HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201800007 Application Zoning Map Amendment 2018-08-20Albermarle County Planning Application TMP 06100-00-00-154E0 Owner(,): NEW BELVEDERE INC Application #I ZMA201800007 PRDPERTdF INFORMATIDN Community Development Department 441 MclntireRoadCharlottesviIIe,VA22942- 596 Voice : (434) 296-5E22 Fax : (434) 972-4126 Legal description Subdivide InformationDeed Book, Page (3488, 552 ) Conveyance [ ) Dateof Sale (WI II/3007) Transaction. Date Magisterial dist, RIO F-1 Land Use Primary Unassigned F CurrentAFD Not in Af F District El Current Zoning Primary iNeighborhood Model District T APPLICATIDN INFORMATION StreetAddress 1550 BELVEDERE BLVD CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22901 I Entered By Application Type Zoning Map Amendment JenniferSmith e 20 PD18 Project BELVEDERE PROFFER AMENDMENT - CARRIAGE HOUSE UNITS Received date OS f 20f 18 Received date Final Submittal date OS f 20 f 18 Tatal Fees 3J63 Closing File date Submittal date Final Tatal Paid Revision Number Camments ARS -OIC SIGNATURES - OIC Legal Ad PROJECT: ZMA301800007, Belvedere Proffer Amendment - Carriage House Units MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rio TAX MAP/PARCEL(!;): 06100-00-00-154ED, 06100 00 00 15800, 06100 00 00 16000, 06300 00 00 003A1, 06300-00-00-003B0, 06300- 00-00-00300, 063A3 00 00 00100, 063G0 00 00 005A0, 063G0 -00-00-005A1, 063G0 -00-00-007A, 063GO-00-1)7-15701), 063GO-00-07- 16500, 063G 0 00 07 17100, 063G 0 00 07 17300, 063G 0 00 07 17400, 063G 0 00 07 17900, 063G 0 00 07 18000, D63G D-DD-0D-0D9AD LOCATION: Properties are located in the Belvedere development off of Rio Road. PROPOSAL: Amend existing proffers related to carriage house units. PETITION: Amend proffers for ZMA2DD4DDDD7-Belvedere, Including proffer 2.2, to aII4w carriage house unitr 4n I4ts with single- famlly-atta{hied units and to a l low accessory units (and ba se Ment a pa rtments) to count tGwa rd nYeetl ng the required Minimum r SUB A PPLICAT I DN (s) Type Sub APPIicatio Comment APPLICANT f CONTACT INFDRMATIDN Corttz c Type Name ,adttess Ci State Zip Phone PhaneCel l Ory rar Appke rR NEW BELVEDERE INC ;......................................................................................................... 510 'NEST RID ROAD ;.............................................................................. CHARLOTTESVILL ;.............................................. 22901 ;............................. t ........................................... Pnmsry _rtaet : VALERIE W. LONG - WILLIAMS MULLEN :321 EAST MAIN STREETr SUITE _ _CHARLOTTESVILL .................................. ................................ _22902 4349515709 ............................................ Applicant STEVE KROHN - NEW BELVEDERE INC ........................................... ......................................................................................................... .............................................................................. :610W. RIO RD .............................................................................. .............................................. CHARLOTTESVILL .............................................. ............................. .................................. .................................. 2.2901 4342207701 ................................................................................................. Date Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent m 218 County of Albermarle rapnicai Data DCnarbttes�le, VA Parcel Property Information 401 rncintire Road 22902-45% TMP - - -1 E Legal Subdivide InformationDeed Book, Page (3488 , 552 ] Description Conveyance( ) Date of Sale (09/11/2007) Pa re nt TM P Tax Map =-=ti n Blork Parcel GPIN 493782912419 Majar Subdiv, BELVEDERE 1A Total Acres 0.16 TMP f nactive?AG'TIVE E-9 11 STREET ADDRESS INFORMATION House Nian Street Name ! atyMate Zi 550 BELVEDERE BLVD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 ................................. a.......................................................................................................................................................:....................................................................................:..................................:................................ OWNER INFDRMATION Narne Street Address city, 1 State Zi NEW BELVEDERE INC ' 510 WEST RIO ROAD ' C HA RLOTTES Vni-EV A ::22901 ADDITIONAL PROPERTY INFORMATION Agricultural Forest districts Not in AIF Djstrlct High School district: Albemarle T Traffic Zane: 292 Middle School district: Burley T later Precinct: Dunt ra Elem. School district: 8gnor-Hurt T Magisterial District: RlG Metra Planning Area?i Census Black Group: I n CATS Area?! Census Trart. 136,2 II Public Water Se-,ner: Water $t 5eurer Water 5upply Protection Area? NQ Other Rural Land-, NQ Watershed: I Ljpg7 r Rivanna River 7 Development Area? FYES Historical Significance World Heritage Site National Historic Landmark I Virginia Landmark Register i Natianal Register aF Histaric Plares Parcel Has Proffers Parcel Has Easements Current Land Use Number of Structures Number of dwelling Units Primaryl Unassicned T Secondary: UnaSSjgned L Minor: �UnasSiund T omprehensive Plan Land Use I Plan Area: Primary:IUrban Mixed Use (in rente€s3 Secondary: Minar: I Unassjgfted Oth a r: I Unassjg ned Other2: Unassigned Other3: Unassiga Other4: Unassi-fined Others: Unassigned k` I""""31 I Lirrrent Zoning zoning Adopted 12L 980 Fonina Pra'arra IZI1980 Primary: Nejightiorhapd Mndbl €)istri& 7 llnassiuned Unassicined Secondary: unaS rte'd 1Una-mi ne'd T Plirrar: Unassigned _ LUnassigned Unassigned Other. Unassigned 7 Natural Resource Extraction Overlay' Flaod Hazard Overlay Lirporc Impact -.rea Entranre Carridar Overlay Scenic Stream Overlay; ACTIVITY INFORMATION. fLdWNING ACT7VITY.S &UILDING .4CTIYITIES Printed0n: I Thurs d ay, Se temberL8.2018 Application for Al, Zoning Map Amendment '�RGIA}�A PROJECT NAME: (How should we refer to this application?) Belvedere Proffer Amendment - Carriage House Units TAX MAP PARCEL(s): See enclosed list of parcels attached as Exhibit A to Land Use Application Authorization Does the owner of this property own (or have any ownership interest in) any abutting property? If yes, list those tax map and parcel numbers PROPOSAL: REZONE 172.145 ACRES FROM I PROPOSAL: AMEND ZMA - ?004 - (90007 ZONING