HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800011 Review Comments Minor Amendment 2018-08-24COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Project: Plan preparer: Owner or rep.: Plan received date: (Rev. 1) Date of comments: (Rev. 1) Reviewer: Project Coordinator: SDP2018-00011 Covenant Church —Minor Site Plan Amendment Tim Miller, Meridian Planning Group, LLC, 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22901 [ tmiller(&meridianwbe.com ] Church of God; Thurman Henry, Ray Henry, Harold Haga Trustees 1025 E Rio Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 14 Mar 2018 1 Aug 2018 1 May 2018 24 Aug 2018 John Anderson Christopher Perez Sheet 1 1. Provide Existing and Proposed impervious Area. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Sheet 2 1. Check /revise scale as necessary. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 2. Existing sanitary manhole shown; locate and show Ex. sanitary lines. (Rev. 1) Not Addressed. Recommend show Ex. San. MH and Ex. San. Lines. Sheet 3 3. Check /revise scale as necessary. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 4. Provide STOP and YIELD signs to define and control traffic movement. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Sheet 4 5. Check /revise scale as necessai (Rev. 1) Addressed. 6. Travelway: a. Provide storm inlets /conveyance pipe channel design; review vertical fall across site (22'); provide computations that indicate Q2 runoff spread within travelways is less than 8'. Note: Since travelway extends more than 100' without parking spaces, private road standards apply; ref ACDSM 7.C. Lb. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-up: C-301, recommend revise pavement grade to ensure storm runoff reaches Str. #2 (6' L DI). Also, provide curb cut at north corner of 7 parking spaces near new SWM basin, else storm runoff will collect in the corner. Show /label curb cut on sheets C-201, C-301, and C-402 (inset detail). b. Provide storm drain grate /drop inlet (type /length) and pipe (DIA, type, length, slope, Qlo capacity, etc.) tables. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Asefollow-up: C-402 storm drainage profile pipe slope and length are inconsistent with table values; please reconcile for consistency. c. Provide plan /profile for storm system inlets and pipes. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Asfollow- up: see 6.a./b., above. Also, per discussion, if storm pipe labeled New 15" HDPE @ 3.00% is existing, revise label to read Ex. 15" HDPE @ 3.00%. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 d. Carefully consider storm runoff in pedestrian /passenger drop-off areas during design storm events. (Rev. 1) Addressed. e. Provide spot elevations to ensure smooth transitions where travelways intersect, and to ensure positive drainage and capture at storm grates or inlets. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As ollow- yR: see 6_a., above. f. Label storm pipe length, diameter, slope, and material in plan view. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Comment withdrawn. g. Clearly show and label storm inlets in plan view. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 7. Provide Note with WPO Plan Number (than accompanies Minor Amendment). Submit WPO Application, if no WPO has been submitted. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. Applicant response: `WPO application shall be included upon final submittal.' NOTE: Submit WPO as scParate application, not with final submittal. VSMP /WPO plan must be approved prior to site plan minor amendment approval. Delay submitting VSMP /WPO plan risks delay receiving MIA approval. 8. Ensure design meets quality and quantity criteria listed at 9VAC25-870-65 and 9VAC25-870-66, respectively. (Rev. 1) Not Addressed. See item #7, above. 9. Ensure playground equipment, once reinstalled, maintains at least 2' horizontal offset from 15" HDPE pipe, to avoid HDPE pipe penetration. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Comment withdrawn. 10. Specify RCP beneath parking lot and travelways, or ensure adequate cover (Albemarle recommends RCP). Ref. VDOT standards and specifications. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. See 6_c., above. Label 15" HDPE Ex., if existing. 11. Provide profile for new 15" HDPE @ 3.0%. Provide details sufficient for installation and inspection. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. See items #6.c., and 10, above. 12. At parking lot SE of 20,600 SF building, provide 478' contour line. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Comment withdrawn. Sheet 5 13. Re. Albemarle County Engineering General Construction Notes, #3: Provide reference # for Approved ESC Plan (WP020XX-XXXXX). (Rev. 1) Not addressed. See item #7, above. 14. Revise General Construction Note #4 to read Maximum Allowable slope is 31 (see ACDSM 8.A.2.) (Rev. 1) Addressed. 15. Revise General Construction Note #6 to read Albemarle County Engineer (not Director of Engineering). (Rev. 1) Addressed. 16. Provide Details for: a. Trench cut pavement repair (ref. VDOT; ensure pavement repair is wider than trench with seams offset, else work may quickly degrade). (Rev. 1) Addressed. Comment withdrawn. b. Storm pipe bedding detail, per VDOT spec. (Rev. 1) Addressed. c. Retaining Wall (Typ.). Recommend show entire wall profile, as sheets 3 and 4 do not provide adequate detail. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Asefollow-up: C-401 outlet protection table values, Str. 3 show dimensions that exceed available space. Revise dimensions, taking into account proposed depth of block (apparently 28"). New: 17. C-201: a. Clearly identify location of all bollards; for example, Typ. of 6 and Typ. of 3 do not clearly show locations of these nine bollards. b. Label CG-12 ramp fronting left -most of five HC parking spaces in upper parking area. c. Revise new 4' sidewalk to 5' width. d. Strongly recommend CG-12 ramps for ADA accessibility at 3 locations: at end of new concrete sidewalk that ends at lower 5-space parking area (1-HC; 4 parking); either side of new travelway leading from upper to lower parking lots, so pedestrians requiring a ramp may cross from one side of the travelway to the other, safely. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 18. C-402: Retaining Wall A detail, elevation view: 0.75' x 2' orifice INV elevation appcars incorrect if compared with other elevations in detail. Revise, as needed. Please call if any questions: 434.296-5832 -0069 Thank you SDP201800011 Covenant Church -Minor 082418revl.doc . Review Comme ; for SDP201800011 Minor Amendment Project Name: Covenant Church -Minor Amendment Date Completed: Monday. October 15. 2018 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer: John Anderson CDD Engineering Requested Changes 1 review comments remains (16 c ) Outlet Protection Table. 81C-401 lists Str 3 OP = 10' x 1125' (L x W) while 1/C-402 Retaining Wall A Detail appears to limit space available to 9' x 7' (stone OP) Please ensure OP dimensions fit space available Also please revise 1IC-402 horizontal scale to 1" =10'