HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800048 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-08-02COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Memorandum To: Jonathan Q. Ritchie, P.E. (jritchie@bohlereng corn) From: Tim Padalino, AICP — Senior Planner Division: Planning Services Date: August 2, 2018 Subject: Review Comment Letter #1— SDP -2018-00048 (Wawa — Final Site Plan) The plan referred to above has been reviewed by the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department of Community Development (CDD) and by other members of the Site Review Committee (SRC). The Planner the will approve the plan referred to above when the following items (below, from the Planner and from other SRC plan reviewers) have been satisfactorily addressed and when all SRC plan reviewers have indicated in writing their tentative approvals. The following comments are those that have been identified at this time; additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.] Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Tim Padalino, tpadalino(kalbemarle.org — Requested Changes: [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(k), 32.5.2(n)]: The "Site Data" Table on Sheet C-103 ("General Notes and Legend") indicates the "Site Area" is 1.44 acres (existing) and 1.52 acres (proposed). Proposed construction activities (such as demolition and grading) and proposed permanent improvements (such as travelways, a dumpster pad, and underground storm sewer and sanitary sewer infrastructure) are shown in the approximate 0.8 -acre area that is currently located on the adjoining property to the north (TMP 032AO-02-00-OOIAO) owned by Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital (per Albemarle County GIS -Web). These activities and improvements are currently not permissible in this area, as they would require control of that portion of the Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital property (through a recorded easement or through fee simple ownership by way of a recorded boundary line adjustment plat). The County cannot approve Final Site Plan SDP201800048 unless and until this issue is resolved. Please demonstrate control of this (approximate) 0.8 -acre area, or submit a boundary line adjustment plat application for review. Note: Staff acknowledge the note on Sheet C-202 ("Demolition Plan') stating `property line to be vacated with boundary line adjustment" — however, a search of the County View application tracking system indicates that no such application for a boundary line adjustment plat has been submitted, reviewed, approved, or recorded. Note: Staff acknowledge the letter from Ms. Amelia S. Black, DNP, MSN, RN, NEA -BC, Chief Operating Officer for Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital (dated June 18, 2017) intended to serve as "evidence of Sentara's willingness to work with Mark and Wawa on this project. " However, the letter does not provide authorization for SDP201800048 to include proposed construction activities or proposed permanent improvements on TMP # 032-AO-02-00-OOIAO. 2. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(a)]: Property boundaries shown on Sheet C-201 ("ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey") do not match property boundaries shown on Sheet C-301 ("Site Plan") or on other sheets throughout the plan set. • Note: Staff acknowledge the note on Sheet C-202 ("Demolition Plan') stating `property line to be vacated with boundary line adjustment" — however, a search of current applications indicates that no such application for a boundary line adjustment plat has been submitted, reviewed, approved, or recorded. 3. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(b)]: Please add the following information to the "Site Data" Table on Sheet C-103 ("General Notes and Legend"): A. area of proposed improvements: i. 6,001 SF building area identified as a percentage of overall site ii. total parking/circulation area: (in acreage) and (as a percentage of overall site) B. total area of impervious surface cover: (in acreage) and (as a percentage of overall site) C. area of paved parking and vehicular circulation: (in acreage) and (as a percentage of overall site) 4. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(m)]: Please show the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection from proposed point(s) of ingress and egress; or indicate the location of this information (if it has been provided since the Initial Site Plan review). 5. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(n)]: Please show the proposed location(s) of outdoor trash containers, and add a corresponding symbol to the Legend on Sheet C-103 ("General Notes and Legend"). 6. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(q) and 32.7.91: Please revise the "Zoning Ordinance Requirements" table on Sheet C- 701 ("Landscape Plan") to address and resolve the following issues, and to more generally ensure and demonstrate that the proposed Landscape Plan complies with Z.O. Section 32.7.9: A. The first row reads "Section 34-869 Tree Cover Requirements" but the correct reference appears to be "Section Tree Canopy." Please revise this Section reference, the associated Requirements and Calculations, and the Landscape Plan as may be necessary. B. The second row reads "Section 34-870 Streetscape Trees" but the correct reference appears to be "Section Landscaping Along Streets." Please revise this Section reference, the associated Requirements and Calculations, and the Landscape Plan as may be necessary. C. The third row reads "Section 34-873 Parking Lots — Screening and Interior Landscaping" but the correct reference appears to be "Section Landscaping Within a Parking Area." Please revise this Section reference, the associated Requirements and Calculations, and the Landscape Plan as may be necessary. D. The fourth row reads "Section 34-87(b)(2) Parking Lots — Screening and Interior Landscaping" but the correct reference appears to be "Section Screening." Please revise this Section reference, the associated Requirements and Calculations, and the Landscape Plan as may be necessary. E. The fifth row reads "Section 34-87(c)(2) Parking Lots — Screening and Interior Landscaping" but the correct reference appears to be "Section Screening." Please revise this Section reference, the associated Requirements and Calculations, and the Landscape Plan as may be necessary. 7. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(q) and The "Zoning Ordinance Requirements" table on Sheet C-701 ("Landscape Plan") indicates that two Waivers have been requested. To date, no such Waiver requests have been received. • Note: Based on the preceding review comment (regarding incorrect references to "Zoning Ordinance Requirements, " Staff acknowledge the waivers referenced may potentially not be applicable or required, subject to further revision and additional review of Sheet C-701. 8. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(q)]: Please provide the specified traffic generation figures (trip generation estimates); or indicate the location of this information (if it has been provided since the Initial Site Plan review). 9. [Z.O. Sections 32.7.3(a), 21.3, 4.12.4(a), and 4.12.61: The parking information contained in the "Site Data" table on Sheet C-103 ("General Notes and Legend") is not correct and must be revised. Specifically, the "Parking Required" tabulation states that 53 spaces are required; however, the applicable required (minimum) number of off-street parking spaces for the proposed use have been identified as 30. This figure was generated in consultation with CDD staff in the Zoning Division and Planning Division, using the following definition in Chapter 4 ("General Regulations"), Section 12 ("Parking, Stacking, and Loading"), Subsection 6 ("Minimum Number of Required Parking Spaces for Scheduled Uses"): Food store: One (1) space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area. Per the information contained on the initial site plan, this calculates to a minimum requirement of [(1 x 6,000 GSF)/200] _ (6,000/200) = 30 parking spaces. The number of proposed spaces is 54, which meets this minimum requirement. However, the proposed project is also subject to maximum off-street parking limitations per 18-4.12.4(a) ("Parking Areas — Maximum Number of Parking Spaces"), which is as follows: Maximum number of spaces. The number of parking spaces in a parking area may not exceed the number of spaces required by this section by more than twenty (20) percent. This calculates to a maximum limitation of (1.2 x 30 spaces) = 36 parking spaces. The number of proposed spaces is 54, which does not comply with Z.O. 4.12.4(a). Therefore, you may address this issue by: a.) reducing the number of proposed parking spaces; or b.) providing more detailed information about the proposed use(s) of the primary structure, if the structure is to include multiple different "Scheduled Uses" (as identified in Z.O. 4.12.6), for the purposes of (potentially) re -calculating the parking (min.) requirements and (max.) limitations in a way that (potentially) allows for more parking spaces; or c.) requesting a "modification or waiver" pursuant to Z.O. 4.12.2(c), which is an administrative review process. For reference, Z.O. 4.12.2(c) states (in part): "Modification or waiver. The limitation on the maximum number of parking spaces required by subsection 4.12.4(a) ... may be modified or waived ... in an individual case if the zoning administrator finds that the public health, safety or welfare would be equally or better served by the modification or waiver and that the modification or waiver would not otherwise be contrary to the purpose and intent of this chapter." Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) David James, diameskalbemarle.org — "Requested Changes" (8/2/18); see attached comments. Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Elise Kiewra, ekiewra(kalbemarle.org — "No Objection" (7/20/18). Albemarle County Building Inspections Michael Dellinger, mdellinger@albemarle.org — "See Recommendations" (7/17/2018); see attached comments Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) Heather McMahon, hmcmahon(c-r�,albemarle.org — "See Recommendations" (7/31/2018); see attached comments. Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Shawn Maddox, smaddox(c�r�,albemarle.org — "Requested Changes" (7/10/2018); see attached comments. Albemarle County Service Authority Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthorit�org — "Requested Changes" (7/12/18); see attached comments. Virginia Department of Transportation Adam Moore, Adam.Moorekvdot.vir ig nia.gov — PENDING (as of 8/2/18); VDOT review comments will be forwarded upon receipt. Please contact Tim Padalino at the Department of Community Development at (434)-296-5832 ext. 3088 or 1padalinokalbemarle.org for further information or assistance. Wawa — Final SDP201800048 Engineering comments (David James): 1. VSMP plan approval required before the FSP can be approved. 2. Remove the E&SC and SWM plan sheets from the FSP (Sheets C404-409, C601 -C604). 3. Show all existing easements (access, drainage, sight, sanitary easements, etc.) with deed book & page references. 4. Show existing ROW line and width for streets with deed book & page references. 5. Offsite grading and improvements will need to be shown in an easement. Provide copy of letter of intent to grant them from offsite property owner. 6. Proposed work outside of property limits to be shown in an easement. 7. Show proposed easements and indicate whether they are public or private (outside of ROW). 8. Show stormwater vault system in a SWF easement. Required width: 10'+(pipe dia. or channel width) + 2'+ 2(depth-5'). {Design Manual, section 61 9. Provide a drainage summary table similar to the sanitary schedule. Indicate type of VDOT structure. Stmcture Description Length Iti ert Invert '3 Rjf=ks -Nhunber In Out 1 42- RCF 50- 24.50 414.00 100.00% Pmiide Class III 2, EW 2 DI- 3B L=8 2.6.00 41100 - IS -1 Tap 3 PG -2A 400- 40.00 400.00 5.00% D=12-- 4 Grade 200- 420.00 415.00 ')J0% D=18 -- Swale 10. Show the existing Rt.29 pavement & edge/curb connecting from your proposed right turn lane. 11. Show VDOT designations for type of drainage structure/entrance, including curb & gutter. 12. Provide curb & gutter details. 13. Sheet C401— a. Proposed slopes greater than 3:1 to have low maintenance (not grass) ground cover specified on the plans, which will not require mowing. {Design Manual, section 8} b. Provide entrance landing that meet VDOT standard of 2% max grade and having a 50' minimum length. 14. A safety provision (a guardrail, wall or fence) required to be installed for walls over 30" high. 15. Sheet C301— Label wall max height. 16. Sheet C701— You're showing trees in the path of drainage. Proposed trees should be outside of drainage easements. {Design Manual, section 61 17. Provide drain inlet in SE corner of parking lot. Also, drainage should not run across, through, or backwater in dumpster areas [18-4.12.19]. 18. Provide throat length for each DI. 19. Add note to the profiles/details that safety slabs (SL -1) shall be installed for any manhole structures taller than 12'. 20. Add note to the profiles/details that concrete inlet shaping (IS -1) shall be in any structure with a 4' or greater drop. 21. It looks like some of storm pipes could be operating under pressure under design flow HGL. The network should operate under open channel flow where no pressure situation exists. {Design Manual, section 61 22. Provide typical section, lining type requirement & design calcs. for the ditch alongside Proffit Road. Review Comments for SDP201800048 lFinal Plat 1-1 Project Name: Wawa - Final Date Completed: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 Department1DivisionfAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Michael Dellinger LJ CDD Inspections see Recommendations Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit_ Walls exceeding 4 feet in height require an stamped engineered design also_ If building was constructed prior to Jan_ 1, 1985, as asbestos report has to be sribmitted for a demolition permit_ If asbestos is found a separate demolition permit for asbestos removal is needed in addition to the building removal_ Releases must be obtained from each utility company serving the existing strricture to obtain a demolition permit_ Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 08?,J2+2,] 18 Review Comments for SDP201800048 Final Plat Project Flame: Wawa - Final Date Completed: Tuesday July 31. 