DISTRICT by doing the following: ZONING DISTRICT ❑ By adding I EXISTING COMP PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: LOCATION/ADDRESS OF PARCEL(S) TO BE REZONED: fro m to ❑ Amend an existing Planned District 0 .Amend existing proffers CONVENTIONAL DISTRICTS — RA, VR, R-1, R-2, R-4, Amend a Code of Development R-6, R-10, R-15, C- 1, CO, HC, LI, HI, and DCD zoning ❑ districts EXISTING COMP PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: Acres Zoning District Zoning District PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS - MHD, PRD, Urban Mixed Use PUD, NMD, PDMC, PDSC, and PD -IP zoning districts. LOCATION/ADDRESS OF PARCEL(S) TO BE REZONED: Are you submitting a preliminary site plan with this application? Are you submitting a preliminary subdivision plat with this application? Are you proffering a plan with this application? YES ® NO YES Q NO YES NO Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Valerie W. Long, Williams Mullen Address 321 East Main Street, Suite 400 City Charlottesville State Virginia Z;P 22902 Daytime Phone () 951-5709 Fax # L__) Owner of Record New Belvedere, Inc., and Belvedere Land Holdir Address 610 W. Rio Road Daytime Phone C__j 220-7701 Fax # L__) _ Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): same as Owner. Address Daytime Phone O Fax # (__) E-mail vlong@williamsmullen.com gs, LLC, each c/o Steve Krohn City Charlottesville State Virginia Zip 22901 E-mail skrohn@resortscompanies.com City E-mail State Zip FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ZMA # / SIGN # Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By: County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Zoning Map Amendment Application Revised 4/23/2018 Page 1 of 5 Section 15.2-2284 of the Code of Virginia states that, "Zoning ordinances and districts shall be drawn and applied with reasonable consideration for the existing use and character of property, the comprehensive plan, the suitability of property for various uses, the trends of growth or change, the current and future requirements of the community as to land for various purposes as determined by population and economic studies and other studies, the transportation requirements of the community, the requirements for airports, housing, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public services, the conservation of natural resources, the preservation of flood plains, the preservation of agricultural and forestal land, the conservation of properties and their values and the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the locality." REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS & OTHER INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED for THE APPLICATION TO BE OFFICIALLY SUBMITTED Application Signature Page rJ�aj�p/1 ❑ One (1) completed & signed copy of the appropriate checklist (see list on page 3). p(� ❑ One (1) copy of the Pre -application Comment Form received from county staff ❑ One (1) copy of any special studies or documentation as specified on the Pre -application Comment Form N/� ❑ Seventeen (17) folded copies of a Conceptual Plan for conventional zoning districts (see districts on page 1) OR t,J/A ❑ Seventeen (17) folded copies of an Application Plan for planned development districts (see districts on page 1) Seventeen (17) copies of a written narrative The narrative must be laid out to identify each of the bulleted TITLES as follows: • PROJECT PROPOSAL The project proposal, including its public need or benefit; (be as descriptive as possible) ■ For proposed Neighborhood Model District (NMD) - Provide a statement describing how the proposed district satisfies the intent of Chapter 18 and if one or more characteristics of the neighborhood model delineated in section 20A.1 of Chapter 18 are missing from the application, then provide a justification as to why any characteristics cannot or should not be provided with the proposal • CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area; ■ For proposed Neighborhood Model District (NMD) - Provide a narrative as to the project's consistency with the neighborhood model. • IMPACTS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES & PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE The proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public infrastructure. • IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURE The proposed project's impacts on environmental features. • PROPOSED PROFFERS TO ADDRESS IMPACTS The proposed proffers to address impacts from the proposed project. Proffers are voluntary offers to use property in a more restrictive way than the overall zoning district classification would allow. By State Code, proffers must have a reasonable relationship to the rezoning and are not mandatory. The rezoning must give rise to the need for the proffers; the proffers must be related to the physical development or physical operation of the property; and the proffers must be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning Map Amendment Application Revised 4/23/2018 Page 2 of 5 REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS CONTINUED ri`A ❑ One (1) copy of a local traffic impact statement as required by Virginia Code § 15.2-2222.1 and 24 VAC 30-155-40. One (1) copy of the most recent recorded plat, that shows the Deed Book/Page Number, of the parcel(s) composing the proposed project, or a boundary survey if a portion of one or more parcels compose the proposed ��/project, both of which shall include a metes and bounds description of the boundaries. NJ Taxes, charizes, fees, liens owed to the County of Albemarle As the owner/agent I certify that any delinquent real estate taxes, nuisance charges, stormwater management utility fees, and any other charges that constitute a lien on the subject property, which are owed to the County of Albemarle and have been properly assessed against the subject property, have been paid. For a Neighborhood Model District (NMD) - new or amendment of an existing NMD tl//lei ❑ Seventeen (17) copies of the Code of Development satisfying the requirements of section 20A.5. ❑ One (1) copy of a parking and loading needs study that demonstrates parking needs and requirements and includes strategies for dealing with these needs and requirements, including phasing plans, parking alternatives as provided in section 4.12.8, and transportation demand management strategies as provided in section 4.12.12; provided that the applicant may elect to submit the parking and loading needs study in conjunction with the preliminary site plan for the development if it determines that the uses that may occupy the buildings are not sufficiently known at the time of the zoning map amendment. rJ1A ❑ One (1) copy of strategies for establishing shared stormwater management facilities, off-site stormwater management facilities, and the proposed phasing of the establishment of stormwater management facilities. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS: ❑ Proffer Form signed by owner(s) (1 copy). ❑ Additional Information, if any. (17 copies) THE FOLLOWING ZONING DISTRICT CHECKLISTS WILL BE USED BY BOTH THE APPLICANT AND STAFF DURING THE MANDATORY PRE -APPLICATION MEETING. ALSO CONSULT THE OTHER DOCUMENTS BELOW BEFORE SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION: CONVENTIONAL ZONING DISTRICT CHECKLIST PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT CHECKLIST NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT CHECKLIST PROFFER FORM (MS Word doc) STAFF ANALYSIS OF ZMA & SP REQUESTS WATER AND SEWER EVALUATION CHECKLIST PLANNING COMMISSION REQUEST FOR INFO Zoning Map Amendment Application Revised 4/23/2018 Page 3 of 5 APPLICATION SIGNATURE PAGE VERIFICATION OF THE SIGNATURE ON THIS PAGE MUST HAPPEN BEFORE THE APPLICATION MAY BE DEEMED COMPLETE If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not limited to, an LLC, a corporation, a partnership or association, or a trust, then a document acceptable to the County must be submitted with this application certifying that the person signing below has the authority to do so. If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application and must include any applicable documents authorizing that person to provide consent. If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. Please attach the owner's written consent. o One (1) copy of the applicable ownership information. CHECK AS OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY IS A DOCUMENT TO BE PROVIDED FOR THIS APPLICATION APPLIC LE Limited liability company ("LLC") The articles of organization and when the power is delegated to someone other than a manager or a member, also the operating agreement. Stock &Nonstock corporation (1) for a board of directors (1) a. Stock - the articles of incorporation or a shareholders agreement may limit the board's statutory authority. b. Nonstock - the articles of incorporation and the by-laws, the latter of which may include a member or director agreement, may limit the board's statutory authority (2) for a person expressly authorized (2) written evidence of that authorization such as a board resolution or by the board of directors board minutes (3) for a committee (3) an action of the board of directors authorizing the committee to act; the articles of incorporation or the by-laws may limit the statutory authority (4) for a corporate officer 4 the by-laws or the delegating resolution of the board of directors. ❑ Partnership The statement of partnership authority, which may limit the authority of one or more partners. ❑ Limited partnership The partnership agreement, or amendments thereto, which may limit the authority of one or more general partners. ❑ Incorporated & Unincorporated church and (1) for trustees, an authorizing court order other religious body (2) for the corporation holding title, the appropriate corporate documents (3) for a bishop, minister or ecclesiastical officer, the laws, rules or ecclesiastical polity of the entity that authorizes the person to hold, improve, mortgage, sell and convey the property. ❑ Land trust The deed of conveyance to the trustees and the trust instrument See Attachment A in the Land Use Law Handbook for a complete list of Authorized Signatories for Land Use Appiications Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner in filing this application. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application I am consenting to written comments, letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. , 20 Signiture of Owner/Agent eCon a t Purchase Date -707 Print Name V Daytime phone number of Signatory Zoning Map Amendment Application Revised 4/23/2018 Page 4 of 5 Required FEES to be paid once the application is deemed complete: What type of Zoning Map Amendment are you applying for? ❑ Zoning Map Amendment of less than 50 acres $2,688 W Zoning Map Amendment of greater than 50 acres $3,763 tiX ALL ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS - FIRE RESCUE REVIEW FEE $75 To be paid after staff review for public notice: Most applications for a Zoning Map Amendment require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore, at least two fees for public notice are required before a Zoning Map Amendment may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. The total fee for public notice will be provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body. ➢ Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty (50) notices $215 + actual cost of first-class postage ➢ Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty (50) $1.08 for each additional notice + actual cost of first-class postage ➢ Legal advertisement (published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual cost (averages between $150 and $250) ➢ Special Exception — provide written justification with application - $457 Other FEES that may apply: ❑ Deferral of scheduled public hearing atapplicant's request $194 Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $2,866 ❑ First resubmission FREE ❑ Each additional resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $1,344 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of $3,763 ❑ First resubmission FREE ❑ Each additional resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $1,881 The full list of fees can be found in Section 35 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Zoning Map Amendment Application Revised 4/23/2018 Page 5 of 5 August 20, 2018 Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT LAND USE APPLICATIONS New Belvedere, Inc., a Virginia corporation, and Belvedere Land Holdings, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (together, the "Owner"), are the owners of the Albemarle County tax map parcels listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein (collectively, the "Property"). The