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United States n��
Environmental Protection a
Agency Concrete Was out `
Construction workers should handle wet concrete and
Minimum Measure washout water with care because it may cause skin irritation
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control and eye damage. If the washwater is dumped on the ground
Subcategory (Fig. 1), it can run off the construction site to adjoining roads
and enter roadside storm drains, which discharge to surface
Good Housekeeping/Materials Management waters such as rivers, lakes, or estuaries. The red arrow in
Figure 2 points to a ready mixed truck chute that's being
Description of Concrete Washout at washed out into a roll off bin, which isn't watertight. Leaking
washwater, shown in the foreground, will likely follow similar
Construction Sites
Figure 1.Chute
Concrete and its ingredients washwater being dumped
- , on the ground
Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, and aggregate material. I'
Portland cement is made by heating a mixture of limestone and
clay containing oxides of calcium, aluminum, silicon and other 1. .. -
metals in a kiln and then pulverizing the resulting clinker. The
fine aggregate particles are usually sand. Coarse aggregate T
is generally gravel or crushed stone. When cement is mixed
with water, a chemical reaction called hydration occurs, which ;t' '
produces glue that binds the aggregates together to make -1"4-11
Concrete washout
Figure 2.Chute
After concrete is poured at a construction site, the chutes of washwater leaking from a
roll-off bin being used as a
ready mixed concrete trucks and hoppers of concrete pump washout container
trucks must be washed out to remove the remaining concrete
before it hardens. Equipment such as wheelbarrows and hand paths to nearby surface waters. Rainfall may cause concrete
tools also need to be washed down. At the end of each work washout containers that are uncovered to overflow and also
day, the drums of concrete trucks must be washed out. This is transport the washwater to surface waters. Rainwater polluted
customarily done at the ready mixed batch plants, which are with concrete washwater can percolate down through the
usually off-site facilities, however large or rural construction soil and alter the soil chemistry, inhibit plant growth, and
projects may have on-site batch plants. Cementitious (having contaminate the groundwater. Its high pH can increase
the properties of cement) washwater and solids also come from the toxicity of other substances in the surface waters and
using such construction materials as mortar, plaster, stucco, soils. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the need for better washout
and grout. management practices.
Environmental and Human Health Impacts Best Management Practice Objectives
Concrete washout water (or washwater) is a slurry containing The best management practice objectives for concrete washout
toxic metals. It's also caustic and corrosive, having a pH are to (a) collect and retain all the concrete washout water and
near 12. In comparison, Drano liquid drain cleaner has a pH solids in leak proof containers, so that this caustic material
of 13.5. Caustic washwater can harm fish gills and eyes and does not reach the soil surface and then migrate to surface
interfere with reproduction. The safe pH ranges for aquatic life waters or into the ground water, and (b) recycle 100 percent
lbitats are 6.5—9 for freshwater and 6.5—8.5 for saltwater. of the collected concrete washout water and solids. Another
Office of Water,4203M EPA 833-F-11-006
www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/concretewashout.pdf February 2012
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Concrete Washout
bjective is to support the diversion of recyclable materials from contacted to inquire
ndfills.Table 1 shows how concrete washout materials can be about any pretreatment a
recycled and reused. requirements, i.e., the _ .,•
National Pretreatment =°
1—Recycling concrete washout materials ., —B--------4,--
Y 9 Standards for Prohibited 'PAI-- 41E--
� —
Concrete Washout Materials Dischargers (40CFR 403.5) _ ,- - _.
C' before discharging the _ '�
t c washwater to the POTW.
m e ._a) o 0) M o = o The washwater can also
Uses of Recycled Materials c..3:� iz c) _ = 0 Figure 4.Vacuuming washwater out ofa
Reused to washout additional mixer be retained in the washout washout container for treatment and reuse
truck chutes or drums x container and allowed to
Reused as a ready mixed concretex x° x x evaporate, leaving only the hardened cementitious solids to be
Reused as an ingredient of precast recycled.
concrete products,e.g.,highway x x x x x
barriers,retaining wall blocks,riprap Solids recycling
Reused as crushed concrete
products,e.g.,road base or fill x x x x The course aggregate materials that are washed off concrete
Reused to pave the yards of readyx truck chutes into a washout container can be either separated
mixed concrete plants by a screen and placed in aggregate bins to be reused at
Returned back to a surface water, xc the construction site or returned to the readymixed plant and
e.g.,river,lake,or estuary
a. Fine particles of cementitious material(e.g.,Portland cement,slag cement,fly ash, washed into a reclaimer (Fig. 5).When washed out into a
silica fume) reclaimer, the fine and course aggregates are separated out
b. Recyclable,if allowed by the concrete quality specifications and placed in different
c. Treated to reduce the pH and remove metals,so it can be delivered to a municipal
wastewater treatment plant,where it is treated further and then returned to a natural piles or bins to be reused
surface water in making fresh concrete.
ti.r, Reclaimers with settling �F, „'afro
tanks separate cement
Washwater from concrete truck £, ,
fines from the washwater, N.
chutes, hand mixers, or other
-1,,; and these fines can also
equipment can be passed through be used in new concrete .
b ":
a system of weirs or filters to remove
_- unless prohibited by the
solids and then be reused to wash ;4 Figure 5.Ready mixed truck washing
" ------- . user's concrete quality out into a reclaimer
down more chutes and equipment specifications.
