HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201800041 Approval - County 2018-08-08APPROVED FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CLE " - �+ _ ;,,�j rime Fee Amount S J Y Date P ' / /�y j IGa 6 `� r/ /¢ -*I Receipt # p �( Ck# U y BY: Lr �'��• - - = ile _ Application for Zonine Clearance �" Agricultural Operation Sales, Events, or Activities_ Ll Zoning clearance fee = $54 & Activities Regulations Checklist (pages 2-3 of application) Project Name: Roslyn Farm & Vineyard Tag map and parcel: 06100-00-00-00100 property owner, Zoning: RA Physical street Address (if assigned): 100 Roslyn Heights Road (Agricultural Operation sales events or activities will be using Farm Entrance off Lambs Road) Acreage of property (may include acreage of adjoining lots if under same ownership &part of the agricultural operation) 42.61 acres Describe agricultural operation, including crops and livestock produced and acreage devoted to agriculture: Horse boardingllessons, pigs. cows Goats (for dairy & meat) preens & produce production grapes poultry. poultry eaas ducks- d k egos, Describe type and frequency of activities (sales, tours, events) planned: Agri -tourism, farm sales, farm -to -table dinners farm tours educational workshops up to 24 times a year. Average number of vehicles expected per day with sales, events, or activities: 40 Number of attendees for tours or educational programs: 200 or fewer attendees at any time Square footage of structures used for farm sales: under 1,000 SF Appacant/Contact Person (Who should we call/mite concerning this project?): Sue A. Albrecht Address 80 Roslyn Forest Lane city Charlottesville state VA zip 22901 Daytime Phone 4a4) 531-2435 Fax # (--) owner of Record Roslyn Farm & Vineyard, LLC Address 80 Roslyn Forest Lane _ city Charlottesville state VA zip 22901_ Daytime Phone A34 -531-2435 Fax # (__j E-mail sue@designenyifons.com I hereby c mfy that the i tz�totAedge and b�1 of Owner, Sue A. Albrecht Print Name Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of 2 /4/- /tl Date 434-531-2435 Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Ag Operation Clearance Revised 11/02/2015 Page I of 3 EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES AT AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS ZONING REGULATIONS CHECKLIST (Refer to Sections 5.1.58 and 31.5) Please also see the Albemarle County Agricultural Operations FAQs No Permit Re wi7edZoning Clearance S ecial Use Permit st-your-own activitiesutdoor rAgritourism, amplified music Structures for farm sales over 4,000 sf events or retail gritourism, events or retail sales Events or activities (including generating 50 or fewer vehicnerating either more than 50 educational programs, per day and occurring on sitehicle trips per day or occurring on workshops or demonstrations more acres in sizees under 21 acres in size related to agriculture or Up to 4 farm tours per year wore than 4 farm tours per yearsi]viculture) with over 200 fewer attendees at any timed farm tours with over 200 attendees at any time Up to 4 educational programs, work- attendees at any time Over 24 events of any size/ shops, or demonstrations related to More than 4 educational programs, year agriculture or silviculture per year with workshops or demonstrations 200 or fewer attendees at any time related to agriculture or silviculture Structures for farm sales with 4,000 sf or less 200 or fewer attendees at any time Each event or activity at an agricultural operation shall be subject to the following: ® Concept Plan —Using GIS web or a physical survey of your property, please provide a sketch plan that shows the following when applying for a zoning clearance: ® Location of stream buffers, flood plain and critical slopes (use Critical Resource tab in GIS-web) ® Location of all structures and outdoor event/activity areas with distances of structures to property lines. ® Location of parking spaces to be used with distances to property lines. ® Location of the access roads and driveways to all structures or areas for events. On -site travels must t be able to accommodate emergency vehicles. (Refer to Section 4.6.6 of the Zoning Ordinance) Ct/�lu ® Location, height, and lumens of any existing or proposed lighting ® Floor plan and square footage of each building to be used for agricultural operation activities or events ® Location of signs. If you propose to disturb greater than 10,000 square