Owner desires to submit land use applications affecting the Property, such as, but not limited to, Special Exception application requests, Zoning Map Amendment requests, Site Plan applications, and other similar land use applications affecting the Property (collectively, the "Land Use Applications"). The Owner hereby authorizes the following individuals and entities to submit Land Use Applications on behalf of the Owner in connection with the Property: Valerie W, Long of the law firm of Williams Mullen, and employees thereof. This authorization includes the authority to take any other steps, and submit any other documentation to Albemarle County necessary to effectuate the Land Use Applications on behalf of the Owner. NEW BELVEDERE, INC., BELVEDERE LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, a Virginia corporation a Virginia limited liability company By: _ By; Name: Name: Title: — Title: 36763012_I.DOC EXHIBIT A the Property 06100-00-00-154EO NEW BELVEDERE INC 06100-00-00-15800 NEW BELVEDERE INC 06100-00-00-16000 NEW BELVEDERE INC 06200-00-00-002A1 NEW BELVEDERE INC 06200-00-00-002CO NEW BELVEDERE INC 06200-00-05-000AO NEW BELVEDERE INC 062GO-00-05-OOOA1 NEW BELVEDERE INC 062GO-00-07-000AO NEW BELVEDERE INC 062GO-00-07-15700 NEW BELVEDERE INC 062GO-00-07-16500 NEW BELVEDERE, INC 062GO-00-07-17100 NEW BELVEDERE INC 062GO-00-07-17200 NEW BELVEDERE INC 06200-00-07-17400 NEW BELVEDERE INC 062GO-00-07-17900 NEW BELVEDERE INC 06200-00-07-18000 NEW BELVEDERE INC 062GO-00-09-000AO NEW BELVEDERE INC 06200-00-00-002BO BELVEDERE LAND HOLDINGS LLC 062A3-00-00-00100 BELVEDERE LAND HOLDINGS LLC 36763012_1 .doc August 20, 2018 Belvedere — Proffer Amendment for Carriage House Units PROJECT PROPOSAL New Belvedere, Inc. and Belvedere Land Holdings, LLC (together, the "Owner") hereby request a Zoning Map Amendment to amend the existing Proffer Statement dated October, 10, 2005 related to ZMA 2004-00007, approved by the County Board of Supervisors on October 12, 2005 (the "Existing Proffers") to modify Appendix A thereto which relates to Carriage House Units. Enclosed is a revised draft of the Existing Proffers that incorporates our proposed revisions (the "Proposed Proffers"), as well as a blackline version that compares the changes to the Existing Proffers. The Proposed Proffers include the following revisions: 1. Appendix A to the Proposed Proffers expands the definition of Carriage House Units to allow them on lots with single family attached units(such as a Villa-style townhouse), and to allow them above attached or detached garages, whether the garage is accessory to a single family detached unit, or a single family attached unit. 2. Revises paragraph 2.2 to provide that the 103 minimum number of Carriage House Units would also include any Accessory Units that are constructed within the Property as of the date of this application (August 20, 2018). This change will enable any accessory units (such as basement apartments)that are constructed within the Property to count toward the requirement of 103 units that are either Carriage House Units or Accessory Apartments. This added flexibility will provide more opportunities for Carriage Houses within the Belvedere Community, and enable the Owner to achieve its minimum required number of Carriage House Units under the Existing Proffers. In particular, while Carriage House Units remain popular in Belvedere, they are not ADA accessible or always convenient for the elderly. There is a strong market demand for smaller units such as Accessory Units that are convenient and functional for seniors and the disabled. With the proposed relocation of the Senior Center to Belvedere, this is more important than ever. As such,the proposed revisions to the proffers would permit the Owner to achieve the requirement of 103 Carriage House Units through a combination of both Carriage House Units (as defined by the broader definition of such contained in the modified Appendix A) and Accessory Apartments. Currently, Carriage House Units at Belvedere must be located on lots with single family detached units (see Existing Proffers, Appendix A). The Proposed Proffers would permit Carriage House Units to be located on lots with single family attached units. In addition, the Proposed Proffers would permit Carriage Houses units to be above detached or attached garages, regardless of whether the garage is on a single family detached lot, or a single family attached lot. One of the more popular housing types within Belvedere and other communities in Albemarle County are the "Villa Style" single family attached units. While single family attached units are often perceived as smaller townhomes or duplexes, the "Villa Style" single family attached unit is more akin to a larger, luxury townhome, located on lot sizes with ample room for small attached or detached Carriage House Units. 4 In addition, such Carriage House Units would still be subject to required setback regulations and must meet the architectural standards of the applicable primary residence. These Carriage House Units will likely be located within or above the attached (or semi-attached) garages of these villa units. The Proposed Proffers state, "All Carriage House Units that are above a garage must be constructed in the same architectural style as the primary residence and should employ the same exterior color selections as the primary residence. Setback regulations for Carriage House Units above garages shall be the same as those for garages." The Proposed Proffers ensure the quality of the neighborhood is maintained, while also allowing the flexibility for a variety of housing types. The Proposed Proffers will allow residents of a variety of housing types in Belvedere the benefit of incorporating a Carriage House Unit or Accessory Unit within their lot, with the additional benefit of added cash flow to assist with paying their mortgages, making the primary residence more affordable. Additionally,the Proposed Proffers would help the Owner meet the requirements related to the configuration of housing types within the development,which includes a requirement for a minimum number of Carriage House Units (and now Accessory Units). Finally, this application will enable the Owner to provide units that will meet existing market demand for accessory units that are ADA compliant and thus functional for the elderly and disabled. CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The