HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201800095 Application 2018-08-10Albemarle Cough., Planning Application Community Development Cepartmed 401 Mcl ,+ire Road Charlottesville. VA22932-W95 : (434) 2?3-5832 Fax: (434)972-4123 TMPI 06100-0000-025 Owner(s): Application #I AR82018000.9!Ej PROPERTY MFORHATION HARRY A IR 2011 IRREVOCABLE TRUST & 2012 Legal Description L-1,84,WESMIELD f d IREPUBLIC MMNESS CIEWER Magisterial Dist. lack JOLFett Land Use Primary Commercial Current AFD Riot in A/F District Current Zoning Primary C1 Commercial TION INFORKA Street Address 1285 HYDRAULIC PIDGERD CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22901 ApplicationType Architectural Review Board Project FPJa�za 28!i - Preliminary Received Date Fit-9 —71 F51 —,a Received Date Final Closing file Date Revision Number Comments Legal Ad 1 Submittal Date Submittal Date Finale TM Sub Applicatiol.---- C"Went County -wide Building Permit Entered By 1u,dy Martin S.."2 5.2 9 18 Total Fees Total Paid 0 N5, H.AfW A J 9 2011 204 DEVON RD CHARLOTTESQLL 229C3 -J, Prr,�rp coact0 RD ti 4 418 EAST.,....._............. AST MAIN STREET CHARLOTTEMLL 222902 Signature of Contractor orAuthorized Agent Date Architectural Review Board Building Permit Review (Preliminary/Final) Submittal Requirements Checklist [P�ar-tk Applicant Contact and Parcel I.Mbrmation Project name: Tax map and parcel #: 61-25 Physical street address (if assigned): 285 HYDRAULIC ROGE RD Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other): INTERSECTION OF HYDRAULIC AND Contact oersan: BOB PINEO WHITEWOOD RD. Business name: DESIGN DEVELOP Address: 418 EAST MAIN STREW State: ;VA Zap: 22902 Daytime phone: 434-806-8365 Fax: Email: B0B@DE5IGNDEVEL0PLLC.COM Pail B: Building Permit Review Requirements Checklist Important Note: Submittal packages must contain (8) collated copies cf all information unless otherMse A. Written description of the proposal Q Provide a general description of all proposed work. 0 Explair+ hors the proposal is cornpatiNe with the surrounding area and the Entrance Corridor. B. Site plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of t 1--20, clearty legible and folded): ❑ Location of all proposed changes. ❑ Sheet number, total number of sheets, date of the drawing, date and description of the latest revision, and contact information for the firm preparing the drawings in the title block on all drawings. ❑ If mechanical equipment or accessory structures are altered or added, then identify those features, their locations, and screening that will eliminate visibility from the Entrance Corridor. C. Landscape plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1 M--W, clearly legMe and folded): ❑ Proposed landscaping that meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in the ARB guidelines. ❑ Existing landscaping to be removed. Include the location, size, and species. ❑ Landscape key including all landscape symbols and a description of what they represent. ❑ Location of existing and proposed tree lines. ❑ Location of existing natural features. ❑ Location of Individual trees of 6-Inch caliper or greater and all significant groups of trees indicated by botanical name and caliper. ❑ Location and height of above -ground utilities and associated easements, and location of below - ground utilities and associated easements. ❑ Stormwater facilities. ❑ Provide a signed, tree conservation checklist with all checklist items drawn on the landscape plans. 1 Revised 7/28/10 D. Lighting plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 9' =2tt; clearly legible and folded tf new lighting is proposed or existing lighting will be modified): ❑ Location of all proposed bui d=.ng and site ligr<ting. ❑ Lighting schedule identifying all proposed light fixtures, poles and brackets. ❑ Nlas ufacturer`s cut sheets Pustrating aropcsed %ghtilng fixtures and information on illumination type, rrtensity, style, s:iieidirg. coi!or, f`n 4'r!. and insta lation neigh . ❑ P'ctometric Pan addressing al! `Mire_ and indicating ti-at :fighting meets the regLi rements of section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. ❑ Coordination of ightirg ,;.dh landscaping and other site elements. E. Appearance of the proposed building(s) Architectural elevations of the proposed bui'dirgts). Elevations insist be drawn to the scale of at least 118"=114'. Irciude a nuJdrng rnaterafs s&ec1ule and key. © One set of al; building material samples and coi^rs. 0 A floor piar adequate to show exterior walls, windows and do©rs. F. Additional material ❑✓ Provide labe:ed. color. 