2001-01-17F I N A L JANUARY 17, 2001 7:00 P.M., MEETING ROOM 241 COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 1.Call to Order. 2.Pledge of Allegiance. 3.Moment of Silence. 4.Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. 5.Consent Agenda (on next sheet). 6.SP-2000-59. Glen Echo Barn Access/Stream Piping (Signs #90&91). PUBLIC HEARING on a request to allow stream crossing in accord w/Secs (2) & (5) of the Zoning Ord. TM 47, P 3. Property contains 406.18 acs & is located on Glen Echo Farm Rd, off Rt 649, approx 3 mls E of intersec w/ US 29 N. Znd RA. Rivanna Dist. 7.SP-2000-65. Andy Spratt (Signs #67&68). PUBLIC HEARING on a request to allow home occupation to design health education videotapes in accord w/Sec of the Zoning Ord. TM 87, P 50. Property contains 2.959 acs & is located on Burton Rd (Rt711) approx 250' from the intersec of Rt 29 & Burton Rd-Rt 711. Samuel Miller Dist. 8.Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. 9.Adjourn. C O N S E N T A G E N D A FOR APPROVAL: 5.1Readopt Resolution Approving the Issuance of Industrial Development Authority Bonds in an Amount not to Exceed $14,000,000 for The Covenant School, Inc. 5.2Set public hearing for February 7, 2001 to adopt Ordinance authorizing Albemarle County's participation in the James River Alcohol Safety Program. 5.3Appropriation: Allocation of two percent Salary Compression Adjustment, $305,141.04 (Form #20048). 5.4Albemarle County jurisdictional area request for water and sewer service to proposed Phase 3, TM 78, P 57 (portion of) - Nichols Accountancy Corp. (Fontana Subdivision). FOR INFORMATION: 5.5Copy of draft minutes of the Planning Commission for December 5, 2000. 5.62000 Third Quarter Building Report as prepared by the Department of Planning and Community Development. 5.7Proposed Budget Document Format Revisions.