applicable property is designated as Neighborhood 2 — Places29, Urban Mixed Use in the Comprehensive Plan. The Proposed Proffers, by allowing Carriage House Units within attached units, satisfies the Comprehensive Plan goal of increased affordability. In addition, the Proposed Proffers would encourage a mixture of housing types and styles, in furtherance of neighborhood model design characteristics envisioned in an Urban Mixed Use land use designation. Therefore, the Proposed Proffers are consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. IMPACTS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES & PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE The addition of Carriage House Units on single family attached lots will have no impact on public facilities or public infrastructure. The density of the development remains unchanged by the Proposed Proffers, as Carriage House Units are already allowed within or detached from primary residences on single family detached lots. The proposal is simply a technical change to also allow such units within or detached from primary residences on single family attached lots. IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURE Similarly, this proposal will have no impact on any environmental features for the same reasons listed above. The proposal is a simply a technical change to allow Carriage House Units on certain types of lots. The density of the development remains unchanged. 2 PROPOSED PROFFERS TO ADDRESS IMPACTS The Proposed Proffers maintains the quality of living space of Carriage House Units within Belvedere by requiring such units to meet the same architectural quality and style as the applicable primary residence. In addition, setback regulations will apply to both the primary residence and Carriage House Units, ensuring the quality of the Belvedere neighborhood remains in place as well. 36762973_4 3 Original Proffer: 10/12/2005 Amended Proffer:_ 8/20/2018 (Amendment# PROFFER FORM Date of Proffer Signature 10/10/2005 ZMA # 2018- Tax Map 61, Parcels 154,157,158,160,161154E. 158. 160 Tax Map 62, Parcels 2A71,2B,2C,3,5, 6A and 2C Tax Map 62A3 Parcel 1 Tax Map 62G. Parcels 5A. 5A1. 7A. 7157. 7165. 7171. 7172. 7174. 7179. 7180. 9A 206.682172,145 Acres to be rezoned from R-4JVeighborhood Model District ,(Natini to Neighborhood Model District (NMD) This Proffer Statement shall supersede and replace that certain Proffer Statement dated October 12. 2005. related to ZMA-2004-00007. for the applicable property listed below. With respect to the property described in rezoning application #ZMA-2004-000072018 (the "ZMA"), New Belvedere . Inc. is the fee simple owner of the following parcels: • TMP 6406100-00-00-1540 . • TMP 6412§100-00-00-115800 • TMP 6406100-00-00-4.6016000 • TMP 6206200-00-00-5002A1 • TMP 6206200-00-00-2222C2 • TMP 62062G0-00-00-6105-000A0 • TMP 62A3062G0-00-00-05-00081 • TMP 062G0-00-07-000A0 • TMP 062G0-00-07-15700 • TMP 062G0-00-07-16500 • TMP 062G0-00-07-17100 • TMP 062G0-00-07-17200 • TMP 062G0-00-07-17400 • TMP 062G0-00-07-17900 • TMP 062G0-00-07-18000 • TMP 062G0-00-09-000A0 Belvedere - - - - • - -- e - 1 • - - , - - - • C. LevensonDunlora Land Holdings. LLC is - - - - •- - - - - - - - - e - - _ _ e • - - - - . - - ' " - - - - - - - - the fee simple owners of the following parcelparcels • TMP 6306200-00-00-3002B0 TMP 062A3-00-00-00100 The foregoing parties are collectively referred to herein as the "Owner," which term shall include any successors in interest. All of the parcels listed above are referred to collectively as the "Property." Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (the "Ordinance"), Owner hereby voluntary proffers the conditions listed in this Proffer Statement, which shall be applied to the Property if the ZMA is approved by Albemarle County. These conditions are proffered as part of the ZMA and it is agreed that: (1) the ZMA itself gives rise to the need for the conditions, and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning requested. 1. Plan Exhibits. 1.1 Exhibits not in the Code of Development. The following exhibits which are not part of the General Development Plans or the Code of Development are proffered as a part of this rezoning: • Exhibit 14 Archaeological Survey Summary • Exhibit 15 Architectural Reconnaissance Survey 2. Affordable Housing. 2.1 Cash Contribution. Owner shall contribute to Albemarle County a minimum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per single family detached dwelling unit, seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per single family attached or townhouse unit, and five hundred dollars ($500) per multi-family condominium unit. The cash contribution shall be due and payable with each application for a building permit. This cash proffer shall not apply to Carriage House units or multi-family rental housing. This cash contribution shall be used for the purpose of funding affordable housing programs including those provided by nonprofit housing agencies within Albemarle County. If this cash contribution has not been exhausted by the County for the stated purpose within ten (10) years from the date of the last payment of the contribution, all the unexpended funds shall be refunded to the Owner. 2.2 C rria• - Houe nits. Owner proffers to require through the lot sale 2 Carriage House Units and Accessory Apartments. The Owner shall provide a minimum of 103 units within the Property that are either Carriage House Units or Accessory Units. as provided in this paragraph 2.2. As of August 20. 2018. approximately 75 Carriage House Units have been constructed within the Property. Any Carriage House Units or Accessory Units that are constructed within the Property after August 20. 2018 that comply with the requirements of this paragraph 2.2 shall be counted toward the required total of 103 units required by this paragraph 2.2. even if they were constructed prior to the date of approval of ZMA-2018- 2.2.1. Carriage House Units. Carriage House Units shall meet the requirements for a single family or two family dwelling as defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Each Carriage House Unit shall conform to the Code of Development, Appendix A, Carriage House Units, General Standards: (as Modified August 20. 