HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCP201400001 Action Letter 9998-11-01COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Project Name: CCP 2014-00001
Staff: Rachel Falkenstein, Senior Planner
CMA Properties Rezoning Pre -application work session
Planning Commission Work Session: 4/15/2014
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: N/A
Owner/s: CMA Properties Inc
Applicant: CMA Properties Inc
c/o Pete Borches
Tax Map Parcel: 04500-00-00-17300
Acreage: 3.529 acres
Location: east side of Berkmar Drive, 350 feet
northeast of intersection with Rio Rd. Directly behind
(west) existing Colonial Auto Center.
Zoning District: R6, Residential
Magisterial District: Rio
Conditions or Proffers: No
Proposal: Pre -application work session to determine if
Comprehensive Plan Designation:
use of property for automotive related uses connected
Places 29 Urban Density Residential (in areas
to the expansion of the Colonial Auto Center car
around centers)
dealership is in conformity with the Comprehensive
Plan and potential next steps for the applicant.
Use & Character of Property:
Use of Surrounding Properties: Motor
Currently vacant; former Greenfield Mobile Home Park
vehicle sales and service, apartment building,
single family home, commercial uses, shopping
center, neighborhood model undeveloped
Factors Favorable:
Factors Unfavorable:
1. Developing the site for commercial uses rather
1. The proposed use is not in conformity with
than the recommended residential uses reduces
the Comprehensive Plan and Places 29
the capacity for residential growth in the
Master Plan with respect to recommended
development areas and the surrounding
land use.
neighborhood; however this loss is not so
2. The conceptual plan does not meet
significant that it cannot be made up by the
Neighborhood Model principles and the
redevelopment of other sites in the area.
proposed layout may cause issues for
2. Although the proposed use is not a target industry,
visibility and drainage.
the proposal is consistent with the Economic
Development goals of the Comprehensive Plan
including encouraging the expansion of existing
businesses (applicant predicts 20-30 new jobs) and
encouraging infill development.
3. The redevelopment of this site may provide an
opportunity to incorporate transportation
improvements recommended in the Places 29
Master Plan.
RECOMMENDATION: Based on the information provided for review, staff does not find the proposal to
be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. If the Commission agrees, but believes the proposal has
merit, then it is asked to provide guidance on potential next steps for the applicant. If the Commission
believes it can support a change to the Places 29 Master Plan, the Commission is asked to advise on
one of the three options below:
1. Review the proposed land use amendment during the next Places 29 Master Plan update.
This update will include the development of the small area plan for the intersection of Rio
Road and Route 29 which includes the CMA site. After the Plan is updated the applicant can
choose whether or not to pursue a Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA). This is the approach that
staff has typically recommended to applicants interested in land use changes to the
Comprehensive Plan.
2. Advise the applicant to apply for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA), for which the
next deadline for filing is September 2, 2014. After the CPA review the applicant can choose
to pursue a ZMA. Processing requests in this order allows staff and the Commission to
review proposed CPAs on their own merit, without a specific proposal attached. This
approach is similar to the approach recommended to property owners who asked for land
use changes late in the Comprehensive Plan review process.
3. Review the application for a CPA in conjunction with the submittal of a rezoning request for
the property. This recommendation should be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for
concurrence due to the current status of the draft Plan. While not typically recommended,
this approach is possible due to the small size of the site and narrow focus of the proposed
At this juncture, staff believes the second option is the most appropriate. However, if the Commission
wishes to recommend the third option, it is asked to advise on the most important features needed for a
land use change.
Rachel Falkenstein
CCP 201400001 CMA Properties Rezoning
Pre Application Work Session for input on Compliance with Comprehensive Plan
Background and Purpose of the Review
The pre -application process is for proposed development projects, typically a Zoning
Map Amendment or Special Use Permit. The purpose of the process is to gather input
from the Planning Commission on the proposed project's consistency with the
Comprehensive Plan, the appropriateness of the proposed use and to determine any
other issues with the project that need to be addressed. The action of the Planning
Commission is non -binding but is meant to help an applicant know whether a project is
worth pursuing further.
