HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201700005 Review Comments Zoning Map Amendment 2018-08-31COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
Division of Planning
(434) 296 — 5923
August 31, 2018
Kelsey Schlein
Shimp Engineering
201 East Main Street, Suite M
Charlottesville, VA 22902
401 McIntire Road, Room 218
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Fax (434) 972 - 4035
RE; ZMA201700005 Hollymead Town Center (Area C) - Blocks II, III, and VII
Dear Kelsey:
Staff has reviewed your resubmittal dated July 30, 2018 and offers the following comments:
Items which have been addressed with this resubmittal are stfueli Outstanding items are
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Rev. 7-30-18: Now that there is a clear understanding of your request, staff has some additional
information to provide which will be important to your resubmittal.
1. When we asked if you would be providing any proffers, you asked if cash proffers for
residential units would be expected. We had an email exchange in April of this year. I never got
back with you. We would recommend $3,845.00 attached/TH unit and $5,262 per MF unit. In
addition, we would recommend that you provide for 15% of the new units, over and above that
originally approved, as affordable.
2. The following items in the proposed revision to the Code of Development need to be changed or
additional information should be provided:
a) On page 2 of the CoD, the title at the top of the page needs to be revised to match the title as
it is on the cover sheet of the Col), with the addition of "Originally Revised From:" before
"ZMA 01-20-2001 (Area C)."
b) On sheet 5, at the bottom of the page, a proposed revision states that the entire development
has a 401,000 square foot maximum. Where is this number coming from? In the proposed
revision to Table A, the maximum non-residential total is listed as a proposed 413,000
square feet. g
c) In Table B on page 24 of the CoD, there is a proposed revision to the setbacks for Block
VII, along with a footnote providing exceptions to the listed setback requirement. Please
provide more information on this proposed revision to the setbacks for Block VII. Your
intent is not clear.
d) In Appendix A, on page 26, the type of permitted use for the Block VII column is proposed
to be revised to "Mixed -Use" from "Retail." However, this change is not shown in the
continuing column for Block VII on pages 27 or 28. Please revise.
3. We recommend the following changes on the application plan:
a) For Block III, the amount of non-residential square footage shown on the plan is 45,750
square feet of retail and office. However, with the proposed revision to Block III in Table A
of the CoD, this amount would exceed the proposed new maximum non-residential of
15,000 square feet. The application plan and Code should match.
b) For Block VII, the building is labelled with only retail as a use, as residential was not
originally permitted in this block. However, with the proposed revisions to Table A,
residential units would now be allowed in Block VII in addition to the retail/non-residential
uses. Please revise the plan.
Neighborhood Model
Nwc-"i gc-; -are j paml--wide+his
, plieable Neighbor -he analysis to Provide.
details will be providedice the a .et seepe of time .- ues! has bee-1
Zoning and Proffers — Ron Higgig Francis MacCall and Kevin McCollum
ReNised Code of Develepmen4 sheWd be eerreeted to show either! no ehanges to Block one with
ZMA. Proffers Rebeeea RaesdaleM.T. Ne1e�1� r
approved 011deF
1. Signatures for the revised application
a. Block III is now divided into two parcels (Now TMP 32-41 K and TMP 32-41 K1),
and different parties own each parcel. The changes being proposed within this
planned development will affect all of Block III thus the owner of TMP 32-41 K will
need to sign onto the ZMA application being reviewed. Provide a revised
signature page from the ZMA application with the appropriate documentation that
is identified in the application for the ownership of 32-41 K.
2. Application Plan
a. The revised numbers from Table A (on page 23) will need to correlate with the
square footages shown on the application plan for the proposed blocks. Provide
a note on the revised application plan that the change is for the specific square
footage revisions associated with ZMA2017-00005.
3. Proffers I Code of Development (COD)
1. Proffers
a. Since the application plan noes not need to be proffered but there are
proposed changes to the COD, and since COD is proffered, then Proffer
#1 needs to be revised to remove reference to the application plan and
revise the COD reference with the date of the revisions to that COD.
2. Code of Development
a. The revisions on page 5 of the COD match their proposed changes in
Table A. if there are further changes proposed or recommended by
Planning, then a revision to both Table A and Page 5 will be needed.
SEE comment 3.1 a above.
Engineering and Water Resources — Frank Pohl
No objection at this time.
Entrance Corridor — Margaret Maliszewski
No objection at this time.
ACSA — Alex Morrison The fcVlowing conrrnents are still valid;
I hereby recommend approval of both ZMt1's with the folloNNing comments:
• All site development plans proposing the extension of public water and!or sewer
infrastructure will require a construction plan review by the ACSA.
RWSA Wastewater Capacity Certification will be required at the final site plan stage.
• Prior to final site plan approval the applicant will be required to enter into a wastewater
capacity agreement with the ACSA.
Transportation Planner — Kevin McDermott
aneten:ni e theassemptions A-M • .dology , c.z,a ;P_ii--#4:&ffI-e
making this ,,.a.,.,, fli t !a feview. in the futtife please,
ma th-the-Coon y-afld-VDOT--&n-4 c„ development of t4i seepe*w- thes e tnts
Resolution of the following issues is still needed:
• The traffic analysis states in assumption #5 that a 25% reduction was applied to all trips to
account for the Berkmar Extension and then in assumption # 6 a 25% reduction was also
applied to background traffic was for two movements to account for the Berkmar Extension.
Please explain the difference in these two reductions and how the second one was applied. I
see the first in the reduction in overall reduction in trips generated.
• Trip distribution describes 10% of the trips as coming from the west. Are those all coming
in on Timberwood Boulevard or does that include Lockwood Drive as well?
• I would like to have a better explanation as to how the capacity thresholds were developed
and set. The analysis says total inbound or outbound peak hour should not exceed 320 but I
don't see how that number was arrived at. Were the number of trips just increased in the
model until a movement went to failing or if it was already failing until it decreased to a
certain level?
• I calculated a much higher trip generation by approximately 1000 daily trips under both the
by right and the proposed. This is likely partially due to your use of LU code 932 High
Turnover Sit Down Restaurant for Bojangies when it should be a Fast Food LU code 934 or
933 but it is difficult to tell without the breakdown of trips by block. Please provide a
display or table showing the breakdown of trips by block to assist in the identification of
• The analysis states that the roundabouts were reviewed from a cursory level to ensure
adequate capacity is available. There are no statements regarding the results of that review.
Please provide these.
• Please provide a general evaluation of internal left turn movements and the effect of the
increase trips on those to insure adequate capacity in the turn lanes or the need for turn lanes
if they do not exist.
• There is no trip distribution to the right in right out from Block 1 directly to US 29. Please
explain if and how that movement might impact other movements in the corridor.
Rev. 7-30-18: The comments previously provided on the due diligence traffic study were never
fully addressed. Both County and VDOT submitted comments, many of which were discussed in r1
follow-up conversation with the Traffic Engineer but there needs to be a documented response to all
of the comments for County Transportation and VDOT to be able to make an assessment on the
impacts of the ZMA on the surrounding transportation network. County Transportation requests
information be provided that addresses both VDOT and County comments regarding transportation
VDOT — Adam Moore
Comments from VDOT— attached
Action after Receiut of Comments
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Please - IiEL=Aetion Afie
c r rc vi;i41id'd7' Trf-crcc--`rr�i1t134 atiac-hedl-fteai'-t�ou-have ead thislet4er-, pleaser akeone of tho
Rev. 7-30-18: On September 5, 2018 we expect the Board of Supervisors to approve a zoning text
amendment to require that action (approval or denial) by the Board of Supervisors take place within
36 months of the date of acceptance for review of a zoning map amendment (ZMA) or special use
permit (SP) application.
Because you did not request action by the Planning Commission within 90 days of acceptance for
review, we need a formal request for deferral in writing, which may be done by email. This request
should indicate the date for which you will request action by the Board of Supervisors which must
be no later than July 5, 2020. You will need to submit all outstanding information necessary for a
Commission action by 120 days from the deferral end date. All submittals need to be made
according to the published schedule.
We recognize that you are actively pursuing approval of this project, but in accordance with
proposed Section 18-33.52 of the Albemarle County Code, we still need a new letter indicating the
date by which action will be taken by the Board. We are recommending that if you do not know
how long you need, you request the full additional amount of time.
If the ordinance amendment is approved and if you do not request a deferral in writing by October
1, 2018, your project will be considered withdrawn.
If you choose to resubmit, please use the attached form. There is no f r the first -esubmitt '
A fee of $1750 is required
with your resubmittal. The 2018 Submittal and Resubmittal Schedule may be found here:
ms/schedules/Special_Use Permit & Zoning Map Amendment Schedule.pdf
Notification and Advertisement Fees
The zoning ordinance specifies that applicants pay for the notification costs for public hearings.
Prior to scheduling a public hearing with the Planning Commission, payment of the following fees
is needed:
$ 406 Cost for newspaper advertisement
215 Cost for notification of adjoining owners (minimum $200 + actual postage/$1 per
owner after 50 adjoining owners)
$ 621 Total amount due prior to Planning Commission public hearing
Prior to the Board of Supervisor's public hearing, payment of the newspaper advertisement for the
Board hearing needed.
$ 406.00 Additional amount due prior to Board of Supervisors public hearing
$ 1027.00 Total amount for all notifications Fees may be paid in advance. Payment for
both the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors public hearings may be paid at the same
Additional notification fees will not be required unless a deferral takes place and adjoining owners
need to be notified of a new date.
If the ordinance amendment is not approved, please call me to discuss how you wish to proceed.
David Benish and I are taking on this project now that Elaine has retired. Feel free to contact me if
you wish to meet or need additional information.
Andy Reitelbach
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper Virginia 22701
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
August 28, 2018
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Elaine Echols
Re: Hollymead Town Center Area C-Block I, II,131, VII- Rezoning Amendment Application
Review #2 - Revised
Dear Ms. Echols:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced rezoning amendment application plan as submitted
by, Shimp Engineering, PC., dated July 30, 2018 and offer the following comment.
Land use
1. The proposed changes to the land uses appear to generate an increased amount of
traffic on a trip -generation basis. VDOT recommends providing a traffic impact
analysis based on current conditions to analyze the impacts of the proposed changes.
2. This study does not appear to account for the North Pointe development which will
increase the traffic on the Route 29 corridor and is under the site plan development
stage. This development along with the opening of Berkmar Extended will change
traffic patterns in the area. This should be included in the analysis.
3. The study does not include the currently proposed connection of Berkmar Drive
(Meeting Street) through to Airport Road. This connection is a significant priority for
the county and should be included in the analysis.
If further information is desired please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at (434) 422-9866.
W i
dam J. e, .E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency
Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By:
Resubmittal of information for Special Use Permit or
Zoning Map Amendment v
PROJECT NUMBER: ZMA201700005 PROJECT NAME: Hollymead Town Center Area C Blocks 2.3.7
X Resubmittal Fee is Required ❑ Per Request ❑Resubmittal Fee is Not Required
ALdy Reitelbach
Community Development Project Coordinator Name of Applicant Phone Number
O 3! "Cal
gnature Date Signature Date
Resubmittal fees for Special Use Permit — original Special Use Permit fee of $1,000
❑ First resubmission
❑ Each additional resubmission
Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of $2,000
❑ First resubmission
❑ Each additional resubmission
Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $2,500
❑ First resubmission
❑ Each additional resubmission
Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $3,500
❑ First resubmission
X Each additional resubmission
❑ Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request — Add'l notice fees will be required
To be Daid after staff review for Dublic notice:
Most applications for Special Use Permits and Zoning Map Amendment require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission
and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing
a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore, at least two fees for public notice
are required before a Zoning Map Amendment may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. The total fee for public notice will be
provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body.
Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty (50) notices $200 + actual cost of first-class postage
00 for each additional notice + actual
Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty (50) $1.cost of first-class postage
Legal advertisement (published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual cost
minimum of $280 for total of 4publications)
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
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