HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800053 Agreements 2018-06-20COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Conimunity Development
401 'McIntire Road, `dorth Wing
Cha 'lotteSN-ille. Virginia 22902.4596
Tel. (434) 296-5332 e Fax (434) 9 7 2-1126
I7tiiltlin Permit = �F�--'.�.1tZl �- -i ax Map: Parcel 05SA1-01-00-074CO
Erosion Control
.agreement Number
Block Lot Zoning__
In lieu of subinittiing a formal erosion and sediment control plan for devIelopment ofthls single farnil\ residence
and'or appurtenant structure. I agree to comp'\ \\ ith the requirements of the Albemarle Count\ water Protection
Ordinance. County Code (-- ap er 17. the N irginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law. Virginia Code. Title 62.1.
Chapter 3. l .:Article 2.3. ar-c Erosion Control RUtilations 9VAC25-840, and the Virginia Erosion and Sediment
Control Handbook. latest edition. I agree to pro\ ide erosion control mcasureS in accordance \\ ith the Handbook
standards and specifications in order to protect against the transport of soil and sediment off of the propert , I
further agree to oomph \\i_h additional requirements determined necessar\ h\ the Program AiltElorit\ Stich
requirements shall be based on established conservation standards and shall represent the minimum practices that
Albemarle Countti deems necessary to pro\ ide adequate control of erosion and sedimentation on or resulting from
this development. "
_"t a rnininnttm:
I. Silt fences. sediment basins and traps. and other protective measures shall be provided in areas \\here
sediment from disturbed areas ina\ leave the site. Protective measures must be properly installed bemire
significant land disturbing acti\itv Ina\ proceed. These measures must remain installed and maintained until
adequate stabilization is achie\ ed as determined b\ the Program A ithorit\ •
All erosion measures are subject to inspection periodicall\ and after each runoff -producing rainfall event.
.An\necessary repairs tc maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices and cleanup of sedimentation
must be made immediatel\.
If erosion control measures are found to be inadequate. or in need of repair. bt a county inspector, you \\ill be
notified. A fee of S150 will be charged for each reinsnection that is necessary.
A temporary stone construction entrance shall be provided \wherever traffic \\ i 1I be leaving a construction,
site. and \\ here there exists the possibility of transportii12' mend directl\ onto a road or other pawed area.
4..;ill denuded areas on the site shall be stabilized \\ithin se\en (7) da-s of final grading with permanent
vegetation or a protective ground coVer suitable for the time of year. Temporary soil stabilization shall be
applied \ ihhin Seven {! ; da-vs to denud'-d areas that ma\ not be at final grade bUt \\ JI remain'ornnaint
{tindisturbed) for loneer than thirt\ (30) dais.
Written notification of the date on which clearing and grading work begins must be provided to the
Program Authority ♦ ithin one \reek of the commencement of Nvork.
b. A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on all denuded areas not other\vise permanentl\ stabilized
vi• unifier construction \\ith an appro\ed building permit. as determined b\ the Pro�iram .-`,uthorit\. \\ithiin ten
months of the start of clearing or grading. Capon the \\ritten request oi'the responsible land disturber or
lando\\ ner demonstrating that factors bL\ and their control necessitate an extension of the ten nnonth titre limit.
the Program ,authority nna% extend the time limit for a matiimuin of t\\o months.
If construction extends for more than a year. a permit renewal fee of S150;rill be required,
7. During construction of the pro!ect. Mall stock riles and borrow areas shall be stabilized, covered. or protected
with sediment trapping Ieasures.
S. All storm set.ier inlet's that are operable during construction shall be protected so that s-edil,?ent-ladell WWel•
cannot enter the StC rin tt atler con%ex ante S1 Stenl tt iillot
sediment. li ll'ST being tilfe!"ZCI or17t1,e.'tt"iSC' tl't ifTE'. 1 Itoi'cz1Tl �� t'
9..a11 ten,porary 21'osl{,I' and sediment control measures shall not be ren'io%ed until disturbed areas are
stabilized. .-after stabilizatioll i5 ".ol?plete. all t,W Sur, S shall �, rimoted \Pithin �0 da%S. Lillless'otil�r« Se
authorized bt the Program Authorliv. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from the
disposition of temporarN measures shall be pertranently stabilized to pret ent farther erosions and
l further understand that failure to contpl\ tt ith such I—CgUirelnents tt ithin three (3) tvor inq dais. 6ollottil12 notice
by a caurltt official. could result in a citation for violation and may require the submission and approval of e
formal erosion control plat, with an appropriate performance bona as provided in Section 17414 of the Albemarle
Count.- Water Protection Ordinance. I hereby agree to be responsible for carn.ing out each of the ditties and
responsibilities enumerated above. as well as all other requirements of Albemarle County's erosion and.
sediment control program. I also hereby- agree to maintain responsibility for this permit regardless of the
sale of the property- prior to completion of the «vork covered by this permit.
Responsible Land Disturber
Prinz {„: John (Jac'�) arcs Ryan Loone`4 _ __
t)! !,( \.tn,c. $ackhce sobs !nc
P.O. Box 518
7? Zion Park Road
t :It Crozef VA 7-ill 22932
(.;-v Troy VA
zip 22374
Pi::,nt t,rt,•I•'f34-2�9-�v01
Phoji ti;mlk 434-589-4806
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Office Use on1v
(_'npies: Buildin4 llvnnil File
[_undo nor :a;:'ht:rired A_,-nt