This is a pre -application work session for a potential rezoning proposal to allow for the
expansion of the Colonial Auto Center operations onto a neighboring property. The
proposal is to rezone the neighboring property to the west of the Colonial Auto Center
site from R6 Residential to Planned District commercial to allow for its expansion. CMA
Properties, Inc. is the owner of both properties and the applicant for this request.
Characteristics of the Site & Area
The site is currently vacant and consists of 3.53 acres. This is the former site of the
Greenfield Mobile Home Park which closed in June of 2013 due to water infrastructure
issues. The parcel is mostly cleared except for some trees along the southern and
eastern portions of the lot. The parcel contains an existing entrance onto Berkmar Drive
and private road that served the former mobile home park. It is located on the east side
of Berkmar Drive, about 350 feet northeast of the intersection with Rio Road.
The site is zoned R6 Residential, is in the Entrance Corridor Overlay for Rio Road and
is in the Airport Impact Area for the Charlottesville -Albemarle Airport. The property is
designated as Urban Density Residential in areas around centers in the Places 29
Master Plan portion of the Comprehensive Plan which was adopted in 2011.
Neiahborina Uses (see Attachments B and C for zonina and land use maa):
Comp Plan
Urban Mixed Use (in centers)
apartment building
Urban Density
single family homes
Colonial Auto Center
Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial
Rio Hill Shopping
Commercial Office
Urban Mixed Use (in centers)
West (across
office buildings
Commercial Office
Urban Density
elementary school
Specifics of the Proposal
The applicant proposes to expand the existing Colonial Auto Center onto the 3.53 acre
parcel. The current Colonial Auto Center property, tax map parcel 45-94B zoned
Highway Commercial, is a 10.833 acre parcel to the east of the subject property. It is
located at 100, 150, 200 and 300 Myers Drive and fronts on Route 29 about 800 feet
north of the intersection with Rio Road. The applicant has submitted a narrative
describing the proposed use and justification for the request along with a conceptual
plan that shows a proposed building and parking lot expansion (Attachment A). The
proposed expansion would include an access point on Berkmar Drive utilizing the
existing entrance.
Prior to submitting a rezoning application and committing to the rezoning process, the
applicant would like feedback from the Commission on the viability of this request.
Though the Comprehensive Plan calls for this site to be Urban Density Residential and
it is currently zoned R-6 Residential, the applicant would like to know if the proposed
use might be viewed as appropriate on the site. If so, the applicant would like to know
the next steps, such as whether a Comprehensive Plan amendment is needed prior to a
rezoning request.
Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan
This proposal has been reviewed based on Comprehensive Plan policy, including the
current Comprehensive Plan, the draft Comprehensive Plan currently under review, and
the Places 29 Master Plan last updated in 2011.
Land Use Designation:
The CMA site in question is located in Neighborhood 1 of the Places 29 Master Plan
area. Neighborhood 1 is the most urbanized of the urban development areas and
consists of about two-thirds residential and about one-third commercial and retail uses.
Neighborhood 1 is largely built -out with very few areas of vacant land.
This site is designated as Urban Density Residential in areas around centers, which
calls for primarily residential uses. Suggested density in Urban Density Residential is
6.01 - 34 residential units per acre. Urban Density Residential can accommodate all
dwelling types and can include two or more housing types on one site. Secondary uses
in this designation can include small amounts of retail, commercial and office uses that
are indented to draw most of their clientele from the surrounding neighborhoods.
Examples include local retail such as a florist or newsstand, a small restaurant or cafe,
a small food store or convenience store, or a personal retail service such as a hair
salon. It is recommended that retail -only buildings in Urban Density Residential be no
larger than 5,000 square feet. Other uses such as open space and institutional uses
such as libraries, schools and community centers are also secondary uses in this
designation. Auto commercial sales and service are not permitted in Urban Density
Based on this information, staff does not find this proposal to be in conformity with the
uses recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. However, it is important to keep in
mind that when the plan was drafted this property was the site of Greenfield Mobile
Home Park. Many existing residential uses were given land use designations at the time
based on their current use and density to protect and enhance existing neighborhoods.
