HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800058 Approval - County 2018-09-18COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
September 18, 2018
Mr. Devin Keeler, P.E. — Dewberry
4805 Lake Brook Drive, Suite 200, Glen Allen, VA 23060
(804)-205-3321 / dkeeler(&dewberry.com
University of Virginia Foundation — c/o Mr. Nat Perkins
1 Boars Head Pointe, Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434)-982-5304 / nperkinskuvafoundation.com
RE: Conditional Approval of SDP-2018-00058 (UVA Tennis Facilities — Initial Site Plan)
Mr. Keeler and Mr. Perkins:
The Agent for the Board of Supervisors hereby administratively grants conditional approval to the above
referenced Initial Site Plan (dated 7/23/2018). The Final Site Plan will not be approved until all review
comments identified in the attached SRC review comment letter (updated 9/18/2018) have been
addressed and resolved to the satisfaction of each applicable SRC Plan Reviewer, and until each SRC
Plan Reviewer have indicated in writing their (tentative) approval.
Please note important updates or clarifications to the SRC review comment letter (updated 9/18/2018):
■ Planning comment #4 has been withdrawn.
■ Engineering comments were provided on 9/10/2018, and are attached therein.
This conditional approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided
that the developer submits a Final Site Plan for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the
date of this letter as provided in section of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle,
and thereafter diligently pursues approval of the Final Site Plan.
In accordance with Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, Section, Early or Mass
Grading may be permitted after the following approvals are received:
1. Engineering approval of a VSMP plan meeting the requirements of Chapter 17 of the Code of the
County of Albemarle.
2. Approval of all easements for facilities for stormwater management and drainage control.
3. Submittal of a tree conservation checklist with areas for tree preservation identified.
Please be advised that the Final Site Plan will not be considered to have been officially submitted until
the following items are received:
1. A Final Site Plan that satisfies all of the requirements of Section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code.
2. A fee of $1,613.00 per Section 35.1.d(3) of Chapter 18 of the Code.
Please submit a minimum of eight (8) copies of the Final Site Plan to the Community Development
Department (CDD). The assigned Lead Reviewer will then distribute the plans to all reviewing agencies.
(Note: for ACSA, please coordinate directly with Mr. Alex Morrison or Mr. Richard Nelson to determine
how many copies ACSA requires; it may be more than the one (1) minimum copy specified below). CDD
staff will then provide you with the first comment letter containing review comments from each SRC
plan reviewer for the Final Site Plan; after receiving that letter, please work directly with each SRC plan
reviewer to address and resolve their respective requirements.
The Community Development Department shall not accept submittal of the Final Site Plan for final
approval signatures until each of the following agencies/reviewers indicate in writing that the Final Site
Plans satisfy the attached conditions* and all other applicable requirements, and have been given
(tentative) approval:
SRC Members:
■ Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — 2 copies
■ Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — 1 copy
■ Albemarle County Information Services (E911) — 1 copy
■ Albemarle County Inspections Services (Inspections) — 1 copy
■ Albemarle County Department of Fire & Rescue (Fire —Rescue) — 1 copy
■ Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) — 1 copy (minimum); please coordinate directly with
ACSA to determine total number of copies
■ Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — 1 copy
If you have any questions about this conditional approval, or the Final Site Plan submittal requirements,
or any other aspect of your application(s), please feel free to contact me using the information provided
below. Community Development staff remain available to assist.
Thank you; sincerely,
Tim Padalino, AICP
Senior Planner / tuadalinogalbemarle.org / (434)-296-5832 x 3088
*Attached conditions:
• SRC comment letter (dated 9/4/2018; updated 9/18/2018)
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
September- 4,-241-9 UPDATE: September 18, 2018
Mr. Devin Keeler, P.E. - Dewberry
4805 Lake Brook Drive, Suite 200, Glen Allen, VA 23060
(804)-205-3321 / dkeelerkdewberry com
University of Virginia Foundation - c/o Mr. Nat Perkins
1 Boars Head Pointe, Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434)-982-5304 / nperkins(cDuvafoundation.com
RE: UPDATED SRC Comment Letter for SDP-2018-00058 (UVA Tennis Facilities - Initial Site Plan)
Mr. Keeler and Mr. Perkins:
The Planner for the Planning Division of the Albemarle County Community Development Department (CDD) and
other members of the Site Review Committee (SRC) have reviewed the development proposal referenced above.
Initial review comments from the following SRC members are attached:
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner)
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) - (attached)
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) - PENDING UPDATE 9/18/2018: (attached)
Albemarle County Information Services (E911) - (attached)
Albemarle County Building Inspections - (attached)
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue - PENDING
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) - (attached)
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) - (attached)
Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code (Zoning
Ordinance) unless otherwise specified. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time;
additional comments may be added or eliminated based on further review.)
The Planner will either approve with conditions or deny the Initial Site Plan within 15 days of the Site Review
Committee Meeting.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions, or require additional information or assistance
prior to the SRC Meeting on Thursday, September 6.