2018). Each Carriage House Unit shall be on the same parcel as the primary dwelling unit to which it is accessory. Carriage House Units may not be subdivided from the primary residence. The subdivision restrictieerestrictions shall be described on the plat creating such parcels ar-kland be incorporated into each deed conveying title to such parcels. 2.2.2. Accessory Units. "Accessory Units" shall mean Accessory Apartments as defined in the Albemarle County Code. Chapter 18. Section 3.1. and a regulated by the Albemarle County Code. Chapter 18. Section 5.1.34. and a unit within a two family dwelling as defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. 3. Open Space and Greenways. 3.1 Open Space. The Owner shall restrict from development all open space areas which are areas not shown as development parcels on the General Development Plan. In no event shall the total area of open space areas, which include the preservation areas, conservation areas, greenway (defined in 3.2 below), buffer and park areas shown on Exhibits 5A, 5B and 5C of the General Development Plan, be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total land within the Property. These areas shall be for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the Property, subject to the restrictions that may be imposed by any declaration recorded as part of a conveyance of these areas to a homeowner's association. 3.2 Greenway: The Owner shall dedicate and convey to Albemarle County, upon demand by the County, a strip of land no less than one hundred (100) feet in width and adequate in width to accommodate the construction, maintenance and use of a ten (10) foot wide pedestrian trail along the Rivanna River from the Property's boundary with Dunlora Faun (Tax Map 62 Parcel 16-A) to the Property's boundary with the Southern Railway right-of-way (as it exists on November 19, 2004) (the "Greenway"). The precise location of the greenway shall be mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the County, and such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Greenway will be conveyed in the form of a general warranty deed and the Owner shall bear the cost of a survey and preparing the deed. Upon request by the County, the Owner shall also contribute ten thousand dollars ($10,000) cash for application toward the cost of constructing the Greenway according to the County's current standards for a class B trail. Such contribution shall be made by Owner within 30 days of receipt of a written request by the County. If the request is not made within seven (7) years from the date of submission of the first final site plan for Phase I, this cash proffer shall become null and void. If such cash contribution is not fully expended for the stated purpose within two (2) years from the date the funds are contributed to the County, all unexpended funds shall be refunded to the Owner. If the greenway is not used for the purpose for which it is dedicated within ten (10) years from the date of dedication, the County shall transfer the land back to and for the use of the Owner to be used as open space. The Owner will provide a pedestrian connection to the Greenway through the Belvedere Community's internal trail system, as illustrated in Exhibit 5A, 5B, and SC. 3.3 Greenway bridge: Within thirty (30) days following request by the County, Owner shall contribute ten thousand dollars ($10,000) cash for application toward the cost of constructing a pedestrian bridge linking the Rivanna River Greenway in Dunlora (Tax Map Parcel 62F-A3) to RiverRun (Tax Map Parcel 62-D1-1A), thereby allowing neighborhood residents access to facilities in Pen Park and other portions of the Greenway system. If the request is not made within seven (7) years from the date of submission of the first final site plan for Phase I, this proffer shall become null and void. If such cash contribution is not expended for the stated purpose within two (2) years from the date the funds were contributed to the County, all unexpended funds shall be refunded to the Owner. 4. Road Construction and Reservation of Right-of-way. 4.1 North Free State Connector Road. The Owners shall dedicate upon demand by the County a one hundred (100) foot wide right-of-way to public use as shown on Exhibit 2B of the General Development Plan and labeled "Reserved Road ROW". Where less than one hundred (100) feet of right-of-way is available on the Owner's Property (Approximately the first 800 feet from Rio Road), the Owner shall dedicate the available right-of-way. Fee simple interest shall be dedicated by the Owner within six (6) months following receipt by the Owner of written notice of demand by the County. The Owner shall pay for the costs of surveying and preparing deeds necessary to complete such dedication. The County must accept the dedication within twelve (12) months following its demand for dedication. 4.2 Future North Free State Connector Extension Road. The Owner shall dedicate a one hundred (100) foot strip of land along the Property boundary with the Norfolk Southern Railroad as shown on Exhibit 2C of the General Development Plan and labeled "100' Reserved Road ROW" for dedication upon demand by the County for the purpose of constructing a road that extends the North Free State Connector Road northward across the Rivanna River. The Owner shall dedicate right-of-way within six (6) months following written notice of demand by the County. Such reservation shall remain in place through December 31, 2025. The County must accept the dedication within twelve (12) months following its demand for dedication. Should this road be removed from the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan, said reservation shall become null and void, and the Owner or Successors shall retain fee simple ownership of the parcel. 4.2.1 North Free State Connector Extension Road Design. The Owner shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the County Engineer and VDOT that the North Free State Connector Extension Road can be accommodated by the Block 2 Development Plan. Approval by VDOT and the County Engineer must be secured prior to final platting and road plan approval in Block 2. 