8-%` x 11° photcgraphs of the site as seen from both directions on the Er:trance Corridor. ❑ The appu,cant is v,,elcorrse to submit any additional material that they believe !nay make the building oerrr;t rev�eve more productive. Drawings or ocher submittal hems that clarify topography, a:isrtaifity, uti'ittes. landscaping, or athe, unique or unusual coni;tIons are 'tvelcome. Part C: Applicant Agreement Applicant must read and sign Each applicafon package must cortair (8) forcied ccpies of x, p:aros and cl=rients being submitted. Only (•I set of oui'tding matera sarn-pies is requires;. Ali subirittal items. including building mater;ai samales. become the faroped of Aibemare Cocnty- Applicants are encouraged to inaintain dupOsate comes of all submmttai items �n fi e.r files. All information in this checklist is required, unless specifrcaify waive l by the ARB, prior to processing a building permit review by the ARB. Additional submittal materials may be required, depending on the proposal. Onl; ci31 plate appi3ca ior ryacicages be iy&n4t':'.!ed nos FRB revie,-'s. The a*dicaton ryackace IS ,tor cornoiete-'i4hout ti is ci-ecwls:. comr.ete€t stared, and in6uded with the required s,ibmilttal materials indicated or the checkUst. In representing the above referenced firm submitting this application for review. - ;-ereby state that the information provided in this application, and all accompanying infcrmatfbn, is aw--,, ate `sue and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached plans contain a , 06/25/2018 Signature rs pleting ch2ci*iist Date Printed Name / Tine f 434) Dayti7me p-- otna rufrber c€ Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434) 296-5832 Tel, (434) 972-4126 Fax www.albemarle.ora 2 Revised 712811 Q DESIGrI DEVELOP 07106/2018: Transmittal Please deliver to: Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development Please find attached: 5 sets of Comprehensive Sign Plan revisions to Plaza 285 Regarding: Preliminary AR8 Submission Plaza 285 285 Hydraulic Ridge Road, Tax Map 61-25 From: Kevin Schafer Design Develop, LLC. 434.806.8365 418 E Main Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 Notes: Supplemental information on the Comprehensive Sign Plan, as requested by County staff. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Thanks! KS 418 EAST MAIN STREET. CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA 22902 www.designdeveloplic.org • 434.804.8365 RECEIVED* JUL 0 B Me COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DESIG'N DEVELOP j I Please deliver to: Margaret Mallszewski Principal Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development Please find attached: 8 Sets of ARB Narrative / Rendering Booklets 8 Set of Architectural Floor Plans and Elevations i ARB Application i ARB Checklist Regarding: Preliminary ARB Submission Plaza 285 285 Hydraulic Ridge Road, Tax Map 61-25 From: Bob PlIneo Design Develop, LLC. 434.806.8365 418 E Main Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 Notes: Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Thanks! As 418 EAST MAIN STREET, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 www.desiandeveIooIIc.orcj • 434.804.8365 RECIElY W JON t % tole opm Architectural Review Board Application 0 Part A: Applicant, Contact and Parcel Information Project Tame: PLAZA 7 M Tax map and pared(s): 6 -2:' Plrvsiral 5treetAddress: 285 HYDRAULIC RIDGE RD Contaet Person: BOB iP- (IWEO Business Name. QESI"-7N DEVELOP Adams 418 EAST MAIN ST. Cir., CHP PLO T TESVILLE Dayr,m_?h.c.- et4`J C-6-8365 Fax ( E-:nail state ':".�, Zip 22902 BOB0DESIGNDEVELOPLLC.COM OwnerefRecord: HARRY (BERT)AND FLORENCE LEE WELLCiN5 Ad&ess 204 DEVON RD city -CH ��'.RL C7ESVILLE Daytime Phone) Fax #C_) E-mail State VA zip 22903 FLDWELLONS9MOTMAIL.COM Part B: ReNiew T e and Fee Select rtype Review by the A rchitectul^al Re -dew Board Conceptual Planakdvr� ory RYtiiew (fox a Special U—ze Permit or .i No Fe-; Rezoning) X Preliminary -Initial Renew of a Site Development Plan No Fee Final Rev=w of a Site Development Plan SlC1"5.90 .� ne: d=- nt to an approved Cerliflcwe of Appropriateness S 242.00 Building P-=t Re•,iew S 634.00 County -wide Certifleate of Appropriateness Structures'50= or more from the EC, no taUer tha:15 stories No Fee Structures located behind a stri mire that E-orts the EC No Fee Personal A-Ireless service facilities No Fee Fencing of Equipment or Lighting No Fee Additions to ARB-approved buildings No Fee Minor amendments to site or architectural plans No Fee Building permits where the change is 50% or less of the altered elevation No Fee NOTE: For SIGNS, use the combined APPLICATION AND CHEKLIST FOR SIGNS. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY MV AMN Fee Amount S Date Paid By wln7 Reopt # Check # By County of Albemrle Dept of Community Development, 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottmgle, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-M2 Fax: (434) 972-4126 1WM15 Pg t oft OVER y RECEWW COMMUNITY E)EVF-EePM§N7`