feet you must contact the County Engineer regarding additional requireme s. Yards and separation from dwellingunits. The following minim g um front, side, and rear yard requirements shall apply to any event or activity: Front Side Rear Minimum separation from ad'acent dwellin Primary structures 75' —public road 25' — internal or 25' 35' N/A private road Accessory structures 75' — public road 25' — internal or 6' 6' N/A private road Farm sales structures 35' - public road 25' 35' N/A Outdoor event & activity areas 75' 75' 75' 125' Parkin 75' 75' 75' 125' Portable toilets 75' 1 75' 75' 125' Ag Operation Clearance Revised 11/02/2015 Page 2 of 3 ang- One (1) parking space per 200 square feet of retail sales area is required. For agritourism events, farm torlciurs, and other programs, one (1) space per two and one-half (2.5) visitors, plus one (1) space per employee (includes agricultural operation staff, caterers, musicians and vendors) is required. The parking required for special events and festivals may be considered overflow parking and may be provided in a well -drained, suitably graded area ad' acent to required parking area. Sound from outdoor amplified music- The purpose of the zoning clearance review shall be to verify that the sound amplification equipment at the agricultural operation will comply with the applicable standards in section 4.18 or that the owner has and will use a sound level meter as that term is defined in section 4.18.02 prior to and while outdoor amplified music is being generated. Sound generated by outdoor amplified music shall not exceed the applicable maximum sound levels in section 4.18.04. ❑ Traffic Management Plan required for a farm tour of more than 200 attendees at a time -In addition, for any zoning clearance for a farm tour that may have more than 200 attendees at any single agricultural operation at any time, a traffic management plan must be submitted by the person requesting the zoning clearance. The traffic management plan shall demonstrate how traffic entering and exiting each agricultural operation participating in the fa tour will be managed to ensure safe and convenient access to and from the site and safe travel on public streets. Virginia Department of Transportation "OT) entrance standards- Zoningclearances for agricultural gn operations events and activities generating over 50 vehicle trips per day will be sent to confirm their entrance standards are met based on your proposal. If VDOT proposes entrance improvements, you will be notified of the' req irements and your zoning clearance will not be approved until those improvements are completed. 'j � 3Vi N Virginia Department of Health- Zoning clearances for agricultural operations events and activities will be sent to confirm the Health Department to confirm health and sanitation standards are met. Yo oning clearance will not be approved until the County has received your approval from the Health Department. f r ❑ Uses prohibited- Restaurants and Helicopter rides are prohibited. ❑ Signs- Sign provisions of Section 4.15 are listed below. Freestanding signs must be 5' from property lines and no more than 10' in height. ❑ 24 square foot free standing sign on -site or up to two signs 12 square feet or less on -site ❑ 32 square feet of agricultural product signage either on -site or off -site or up to two signs 16 square feet or less. A permit is required for off -site signs. d"o 1I ❑ 40 square feet of wall signage. Maximum height for wall signs is 20'. APPROVAL INFORMATION [ ] Approved as proposed proved with conditions [ ] Denied Conditions tly'e g. "'`- _i(— Zoning Official Date Ag Operation Clearance Revised 11/02/2015 Page 3 of 3 1,600 LUMEN HALOGEN 200" ABOVE GRADE I O BEDROOM BATH SMOKE ALARM C 2ND FLOOR DECK FAMILY ROOM TERRACE DINING ROOM CEIUNG MOUNTED 6,750 LUMEN SPOTLIGHT COMP) FLUORESCENT — - O --i BATH BEDROOM SMOKE ALARM KHALL /— 1,600 LUMEN HALOGEN 168' ABOVE GRADE 0i i SMOKE ALARM i LIVING ROOM BEDROOOM FOYER O SMOKE NTH ALARM GOO LUMEN INCANDESCENT .—I� SCONCE - 55' ABOVE GRADE I ,600 LUMEN HALOGEN 200" ABOVE GRADE BEDROOM SMOKE ALARM STORAGE LIBRARY DRESSING I,600 LUMEN HALOGEN 185' ABOVE GRADE — BEDROOM I SMOKE ALARM I ,600 LUMEN HALOGEN 100" ABOVE GRADE SMOKE ALARM STORAGE MECHANICAL ROOM STORAGE i O p GARAGE L I ,600 LUMEN LAUNDRY STORAGE 6.750 LUMEN (EA) HALOGEN 2-HEAD SPOTLIGHT 1 se' ABOVE BASEMENT COMPACT FLUORESCENT GRADE 1ST FLOOR ROSLYN FARM - LIGHTING & FIRE SAFETY 08/29/2017 HARD WIRED 5MOKE ALARM -0— FIRE EXIT PATH ❑ EXTERIOR UGHTING O SMOKE ALARM NOT TO SCALE lOBZZ VINI-31-1—R1LO—HO 3Mtl0 Ed3WBN33HD OVC SEC- B/24 3�tJi5 :31V0 Zl> ' • 09HBW • 'I'- • 03N• .