised of this, and has decided to seek a special Stormwater management facility for exception to reduce the buffer size requirement. Staff review. does not recommend that the special exception be supported by the ARB. Staff does offer an alternative: meet the 50' buffer as much as possible between the eastern edge of the proposed enlarged SWMF and the development, and then create an additional buffer between the EC and the SWMF so that both buffers combined equal 50 feet. Staff is also concerned that the screening of the trash compactor in block 4B is not sufficient to eliminate visibility of this refuse area from the EC. 37 Plant species: Revise plant schedule to be All of the plants listed in the landscape schedules on Include viburnum x rhytidophyllum a. Plant species required should be as approved by the comprehensive. the landscape plans are found in the County -approved with the deciduous shrubs and betula Staff based upon but not limited to the Generic resource; however, viburnum x rhytidophyllum is a nigra with large deciduous trees in all Landscape Plan Recommended Species List and Native Rectify the plant schedule to reflect deciduous shrub and should be included in that plant schedules. Plants for Virginia Landscapes (Appendix D). the correct quantity of proposed trees category in the plant schedules. Similarly, betula in the parking area [of Block 413]. nigra is a large deciduous tree. Combine the two separate plant schedules on C-703. Limit the number of PXAB Evergreen shrubs IGC and TMD are both above the (Bloodgood London Planetrees) to 25% limit per species and should be reduced in Reduce the number of IGC and TMD 25% the total of all trees proposed for number by introducing greater plant variety to the so that they do not exceed the 25% of the parking area [of Block 4B]. fagades of the buildings. the total for that species (evergreen shrubs). 17 38 Plant health: Provide the standard plant health note The note has been provided with alternative wording Provide the exact wording of the The following note should be added to the landscape plan: on the landscape plan [of Block 4B]. on all landscape plan sheets (C-701, C-702 and C- standard plant health note on the "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed 703). landscape plan. to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of theplant." Site Development and layout Develo ment pattern 39 The relationship of buildings and other structures to the See landscape recommendations. The development exhibits an organized pattern of Address the rear yard setback Entrance Corridor street and to other development roads and sidewalks. The proposed buildings are minimum as required by the Code of within the corridor should be as follows: Illustrate the extent of the greenway perpendicular to the EC, with their sides and backs Development. a. An organized pattern of roads, service lanes, bike and greenspaces in the northern turned to the EC, across a sea of interior parking paths, and pedestrian walks should guide the layout of portion of the block on the site plan which is closest to the EC. However, this is separated the site. [of block 4B]. from the EC by a 100-foot landscape buffer. The open b. In general, buildings fronting the Entrance Corridor space requirement for block 4 (both 4A and 4B street should be parallel to the street. Building groupings combined) is 10,000 square feet with active should be arranged to parallel the Entrance Corridor recreational amenities; this has been met in block 4A. street. No significant natural features lie in this section of the c. Provisions should be made for connections to adjacent development. pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems. d. Open spaces should be tied into surrounding areas to In terms of setbacks established by the Code of provide continuity within the Entrance Corridor. Development, the west (side) elevations of the e. If significant natural features exist on the site southwestern building in block 4B and the (including creek valleys, steep slopes, significant trees northwestern building of block 4A do not meet the 10- or rock outcroppings), to the extent practical, then such foot minimum setback requirement for rear yards. natural features should be reflected in the site layout. If Neither do the trash compactors in each block nor the the provisions of Section 32.5.6.n of the Albemarle southwestern corner of the parking area in block 4B. County Zoning Ordinance apply, then improvements This will require a special exception or waiver from required by that section should be located so as to Zoning unless it is rectified. The applicant has stated maximize the use of existing features in screening such his intention to apply for a special exception to this improvements from Entrance Corridor streets. setback requirement as it has been defined in the Code £ The placement of structures on the site should respect of Development. existing views and vistas on and around the site. Site Grading 40 Site grading should maintain the basic relationship of the None. A retaining wall detail is provided on C-901; it shows Include a note with the retaining wall site to surrounding conditions by limiting the use of a Diamond Pro Block (proposed material/brand) wall details indicating that the details retaining walls and by shaping the terrain through the use with a fence located three feet behind it. The detail apply to all proposed retaining walls. 