at the construction site or as an
ingredient for making additional '' Hardened concrete recycling
concrete. A three chamber washout
When the washwater in a construction site concrete washout
filter is shown in Figure 3. The first container has been removed or allowed to evaporate, the
stage collects the coarse aggregate. hardened concrete that remains can be crushed (Fig. 6)
The middle stage filters out the Figure 3.Concrete washout and reused as a construction material. It makes an excellent
small grit and sand. The third stage filter
aggregate for road base and can be used as fill at the
has an array of tablets that filter
out fines and reduces the pH.The filtered washwater is then "!1"!*" ; construction site or
.., delivered to a recycler.
discharged through a filter sock. An alternative is to pump the
. Concrete recyclers can
washout water out of the washout container (Fig 4) and treat
- `-�.- �'., be found at municipal
the washwater off site to remove metals and reduce its pH, ':
-` - solid waste disposal
so it can be delivered to a publicly owned treatment works „v :4 `� p
,, „„,�„„,_ ,, . ..... : facilities, private
(POTW), also known as a municipal wastewater treatment plant,
•hich provides additional treatment allowing the washwater Figure 6.Crushed concrete stockpile and recycling plants, or large
crusher construction sites.
ARC be discharged to a surface water. The POTW should be
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Concrete Washout
'Vet concrete recycling driver then washes down ,..
""Builders often order a little more ready mixed concrete than the chute into the bucket to ►
they actually need, so it is common for concrete trucks to remove any cementitious f• l
have wet concrete remaining in their drum after a delivery. This material before it hardens. _ _ I .'
unused concrete can be returned to the ready mixed plant and After washing out the chute, ,: ''
either (1) used to pour precast concrete products (e.g., highway the driver pumps (yellow
barriers, retaining wall blocks, riprap), (2) used to pave the arrow points to the pump)
ready mixed plant's yard, (3) washed into a reclaimer, or the washwater, sand, and
other fine solids from the Figure 8.Chute washout bucket and
(4) dumped on an impervious surface and allowed to harden, pump
so it can be crushed and recycled as aggregate. Unused wet bucket up into the truck's
concrete should not be dumped on bare ground to harden at drum to be returned to the
construction sites because this can contribute to ground water ready mixed plant, where it can be washed into a reclaimer.
and surface water contamination. A removable screen at the bottom of the washout bucket
prevents course aggregate from entering the pump. This
Washout Containers course aggregate can also be returned to the plant and added
to the coarse aggregate pile to be reused. All the materials are
Different types of washout containers are available for recycled.
collecting, retaining, and recycling the washwater and solids
from washing down mixed truck chutes and pump truck Hay bale and plastic washout pit
hoppers at construction sites. A washout pit made with hay bales and a plastic lining is shown
in Figure 9. Such pits can be dug into the ground or built above
Chute washout box grade. The plastic lining should be free of tears or holes that
A chute washout box is mounted on the back of the ready would allow the washwater to escape (Fig. 10). After the pit is
ixed truck. If the truck has three chutes, the following used to wash down the chutes of multiple ready mixed trucks
'"procedure is used to perform the washout from the top down: and the washwater has evaporated or has been vacuumed off,
(1) after the pour is completed, the driver attaches the extension the remaining hardened solids can be broken up and removed
chute to the washout box, (2) the driver then rotates the main from the pit.This process may damage the hay bales and
chute over the extension chute (Fig. 7) and washes down the plastic lining. If damage occurs, the pit will need to be repaired
hopper first then the main chute, (3) finally the driver washes and relined with new plastic. When the hardened solids are
down the flop down chute and last the extension chute hanging removed, they may be bound up with the plastic lining and have
on the box. All washwater and solids are captured in the box. to be sent to a landfill, rather than recycled. Recyclers usually
After the wash down, accept only unmixed material. If the pit is going to be emptied
i ,■ t 7\ , washwater and solids are and repaired more than a few times, the hay bales and plastic
t"""''• i' returned to the ready mixed will be generating additional solid waste. Ready mixed concrete
.......- #.'P ;; plant for recycling. A filter P iii Figure 9.Hay bale and plastic
; y basket near the top of the _"` washout pit
IT Il 11 mail washout box separates out
t the coarse aggregates so
they can be placed in a
bin for reuse either at the ,. µ "X`
construction site or back at
Figure 7.Chute washout box the cement plant. zx:
Figure 10.Leaking
.. ,1 washout pit that
Chute washout bucket and pump has not been well
�M maintained
After delivering ready mixed concrete and scraping the last of = 7 - .
the customer's concrete down the chute, the driver hangs a ,,i �.-: s :,
`r..ashout bucket shown in Figure 8 (see red arrow) on the end of �'�'
the truck's chute and secures the hose to insure no leaks. The
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Concrete Washout
`-ucks can use hay bale washout pits, but concrete pump subsequent discharge to a surface water. Everything is recycled
amucks have a low hanging hopper in the back that may prevent or treated sufficiently to be returned to a natural surface water.
their being washed out into bale-lined pits. — Figure 14.Pump truck using the
. ramp to wash out into a roll-off bin
Vinyl washout container
_t The vinyl washout 6.--; -•'44 - -4*= -"
-: container (Fig. 11) is r - ,
- t'- portable, reusable, and 3 ,a,, .r., �
, ' - easier to install than a Figure 15.
hay bale washout pit.