- :sNoisv3e OLL HC17 CAlnwnnlo ICllc� z � z g ppgg vu ,4 g x NEE �f;3 .S• l= 7n� AOI .I 37V75 DOME :31V0 VINIEWIA'311IAS31 LO18VH0 OVOb S1HOGH NAISOH ON O-WMIVA3NIA 9 WNVd NAIS08 )ON3 OA 3N3tl1 :As Nmvba NVId 1d3ONOO g NOUV83dO wunllnomov MM3d3Sn'M33dS1N3A31V133dS 3WVN1J3!'ONa h CLE201800041 Roslyn Farm & Vineyard Agricultural Operations & Events Zoning Clearance Conditions of Approval 8/6/18 1. This clearance is approved according to the attached plan titled "Agricultural Operation — Concept Plan Roslyn Farm Vineyard, LLC" dated 2/8/18. 2. The access road, as identified from the "Main Entrance" on Lambs Road, shown on the plan titled "Agricultural Operation —Concept Plan Roslyn Farm Vineyard, LLC" dated 2/8/18 must serve as access to the property for agricultural events and activities and be maintained in a safe and convenient condition prior to events and activities, including meeting the minimum standards of Section 4.6.6." 3. All recommendations requirements of the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's office, VDOT, and Virginia Department of Health must be complied with at all times. (attached) Special Events - Noise Management Plan Roslyn Farm & Vineyard, LLC 1/26/2018 INTRODUCTION As a Special Event Venue, Roslyn Farm & Vineyard accepts the responsibility to ensure that the site activities do not generate sound above decibel levels identified in Albemarle County Code Section 18.4.18. The purpose of this Noise Management Plan is to detail the procedures that will be adopted to ensure the minimization of disturbance to adjacent and nearby residents. The plan has been developed to meet the standards and requirements as stated in Albemarle County Code Section 18.4.18. The following Noise Management Plan procedures will be followed: • Establishment of Policies and Procedures Manual. • Fixed and mobile sound limiting and monitoring equipment. • Training procedures in place for managers and other staff associated with events. • Establishment of an on -going review process. • Log Book set-up for recording neighbor complaints and/or suggestions per each event. • Follow-up Plan for responding to complainant's issue. DEFINITIONS The Manor House Provides hospitality and event spaces both indoors and outdoors. Guest/Attendee Users of the premises with pre -booked events. Events Gatherings of 150 attendees or less. Event Manager Roslyn Farm Staff Member Responsible for overseeing all event activities and external vendors. Key Elements and Goals • Minimize impact to adjacent and nearby residents • Compliance with all County requirements • Establishment of the benchmark for existing sound sources used to identify event sound beyond that benchmark and what event sound is acceptable. • A detailed list of steps for managing noise pollution • A defined program of sound measurement to verify that compliance has been achieved through monitoring and testing • A Neighbor Communication Procedures Plan Background • Identification of suitable criteria and equipment for the control of music and dispersal of noise impact from events held in and around the Manor House. • All amplified music played at the Manor House will be brought under the control of sound limiter equipment and mobile monitoring equipment. • Measurement of sound levels at the perimeter of the site and on adjacent parcels. • Set threshold levels of music at which the entertainment sound limiters cut-off the power supply to any amplification system in use. • The sound levels for the entertainment area will be set in conjunction with the readings obtained in a test environment. • All managers will be aware of the limiters and the levels set. 1 • All external entertainment suppliers will be contractually obligated to abide by the sound limiters. • Fixed points will be established to enable the Event Manager to take sound readings at an event both internally and externally. These points are located in and around the Manor House as follows: Deck Arced Terrace Front Entrance Dining Room Garden Pond Spot Check Sound Readings will be taken and documented in Log Book. Noise Sources Sources of potential noise include: • Amplified music (recorded or live) with attention to low