2018 D e p a rtm e nVD i vi s i o n!A.g e n cy: Review Status: Reviewer: Heather McMahon CDD ARB See Recommendations J The applicant must submit an ARB application for Final Review of a Site Development Plan and associated fees for full board review A Certificate of Appropriateness is required for final approval_ For the applicant`s convenience_ the ARB's recommendations from the last review of the Initial Site Development Plan on 6-18- 18 are provided below - At its meeting on Monday. June 18. 2018_ the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board. by a vote of 3-1 voted to forward the following recommendations on the above -noted Initial Site Development Plan to the agent for the Site Rev�iew Committee: • Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18-30.6.4c(2) (3) and (5) and recommended conditions of initial plan approval: 1. Provide 3/: large caliper shade trees and other landscaping in the general area currently shown with five (5) parking spaces at the northwest corner of the site. 2_ Relocate the air and vacuum equipment to eliminate 5,isibility from the EC 3_ Provide a landscape easement on adjacent property to the north for screening of the canopy. 4_ The lowest edge of the canopy roof shall not exceed 14'6'_ • Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines. 1_ Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the plant schedule. _ Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building. Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None_ • Regarding the final site plan submittal: 1 _ Submit architectural elevations and plans of the building and fuel pump canopy for review_ Address the standards and criteria established in the Standards for Friel Pump Canopies as outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines- 2- Submit material samples for review_ 3. The building and canopy architecture shall be compatible and shall be directly related. 4_ Consider the frontality of the building and its fenestration. 5_ Rev�ise the design to reduce the height of the stone veneer on the canopy piers to enhance human scale_ 6_ Relieve blankness on the north. south and west elevations by using architectural detail_ supplemented with landscaping. 7_ Provide manufacturer's specifications for proposed window glazing and samples for final review_ 8_ Provide the standard glass note on the elevations: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. 9_ Revise the proposal so that both the canopy and the building maintain a presence on the EC 10. Revise the plan to include dumpster elevations and details. Provide samples of the dumpster enclosure for review. 11. Relegate loading areas and mechanical equipment from the EC 12_ Provide a roof plan with equipment heights for review if any proposed mechanical equipment will be roof -mounted - 13. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the General Notes page (C-101) of the site plan set and on the architectural drawings. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 14_ Ensure that no footcandle values above 0.5 spill over from the property boundaries into public rights-of-way. In particular. show the footcandle reading at the property line in the vicinity of the light pole on the Profit Road side of the site_ 15. Provide manufacturer's specifications for all proposed light fixtures. 16. Revise the canopy design to eliminate glare_ 17_ Provide information to confirm that no illumination from the fuel pump canopy is emitted above the horizontal plane_ 18. Show the maximum footcandle (fc) values on the photometric plan_ Revise all notes accordingly. 19. Reduce illumination so that the maximum footcandle ft} value does not exceed 20 fc. 20. Calculate the photometrics using an LLF of 1.0 for all fixtures. 21_ Ensure that light color is consistent throughout the site_ 92_ Change the color of light models A4_ B3_ and B4 to dark brown, dark bronze. or black_ 23. Ensure that the mounting heights of the freestanding pole lights includes the base and reduce the total height to a maximum of 20' from grade_ 4_ Provide standard lighting note on the lighting plan (C-700) within the site plan set- Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3.000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half footcandle. Page: 1 Oountr of Albemarle Printed On: r08?0212018 Review Comments for SDP201800048 Final Plat Project Flame: Wawa - Final Date Completed: Tuesday July 31. 2018 Department,'Di.ision?.gency:Review Status: Reviewer: Heather McMahon CDD ARB- I See Recommendations J • Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines. 1_ Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the plant schedule. 2_ Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building. Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None_ • Regarding the final site plan submittal: 1. Submit architectural elevations and plans of the building and fuel pump canopy for review_ Address the standards and criteria established in the Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines_ 2. Submit material samples for review_ 3. The building and canopy architecture shall be compatible and shall be directly related. 4. Consider the frontality of the building and its fenestration. 5. Revise the design to reduce the height of the stone veneer on the canopy piers to enhance human scale 6_ Relieve blankness on the north south and west elevations by using architectural detail. supplemented with landscaping_ 7. Provide manufacturer's specifications for proposed window glazing and samples for final review_ 8_ Provide the standard glass note on the elevations: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria= Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. 9_ Revise the proposal so that both the canopy and the building maintain a presence on the EC. 10. ReSnse the plan to include dumpster elevations and details. Provide samples of the dumpster enclosure for re,,iew. 11. Relegate loading areas and mechanical equipment from the EC 12_ Provide a roof plan with equipment heights for review if any proposed mechanical equipment will be roof -mounted. 13. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the General Notes page (C-101) of the site plan set and on the architectural drawings: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 14_ Ensure that no footcandle values above 0.5 spill over from the property boundaries into public rights-of-way. In particular. show the footcandle reading at the property line in the vicinity of the light pole on the Profit Road side of the site_ 15. Provide manufacturer's specifications for 311 proposed light fixtures. 16. Revise the canopy design to eliminate glare_ 17_ Provide information to confirm that no illumination from the fuel pump canopy is emitted above the horizontal plane. 18. Show the maximum footcandle (fc) values on the photometric plan_ Revise all notes accordingly. 19. Reduce illumination so that the maximum footcandle ft) value does not exceed 20 fc. 20. Calculate the photometrics using an LLF of 1.0 for 311 fixtures. 21_ Ensure that light color is consistent throughout the site_ 22_ Change the color of light models A4. 133_ and B4 to dark brown, dark bronze. or black_ 23. Ensure that the mounting heights of the freestanding pole lights includes the base and reduce the total height to a maximum of 20' from grade_ 24_ Provide standard lighting note on the lighting plan (C-700) within the site plan set- Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3.000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half footcandle. 25. Clarify the manufacturer listed in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700) for D 1. 26. Ensure that 311 LLF values in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700) are 311 equal to 1.0. 27.. Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the plant schedule 28. Correct the illustration on C-600_ which currently calls out the AR as 'AB' 29. Delineate the utility easements on the landscape plan (C-600) and the site & utility plan (C-300)_ Increase planting area to ensure that there are no conflicts between the proposed plants and extanYproposed utilitiesfeasements. 30. Provide one additional interior parking tree. 31_ Note that signage requires a separate application_ Ground cover_ shrubs andJor trees will be required to integrate the freestanding signs into the overall development_ 32_ Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building. 33. Reduce the number of BNH and IV to below 10 and 25 respectively (or below 26% of typology totals' by introducing more plant variety. 34_ Provided the standard plant health note on the landscape plan (C-600)-. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach_ and be maintained at, mature height: the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant Page: 1 COUnti of Albemarle Printed Cn: 10810212018 Review Comments for SDP201800048 ;Final. Plat Project Flame: Wawa - Final Date Completed: Tuesday, July 10, 201a Department/Oivislani ency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Shawn Maddox l.J Fire Rescue � � ue�ed �han�es El Page: 1 Countf of A.Ibemarle Frinteb Cn: r08;,J212018 Review Comments for SDP201800048 ;Final Pat Project Flame: I '.A.a,,va - Final Date Completed: Thursday, July 12,.2DIB Department/Oivislanftency: Review Status: Reviewer: Richard Nelsan ASA E RequeVted changes El Page: 1 Countf of A.Ibemarle Frinteb Cn: x08;02,'2018