The biodegradable filter 1 hardened Concrete
Figure 11.Vinyl washout N oag + , -.ice to a recycler
bag (Fig. 12) assists in 1
extracting the concrete solids and prolongs the life of the vinyl : , T1--.•.... ....---- :
container. When the bag is lifted, the water is filtered out and .�
the remaining concrete solids and the bag can be disposed of
together in a landfill, or the hardened concrete can be delivered ,
to a recycler. After the solids have been removed several times
�. . ,.
and the container is full of washwater, the washwater can be
allowed to evaporate, so the container can be reused. The Another metal, portable, washout container, which has a
washwater can be removed more quickly by placing another rain cover to prevent overflowing, is shown in Figure 16. It is
filter bag in the container accompanied by an onsite washwater treatment unit, which
and spreading water gelling r - 'r reduces the pH and uses a forced weir tank system to remove
granules evenly across the f the coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and cement fines. The
ater. In about five minutes, A °� washwater can
`"!Fie water in the filter bagwill e �t
then be reused at
turn into a gel that can be ,' the construction .*"f
removed with the bag. Then ► site to wash i .� , r_
the gel and filter bag can be out other mixer moi° t
disposed to together. _ _ -- .2ir.. _
p g Figure 12.Extracting the concrete truck chutes
solids or gelled washwater and equipment.
Metal washout container Figure 16.Washout container with a rain cover and
The solids are onsite washwater treatment
The metal roll-off bin (Fig. 13) is designed to securely contain allowed to harden
concrete washwater and solids and is portable and reusable. together and caniiiii
It also has a ramp that allows concrete pump trucks to wash be taken to a concrete
out their hoppers (Fig. 14). Roll-off providers offer recycling recycler (Fig. 17) to be ,
services, such as, picking up the roll-off bins after the crushed and used as
washwater has evaporated and the solids have hardened, road base or aggregate - x
replacing them with -4
p 9 for making precast
empty washout bins, and products, such as
delivering the hardened A , '- ; retainingwall blocks. All
Figure 17.Delivering hardened concrete
concrete to a recycler l materials are recycled. to a recycler
(Fig. 15), rather than a �f� ,` E
landfill. Some providers will # e'-' ' ill4_ Siting Washout Facilities
vacuum off the washwater, - -1110. 14$Er": -- Concrete washout facilities, such as washout pits and vinyl
- -4 °
treat it to remove metals and .
• . or metal washout containers, should be placed in locations
reduce the pH, deliver it to a '+ -4. that provide convenient access to concrete trucks, preferably
astewater treatment plant Figure 13.Mixer truck being washed out near the area where concrete is being poured. However they
`for additional treatment and into a roll-off bin
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Concrete Washout
hould not be placed within 50 feet of storm drains, open Reference
etches, or waterbodies. Appropriate gravel or rock should
cover approaches to concrete washout facilities when they are NRMCA 2009. Environmental Management in the Ready
located on undeveloped property. On large sites with extensive Mixed Concrete Industry, 2PEMRM, 1st edition. By Gary M.
concrete work, washouts should be placed at multiple locations Mullins. Silver Springs, MD: National Ready Mixed Concrete
for ease of use by ready mixed truck drivers. If the washout Association.
facility is not within view from the pour location, signage will be
needed to direct the truck drivers. Websites and Videos
Construction Materials Recycling Association
Operating and Inspecting Washout www.concreterecycling.org
Concrete washout facilities should be inspected daily and after National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
heavy rains to check for leaks, identify any plastic linings and www.nrmca.org
sidewalls have been damaged by construction activities, and
determine whether they have been filled to over 75 percent National Ready Mixed Concrete Research and Education
capacity. When the washout container is filled to over Foundation
75 percent of its capacity, the washwater should be vacuumed www.rmc-foundation.org
off or allowed to evaporate to avoid overflows. Then when the Additional information and videos on concrete washout
remaining cementitious solids have hardened, they should be containers and systems can be found by a web search for
removed and recycled. Damages to the container should be "concrete washout."
repaired promptly. Before heavy rains, the washout container's
liquid level should be lowered or the container should be
covered to avoid an overflow during the rain storm. Photograph Credits
Figures 1,2.Mark Jenkins, Concrete Washout Systems, Inc.
Educating Concrete Subcontractors Figure 3.Mark Shaw, Ultra Tech International, Inc.
Figure 4.Mark Jenkins, Concrete Washout Systems, Inc.
The construction site superintendent should make ready mixed Figure 5.Christopher Crouch, CCI Consulting
truck drivers aware of washout facility locations and be watchful Figure 6. William Turley, Construction Materials Recycling Association
for improper dumping of cementitious material. In addition,
Figure 7.Brad Burke, Innovative Concrete Solutions, LLC
concrete washout requirements should be included in contracts
Figure 8.Ron Lankester, Enviroguard
with concrete delivery companies.
Figures 9, 10.Mark Jenkins, Concrete Washout Systems, Inc.
Figures 11, 12. Tom Card, RTC Supply
Figures 13, 14, 15.Mark Jenkins, Concrete Washout Systems,Inc.
Figures 16, 17.Rick Abney Sr., Waste Crete Systems, LLP
.,,,,,'lease note that EPA has provided external links because they provide additional information that may be useful or interesting.EPA cannot attest to the
accuracy of non-EPA information provided by these third-party websites and does not endorse any non-government organizations or their products or services.