frequency bass levels, • Public address systems, • Television/video. Management Strategies Our overriding goal is for control of sound at the source and shall be achieved by considering: • Specification, selection and operation of amplified music equipment • Managing operations on site • Utilizing barriers to control or reduce sound (buildings, walls, berms, vegetative buffers, terrain) • Educate guests of awareness of the consequences of late night noise (for which the guest has agreed to not engage) and be proactive in confronting the problem with the guest. • Placement of sound control signage in the interior of the Manor House and strategically located on the site. Specification, selection and operation of amplified music equipment Monitoring will be in place to ensure the sound and vibration from regulated entertainment shall be limited at the adjacent and nearby properties. The installation of sound limiting equipment in all areas where events will take place This equipment is connected to the electrical supply which feeds the music systems and will cut the supply if a decibel reading exceeds an unacceptable level. The equipment works on a traffic light sequence and will be visible to all performers and DJs. The red banding will only be tolerated for a set number of seconds before the system shuts down. The system also has the capacity to operate at two sound level thresholds selectable remotely or by a time switch this allows a venue to operate at different levels at different periods of the day or night. The system will be lockable and only accessed remotely, by authorized personnel, i.e. managers, electricians and service contractors. Hand held monitoring equipment will also be used to ensure the accuracy of the system and to also monitor sound levels. The hand-held equipment is a Digital Sound Level Meter, of a type used for monitoring traffic noise, industrial plant and machinery as well as noise within the entertainment industry. The meter provides FJ automatic or manual ranging from 40 to 130db, will record maximum and minimum levels and is selectable for fast or slow response times. Sound levels will be taken at set times throughout an event both internally and externally at noise sensitive boundaries and other pre -determined places. All readings will be documented and used to provide a detailed database of sound levels both in the building and around the site. Managing Operations on Site Outdoor Amplified Music Hours: Sunday — Thursday until 10 pm Friday — Saturday until 11 pm All staff members will be fully trained and conversant with the Noise Management Plan. All venders will be contractually obligated to abide with the Noise Management Plan. Any events where amplified music is employed will be wound down in a professional manner. Music will reduce in sound and style to reflect a calmer end to an event. Staff will take a proactive approach to noise management including checking sound levels as set out above. External External events will be proactively managed. • If music of any type is involved sound monitoring equipment will be used and acoustic levels periodically checked. • When customers are using the external area a member of staff will periodically check on sound levels and deal with any sound above acceptable decibel levels. Patrons shall be made aware of the consequences of late night noise and staff shall be proactive in dealing with any violations. Barriers to control Noise Landscape Buffers, Berms, Terrain, Walls and Structures are all features that provide noise barriers on the property. Neighbor Communication Procedures Plan All neighbor comments or concerns will be directed to the Event Manager. The Event Manager will log the communication in the Log Book. The Event Manager will investigate the complaint and take appropriate action to mitigate the violation. The Log Book will be made available per request of the Zoning Administrator as part of any official complaint filed with the Zoning Administrator regarding a noise complaint. Each month, adjacent property owners will be made aware via a letter of any pending guest for that month. 