Since the mobile home park is no longer in existence, the question for the Commission
is whether or not the proposed use would be appropriate in this area. If so, then staff
and the applicant request guidance on the design considerations needed for
redevelopment of the site and for this use to fit in with the overall vision for the area.
Future Transportation Network:
A major transportation goal of the Places 29 Master Plan is to construct a network of
roads parallel and perpendicular to US 29 that would give drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians
and transit -users alternative routes to destinations. Berkmar Drive, on which the site
fronts, is an important alternative travel route that runs parallel to US 29.
The Plan recommends the creation of a multimodal transportation network, which
includes integrating walking, bicycling, transit and automobile traveling into the design of
the roadway. Specifically the Plan recommends Berkmar Drive, from Rio Road to Hilton
Heights Road, be expanded to a four -lane boulevard with a 16-foot center median,
bicycle lanes on both sides of the road, sidewalks on both sides of the road with
landscaped strips that separate sidewalks from the roadway, and street parking on
some sections of the road. Current roadway conditions for this portion of Berkmar Drive
include two travel lanes with a center turning lane and no median. There are bicycle
lanes in both directions and a sidewalk on the west side of the road. The east side of
Berkmar Drive, where the CMA property is located, does not have a sidewalk.
In order to accommodate the future expansion of Berkmar Drive, the applicant should,
in collaboration with planning staff, engineering staff and VDOT, determine if additional
right-of-way is needed for the expansion of the roadway in this location. If so, the
applicant could consider dedicating the additional width that is needed for the future
roadway expansion. Redevelopment of the site should also incorporate sidewalks and
landscaping through the parcel on the east side of Berkmar Drive to expand the
pedestrian network in the area. Both of these features should be considered by staff
and the Commission if the proposal moves forward to a rezoning application.
The Master Plan also calls for the creation of blocks where possible. Blocks are
essential in creating walkable, interconnected neighborhoods. Running a perpendicular
connector street to connect Berkmar Drive to Route 29 would begin to establish a block
network in this area. The Places29 future transportation network map shows a possible
connection between the two roadways in the vicinity of Myers Drive, which currently
runs along the northern border of the Colonial Auto Center lot and connects to the back
side of the Rio Hill Shopping center. The extension of Myers Drive through or along the
northern portion of the CMA site as a public or private street would create an additional
link between to two major parallel roadways in the Northern Neighborhoods and would
increase the connectivity of the transportation network. The location for this connection
should be considered in planning for the redevelopment of this site and space for this
connection should, at a minimum, be preserved as a future right-of-way when the site is
Priority Areas:
The Places 29 Master Plan establishes priority areas to focus public efforts and
resources where they are most needed during the plan's 20-year implementation time
frame. This site is located in Priority Area 2 South. The recommendation of Priority Area
2 is to focus public investment and land use decision making in areas where new
development has been approved and where redevelopment is encouraged. The
purpose of this priority area is to revitalize, expand and improve the existing
infrastructure to support redevelopment.
Priority Area 2 South is located in the vicinity of the intersection of Rio Road and US 29.
According to the plan, much of the existing commercial development in this area may be
ready for redevelopment. The focus in the priority area is closing gaps in the existing
system of transit, bicycle and pedestrian networks and expanding transportation
networks where needed. The future development of the CMA site should take into
consideration the need to close current gaps in transportation infrastructure such as the
need for sidewalks and interconnectivity, and should address the plans for expansion
and improvements of Berkmar Drive.
This site is also located in an area that is recommended for a Small Area Plan. This
area is expected to experience redevelopment in the future and a major intersection
improvement is planned for the Rio Road and Route 29 intersection. Small Area Plans
have a higher level of detail than Master Plans, can identify specific opportunities for
development and provide more detail about transportation improvements. Small Area
Plans allow for better coordination of land use and development and for business
owners and residents in the area to participate in the planning process. The Small Area
Planning process will be an opportunity to design this intersection improvement and will
also be an opportunity to study and plan other transportation improvements such as the
connection of Myers Drive to Berkmar Drive.