Section 1: Erosion& Sediment Control- Construction Activities
Filtrexx® Inlet Protection
Sediment & Pollution Control Technology
PURPOSE&DESCRIPTION ' the height of the Inlet protection. This will help
Filtrexx®Inlet protection is a three-dimensional slow runoff velocity as it contacts the Inlet protection
tubular sediment control and storm water runoff and will reduce sediment build-up and clogging of
filtration device typically used for storm drain Inlet the Inlet protection.
protection of sediment and soluble pollutants(such
as phosphorus and petroleum hydrocarbons)on Curb inlets are generally located on paved surfaces
and around construction activities. Filtrexx®Inlet and are designed to rapidly drain storm runoff from
protection traps sediment and soluble pollutants roadways to prevent flooding that poses a hazard to
by filtering runoff water as it passes through the vehicular traffic. Inlet protection devices should be
matrix of the Inlet protection and by allowing water placed in a manner which intercepts runoff prior
to temporarily pond behind the Inlet protection, to entering the inlet,but does not block or divert
allowing deposition of suspended solids. runoff from the inlet. To prevent diversion of
runoff,Inlet protection used around curbs(or Curb
APPLICATION Inlet protection)should be used in low points,or
Filtrexx®Inlet protection has three distinct sumps,and minor slopes or grades. Inlet protection
applications: should never be placed in or on the curb inlet drain,
• around drain inlets, or placed in a manner than obstructs vehicular
• in front of curb inlets, traffic.Inlet protection height should be at least 1
• as curb sediment containment systems in(25 mm)lower than top of curb inlet to allow
for overflow into the drain and not over the curb.
These applications are described in detail below and Maximum sediment removal efficiency occurs when
shown graphically in Figure 2.1 and 2.2. minor ponding exists behind Inlet protection but
should never lead to flooding.
Drain inlets are located in areas that receive runoff
from surrounding lands,often exposed and disturbed Curb sediment containment systems are used to
soils,and are located at a low point,or in a sump. reduce the sediment and pollutant load flowing to
Inlet protection used around drain inlets(or Drain
Inlet protection)should completely enclose the
circumference of the drain and where possible
should not be placed on a grade or slope. Inlet
protection used around drain inlets should never be
the only form of site sediment control and should be r k
accompanied by erosion control/slope stabilization F r
practices,such as compost erosion control blankets _ ,
or rolled erosion control blankets. Inlet protection - +L • 460
should never be placed where they divert runoff flow
from the drain inlet,or on top of the inlet,which
can cause flooding. Under high runoff and sediment
loading conditions placement of 1-2 in(25-50 mm)
diameter rock(AASHTO#2)may be placed around .g
the outer circumference of the Inlet protection up to Curb Inlet Protection—Fine Silts Filtration
let nature do it"' Construction Activities 1 Section 1: Erosion&Sediment Control 1 17
1.2. Filtrexx®Inlet Protection
116✓ slope,runoff may be diverted from drain or inlet, performance testing will be accepted if it meets the
causing flooding downstream. following criteria:conducted by a neutral third party,
• If runoff breaches Inlet protection sediment utilizes standard test methods reported by ASTM
retention will be minimal. or referenced in a peer reviewed scientific journal,
• Incorrect installation or application may cause product and control treatments are tested in triplicate,
flooding or pose a hazard to vehicular traffic. performance results are reported for product and
• Inlet protection should never be the only form of control(control should be a bare soil under the same
site sediment control. set of environmental and experimental conditions),
• Inlet protection should only be used in small results are peer reviewed,results indicate a minimum
drainage areas. 60%TSS removal efficiency and a minimum
hydraulic flow through rate of 5 gpm/ft2. Bidders
MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS shall attach a copy of the research report indicating
Inlet protection use only high wear heavy duty test methodologies utilized and results.
netting materials(Safety Soxx"')available from Note:the Contractor is responsible for establishing
Filtrexx®International,LLC and are the only mesh a working erosion and sediment control system and
materials accepted in creating Inlet may with approval of the Engineer, work outside the
1 protection for any application. For minimum construction requirements as needed. Where
Soxx'"'Material Specifications see „ the Inlet protection deteriorates or fails, it shall be
ITable 2.1. ' repaired or replaced with an effective alternative.
1 Inlet protection use only Certified
Filtrexx®FilterMedia""which is a coarse composted Inlet protection is used for curb inlet protection and
curb sediment containment on paved surfaces by
material that is specifically designed for removal of
solids and soluble pollutants from storm water runoff. providing a physical barrier that reduces the rate at
which sediment-laden runoff water can enter a storm
FilterMedia""can be altered or customized to target drain. Inlet protection is also used around storm
specific pollutants in runoff as approved by the Engineer runoff drain inlets on soil surfaces where construction
or Filtrexx®International. All Certified Filtrexx® activities are ongoing and soil stabilization and
FilterMedia"'has been third party tested and certified erosion control measures are also employed. Inlet
to meet minimum performance criteria defined by protection allows construction to continue while
Filtrexx®International. Performance parameters protecting storm systems from sediment overload.
include hydraulic flow through rate,total solids Inlets are normally protected until final vegetation
removal efficiency,total suspended solids removal and stabilization is complete,thereby reducing the
efficiency,turbidity reduction,nutrient removal amount of sediment reaching the storm inlets.
efficiency,metals removal efficiency,and motor oil For most standard curb inlet protection
removal efficiency. For information on the physical applications,an 8 in(200mm)diameter Inlet
and chemical properties of Certified FilterMedia"" protection is recommended;for drainage inlets
refer to Certified FilterMedia'"'Specifications in
Appendix 5.25. Look for the Filtrexx®Certified"'
FilterMedia""Seal from our international network of _
Performance testing and research on Sediment control
has been extensive. For a summary of performance
testing,research results,and design specifications see ..