3 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE 4.6.4 REAR YARDS ON INTERIOR LOTS Rear yards on interior lots shall be provided at the depth required for the district, and shall run across the full width of the lot at the rear. The depth of a required rear yard shall be measured in such a manner that the yard is a strip of minimum depth required by district regulations with its inner edge parallel to its outer edge. If an alley abuts the rear yard, the required rear yard shall be measured from the edge of the alley right-of-way or easement. (§ 20-4.6.4, 12-10-80; § 18-4.6.4, Ord. 98-A(l). 8-5-98; Ord. 02-18(2), 2-6-02) 4.6.5 SIDE YARDS ON LOTS Side yards on lots are defined as running from the required front yard line to the required rear yard line. On corner lots, the required side yards shall run from the point where side yard lines intersect to required front yard lines. (§ 204.6.5, 12-80-80; § 18-4.6.5, Ord. 98-A(1), 8-5-98) 4.6.6 LOT ACCESS REQUIREMENTS Vehicular access on a lot shall be provided as follows: a. In all zoning districts, a structure requiring a permit under the Uniform Statewide Building Code may be established only on a lot having frontage on a public or private street as authorized by the subdivision ordinance, except that this requirement shall not apply to lots lacking such frontage on the effective date of this chapter. b. In the rural areas zoning district, in addition to the requirements in subsection (a) and in order to provide public safety vehicles with safe and reasonable access to a new dwelling unit on a lot, each driveway that will serve a new dwelling unit: (1) shall not exceed a sixteen (16) percent grade; (2) shall have a travelway that is at least ten (10) feet in width; (3) shall extend to within fifty (50) feet of each dwelling unit on the lot; and (4) shall include a rectangular zone superjacent to the driveway that is clear of all obstructions, including any structures and vegetation, that is at least ten (10) feet in width and fourteen (14) feet in height. The landowner shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the county engineer that the driveway will meet the requirements of this subsection before a building permit is issued. C. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection (b), the county engineer, with the recommendation of the fire marshal, may authorize a driveway having a grade that exceeds sixteen (16) percent if the landowner demonstrates to the satisfaction of the county engineer and the fire marshal that public safety vehicles would be able to access the dwelling unit even though the grade may exceed sixteen (16) percent. In considering a waiver request, the county engineer and the fire marshal shall consider: (1) the length of the segment of the driveway that would exceed sixteen (16) percent; (2) whether the segment that would exceed sixteen (16) percent would require the public safety vehicle to travel uphill towards the dwelling unit; (3) whether fire suppression equipment such as sprinklers would be installed within the dwelling unit; and (4) whether the dwelling unit is within fifty (50) feet of a public or private street. In authorizing such a grade, the county engineer may impose reasonable conditions to assure that the public safety vehicles may access the dwelling unit including, but not limited to, a condition limiting the maximum length any segment of the driveway may exceed sixteen (16) percent. The landowner may appeal the disapproval of a waiver under subsection (c), or the approval of a waiver with conditions objectionable to the landowner, to the commission. The appeal shall be in writing and be filed with the department of community development within ten (10) days after the date of the county engineer's and the fire marshal's decision. In reviewing a waiver request, the commission may approve or disapprove the waiver based upon the applicable factors in subsection (c), amend any 18-4-13 Zoning Supplement #74, 7-1 1-12 Rebecca Ragsdale From: Campbell, Elizabeth <elizabetha.campbell@vdh.virginia.gov> Sent: Friday, July 13, 2018 4:56 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale Cc: John Mcclelland; Eric. Myers@vdh. virginia. gov Subject: Re: Roslyn Farm & Vineyard, LLC She has been waiting a long time for this sign off by us. We have worked alot with our state office to determine that her "Fann to Table" operation is exempt from our regulations. For any future applications that are applying for a similar, "Farm to Table" operation we would like to be able to work with the operator to ensure the operator does in fact meet the exemption. If you have any further questions, feel free to call or email me. Thanks, Archer e .," Res Environmental