4.3 Free State Road Right-of-way. The Owner shall dedicate, upon demand by the County, a fifty (50) foot wide right-of-way along portions of the existing Free State Road that are on the Owner's Property from its proposed intersection with Belvedere Blvd between Road C and Road K to its intersection with Loring Run Road. Where the road is only partially on the Property, the Owner shall dedicate sufficient right-of-way width to ensure a total right-of-way of not less than fifty (50) feet inclusive of the existing proscriptive right-of-way. The right-of-way shall be conveyed within six (6) months following receipt of written notice by the County, in the form of a general warranty deed and the Owner shall bear the cost of a survey and preparation of the deed. If the dedicated land is not used for the purpose for which it was dedicated within two (2) years from the date of dedication, the County shall transfer the land back to, and for the use of, the Owner. 4.4 Connection to Dunlora Farm. The Owner shall dedicate upon demand by the County, a fifty (50) foot wide right-of-way extending from Road D to the property line at the eastern terminus of Road J, as shown on Exhibit 2C of the General Development Plan. The right-of-way shall be conveyed within six (6) months following receipt of written notice by the County, fee simple, in the form of a general warranty deed and Owner shall bear the cost of a survey and preparation of the deed. The County must accept the dedication within twelve (12) months following its demand for dedication. If the dedicated • land is not used for the purpose for which it was dedicated within ten (10) years from the date of dedication, the County shall transfer the land back to, and for the use of, the Owner. 4.5 Fairview Access. The Owner agrees to provide to Fairview Swim Club ,o‘ ewner-ef a fifty (50) foot wide access easement from Belvedere Drive to the edge of the Fairview Swim Club Property, (Tax Map Parcel 61-160B and 61-160C) to facilitate vehicular access to the existing Fairview entrance or in other such location that is mutually agreeable to the parties and in conformance with applicable County and VDOT regulations. The Owner shall grant easement within sixty (60) days following approval of final road plan for Belvedere Boulevard in Phase 1. 5. Overlot Grading Plan 5.1. Subdivision Plans. The Owner shall submit an overlot grading plan meeting the requirement of this section (hereinafter, the "plan") with the application for each subdivision of Property into single family detached lots and single family attached dwelling units shown on the General Development Plan. The plan shall show existing and proposed topographic features to be considered in the development of the proposed subdivision. The plan shall be approved by the County Engineer prior to final approval of the subdivision plat. The Property within the subdivision shall be graded as shown on the approved plan. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any dwelling on a lot where the County Engineer has determined the lot grading is not consistent with the approved grading plan. The plan shall satisfy the following: (a) The plan shall show all proposed streets, building sites, setbacks, surface drainage, driveways, trails, and other features the County Engineer determines are needed to verify that the plan satisfies the requirements of this proffer. (b) The plan shall be drawn to a scale not greater than one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet. (c) All proposed grading shall be shown with contour intervals not greater than two (2) feet. All concentrated surface drainage over lots shall be clearly shown with the proposed grading. All proposed grading shall be designed to assure that surface drainage can provide adequate relief from the flooding of dwellings in the event a stain). sewer fails. (d) Graded slopes on lots proposed to be planted with turf grasses (lawns) shall not exceed a gradient of three (3) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical rise or fall (3:1). Steeper slopes shall be vegetated with low maintenance vegetation as determined to be appropriate by the County's program authority in its approval of an erosion and sediment control plan for the land disturbing activity. These steeper slopes shall not exceed a gradient of two (2) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical rise or fall (2:1), unless the County Engineer finds that the grading recommendations for steeper slopes have adequately addressed the impacts. (e) Surface drainage may flow across up to three (3) lots before being collected in a storm sewer or directed to a drainage way outside of the lots. (f) No surface drainage across a residential lot shall have more than one-half (1/2) acre of land draining to it. (g) All drainage from streets shall be carried across lots in a storm sewer to a point beyond the rear of the building site. 6. Preservation of Historic Structures. Sites and Archaeological Sites. 6.1 Archaeological Survey. A Phase I Archaeological Study for the Property shall be submitted by the Owner to the Director of Planning for his review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit. An archaeological resource treatment plan shall be submitted by the Owner to, and approved by, the Director of Planning for all sites in the Phase I study that are recommended for Phase II evaluation, and/or identified as being eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. If a Phase II study is undertaken, such a study shall be approved by the Director of Planning and a treatment plan for said sites shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Director of Planning for sites that are determined to be eligible for inclusion the National Register of Historic Places and/or those sites that require a Phase III study. If, in a Phase II study, a site is determined to be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places and said site is to be preserved in place, the treatment plan shall include nomination of the site to the National Register of Historic Places. If a Phase III study is undertaken for said sites, such studies shall be approved by the Director of Planning prior to land disturbance within the study area. All Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III studies shall meet the Virginia Department of Historic Resources' Guidelines for Preparing Archaeological Resource Management Reports and the Secretary of the Interior's Standard and Guidelines for Archaeological Documentation, as applicable, and shall be conducted under the supervision of a qualified archaeologist who meets the qualifications set forth in the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards. All approved treatment plans shall be incorporated into the plan of development for the site and shall be adhered to during the clearing, grading, and construction activities thereon. 