Table 2.2. For copies of publications,full reports,or ,�+/
Tech Link summaries contact Filtrexx®International,
Successful bidders will furnish adequate research R `
support showing their manufactured product '
meets or exceeds performance and design criteria
outlined in this standard specification. Research or Drain Inlet Protection
let nature do it:- Construction Activities J Section 1: Erosion &Sediment Control I 19
1.2. Filtrexx®Inlet Protection
should be placed at a 5 ft(1.5m) or greater distance 3. Filtrexx®Inlet protection shall be placed
away from the toe of the slope to allow for proper at locations indicated on plans as directed
runoff accumulation for sediment deposition and to by the Engineer.Inlet protection should be
allow for maximum sediment storage capacity behind installed in a pattern that allows complete
the device. If a 5 ft(1.5m)distance is not available, protection of the inlet area.
due to construction restrictions,a second Inlet 4. Installation of curb Inlet protection will ensure
protection may be installed to increase ponding and a minimal overlap of at least 1 ft(300mm)
sediment accumulation capacity. on either side of the opening being protected.
The Inlet protection will be anchored to the
Vegetated Filter: soil behind the curb using staples,stakes or other
For permanent drain inlet applications Inlet devices capable of holding the Inlet protection
protection can be direct-seeded to allow vegetation in place.
establishment directly in the device. Vegetation 5. Standard Inlet protection for curb inlet
on and around the Inlet protection will assist in protection and curb sediment containment will
slowing runoff velocity which can increase deposition use 8 in (200mm)diameter Inlet protection,
and filtration of pollutants. The option of adding and drain inlets on soil will use 12 in(300mm)
vegetation will be at the discretion of the Engineer. or 18 in (450mm)diameter Inlet protection.
No additional soil amendments or fertilizer are In severe flow situations,larger Inlet protection
required for vegetation establishment in the drain may be specified by the Engineer.During curb
Inlet protection. The appropriate seed mix shall installation,Inlet protection shall be compacted
be determined by the Engineer. This option is not to be slightly shorter than curb height.
normally available when using the 6. If Inlet protection becomes clogged with debris
tool on paved areas. and sediment,they shall be maintained so as to
assure proper drainage and water flow into the
Drainage Area and Spacing storm drain. In severe storm events,overflow of
Maximum drainage area R E the Inlet protection may be acceptable in order
ikhise contributing runoff to drain Inlet to keep the area from flooding.
protection should be no more 7. Curb and drain Inlet protection shall be
than 3 acres(1.2 ha). Drainagepositioned so as to provide a permeable physical
areas greater than 3 acres(1.2 F .3m . barrier to the drain itself,allowing sediment to
ha)should implement sediment T 1 F collect on the outside of the Inlet protection.
traps,sediment basins,or runoff 8. For drains and inlets that have only curb cuts,
reduction practices(KY TC,2006). without street grates,a spacer is required in
Spacing between Inlet protection used for order to keep the Inlet protection away from
sediment containment along curbs is dependent on the drain opening. This spacer should be a hog
the grade of the roadway and can have an effect on wire screen bent to overlap the grate opening and
the total sediment load reaching the curb inlet. keep the sock from falling into the opening. Use
INSTALLATION Table 2.3 Spacing for Curb Sediment
Containment Systems.
1. Inlet protection used for inlet protection to
reduce sediment and soluble polutants entering Grade(%) Spacing(ft) Spacing(mm)
storm drains shall meet Filtrexx®FilterSoxx
Material Specifications and use Certified 0.5 100 30
2. Contractor is required to be a Filtrexx® 1.0 50 15
Certified'"'Installer as determined by Filtrexx® 2 0 25 8
International,LLC(440-926-2607 or visit
website at Filtrexx®.com). Certification 3.0 16 5
shall be considered current if appropriate
identification is shown during time of bid or at 4.0 13 4
time of application(current list of installers 5.0 10 3
can be found at www.Filtrexx®.com). Look for
the Filtrexx®Certified'.'Installer Seal. Source:Fifield,2001.
let nature do it`" Construction Activities I Section 1: Erosion&Sediment Control 121
I r
1.2. Filtrerx®Inlet Protection
460 Height,and Design Capacity of SiltSoxxT"and Silt applications. 2006 American Society of Agricultural
Fence.Filtrexx®Tech Link#3304 and Biological Engineers Annual International
Conference,Portland,OR.Paper No.062060.
Faucette,L.B.2006. Design Height, Flow-Through
Rate,and Slope Spacing of SiltSoxx'"and Silt Fence. KY TC,2006.Kentucky Erosion Prevention
Filtrexx®Tech Link#3311 and Sediment Control Field Guide. Kentucky
Transportation Cabinet.
Faucette,L.B.,and R.Tyler.2006.Organic BMPs
used for Storm Water Management.Proceedings of Marks,A.,R.Tyler,and B.Faucette.2005. The
the International Erosion Control Association Annual Filtrexx®Library. Digital publication of support tools
Conference,Long Beach,CA 2006. for the erosion control industry www.filtrexxlibrary.
Faucette,B,F.Shields,and K. Kurtz.2006.Removing
storm water pollutants and determining relations Marks,A.,and R.Tyler.2003. Filtrexx®International
between hydraulic flow-through rates,pollutant Company Website. Specifications,CAD drawings,
removal efficiency,and physical characteristics of case histories.www.filtrexx.com
compost filter media.Second Interagency Conference
on Research in Watersheds,2006 Proceedings. Tyler,R.W.,and A.Marks.2004. Erosion Control
Coweeta Hydrologic Research Station,NC.Filtrexx® Toolbox CD Kit. A Guide to Filtrexx®Products,
Library#106. Educational Supplement,and Project Videos. 3 CD
set for Specifications and Design Considerations for
Faucette,B.,Sadeghi,A.,and K.Sefton.2006. Filtrexx®Products.