18 of smooth, rounded land forms that blend with the existing does not clearly state that it applies to all proposed terrain. Steep cut or fill sections are generally retaining walls. The color of the block has not been Indicate on the plan the proposed unacceptable. Proposed contours on the grading plan shall specified. color of the retaining wall block. be rounded with a ten foot minimum radius where they Include a fence detail in the plan, meet the adjacent condition. Final grading should achieve including material and color. a natural, rather than engineered, appearance. Retaining walls 6 feet in height and taller, when necessary, shall be See recommendations in #18 and #19. terraced and planted to blend with the landscape. 41 No grading, trenching, or tunneling should occur within Revise the site plans to show Tree protection fencing is not shown on the site plans. Revise the site plans to show the drip line of any trees or other existing features adequate tree protection fencing. adequate tree protection fencing. designated for preservation in the final Certificate of Revise the site plans to show There appears to be proposed grading in the Appropriateness. Adequate tree protection fencing should protection of adjacent cultural southwestern corner of block 4B and the northwestern Provide a signed tree conservation be shown on, and coordinated throughout, the grading, resources marked for preservation if corner of block 4A that extends into the 70-foot checklist with the site plant set. landscaping and erosion and sediment control plans. the proposed retaining wall will be constructed in this phase. buffer. The Code of Development permits no grading or land disturbance in the buffer except for required Show the 30-foot and 70-foot 42 Areas designated for preservation in the final Certificate of Appropriateness should be clearly delineated and site distances for the roadway access points, utility landscape buffer lines on the grading protected on the site prior to any grading activity on the Provide an additional site section connections, and as per the determination of the plans, C-401 and C-402. site. This protection should remain in place until from Polo Grounds Road looking Director. As the grading appears to be necessary for completion of the development of the site. north/northeast to clarify the visibility of the apartment buildings. the creation of the Archer Avenue entrance, the grading will be deemed permissible. 43 Preservation areas should be protected from storage or movement of heavy equipment within this area. 44 Natural drainage patterns (or to the extent required, new drainage patterns) should be incorporated into the finished site to the extent possible. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion: 1. The landscape buffer requirement for the existing stormwater management facility to the west of the northwest corner of Block 4B. Staff offers the following comments on the proposal: 1. Submit material and color samples for review. 2. Revise the elevation sheets to include a key that illustrates to which building wall on the overall site plan the elevation corresponds. 3. Provide floor plans of each building, by floor, not the individual units. 4. Provide color renderings of Buildings A and B as seen from the entrance of Archer Avenue at Rt. 29 5. Provide sufficient planting room between the west (side) elevation of the southwestern building and the eastern edge of the 30-foot planting buffer zone in order to ensure that the entirety of the 30-foot buffer is appropriately landscaped. 6. Clarify the metal eyebrow feature and provide a materials and color sample. 19 7. Include the location of the proposed mail kiosk and any other proposed accessory structure on the site plans (C-301 and C-302). 8. Provide additional evergreen landscaping in the vicinity of the trash compactor on block 4B to eliminate its visibility from the EC. Provide dumpster/compactor screening details in the plan. 9. Provide a roof plan and elevations that show all proposed roof -mounted mechanical equipment. Provide sight line drawings to confirm that the equipment can't be seen from the street. 10. Provide all proposed utilities on the Utility Plan (C-501 and C-502). 11. Provide the Existing Conditions and Demolition plans (C-201, C-202, and C-203) with a revised site plan set for review. 12. Provide the heights, materials, and details of any new proposed fencing on the site for review. Chain link is not appropriate. 13. Indicate the color of the retaining wall block on the plans. Provide a sample for review. Clarify if the wall detail applies to all proposed retaining walls. 14. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note in the General Notes on C-101 of the site plan set: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 15. Revise the lighting plan to eliminate spillover in excess of .5 fc at the property line along Stella Lane and Archer Avenue 16. Revise the lighting plans to include any proposed wall -mounted lighting. Submit manufacturer's specifications and cut sheets for any proposed wall -mounted lighting for review. 17. Provide total lumens in the luminaire schedule for all proposed lights. 18. Provide a cut sheet for all proposed fixture types showing all options chosen. Identify the color finishes in the cut sheets. 19. Provide a note on the lighting plan that 18 feet is the maximum mounting height from grade inclusive of the base. 20. Revise the architectural elevations of the buildings and structures to include the placement and mounting heights of the proposed light fixtures. 21. Provide photometric values for all proposed lights in which the LLF is equal to 1.0. 22. Rectify the lighting plans to illustrate the same number of proposed lighting fixtures as listed in the quantity field of the luminaire schedule. 23. Provide the standard lighting note on the lighting plans (C-704 and C-705): Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3, 000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one halffootcandle. 24. Provide sufficient planting room between the west (side) elevation of the southwestern building [in Block 4B] and the eastern edge of the 30-foot planting buffer zone in order to ensure that the entirety of the 30-foot buffer is appropriately landscaped. 25. Provide the trees on Stella Lane and Archer Avenue at 2'V2" caliper at planting, spaced 40' on center on average. 26. Include the trees and shrubbery on Stella Lane and Archer Avenue to the plant schedules on the landscape plans (C-701, C-702, and C-703). Provide their botanical and common names, quantities, calipers. Alternatively, provide the road plans for ARB landscape review. 27. Provide additional perimeter parking trees so that the average planting distance is 40 feet on center. Ensure that the calipers for these trees are 2.5 inches at planting. 28. Provide 8 additional interior parking trees to Block 4B and 1 additional interior parking tree to Block 4A. 29. Ensure and demonstrate that there are no potential utility conflicts between the proposed locations of underground utilities and the proposed locations of large shade trees. 30. Provide the 50'-deep landscape buffer between the west (side) elevation of the northwestern building in Block 4B and the VDOT stormwater management facility as required by the Code of Development. Alternatively, plant 30' of buffer between the EC and the stormwater management facility. 31. Include viburnum x rhytidophyllum with the deciduous shrubs and betula nigra with large deciduous trees in all plant schedules. 32. Combine the two separate plant schedules on C-703. 33. Reduce the number of IGC and TMD so that they do not exceed the 25% of the total for that species (evergreen shrubs). 34. Provide the exact wording of the standard plant health note on the landscape plan: All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 35. Address the rear yard setback minimum as required by the Code of Development. 36. Include a note with the retaining wall details indicating that the details apply to all proposed retaining walls. 37. Indicate on the plan the proposed color of the retaining wall block. Include a fence detail in the plan, including material and color. 38. Revise the site plans to show adequate tree protection fencing. 20 39. Provide a signed tree conservation checklist with the site plant set. 40. Show the 30-foot and 70-foot landscape buffer lines on the grading plans, C-401 and C-402. TABLE A This report is based on the following submittal items: Sheet # Drawing Name Drawing Date C-100 Cover Sheet 6/4/18 C-101 and C-102 General Notes 6/4/18 C-103 and C-104 Approved Proffers 6/4/18 C-301 and C-302 Site Plan 6/4/18 C-401 and C-402 Grading Plan 6/4/18 C-501 and C-502 Utility Plan 6/4/18 C-701 and C-702 Landscape Plan 6/8/18 C-703 Landscape Compliance Charts 6/8/18 C-704 and C-705 Lighting Plan 6/4/18 C-706 Lighting Details 6/4/18 C-901 Retaining Wall Details 6/4/18 C-906 Landscape Details 6/4/18 21