HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201700071 Correspondence 2018-02-06Will Cockrell
From: Megan Nedostup
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2018 3:57 PM
To: William Cockrell; Will Cockrell
Subject: FW: Message from Jarrett Craddoc (98045452283)
Attachments: VoiceMessage.wav
Hey Will,
Not sure when you will be in again, but can you follow up with this guy? He is calling about a site plan that it
looks like you approved on 1/26.
Megan Nedostup, AICP (former Yaniglos)
(pronounced nuh-DAHST-up)
Principal Planner
Community Development Department
Planning Services
ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004
From: Cisco Unity Connection Messaging System [ma!Ito:unityconnection@cobm-cucxnpub.albemarle.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2018 3:50 PM
To: mnedostup@cobm-cucxnpub.albemarle.org
Subject: Message from Jarrett Craddoc (98045452283)
Will Cockrell
From: Peter Matysiak <peter.matysiak@jorce.com>
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 9:41 AM
To: Will Cockrell
Cc: MICHAEL R SPATZ (MRSPATZ@sentara.com); John Jordan; John Jordan
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Thank you Will
Michael- approved plans are waiting for you in the county building
From: Will Cockrell [mailto:wcockrell@albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 9:37 AM
To: Peter Matysiak <pete r. ma tysia k@jo rce. com >
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Hi Peter,
have all the plans signed. I'll drop them off downstairs for pick up.
From: Peter Matysiak[mailto:peter.matysiakCoD*orce.coml
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 8:47 AM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarle.or >
Cc: MICHAEL R SPATZ (MRSPATZ@sentara.com) <MRSPATZ@sentara.com>, Jarrett Craddock
(icraddock@kiellstromandlee.com)<icraddock@kielistromandlee.com>; John Jordan <iohn.iordan@dorce.com
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Could you let us know the progress of the approval- My client has his Gropes up
after our previous train of communication; now he may be getting impatient to
have the approval in his hands and go on with construction -
From: Will Cockrell mailto:wcockre[I albemarle.or ]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 1:42 PM
To: Peter Matysiak < peter. matysiak@iorce.com>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Hi Peter,
Sorry that I missed you yesterday. I was in our other office.
Engineering had no objections. I'm getting all the signatures together on the plans. I still have some that have not yet
signed it. I'll check up on it to get those.
From: Peter Matysiak [mailto:peter.matysiak@iorce.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 8:28 AM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarle.ore>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
I will be in Charlottesville today afternoon- Is there a chance you would have
approved plan For me to pick up?
From: Will Cockrell rmailto:wcockrellL@albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 201811:38 AM
To: Peter Matysiak <peter.matysiak@lorce.com>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
I don't have any additional comments for this minor amendment. Engineering is doing one last check on their
comments. Assuming they have no comments, I just need to get everyone's signatures. That could happen today, but it's
more likely that it will be next week.
Let me know if you have any questions.
From: Peter Matysiak [mailto:peter.matysiak@iorce.com]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 8:36 AM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell albemarle.or >
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Plans were delivered on Monday 1/22/78. Could you tell me when we can
expect your approval?
From: Will Cockrell [mailto:wcockrell albemarle.orgI
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 4:26 PM
To: Peter Matysiak <peter.matysiak@iorce.com>; Cameron Langille <blaneille@albemarle.org>
Cc: John Jordan <iohn.iordan@iorce.com>; Jarrett Craddock (icraddock@kjellstromandlee.coml
<'craddock k'ellstromandlee.com>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Great — we'll keep an eye out for it.
From: Peter Matysiak[mailto:peter.matysiak@iorce.com]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 3:29 PM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarle.org>; Cameron Langille <blangille@albemarle.org>
Cc: John Jordan <iohn.iordan@iorce.com>; Jarrett Craddock (icraddock@kiellstromandlee.com)
<icraddock kiellstromandlee.com>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Thank you Will
1 will arrange the delivery first think on /Monday -
From: Will Cockrell fmailto:wcockrell@a albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 2:10 PM
To: Peter Matysiak <peter.matvsiak(@iorce.com>, Cameron Langille <blangille@albemarle.org>
Cc: John Jordan <john.jordan@jorce.com>; Jarrett Craddock (icraddock@kiellstromandlee.com)
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Hi Peter,
Apologies for not getting the first email. For some reason I just had a bunch of emails pop up that weren't feeding into
my inbox. I think it was because we changed passwords and the Outbox wasn't updated with the new password.
Regardless, apologies.
You can mail the site plans to us. Could you do 4 copies? There are no other requirements for resubmittals. Did you have
any other questions about the comments?
Also — Cameron's email was misspelled, for future reference. It is blangille@aibemarle.ore, rather than c,
Will Cockrell, AICP
On -Call County Planner
Albemarle County, Community Development
J y
From: Peter Matysiak[mai Ito. peter.matysiak@jorce.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:43 AM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarle.ore>; clangille@albemarle.org
Cc: John Jordan <iohn.iordan@iorce.com>; Jarrett Craddock (icraddock@kiellstromandlee.com)
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
During my correspondence with Will he indicated that I can also contact you
with any questions- 1 had a few for Will as described below but he did not
respond- Could you
help me?
1 have all
revisions done and 1 am ready to send
for approval- Please
read my
below and respond -
Piotr "Peter" Matysiak P.E.