USDA ARS-Evaluation of Compost Filter Socks and
Silt Fence in Sediment and Nutrient Reduction from Tyler,R.W.,J.Hoeck,and J.Giles.2004. Keys
Runoff.Filtrexx®Tech Link#3308 to understanding how to use compost and organic
matter. IECA Annual Meeting Presentations
46101 Faucette L.B.,C.F.Jordan,L.M. Risse,M.Cabrera, published as IECA Digital Education Library,
D.C.Coleman, L.T.West.2005. Copyright 2004 Blue Sky Broadcast.
Evaluation of Storm Water from Compost and
Conventional Erosion Control Practices in Tyler,R.W.2004.International PCT Patent
Construction Activities. Journal of Soil and Water Publication#:WO 2004/002834 A2.Containment
Conservation.60:6:287-298. Systems,Methods and Devices for Controlling
Faucette,L.B.2005.Removal and Degradation of
Petroleum Hydrocarbons from Storm Water with Tyler,R.W.,A.Marks.2003. Filtrexx®Product
Compost.Filtrexx Tech Link#3307 Installation Guide.Grafton,Ohio.
Faucette,L.B.2005.A Comparison of Performance Tyler,R.W.2003. International PCT Application
and Test Methods of SiltSoxx and Silt Fence. #:PCTUS2003/020022. Containment Systems,
Filtrexx®Tech Link#3302. Methods and Devices for Controlling Erosion.
Faucette,L.B.,N.Strazar,A.Marks.2006.Filtrexx® Tyler,R.W.2003.US Patent Publication#:
Polymer and Flocculent Guide. Filtrexx®Library 2003/0031511 Al.Devices,Systems and Methods for
#601. Controlling Erosion.
Fifield,J.2001.Designing for Effective Sediment Tyler,R.W.,and A.Marks.2003. A Guide to
and Erosion Control on Construction Sites. Forester Filtrexx®Products. Product Descriptions and
Press,Santa Barbara,CA. Specifications for Filtrexx®Products.
Keener,H.,B.Faucette,M.Klingman.2006.Flow- Tyler,R.W.2002. US Patent Application
through rates and evaluation of solids separation of #10/208,631. Devices,Systems and Methods for
compost filter media vs.silt fence in sediment control
Controlling Erosion.
let nature do it` Construction Activities I Section 1: Erosion &Sediment Control 23
1.2. Filtrex)e InIPt Prntpctinn
Table 2.1.Filtrexx°Soxx-Material Specifications.
Multi-Filament Multi-Filament
Material Type 3 mil HDPE 5 mil HDPE 5 mil HDPE Polypropylene(MEPP) Polypropylene
Material Characteristic Photodegradable Photodegradable Biodegradable Photodegradable Photodegradable
5 in(125mm), 8 in(200mm), 8 in(200mm), 8 in(200mm),
5 in(125mm), 8 in(200mm), 12 in 1300mm), 12 in(300mm), 12 in(300mm),
Design Diameters 8 in(200mm), 12 in(300mm), 18 in 1400mm), 18 in(400mm), 18 in(400mm),
12 in(300mm), 18 in(400mm), 24 in(600mm), 24 in 1600mm), 24 in(600mm),
18 in(400mm) 24 in(600mm), 32 in(800mm) 32 in(800mm) 32 in(800mm)
32 in(800mm)
Mesh Opening 3/8 in(10mm) 3/8 in(10mm) 3/8 in 110mm) 3/8 in(10mm) 1/8 in(3mm)
Tensile Strength ND 26 psi 26 psi 44 psi 202 psi
11.83 kg/cm2) (1.83 kg/cm2) (3.09 kg/cm2) (14.2 kg/cm2)*
%Original Strength from
Ultraviolet Exposure 23%at 1000 hr 23%at 1000 hr ND 100%at 1000 hr 100%at 1000 hr
(ASTM G-155)
Functional Longevity/ 6 mo-2 yr 9 mo-3 yr 6-12 months 1-4 yr 2-5 yr
Project Duration
*Tested at Texas Transportation Institute/Texas A&M University(ASTM 5035-95).
Table 2.2. Filtrexx°Inlet Protection Performance and Design Specifications Summary.