Land Capacity for Residential Growth:
Chapter 8 of the draft Comprehensive Plan deals with growth in the Development
Areas. As with the current Comprehensive Plan, a main theme throughout this chapter
is to direct growth, including residential development, away from the rural area and into
the development areas. The chapter offers the following guidance:
Objective: encourage and support development at the higher end of the density
range as recommended on the Master Plans.
Staff Comment: In a capacity analysis performed for Albemarle County in 2013, it was
estimated that 14,895 additional dwelling units will be needed to support the county's
projected 2030 population. The analysis found that the future housing capacity in the
development areas based on Comprehensive Plan land use designations is 13,405 -
29,075 dwelling units which would be enough to meet demand. The total capacity for
dwelling units based on current zoning in the development areas is 13,405 - 19,874
dwelling units.
Changing the Comprehensive Plan land use designation as proposed on the CMA site
would cause a loss of future residential capacity of 21 to 119 dwelling units. The change
in use based on the current R6 zoning would cause a loss of capacity of up to 21-31
dwelling units. This is a relatively small loss when measured against the entire
development area, but when considered at a neighborhood level, the loss is more
significant. This site would be a logical location for residential development considering
its location across from an elementary school and would help provide a more even mix
of uses in the area that currently has few residences. However, the loss of residential
capacity caused by the proposed development of this 3.53 acre site would not be so
significant that it could not be made up with the redevelopment of other properties in the
Economic Development:
Because the proposal deals with expanding an existing business, it is important to
determine if the request is consistent with the Economic Development goals of the
Comprehensive Plan. The types of jobs to be provided are likely sales and service jobs
and the automotive sales and service sector is not a target industry. The proposal,
however, is supported by several other economic development goals of the
Comprehensive Plan. The Economic Development chapter of the draft Comprehensive
Plan and existing Economic Development Policy provide the following guidance
applicable to this request:
Objective: Provide diversified economic opportunities that benefit County citizens
and existing businesses by basing policy decisions on efforts which support and
enhance the strengths of the County.
Albemarle's first priority for business development is to help existing business
thrive and existing residents have quality job opportunities across a broad
spectrum of skill levels.
Objective: Increase local business development opportunities, including support
for entrepreneurial and start-up businesses.
The County values its local businesses and industries and recognizes that job
growth occurs more often with existing firms than with new firms that might move
to the County, and with small start- up businesses with potential for expansion
and growth. For that reason, many of the County's efforts are aimed at helping
local business and industry and encouraging local start-ups that bring strength
and diversity to the economic landscape.
Staff Comment: One of the general themes of the Economic Development
chapter is to encourage the expansion of existing businesses. The Colonial Auto
Center has been in operation on Route 29 since 1986. The company is part of
the larger Carter Myers Automotive group, which has been operating business it
Albemarle County since 1924 and employs approximately 130 people. With this
proposed expansion, CMA is predicting 20-30 additional full time jobs.
Strategy. Encourage infill development of business and industrial uses in
Development Areas, including consideration of proactively rezoning land to allow
for light industrial uses as needs are identified through Master Plans and other
efforts. Explore other incentives to promote infill development.
Business and industrial infill development within the Development Areas, either in
non-residential or mixed -use areas makes employment opportunities more
accessible to a larger number of residents, helping to reduce daily transportation
related costs and commute times.
Staff Comment: This request calls for the expansion of a business along a
contiguous footprint in an area with existing infrastructure. The site is also within
walking distance to some residential areas. This proposal is consistent with the
strategy of encouraging infill development.
Strategy: Promote new employment activities in the Development Areas and
encourage developers to build projects that meet the intent of the Neighborhood
Model principles.
Staff Comment: Staff believes the site could be redeveloped to in a manner
consistent with Neighborhood Model principles as suggested in this strategy.