Tim Pad 1 o, AICP
Senior P anner
(434)-296-5832 x 3088 / tpadalino&albemarle.org
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Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Tim Padalino, 1padalino a)albemarle.org — Requested Changes:
1. [SP201700032 Concept Plan /Concept Plan Detail and Conditions of Approval]: The proposed
development shown on the Initial Site Plan appears to be in general accord with the applicable Concept Plan
and Tennis Facility Detail.
2. [Z.O. 32.5.2(a)]: The Zoning information is incomplete; important zoning details are omitted. Please revise the
Zoning information on the Cover Sheet (T1.01) to include reference to Special Use Permit SP201700032
(approved by the BOS with conditions on 6/19/2018); and insert copies of the conditions of approval for that SP
into the site plan.
As one example for your consideration, it appears that Sheet C0.03 has room to insert the conditions of approval
sheets onto that largely blank sheet.
Additionally, based on the extent of the Project Area (as shown on Cover Sheet — T1.01) and the proximity to
the connector road, it is requested (but not required) that the Zoning information on the Cover Sheet be revised
to also include reference to the Special Exception that was approved for the subject property (approved by the
BOS with conditions on 4/4/2018), and that copies of the conditions of approval for that Special Exception also
be inserted into the site plan.
3. [Z.O. 32.5.2(a)]: Please revise the Drawing Index on the Cover Sheet (TI.01) to identify the total number of
4. [Z.O. 32.5.2(a)l � Please identify the minimtim setback lines as speeified by Zoning Ordina+iee 4.19. Of
pai4ieular- impei4aaee is labeling and depieting the side yard sethaek r-e"ir-emeats in the vieinity of the proposed
Map Par -eel #59P2 1 15 (Beaf's Head Sports Club).
UPDATE 9/18/2018: Comment withdrawn; no minimum side yard setbacks are required per Z.O. 4.19.
5. [Z.O. 32.5.2(a)]: Please identify the source of the topography.
6. [Z.O. 32.5.2(a)]: Please identify the source of the survey.
7. [Z.O.32.5.2(b)]: Please provide a written schedule to identify the following information:
A. The proposed uses and maximum area/acreage occupied by each use;
B. The maximum height of all structures;
C. The schedule of parking including amount existing, amount required, and amount provided.
8. [Z.O.32.5.2(d)]: The Demolition Plan sheets have callouts/annotation for "Limits of Disturbance," but there is
no graphic depiction of the limits of disturbance. Please revise to show the limits of disturbance wherever
callouts exist.
9. [Z.O.32.5.2(e) and On Sheet C1.03 ("Existing Conditions"), there is an area of "Dense Trees"
shown at the top of the existing hill and near the subject property's side property boundary with Tax Map Parcel
#59D2-1-15 (Boar's Head Sports Club). Please revise this area of "Dense Trees" to identify the location,
common name, and approximate caliper of all individual trees of 6" caliper or greater which currently exist in
this area.
If any of these individual trees in this area are to be removed to accommodate new development, then please
revise Sheet C2.03 ("Demolition Plan") to identify the removal of each of these individual trees with the typical
"X" symbol, and not with the typical "cloud" symbol that is used for demolition of stands of trees elsewhere on
the site.
10. [Z.O.32.5.2(n)]: Please revise Sheet C3.03 ("Site and Utility Plan") to identify the maximum building footprint
and height.
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11. [Z.O.32.5.2(n) and SP201700032 Condition of Approval #6 and Special Exception Conditions of
Approval] : Please provide information about the location(s) and material specification(s) for all proposed
outdoor lighting, including pole height(s) and luminaire and fixture(s) specifications.
Please note that the Final Site Plan cannot be approved unless and until all the outdoor lighting information
required by Z.O. 32.6.2(k) is provided to demonstrate compliance with all applicable outdoor lighting
requirements as specified in Z.O.4.17, and with all other applicable conditions of approval established through
previous legislative zoning approvals. However, this information is not required prior to County approval of this
Initial Site Plan (as may be applicable).
12. [Z.O.32.5.2(p) and]: No major issues were identified during the initial Staff review of the
Landscape Plan.
However, the Conservation Checklist on Sheet L2, which was presumably provided pursuant to Z.O., appears to have not been filled out correctly (or filled out at all) with regards to signature,
signature date, and checklist items remaining unchecked. If existing trees are being retained and used in the
calculations to demonstrate compliance with landscaping and screening requirements, this Conservation
Checklist will need to be removed and replaced with a Conservation Checklist that has been filled out correctly.
Any additional detailed review comments pertaining to the Landscape Plan, if any are necessary, will be
provided with the SRC Action Letter, within 15 days or less of the SRC meeting.
■ (Advisory / For Future Reference): Please note that the Final Site Plan cannot be approved unless and until a
complete application for a Water Protection Ordinance Plan / VSMP Plan is submitted, reviewed, and approved
by the Engineering Services Division of the Community Development Department as required per Z.O.
and County Code Chapter 17.