Design Diameter
8 in(200mm) 12 in(300mm) 18 in(450mm) 24 in(600mm) 32 in(800mm) Testing Lab/
Design& Reference Publication(s)
The Ohio State Transactions of
University,Ohio the American
Effective Height 6.5 in(160mm) 9.5 in(240mm) 14.5 in(360mm) 19 in(480mm) 26 in(650mm) Agricultural Society of
Research and Agricultural&
Development Biological
Center Engineers,2006
Effective 25 in 38 in 57 in 75 in 100 in
Circumference (630mm) (960mm) (1450mm) (1900mm) 12500mm)
Density 13 lbs/ft 32 lbs/ft 67 lbs/ft 133 lbs/ft 200 lbs/ft Soil Control
(when filled) (20 kg/m) (50 kg/m) (100 kg/m) (200 kg/m) (300 kg/m) Lab,Inc
Air Space 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Soil Control
Maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
continuous length
Staking 10ft)3m) 10ft)3m) 10ft(3m) 10ft(3m) 10ft)3m)
(sediment 3.25 in 4.75 in(120mm) 7.25 in (180mm) 9.5 in(240mm) 13 in
accumulation (80mm) (325mm)
removal at X
(continued on next page)
Let nature do it Construction Activities I Section 1: Erosion &Sediment Control 125
1.2. FiltrAx)e InIPt PrntActinn
... Table 2.2.Filtrexx®Inlet Protection Performance and Design Specifications Summary. (continued)
Clay(<0.002mm) USDA ARS
65% 65% 65% 65% 65%
Removal Environmental Link
Quality Lab
Silt(0.002-0.05mm) USDA ARS
64% 64% 64% 64% 64% Environmental Filtrexx®Tech
Removal Link
Quality Lab
USDA ARS Society of
TSS Removal 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% Environmental Agricultural
vv/PAM &Biological
Quality Lab
USDA ARS Society of
TSS Removal 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% Environmental Agricultural
w/Flocculent &Biological
Quality Lab Engineers
Turbidity 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% USDA ARS Agricultural of
.r.. Reduction w/PAM Environmental
Quality Lab &Biological
Turbidity USDA ARS Society of
Reduction 94% 94% 94% 94% 94% Environmental Agricultural
w/Flocculent Quality Lab &Biological
Total Phosphorus USDA ARS Society of
Removal 34% 34% 34% 34% 34% Environmental Agricultural
Quality Lab &Biological
Meeting Pro-
(continued on next page)
Let nature do itr Construction Activities I Section 1: Erosion &Sediment Control 127
1.2. Filtrexx®Inlet Protection
."' Table 2.2.Filtrexx°Inlet Protection Performance and Design Specifications Summary. (continued)
Nickel(Ni) USDA ARS
Removal 69% 69% 69% 69% Environmental
w/Heavy MetalLink
Quality Lab
Lead(Pb)Removal USDA ARS
Filtrexe Tech
w/Heavy Metal 73% 73% 73% 73% 73% Environmental Link
Agent Quality Lab
Zinc(Zn)Removal USDA ARS Filtrexx Tech
w/Heavy Metal 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% Environmental Link
Agent Quality Lab
Iron(Fe)Removal 22% 22% 22% 22% 220 Soil Control Lab,
Manganese(Mn) 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% Soil Control Lab,
Removal Inc
Total coliform a o a u USDA ARS Filtrexx®Tech
67% 67% 67% 67% 67/a Environmental Link
Quality Lab
USDA ARS Filtrexx®Tech
E.coli Removal 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% Environmental Link
Quality Lab
Enterococcus a o a o o USDA ARS Filtrexx°Tech
47% 47% 47% 47/a 47/o Environmental Link
Quality Lab
E.coli Removal 98a/o 98o/a o o a USDA ARS Filtrexx®Tech
w/Bacteria Agent 98% 98/0 98/o Environmental Link
g Quality Lab
Fecal coliform USDA ARS
Filtrexe Tech
Removal 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% Environmental Link
'II" w/Bacteria Agent Quality Lab
Enterococcus USDA ARS
Removal 91% 91% 91% 91% Environmental
Quality Lab
Inlet protection,
Ditch Ditch Ditch Ditch
Other Inlet Protection, Protection, Protection, Protection,
Recommended Protection,Ditch Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete
Uses Protection,Slope Washout, Washout, Washout, Washout,
Interruption Filtration Filtration Filtration Filtration
System,Slope System System System
* Based on rainfall intensity of 12.5 cm(5 in)/hr applied to a bare clay loam soil at a 10%slope;runoff flow rate of 108 ml/sec/linear m(0.52 gpm/linear ft);
and mean runoff volume of 230 Lm2(6.3 g/ft2).
** Functional Longevity is dependent on UV exposure,freeze/thaw frequency,region of US/Canada,runoff-sediment frequency/duration/loading,and
adherence to specified maintenance requirement.
***Sediment Storage Capacity=sediment accumulation behind(directly upslope)+within the device.
let nature do it" Construction Activities I Section 1: Erosion &Sediment Control i 29
1.2. Filtrexx'Inlet Protection
Figure 2.2.Engineering Design Drawing for Curb Sediment Containment Inlet Protection
IT it =m1 a iiil ATA-0 i 4 �� i ii%iii
let nature do it Construction Activities I Section 1: Erosion &Sediment Control I 31
Appendix E:Inspection Reports
Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report
General Information
Project Name
NPDES Tracking No. Location
Date of Inspection Start/End Time
Inspector's Name(s)
Inspector's Title(s)
Inspector's Contact Information
Inspector's Qualifications
Describe present phase of
Type of Inspection:
O Regular O Pre-storm event O During storm event O Post-storm event
Weather Information
Has there been a storm event since the last inspection? OYes ONo
If yes,provide:
Storm Start Date&Time: Storm Duration(hrs): Approximate Amount of Precipitation(in):
Weather at time of this inspection?
O Clear ❑Cloudy O Rain O Sleet O Fog O Snowing O High Winds
O Other: Temperature:
Have any discharges occurred since the last inspection? ❑Yes ONo
If yes,describe:
Are there any discharges at the time of inspection?❑Yes ONo
If yes,describe:
Site-specific BMPs
• Number the structural and non-structural BMPs identified in your S WPPP on your site map and list them below(add as many BMPs as
necessary).Carry a copy of the numbered site map with you during your inspections. This list will ensure that you are inspecting all required
BMPs at your site.
• Describe corrective actions initiated,date completed,and note the person that completed the work in the Corrective Action Log.