Neighborhood Model:
If the use and scale are approvable, then any rezoning proposal should conform with
the Neighborhood Model. Conformity with the Neighborhood Model is assessed below:
Sidewalks are not present along the east side of this portion of
Berkmar Drive. Any development of the site should include
sidewalks and landscaping separating the sidewalk from the
roadway as described in the Places 29 Master Plan.
The previous use of the site was a singular use of a mobile home
park, but it did add to the overall mix of uses in the neighborhood.
The proposed use is also a singular use of a car dealership that is
Mixture of Uses
adjacent to some existing residential and office uses. The
proposed use may have the impact of decreasing the mix of
residential uses in the neighborhood, but staff does not feel the
loss is will be too significant to make up on other lots in the area.
The property is located close to the Rio Hill shopping center. The
Places 29 Master Plan does not recommend this site serve as
part of a center but as an area adjacent to a center. The Master
Plan calls for areas around centers to be closely linked to centers
via roads and pedestrian infrastructure.
Mixture of Housing
The proposed development does not include residential uses. If
Types and
the Commission finds that the proposed land use is appropriate,
then this principle does not apply.
Myers Drive is a private street that runs adjacent to the Colonial
Auto Center and connects to the Rio Hill shopping center.
Redevelopment of the site could complete the connection of
Streets and
Myers Drive to Berkmar Drive. Creating this connection would
also achieve the Places29 Master Plan goal of creating blocks
where possible. Staff recommends the development of this
site determine the most suitable location for this connector
road and, at a minimum, aside land for the right-of-way.
The current portion of Berkmar Drive contains bike lanes in both
directions. The addition of a sidewalk on the east side of
Berkmar Drive would improve conditions for walking and
Multi -modal
adding bike lanes and sidewalks to the Myers Drive
extension could further increase the opportunities for
walking and bicycling.
The redevelopment of this site should also consider if
additional right-of-way will be needed for the proposed
expansion of Berkmar Drive.
The proposed development does not include parks or open
Parks, Recreational
spaces and this site is not designated for parks or open spaces in
Amenities, and Open
the Places 29 Master Plan. Consideration may need to be given
for an outdoor employee area, given the number of employees at
the site
The narrative and conceptual plan do not go into detail about the
size and use of the building. If the applicant wants the site to have
a presence on Berkmar Drive then the building should be oriented
toward the street and parking should be separated from the street
Buildings and Space
as much as possible. If the site is to be used for parking and
of Human Scale
outdoor storage, and the applicant does not desire visibility from
Berkmar Drive, then the site should be screened from the street
as much as possible. If a zoning map amendment is submitted
this issue will need to be addressed and the ARB would also
need to review the plan for conformity with Entrance Corridor
Relegated parking is not provided on the concept plan. The plan
Relegated Parking
shows some landscaping along the front of the lot to but this may
not be sufficient. If a zoning map amendment is submitted,
staff recommends screened and relegated parking.
The proposed project would be built on a vacant site which was
formerly a mobile home park. Conceptual plans show reuse of the
entrance onto Berkmar Drive.
The site rises about 30 feet from the southern property line to the
northern property line. A stream and some managed slopes run
Respecting Terrain
along the southern property line. The conceptual plan shows this
and Careful Grading
area of the property to remain undeveloped. The slopes
and Re -grading of
bordering the current Colonial Auto Center site would require
grading to tie the proposed parking lot to the existing parking lot.
Drainage issues and stormwater management will need to be
addressed with the redevelopment of the site.
Clear Boundaries
This property is located in Neighborhood 1 of the Places29
with the Rural Area
development area. This principle is not applicable to the site.
The attached conceptual plan (Attachment A) shows how the property might be
developed in the future. The applicant does not have specific plans yet for the site but
anticipates that the use will be "automotive related."