6.2 Potential Artifacts. Should Phases I or II or III studies yield objects or artifacts of archaeological significance, these objects shall be conveyed to the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR) for long term preservation. Should Phase III fieldwork yield subsurface architectural features and artifacts related to 18th- or early 19th-century domestic occupations at Free State, and should these sites be deemed archaeologically significant by archaeologists with the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS) based at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, these artifacts will be submitted to the archaeologists at the Thomas. Jefferson Foundation for analysis and entry into DAACS prior to being conveyed to the VDHR. The Owner will be solely responsible for conveying all artifacts analyzed by DAACS to the VDHR within thirty (30) days of receipt of such artifacts. 6.3 Roadside Markers. Upon request by the County, the Owner shall contribute up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) cash to fund the cost of creating and installing two roadside historical markers as described in section 5 of the Code of Development. If the request is not made within one (1) year from the date of approval of the first final site plan for Phase I, this proffer shall become null and void. If such cash contribution is not expended for the stated purpose within two (2) years from the date the funds were contributed to the County, all unexpended funds shall be refunded to the Owner. 7. Phasing and Mitigation of Impact. 7.1 Phasing. Phases of Belvedere infrastructure will be constructed sequentially beginning with Phase 1, then 2, etc. This proffer shall not restrict the Owner's ability to develop multiple phases concurrently nor shall it require the completion of all buildings and other improvements in one phase before beginning construction on the next. 7.2 Mitigation of Construction Traffic Impact. The Owner shall neither establish, nor allow to be established, ingress or egress for any vehicle, heavy equipment, or faun machinery or farm equipment to and from the Property except at the intersection of the alignment of Belvedere Boulevard and East Rio Road, as shown on Exhibit 2B, and from the northern segment of Free State Road that crosses Free State Bridge, as shown on Exhibit 1, of the General Development Plan, or on any public street shown on a final subdivision plat that has been constructed and accepted by VDOT or bonded for acceptance by VDOT. For purposes of this proffer, the term "vehicle" means every device on or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks, that are used in the construction on or below the Property, including all improvements placed on the property by the Owner, its contractors, subcontractors or agents. The term "heavy equipment" means self-propelled, self-powered or pull-type equipment and machinery, including engines, weighing five thousand (5,000) pounds or more, primarily employed for construction, industrial, maritime, mining and forestry uses. 8 Code Enforcement. '1 • 8.1 Architectural Standards. The Owner shall prepare and record a declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions that, among other things, establishes architectural standards equal to or more stringent than the architectural standards in the Code of Development, and establishes an Architectural Standards Committee ("ASC"). The declaration shall include among the powers and duties of the ASC the authority and responsibility to determine that each structure within the Property complies with all applicable architectural standards before submitting the proposal to the County to conduct its review for compliance with the architectural standards established in the Code of Development. Signatures of All Owners: Printed Names of All Owners: Date: New ,Belvedere Station Land Trust, Trustco Dunlora LLC byBelvedere Land Holdings. LLC Robert Hauser Homes Inc. Robert Hauser Homes Inc. by CEO StoneHaus, Inc. Jacob C. Levenson Charlotte G. Levenson Appendix A— Carriage House Units General Standards: I ,Modified August 20. 2018 All Carriage House Units must be constructed in the same architectural style as the primary residence and must employ the same exterior color selections as the primary residence. Setback regulations for Carriage House Units shall be the same as those for garages. Carriage House Units are separate, detached independent living units which are included with a single family detached unit or a single family attached unit. and are clearly subordinate to the primary residence. These units are typically located above a garage (which garage may be either attached to. or detached from the primary residence). and are restricted to a maximum finished area of 800 ft2. While these units may have a distinct street address and may be provided with separate utility meters if utilized as a rental unit, they may not be subdivided from the primary residence. Carriage located to the rear of the primaryresidence andHouse Units must meet all architectural standards applicable to the primary residence. Setbacks shall be the same as those applicable to a traditional detached or attached garage, as .a. (ice. Carriage house units play an important role in providing for affordable housing. As an inexpensive rental unit, they help provide affordable rental housing that is integrated into the larger community. An additional benefit is that the units are "Cash flow positive" helping to make the primary residence more affordable by providing the owner with additional cash flow to pay the mortgage. These units have been widely utilized in other TND neighborhoods with tremendous success. 36763539 3.docx • Document com•arison b Workshare 9 on Monda , Au•ust 20, 2018 2:09:25 PM Document 1 ID interwovenSite://WM-IW-APP/IWOVRIC/36763228/1 Description '.36763228v1<IWOVRIC> - New Belvedere - Existing Proffer Statement Document 2 ID C:\NRPortbl\IWOVRIC\NSCRO\36763539_3.docx Description C:\NRPortbl\IWOVRIC\NSCRO\36763539_3.docx Rendering set Standard Deletio �r Moved from • Style change Format change Moved-deletion- Inserted cell Deleted cell Moved cell Split/Merged cell Padding cell Count Insertions 70 Deletions 57 Moved from 0 Moved to 0 Style change 0 Format changed 0 Total changes 127