Jordan Consulting Engineers P -C-
2540 Professional Rd
Richmond Va 23235
Phone: (505) 272-7009
Fax: (505) 272-70S8
From: Peter Matysiak
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 9:0o AM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockreil@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Thanks for the response -
When the plan is revised could 1 mail it to you? (1 am located in Richmond) -
Now many sets requires for resubmittal, is any additional application required?
Could you also tell me how long it will take for you to grant an approval from
the time you receive the plan -
1 -
hanks for help
Will Cockrell
From: Peter Matysiak <Peter. matysiak@jo rce.com >
Seat: Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:43 AM
To: Will Cockrell; clangille@albemarle.org
Cc: John Jordan; Jarrett Craddock Ocraddock@kjelistromandlee.com)
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
During my correspondence with Will he indicated that 1 can also contact you
with any questions- 1 had a few for Will as described below but he did not
respond- Could you help me? l have all revisions done and l am ready to send
for approval- Please read my questions below .and respond -
Piotr "Peter" Matysiak P -E*
Jordan Consulting Engineers P•C-
25g0 Professional Rd
Richmond Va 23235
Phone: (804) 272-7009
Fax (804) 2 72- 7088
From: Peter Matysiak
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 9:00 AM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Thanks for the response -
When the plan is revised could l mail it to you? (1 am located in Richmond) -
Now many sets requires for resubmittal, is any additional application required?
Could you also tell me how long it will take for you to grant an approval from
the time you receive the plan -
Thanks for help
Will Cockrell
From, Peter Matysiak <peter.matysiak@jorce.com>
Seat: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 9:00 AM
To: Will Cockrell
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Thanks for the response
When the plan is revised could 1 mail it to you? (I am located in Richmond)
Now many sets requires for resubmittal, is any additional application required?
Could you also tell me how long it will take for you to grant an approval from
the time you receive the plan -
Thanks for help
From: David James [mailto:djames@albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 5:43 PM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarle.org>; Peter Matysiak <peter.matysiak@jorce.com>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Hi Will / Peter,
That will satisfy my 2 earlier comments.
From: Will Cockrell
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 4:18 PM
To: Peter Matysiak <peter.matysiak@iorce.com>
Cc: David James <diames@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Thanks Peter,
I cc'ed the engineer to see those comments.
David, let us know if you have comments on this.
Will Cockrell, AICD
On -Call County Planner
Albemarle County, Community Development
or 434-296-5832 ext.3088
From: Peter Matysiak[mailto:geter.matysiak@iorce.coml
Sent: Monday, January 08, 201812:28 PM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarle.ore>
Subject: RE: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Thank you
All comments seem straightforward. Some comments refer to something that is
already on the plan:
- 5afety fence/guard for retaining wall- on sheet C6 top right l show
chainlink fence around entire concrete pad and retaining wall
- Certification of wall design over 5'- the last sheet of my set (57•0)
shows wall design signed and sealed by structural engineer -
Please let me know if my answers satisfy these two comments -
When I make all revisions would you be willing to my pdf drawings to conFirm
that I satisfy your comments prior to official plan resubmittal?
Thank you
From: Will Cockrell[mailto:wcockrell@albemarle.ore]
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2018 12:07 PM
To: Peter Matysiak <peter.matysiak@jorce.com>
Subject: Martha Jefferson Hospital Outpatient Care Facility
Mr. Matysiak,
Attached are comments for the minor site plan amendment referenced above (SDP201700071). Please let me know if
you have any questions.
Will Cockrell, AICP
On -Call County Planner
Albemarle County, Community Development
or 434-296-5832 ext.3088
Will Cockrell
From: Tim Padalino
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 4:26 PM
To: Will Cockrell
Subject: FW: Message from CONSULTING EN J (98043236149)
Attachments: VoiceMessage.wav
More mix-ups from the 3088 extensions ...
Thanks in advance for following up with this gentleman Peter M.
Tim Padalino, AICP
Albemarle County I Community Development Dept.
(434)-296-5832 x. 3088
From: Cisco Unity Connection Messaging System [mailto:unityconnection@cobm-cucxnpub.albemarle.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 3:21 PM
To: tpadalino@cobm-cucxnpub.albemarle.org
Subject: Message from CONSULTING EN J (98043236149)
Will Cockrell
Megan Yaniglos
Wednesday, December 06, 2017 9:32 AM
Will Cockrell; William Cockrell
SDP2017-071 Martha Jeff- Minor
Hey Will,
Wanted to let you know that I assigned you a minor amendment this week. I distributed the plans to ARB, Eng,
and Building Official. I think with the changes they are making, those would be the reviewers needed. However,
if you think I missed someone when you take a look, there are extra copies in the folder.
Megan Yan4ft, AICP
Principal Planner
Community Development Department
Planning Services
ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004
°� Department Community Development
Planning Services Division
401 McIntire Road North Wing - Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596
00!* Phone: (434) 296-5823 - Fax: (434) 972-4035
From: Will Cockrell Date: 12/06/17 1
Date Description
OMar aret Maliszewski - ARB
OFrank Pohl -Eng
JOB #/FILE NAME: SDP -2017-071 Martha Jefferson Hospital- Minor Amendment
We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or ❑ Under separate cover
® Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ® Plans
❑ Plats ❑ Specifications ❑ Other
# of
Date Description
11/28/17 minor amendment- see attached description of changes
These are transmitted as checked below:
For review and comments M For
Comments are due in Citv View or email bv: 12/29/17