Visibility and Entrance Corridor:
The southern portion of the site is within the Entrance Corridor Overlay District for Rio
Road. If the Commission finds the use to be appropriate, the rezoning application
should address visibility issues from Rio Road. The proposed layout of the concept plan
does not appear to have enough screening to mitigate views from Rio Road. Further, if
the site is used for outdoor display of merchandise for automobile sales, a Special Use
Permit would be required and a higher degree of mitigation such as increased
landscaping and limits of display would be required (see Attachment D for more details).
The conceptual plan shows an entrance off of Berkmar Drive and an expansion of the
existing Colonial Auto Center parking area throughout the site. The proposed layout
would provide a connection, by crossing through the proposed parking area, between
Berkmar Drive, Route 29 and Rio Hill Shopping Center. In preliminary discussions about
the proposal, VDOT expressed concerns about the location and capacity of the
entrance on Berkmar Drive and how this might affect traffic flow in the area. If this
proposal moves forward to a rezoning request, then some level of traffic and
intersection analysis would be necessary to address traffic impacts on this section of
Berkmar Drive.
There are managed steep slopes on the property which are permitted to be disturbed
by -right. However, if the Commission finds the use to be appropriate, the applicant will
need to address drainage and stormwater management on the site. There is an
intermittent stream on the southern border of the property that should be considered in
the redevelopment of the site as it might be important for drainage on this site and from
neighboring properties.
Adjacent Residential Uses:
If the Commission ultimately finds the proposed use appropriate, steps should be taken
to screen the site from neighboring residential uses. Though most of the adjacent
parcels are commercial, there is one apartment building to the south of the site as well
as a vacant parcel zoned Neighborhood Model with proposed residential units.
Factors Favorable:
1. Developing the site for commercial uses rather than the recommended residential
uses reduces the capacity for residential growth in the development areas and the
surrounding neighborhood; however this loss is not so significant that it cannot be
made up by the redevelopment of other sites in the area.
2. Although the proposed use is not a target industry, the proposal is consistent with
the Economic Development goals of the Comprehensive Plan including encouraging
the expansion of existing businesses (applicant predicts 20-30 new jobs) and
encouraging infill development.
3. The redevelopment of this site may provide an opportunity to incorporate
transportation improvements recommended in the Places 29 Master Plan.
Factors Unfavorable:
1. The proposed use is not in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and Places 29
Master Plan with respect to recommended land use.
2. The conceptual plan does not meet Neighborhood Model principles and the
proposed layout may cause issues for visibility and drainage.
Based on the information provided for review, staff does not find the proposal to be in
conformity with the Comprehensive Plan.
If the Commission agrees, but believes the proposal has merit, then it is asked to
provide guidance on potential next steps for the applicant. If the Commission believes it
can support a change to the Places 29 Master Plan, then three possible approaches
exist for the Commission to process such a change:
Review the proposed land use amendment during the next Places 29 Master
Plan update. This update will include the development of the small area plan
for the intersection of Rio Road and Route 29 which includes the CMA site.
After the Plan is updated the applicant can choose whether or not to pursue a
Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA). This is the approach that staff has typically
recommended to applicants interested in land use changes to the
Comprehensive Plan.
2. Advise the applicant to apply for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA),
for which the next deadline for filing is September 2, 2014. After the CPA
review the applicant can choose to pursue a ZMA. Processing requests in this
order allows staff and the Commission to review proposed CPAs on their own
merit, without a specific proposal attached. This approach is similar to the
approach recommended to property owners who asked for land use changes
late in the Comprehensive Plan review process.
3. Review the application for a CPA in conjunction with the submittal of a
rezoning request for the property. This recommendation should be forwarded
to the Board of Supervisors for concurrence due to the current status of the
draft Plan. While not typically recommended, this approach is possible due to
the small size of the site and narrow focus of the proposed uses.
At this juncture, staff believes the second option is the most appropriate. However,
should the Commission wish to recommend the third option, it is asked to advise on the
most important features needed for a land use change.
A. Project Narrative and Concept Plan
B. Zoning Map
C. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map
D. Memo from Margaret Maliszewski, Principal Planner regarding visibility and
design of the site with regard to the Entrance Corridor Overlay District