It is anticipated that County Staff in the Engineering Services Division of the Community Development
Department will identify this requirement, as well as any other requirements relating to stormwater management
and drainage control, including the dedication of easements for facilities for stormwater management required
per Z.O. Engineering review comments will be forwarded upon receipt.
■ (Advisory / For Future Reference): Please note that the Final Site Plan cannot be approved unless and until a
complete application for a Countywide Certificate of Appropriateness is submitted, reviewed, and approved by
Staff in the Community Development Department. Please reference review comments from Margaret
Maliszewski, Chief of Planning — Resource Management, provided with this comment letter.
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer)
David James, diamespalbemarle.org — Pending; review eats will be forwarded uponFeeeipt-.
UPDATE 9/18/2018: Requested Changes (9/10/2018); see attached comments.
Albemarle County Department of Fire & Rescue (Fire -Rescue)
Shawn Maddox, smaddox@albemarle.org — Pending; review comments will be forwarded upon receipt.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB)
Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski(c-r�,albemarle.org — No Objection (8/31/2018); see attached informational guidance
regarding the requirements for Countywide Certificate of
Appropriateness application and approval.
Albemarle County Information Services (E911)
Elise Kiewra, ekiewra(dalbemarle.org — No Objection (8/2/2018); see attached comments.
Albemarle County Building Inspections (Inspections)
Michael Dellinger, mdellingergalbemarle.org — No Objection (8/22/2018); see attached comments.
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA)
Richard Nelson, rnelsonkserviceauthorit�org —No Objection (9/4/2018); see attached comments.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
Adam Moore, Adam.Moorekvdot.vir ig nia.gov — No Objection (8/30/2018); see attached approval letter.
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Review Comments for SDP201800058 11nitial Site Plan I -
Date Completed: Monday, September 10, 2018 DepartmentlDivisionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: LDavid James _ E1 CDD Engineering Requested Changes
1- Remove E&C & SWM sheets from the site plan review-
- Reduce the grade in parking areas to 5% or less-, for handicap parking %_
3- VMP plan has to be approved before FP-
4- Show all existing easements (type, location & dimensions) & deed book/page numbers-
5- Show proposed easements (type, location & dimensions)-
6- Show locations and type(s) of curb & gutter used and detail-
7- Provide guardrail along travelways & parking before any slope steeper than 3:1, wall, or drop-off greater than 4', with
start and end sections labeled, and VDOT designations (GR-2, GR-2a, etc-)-
8- Show 100' (min) sight distances for travelways at intersection (Design Standards Manual, Sect- 7C)-
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10911812018
Review Comments for SDP201800058 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Fnday, August 31, 2018 DepartmentlDi+visionfAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Margaret M al i szews ki CBBARB 1,1 NoObje-Ction
I have reviewed the initial plan and have no objection to approval of the initial plan at this time_ A Countywide Certificate of }
Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval_ The Countywide CofA review will be a staff level review of the
architecture and site design, with particular focus on the lighting_ Staff will report to the ARB on the final plan as an 'other
business" item at a regularly scheduled meeting_ If the ARB identifies issues of concern, those issues will be reviewedlresolved
with ARB input_
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Review Comments for SDP201800058 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Thursday, August 02, 2018 DepartmentlDi+visionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Elise Kiewra CDD E911 I No Objection
per site plan dated 7120118
Note: Road name changes are pending for Boars Head per Annette Tamblyn_ These should not effect the tennis pa0lion as of
right now Berwick Rd is staying the same, but just be aware addresses and roads may be updated in the future if necessary_
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Review Comments for SDP201800058 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 DepartmentlDi+visionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Michael Dellinger CDD Inspections No Objection
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Review Comments for SDP201800058 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 DepartmentlDi+visionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Richard Nelson AOSA No Objection
I recommend SDP 01800058 - UVAF Tennis Facilities — Initial for approval with the following conditions=
Submit 3 copies to ADA for water construction review -
We would also like to see the water meter located closer to the existing stub -out_
UVA Foundation must dedicate to ADA the proposed AOSA utilities for the recent squash and golf expansions prior to final
approval of the proposed tennis facility -
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Review Comments for SDP201800058 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Thursday, August 30, 2018 DepartmentlDi+visionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Adam Moore. U No Obje-:tion
VDOT has reviewed this application and finds it to be gneerally acceptable_ Please reference the review comment letter from
VDOT (dated 81301 018) available in Laserfiche eblink-
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1601 Orange Road
Culpeper. Virginia 22701
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
August 30, 2018
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Tim Padalino
Re: UVA Tennis Facility — Initial Site Plan
Review #1
Dear Mr. Padalino:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Dewberry, dated 23 July 2018,
and finds it to be generally acceptable. If further information is desired, please contact Justin
Deel at 434-422-9894.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
wt.. &L,
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency