HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201800116 Correspondence 2018-08-31Heather McMahon
Heather McMahon
Friday, August 31, 2018 4:48 PM
'Annette Tamblyn'; Margaret Maliszewski
Rebecca Ragsdale; 'rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com';
'rodger@rodgermotiskadesign.com'; 'Mike Andres (mandres@gropen.com)'; 'Tanya
RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -132018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
ARB2018-114 CoA with approved drawings.pdf; ARB2018-115 CoA with approved
drawings.pdf; ARB2018-116 CoA with approved drawings.pdf, ARB2018-117 CoA with
approved drawings.pdf; ARB2018-118 CoA with approved drawings.pdf
Hi Annette,
Please find your Certificates of Appropriateness for the five monument signs' re -facing (ARB -2018-114, -115, -116, -117,
and -118) attached.
Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3278
From: Heather McMahon
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:47 AM
To:'Annette Tamblyn' <atamblyn@uvafoundation.com>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>; rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com;
rodger@rodgermotiskadesign.com; Mike Andres (mandres@gropen.com) <mandres@gropen.com>; Tanya Rutherford
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -62018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
Hi Annette,
Great, thanks for the clarification and for coming by today with four revised hard copies. Could you please let the intake
staff know that they are intended for Rebecca and me?
Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: Annette Tamblyn[mailto:atamblvn@uvafoundation.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:20 AM
To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>; rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com;
rod er _ rodgermotiskadesign.com; Mike Andres (mandres@gropen.com) <mandres@gropen.com>; Tanya Rutherford
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -62018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
Heather —
You are exactly correct... I mixed up Rebecca and Margaret. My apologies. The note for "fabricator to field verify
dimension" was removed from most pages, see attached. So I will reprint four full sets and bring them to your office
today. We have selected Gropen as the fabricator and their Class A contractor's license is: #2705 093618A. I believe this
information needs to go on the permit application.
Sorry for the confusion.
From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:51 AM
To: Annette Tamblyn; Margaret Maliszewski
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale; rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com; rodger@rodgermotiskadesign.com; Mike Andres
(mandresC@gropen.com); Tanya Rutherford
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -62018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
Hi Annette,
Thank you for a revised sheet 2 as per my request.
To clarify, sign applications are not taken to the ARB (board) for review unless there is an issue that needs the board's
guidance. They are administratively reviewed/approved by ARB staff within a few weeks, as long as all of the materials
and/or revisions are submitted for review within a timely manner.
I am confused, however, by the remainder of your email. Margaret is ARB staff, as am I; she is not reviewing your
application, and therefore did not make a request for revisions that I am aware of... Rebecca Ragsdale, my colleague in
Zoning who is also reviewing this application to ensure it complies with the Zoning Ordinance, has asked that you revise
the plan set to show the actual dimensions of each sign in lieu of the note, "Fabricator to confirm sign dimensions of
existing signs prior to fabrication of new signs." Are these the revisions you are alluding to? If you have updated other
sheets in your application package besides the one I asked you to update, please send those sheets to me as well so that
Rebecca and I have the same application package(s) to review. We need to keep the permits consistent.
Again, you can send me digital copies that I will print out here, just let me know exactly what pages have been revised.
Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3278
From: Annette Tamblyn[mailto:atamblyn@uvafoundation.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 3:27 PM
To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>; rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com;
rodgerCc@rodgermotiskadesign.com; Mike Andres (mandres@gropen.com) <mandres@gropen.com>; Tanya Rutherford
<TRutherford @gropen.com>
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -62018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
Per your request, please find attached the revised electronic sign refacing application drawing, Page 2. Will the ARB
review this package in September or October?
Margaret —
Rodger has revised the application drawings per your comments, how many copies would you like me to deliver to your
office. We have also selected Gropen, Inc. to complete fabrication and installation once the permit has been approved
by County & ARB. I have copied Mike & Tanya on this e-mail so they are looped into the status of the permit process. Let
me know if you need anything else
Thank you,
From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 1:27 PM
To: Annette Tamblyn
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale; Margaret Maliszewski; rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com; rodger@rodgermotiskadesign.com
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -132018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
Hi Annette,
There is one small revision necessary, and since you'll be revising the application packet to meet Rebecca's requested
change, please also revise the second page that provides the proposed paint colors: specifically, for the dark blue, delete
"CMYK: C 87; M 70; Y 22; K 44" and replace with PMS 282. You may send me a digital copy of the revised page; I will
print it out in quintuplicate and add it to your ARB files, ARB2018-114 through -118.
Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3278
From: Annette Tamblyn [mailto:atamblyn@uvafoundation.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 4:14 PM
To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahon@albemarle.org>
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski(@albemarle.org>;
rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com, rodge_r_@rodgermotiskadesign.com
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -62018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
Heather —
Thank you that would be greatly appreciated.
From: Heather McMahon [mailto:hmcmahon@albemarle.org]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 3:40 PM
To: Annette Tamblyn
Cc: Rebecca Ragsdale; Margaret Maliszewski; rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com; rod er _ rodgermotiskadesign.com
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -B2018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
Hi Annette,
Your email conversations to Rebecca have been forwarded to me; I intend to review your sign applications per the ARB
Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines today; if you can hold off a bit on revisions, ! should have comments to you by
tomorrow at the latest.
Heather McMahon, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-296-5832 x3278
From: Margaret Maliszewski
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 3:37 PM
To: Heather McMahon <hmcmahonpalbemarle.org>
Subject: FW: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -B2018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
From: Annette Tamblyn <atambiyn@uvafoundation.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 3:35 PM
To: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdaie@albemarle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewskiRL1bemarle.org>
Cc: Russ Cronberg <rcronbergp oarsheadresort.com>; rod er , rodgermotiskadesign.com
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -62018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
Rebecca —
We have had those sign sizes field verified and I will have the drawings revised and supply you with new printouts. (4
copies correct?)
From: Rebecca Ragsdale[mailto:rragsda]e@albemarle.org]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 3:22 PM
To: Annette Tamblyn; Margaret Maliszewski
Cc: Russ Cronberg; rodger@rodgermotiskadesign.com
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 -62018-2005, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
took a look at the sign, permits and the detail provided to demonstrate these are refacings was good. However, the plan
set must be revised to show the actual dimensions of the signs. There is a note for each sign sheet that says "Fabricator
to confirm sign dimensions of existing signs prior to fabrication of new signs."
From: Annette Tamblyn <atamblvn@uvafoundation.com>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 11:54 AM
To: Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>
Cc: Russ Cronberg<rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com>; rodger@rodgermotiskadesign.com
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 - Sign Permit & ARB process
Rebecca —
We are in the process of working with Rodger Motiska, our sign consultant to complete the design and submission of a
sign permit for refacing the (5) monumental signs. Rodger will be reaching out to you in the near future if he hasn't
already. We had a couple of questions regarding refacing the signs:
1. The structural wood beams that support our oval signs can they be repaired/replaced with wooden
beams of the same size and shape if we re -sue all the same hardware ?
Thank you,
Our billboard sign, when refacing it can we eliminate the decorative green scroll on each side as it is
unnecessary and purely decorative?
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From: Rebecca Ragsdale[mailto:rragsdale@a!bemarle.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 4:56 PM
To: Annette Tamblyn; Margaret Maliszewski
Cc: Russ Cronberg; Chris Schooley; Bart Svoboda
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 - ARB process
Thanks for patience as we researched our older files to look at the zoning history for these signs. We found the building
permits from 2000 that we processed for the last refacing.
A permit is required. Here is a link to the sign permit application and checklist at our sign webpage:
http://www.albemarle.org/deptforms.asp?section id=&department=cdsigns
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Rebecca Ragsdale, Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
434) 296-5832 Ext. 3226
E-mail: rragsdaleCa?albemarle.org
From: Annette Tamblyn <atamblvn@uvafoundation.com>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 11:32 AM
To: Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>
Cc: Russ Cronberg <rcronberg@boarsheadresort.com>; Chris Schooley <cschooley uvafoundation.com>; Bart Svoboda
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 - ARB process
Margaret & Rebecca —
Yes, this is to confirm that all five signs are all in the VDOT right of way. What is the County approval process for altering
or refacing signs in the VDOT right-of-way? Is ARB review required? Does the County sign ordinance apply to these
Thank you,
From: Margaret Maliszewski[mailto:MMaliszewski@albemarle.org]
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 11:15 AM
To: Annette Tamblyn
Cc: Russ Cronberg; Chris Schooley
Subject: RE: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 - ARB process
I'm checking to determine if county review is necessary for signs in the right-of-way. I'll let you know what I find. In the
meantime, please confirm that all the signs in question are located off-site, in the right-of-way.
From: Annette Tamblyn <atamblyn@uvafoundation.com>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 1:01 PM
To: Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>
Cc: Russ Cronberg <rcronberg boarsheadresort.com>; Chris Schooley <cschoolev@uvafoundation.com>
Subject: FW: Boar's Head Signage on Route 250 - ARB process
Boar's Head has five monumental signs along Route 250 (see photos below) all located in the VDOT right of way. We are
in the process of changing the Boar's Head logo and would like to update these signs soon. If we are just re -facing these
signs as designed with new BH logo, are we required to get a certificate of appropriateness? If we choose to redesign the
shape and style of these signs, can you explain the ARB process and timing of approvals since these signs are located
along the entrance corridor?
Rt 250 located 400 yards to the west of Ednam Drive
Rt 250 located at Ednam Drive
ryr: Ste'
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Rt. 250 located just west of Boxwood 1 -state Drive
Rt. 250 located at Golf Course Drive
Rt. 250 located East of Rt 846 (just before Bellair Market
Thank you for your assistance,
From: Rebecca Ragsdale[_mailto:rragsdale@albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 11:39 AM
To: Annette Tamblyn; Bart Svoboda
Cc: Russ Cronberg; uvaf intern; Margaret Maliszewski
Subject: RE: Signage on Route 250
I am not sure what you mean by "what parts of these signs need to remain"? Are we dealing with non -conforming signs?
I can send you the non -conforming section of the sign ordinance that allows them to be structurally altered if size and
height are reduced. We also allow refacing of non -conforming signs. Here is a link to the ordinance:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/Forms Center/Departments/County Attorney/Forms/Albemarle County Co
de Ch18 Zoning04 General Regulations.pdf
Most likely, they will need sign permits. Here is a link to the application package page you can share with the consultant.
I've copied Margaret too because they are along the Entrance Corridor.
If you could send a tax map of where these signs are located that would help expedite things too. I can't tell if these are
in the VDOT ROW or not and will need to determine what they are zoned to provide additional feedback.
Hopefully this is enough information to get you started. Once we have some additional information from you we can
provide more guidance.
Boar's Head has four signs along Route 250 (see photos below). We are in the process of changing our logo and need to
know what parts of the exiting signs need to remain and if there is a review process that is required.
Also, who would be the best person at the County to have our Branding Agency contact with questions?
Thank you,