BMP BMP BMP Corrective Action Needed and Notes
Installed? Maintenance
1 Oyes ONo ❑Yes ONo
2 ❑Yes ONo Oyes ONo
3 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
4 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
5 ❑Yes ONo Dyes ONo
6 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
7 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
8 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
9 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
10 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
II ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
12 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
13 °Yes ONo Oyes ONo
14 ❑Yes ONo Oyes ONo
15 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
16 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
17 Oyes ONo Oyes ONo
18 °Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
19 Oyes ONo Oyes ONo
20 Oyes ONo Oyes ONo
Overall Site Issues
Below are some general site issues that should be assessed during inspections. Customize this list as needed for conditions at your site.
BMP/activity ; Implemented? Maintenance Corrective Action Needed and Notes
1 Are all slopes and Dyes ONo ❑Yes °No
disturbed areas not
actively being worked
properly stabilized?
2 Are natural resource ❑Yes ONo Oyes ONo
wetlands,mature trees,
etc.)protected with
barriers or similar
3 Are perimeter controls Oyes ONo ❑Yes ONo
and sediment barriers
adequately installed
(keyed into substrate)
and maintained?
4 Are discharge points and Oyes ONo ❑Yes ONo
Sipe receiving waters free of
any sediment deposits?
BMP/activity Implemented? Maintenance Corrective Action Needed and Notes
5 Are storm drain inlets ❑Yes No ❑Yes UNo
properly protected?
6 Is the construction exit ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
preventing sediment
from being tracked into
the street?
7 Is trash/litter from work ❑Yes DNo ❑Yes DNo
areas collected and
placed in covered
8 Are washout facilities ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes DNo
clearly marked,and
9 Are vehicle and ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes❑No
equipment fueling,
maintenance areas free
of spills,leaks,or any
other deleterious
10 Are materials that are ❑Yes DNo ❑Yes ONo
potential stormwater
contaminants stored
inside or under cover?
11 Are non-stormwater ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes DNo
properly controlled?
12 (Other) ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo
Describe any incidents of non-compliance not described above:
Appendix F:Corrective Action
Corrective Action Log
Project Name:Springhill
SWPPP Contact: Nicole Jamison-David Robinson-Jim Taggart
Inspection t Inspector Description of Corrective Action Needed(including Date Action
Date Name(s) BMP Deficiency planned date/responsible person) Taken/Responsible person
Appendix G:Log of Changes and Updates to SWPPP
SWPPP Amendment Log
Project Name:Springhill
SWPPP Contact: Nicole Jamison-David Robinson-Jim Taggart
Amendment Description of the Amendment Date of Amendment Amendment
No. Prepared by
and Title]
Appendix H:Subcontractor Certification and Agreements
Contractor and Subcontractor Certifications/Agreements
Project Title: Springhill
As a subcontractor,you are required to comply with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)for any work that you perform on-
site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the SWPPP may be subject to substantial penalties or loss of contract. You are
encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of the requirements of the SWPPP. A copy of the SWPPP is available
for your review at the office trailer.
Each subcontractor engaged in activities at the construction site that could impact stormwater must be identified and sign the following
certification statement:
I certify under the penalty of law that I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the SWPPP for the above designated
project and agree to follow the BMPs and practices described in the SWPPP.
This certification is hereby signed in reference to the above named project:
Telephone Number:
Type of construction service to be provided:
Appendix I:Training Log
Appendix J:Grading and Stabiliation Activities Log
Grading and Stabilization Activities Log
Project Name:Springhill
ftolo SWPPP Contact: Nicole Jamison-David Robinson-Jim Taggart
Date Grading Description of Date Grading Activity Ceased Date When Stabilization Description of Stabilization
Activity Initiated Grading Activity (Indicate Temporary or Measures are Initiated Measure and Location
Appendix K:Delegation of Authority
Delegation of Authority
I, /141"42-14-`1"42-t 1j(name),hereby designate the person or specifically described
position below to be a duly authorized representative for the purpose of overseeing
compliance with environmental requirements,including the Construction General Permit,at
the construction site. The designee Is authorized to sign
any reports or other documents required by the permit.
Construction Activities Inspector (name of person or position)
Roudabush.Gale&Associates (company)
X72 South of gas Dr (address)
Charlottesville,Va.22911 (city,state,zip)
(4341 979-8121 (phone)
By signing this authorization, I confirm that I meet the requirements to make such a
designatitm as set forth in Virginia's General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from
Construcj1ion Activities (CGP),and that the designee above meets the definition of a "duly
authorized representative"as set forth in in the CGP.
I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this document and that this
document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to
assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.
Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons
directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is,to the best of
my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are
significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and
imprisonment for knowing violations.
Name: MA-1Z 14-- PD IIJ DI
company: 9 Tc-Vi 1-LE HO TE
Title: foo A4A-HPr SE Z
Date: 14 ' Z-5 / 5
Appendix L:Encroachments
Appendix M:Factsheets
Appendix N:Additional Information
Appendix 0:General SWPPP Emails
Appendix P:Rainfall Data
Rainfall Documentation-Month/Year
Date Amount of Precipitation(in.)
Appendix Q:Site Maps/Construction Plans
Appendix R:Certification Statement
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons
who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge
and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine
and imprisonment for knowing violations."
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
Print name and title:
Signature: Date:
John Anderson
From: Mark Dowdy <mark.dowdy@dalyseven.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:46 AM
To: John Anderson
Subject: Fwd: Order Confirmation
I am forwarding our receipt for paying the DEQ Permit Fee. --Mark
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Subject: Order Confirmation
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Mark Dowdy
Construction Project Manager
Daly Seven, Inc
434-385-7010/ fax:434-385-7042