Health Technical Consultant Food Program Thomas Jefferson Health District 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: 434-972-6219 On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 11:27 AM, Rebecca Ragsdale <rra sg dalekalbemarle.or > wrote: Initialing the form the way you have done is fine. But like I said, I'd like to have an email detailing what review you've done and receive a copy of any permits you are issuing. Thanks! Rebecca Ragsdale From: Shawn Maddox Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:26 AM To: Frank Pohl; Rebecca Ragsdale; Sue Albrecht Subject: Re: Roslyn Farm & Vineyard, LLC Agriculture Zoning Clearance Good morning again - after talking to Mrs. Albrecht and reviewing some notes from previous views I'd recommend the following: 1. Fire Rescue will use the entrance shown at the intersection of Hydraulic Rd and Roslyn Heights Road as the primary means of servicing the property. It is paved, meets the 20' requirement, etc. 2. The "main entrance" shown on Lambs Road is known to wash out and requires constant maintenance as a farm road. A condition of their clearance should be that it is maintained to meet the safe and efficient access during each event. 3. A sign should be placed at the Lambs Road entrance to identify the access/property. If this is acceptable to everyone I am ok moving forward. Thank you, Shawn From: Frank Pohl Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 3:22 PM To: Shawn Maddox; Rebecca Ragsdale; Sue Albrecht Subject: RE: Roslyn Farm & Vineyard, LLC Agriculture Zoning Clearance Should we schedule a site visit? I think that if the road condition is in question, we should confirm. The 'access road' should meet our access standards, and if it doesn't this should be a condition of approval (if we can do it this way Rebecca). Thanks, Frank Frank V. Pohl, PE, CFM County Engineer 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 (ext. 7914) From: Shawn Maddox Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 2:16 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale <ragsdale@albemarle.org>; Sue Albrecht <sue@designenvirons.com> I Rebecca Ragsdale From: Moore, Adam PE (VDOT) <Adam.Moore@vdot.virginia.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:53 AM To: Rebecca Ragsdale; Frank Pohl Subject: RE: CLE201800041 Roslyn Farm Rebecca, I was under the impression that they would be using the Lambs Rd. entrance for events. The concern with the other entrance is that during arrivals for events traffic could queue back on to Hydraulic Road. Adain J. Moore, P.E. I Assistant Resident Engineer — Land Use VDOT - Charlottesville Residency 701 VDOT \V'ay I Charlottesville I VA main 434.422.9782 From: Rebecca Ragsdale [mailto:rragsdale@albemarle.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:10 AM To: Frank Pohl; Moore, Adam PE (VDOT) Subject: RE: CLE201800041 Roslyn Farm Frank, Do you have review comments on this clearance? Adam responded and said he didn't have comments but I wanted to get clarification on entrances. Can they use both entrances? Are there limits on the entrance off of Roslyn Ridge? They have shown a farm sales area adjacent to that entrance. If the entrance off of Lambs Rd. is the only entrance they can use for events, they need to submit their VSMP and address Frank's comments below before we can approve the clearance. Rebecca From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 11:45 AM To: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>; 'Moore, Adam PE (VDOT)' <Adam.Moore @vdot.virginia.gov>; 'Mazurowski, Alan (VDH)' <Alan.Mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov> Cc: Scott Clark <Sclark@albemarle.org>; Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Megan Nedostup <mnedostup@albemarle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Subject: CLE201800041 Roslyn Farm Hello, Roslyn Farm has submitted a zoning clearance under the agricultural operations and events provision in the ordinance. The ordinance requires VDOT and Health Department approval of the clearance. Also, consultation with the County Engineer regarding approval of parking areas and the access road. It looks like some features of the concept plan (attached) have already been reviewed and commented on as part of the SP #2015-01 process. Under this provision of the ordinance, no site plan is required but they still must comply with the Engineering requirements.