HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600009 Bond Reduction 2018-07-30Project Name: Old Trail Village Stormwater Management Plan for Facility L-3, Amendment to WP0201600009 WPO File Number: WP02016-00009 RGA Stormwater Management Bond Estimate Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost Number installed S permanent diversion or ditch 0 ft $5.00 $0.00 W standard manhole frame top (not inlet) 0.. $500.00 $0.00 M drop inlet or grate 0 ea $3,500.00 $0.00 manhole structure (per ft. rise) 0 ft $450.00 $0.00 pipe, rep, cmp (15 to 48") 0.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 0.0 ft $0.00 $0.00 aggregate base or drainage stone 24.0 in d 700.0 ft L 6.0 ft W 588.0 ton $35.00 $20,580.00 AGGREGATE/DRAINAGE STONE CALCULATED AS TOTAL LENGTH OVER ENTIRE PROJECT WITH AVERGE WIDTH AND A MINUMUM DEPTH OF 24" S earthwork for trap/basin W height of dam at toe 0 ft cut at high side 0 ft M height of fill at face 0 ft cut at face 0 ft length of dam 0 ft length of eW 0 f[ B top width 0 ft width of cut 0 ft VOLUME CALCULATIONS OBTAINED OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE A (area above transition) 0 at (area below transition) 0 at 2016 S (total width of dam) 0 ft (total width of cut) 0 ft I (height below transWood 0 ft (depth below transition) 0 ft TOTAL CUBIC YARDS OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENCE IN DIRT VOLUME N (area below transition) 0 at (area shove transition) 0 at (CUT/FILL) (total FILL volume) 500.0 ey (total CUT volume) 2000.0 ey L3 length of spillway 0 ft (TOTAL CY estimate) 15M cy $5.0, width of spillway 0 ft (spillway atone tone) 0 tons $50.00 structures for basin I BOND BEING HELD FOR STRUCTURES ON ESC SWM BOND AMT REQUIRED er height (1) 6.8 ft nser height (2) 8.5 ft $10,420.00 $16,120.00 $5,700.00 er diameter (1: 48 in nser diameter (2 48 in (riser unit price) $150.00 ADDITIONAL BOND REQUIRED - barrel length (1) 40 ft barrel length (2 93 ft base plate or fdn I ADDITIONAL MEASURES HAVE BEEN ADDED SINCE ESC PLAN FOR SWM $200.00 barrel diameter (1) 12 in barrel diameter G 30 in (barrel unit price) $35.00 $65.00 PURPOSES barrel length (3) 80 ft (Extended Barrel) barrel collars 4 $200.00 barrel diameter (3) 36 in (Extended Barrel) $70.00 baffle length 50 ft $50.00 S earthwork for trap/basin W height of data at toe Oft cut at high aide Oft M height of fill at face Oft cut at face Oft length fdam Oft length ofeut Oft B t width °P w'r Oft width ufcut Oft EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE A (area above transition) 0 Sf (area below transition) 0 Sf 2016 S (total width fdam) Oft (total width ofcut) Oft I (height below transition) Oft (depth below transition) Oft TOTAL CUBIC YARDS OBTAINED FROM N (area below hanaition) 0 sf (area about traasition) 0 of DIFFERENCE IN DIRT VOLUME (CUT/FILL) (total FILL volume) 2197.0 cy (total CUT volome) 37.0 cy TE IS BASED Ob MD SWM PLAN JUNE 27, 2016 ED BY 3C CONSULTING ES, INC. REFER FOR )NAL 3NTS (BLUE) ON OCESS OF on Earthwork I THE FOLLOWING BOND ESTIMATE IS BASED APPROVED AMENDMENT TO SWM FACILITY L-3 LAST REVISED 07/30/18. Boad on Structures $2,295.00 1 $200 $10,325.00 $5,700.00 $800 total underdrain (LF) $2,500 total biofilter soil mix Bond on Earthwork S3 length afapillway 20 ft (TOTAL CY estimate) 2160 ey $5.00 $10,800.00 widthofspillway 30ft (Spillway stone tons) 34.5 tons $50.00 strum es for basin BOND BEING HELD FOR STRUCTURES ON ESC SWM BOND AMT REQUIRED riser height ( l) 5.25 ft nser height (2) 6.43 ft 1 $5,232.00 $10,712.00 1 S5,480.00 eerdiameter (1) 48 in nserdiameter (2) 48 in (riser unit price) $150.00 ADDITIONAL BOND REQUBRED- banel length (1) 40 ft banal length (2) 88 ft base plate m fdn 2 ADDITIONAL MEASURES HAVE BEEN ADDED SINCE ESC PLAN FOR SWM $200.00 barrel diameter (1) 18 in barrel diameter (2) 36 in (barrel unit price) $40.00 $70.00 PURPOSES barrel collars 4 $200.00 baffe length 0 ft $50.00 S earthwork for hsp/basin W height ofdam at toe Off cut at high side Oft M height of fill st face Oft cut at face Oft length ofdam 0 ft length ofeut 0 ft B top width O ft width ofeut Oft A (area above transition) 0 of (el'ca below tl'ensition) 0 of EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE S (total width ofdam) Oft (total width fcut) Oft 2016 1 (hcight below transition) Oft (depth below haminon) Oft N (area below transition) 0 Sf (area above transition) 0 +f TOTAL CUBIC YARDS OBTAINED FROM (total FILL volume) 22.0 ey (total CUT volume) 816.0 ey DIFFERENCE IN DIRT VOLUME (CUT/FILL) S121 length ofspillway 0 ft (TOTAL CY estimate) 794 ey $5.00 $1,752.00 1 S400 $7,760.00 S5,480.00 $800 total and.olodn(LF) $0 total biofilter soil mix ICY Bond on Earthwork Oft 0 sf 295 ft 3905 sf 8/30/2018 Project Name: Old Trail Village Stormwater Management Plan for Facility L-3, Amendment to WP0201600009 TTHEEFFOLLO ESATESWINGG B o WPO File Number: WP02016-00009 APPROVED SWM PLAN RGA Stormwater Management t Bond Estimate g DATED JUNE 27, 2016 PROVIDED BY STANTEC CONSULTING Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost SERVICES, INC. REFER Number installed - BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL widthofspillway Oft (spillway stone tons) 0was $50.00 $0.00 $3,970.00 Boud on Structures structures f basin BOND BEING FIELD FOR STRUCTURES ON ESC SWM BOND AMT REQUIRED ear height ( t) 5.25 ft riser height (2) 6 ft $6,680.00 $9,637.50 $2,957.50 rismdiameter (1) 48 is riser diameter (2) 48 in (riser unit price) $150.00 ADDITIONAL BOND REQUIRED- $1,687.50 1 barrel length (1) 50 ft barrel length (2) 100 ft base plate or Id. 2 ADDITIONAL MEASURES HAVE BEEN $200.00 S400 barrel diameter l l2 in barrel diameter (2) () 24 is (barrel unit price) $35.00 $50.00 ADDED SINCE ESC PLAN FOR SWM PURPOSES $6,750.00 $2,957.50 total underdram (LF) barrel collars 4 $200.00 $800 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 total biofilter soil mi, (CY) S earthwork for trap basin Bond on Earthwork W height ofelam at toe 0 ft cut at high side Oft M height rdfill at tee Oft ematfee. Oft 1 length ofelam Oft length ofcut Oft B top width Oft width ofem Oft EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE A (area above transition) 0 at (area below transition) 0 at 2016 S (total width ofd,m) Oft (total width ofe.) Oft I (height below transition) Oft (depth below transition) Oft TOTAL CUBIC YARDS OBTAINED FROM N (area below transitioa) 0 at (area above transition) 0 at DIFFERENCE IN DIRT VOLUME (CUT/FILL) (total FILL volome) 3633.0 cy (total CUT volome) 14875.0 cy L2 length of spillway 0 It (TOTAL CY estimate) 11242 ey $5.00 $56,210.00 widthofspillway Oft (spillway stone tons) Otons $50.00 $0.00 $56,210.00 Boad on Structures structures f basin BOND BEING FIELD FOR STRUCTURES ON ESC SWM I BOND AMT REQUIRED riser height (1) 20.25 ft $0.00 $14,137.50 1514,137.50 riserdiameter (1) 48 in (riaerunit price) $150.00 ADDITIONAL BOND REQUIRED- $3,037.50 1 barrel length (1) 140 It base plate or Ida I ADDITIONAL MEASURES HAVE BEEN ADDED SINCE ESC PLAN FOR SWM $200.00 $200 barrel diameter (1) 42 is (barrel unit price) $75.00 PURPOSES $10,500.00 $14,137.50 total underdraia (LF) barrel collars 2 $200.00 $400 baffle length 0 ft $50.00 $0 total biofilter soil mix (CY) S W M meal -.a 94 ea $150.00 $14,100.00 total shmbs 188 ea $50.00 $9,400.00 M meal aee llmgs 0 ea $5.00 $0.00 E total underdmin (LF) 506 ft $5.00 $2,530.00 A total biofilter soil is (SF) RIP -RAP HAS BEEN CALCULATED WITH DRAINAGE STONE AT THE TOP OF THIS 6762 sf $20.00 $135,240.00 S total trash mck/ anti vortex devices SPREADSHEET 4 ft $1,500.00 $6,000.00 U total maintenance access road (LF) Oft $50.00 $0.00 R rip-mp, placed depth Oft length 0.0 ft E width 0.0 (toas) 0 $60.00 $0.00 S survey aad layout (price per 0.1 , acres 8.3 beams 4 $6,150.00 mobilization $500.00 as -built drawings (per facility) SURVEY AND LAYOUT ACREAGE OBTAINED FROM THE TOTAL ACREAGE OF DIRT 1 ea $2,000.00 $2,000.00 materials testing (per facility) VOLUME BEING HANDLED FOR ALL SWM 1 ea $2,000.00 $2,000.00 compaction testmg(per dam) BASINS lea $5,000.00 $5,000.00 all endwalls ter bagel (in) 24.0 30.0 36.00 (endwall unit price) $2,500.00 $2,750.00 $3,000.00 3 ea $7,750.00 redi-rock retaining wall (It) (retaining wall unit price) $25.00 580 ft M4,500.00 cost sum $334,230.00 contingency $33,423.00 Total $367,660 211 it 2857 sf 0 It 0 sf 8/30/2018