ZMA201900018 Review Comments Zoning Map Amendment 2020-01-31OF AL County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Megan Nedostup, Principal Planner, Planning Division From: Rebecca Ragsdale, Principal Planner -Zoning Division Date: January 31, 2020 Subject: Review comments for ZMA201900018 Crozet Sports Amended Code of Development and application plan dated December 16, 2019 Code of Development • Page 4- As indicated with the footnote, the listing of tax map parcels and corresponding blocks and ZMA numbers will need to be updated prior to approval of this zoning map amendment. I don't believe it is accurate in terms of the undeveloped parcels still subject to ZMA 2004-24. • Page 5- The exhibit should be updated as well based on above comments. • Page 9- The proposed plan does not meet the requirements of Page 9 for the location of parking. • Page 11- It is unclear why a change is being proposed that would affect residential lots when Block 19 is now proposed for commercial development. Changes to the code of development submitted with ZMA201900018 will only apply to Block 19/Tax Map Parcel 055EO-01-00-00OA4. • Page 16- A maximum number of residential units is still listed as being permitted in Table 5. The application plan does not address where/how future residential uses may be permitted and how they would relate to the proposed sports complex. • Page 22- The last sentence under Stormwater management has been removed. Similar to the comment above regarding page 11, It is unclear why a change is being proposed that would affect residential lots when Block 19 is now proposed for commercial development. Changes to the code of development submitted with ZMA201900018 will only apply to Block 19/Tax Map Parcel 055EO-01-00-000A4 • Page 22-Please clarify why an amendment was proposed to the third paragraph under Entrance Corridor Protection. Again, changes to the code of development submitted with ZMA201900018 will only apply to Block 19/Tax Map Parcel 055EO-01-00-00OA4. Application Plan • The zoning map amendment number should be updated on the coversheet sheet 1 to ZMA201900018. Parking -The required parking tabulation includes parking rates consistent with the ordinance (Section 4.12) for some uses but not for others. For example, soccer fields require 24 spaces per field and 16 are assumed for the proposed turf field. The multipurpose hard court parking rate used was 2 per basket for 2 baskets but the court may be used for other sports such as volleyball which is not captured in the parking tabulation. The parking calculation does not include parking rates for potential future recreation fields either. Given that the program description for this facility includes sports leagues, tournaments and other activities, I do not believe that adequate information is provided at this time to determine that 134 spaces will be sufficient. A parking study must be provided to include traffic generation figures either known to the industry or estimated by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, peak parking demands, and other relevant information including what uses will be occurring at the same time in the facility. • Proffer 8-Show on the application plan how the requirements of Proffer 8 will be met for the required "Road and Sidewalk Connection to Schools." I understand we are still awaiting comments from Schools regarding the application plan. 8. Construction of School Connections. The Owner shall construct the pathway connections to the schools, shown as "Pathway Connection to Schools," and "Road and Sidewalk Connection to Schools" on sheet 5 of 9 of the General Development Plan, within six (6) months after the approval by the County of the first subdivision plat or site plan applicable to any portion of a block that either includes or is adjacent to any such connection. • The application plan approved with ZMA 2004-24/ZMA2015-01 shows a 20' landscape buffer with Henley. While an "ex. Landscape buffer DB 3975 Pg 223" is faintly labeled on the application plan, the plan should be updated to show the buffer consistent with the previously approved application plan (see below). 2 .. 1 Inci W — 2 $ h 0 YL AREAS } SIOEwAI-K rONNECT*N TO E]IISTING PAYED sgnEWAL-K yLON6 t RT. 250 FOR SCHOOL CONN£CTKMS y PATHIMAY'.E:ONNECTION TO SCHOOLS 20' SiEtt a—V I,AWSCAPE UU ER COMPOSED I)F ItUSTINO TREtR. bomwECTION I ''pIST1h1G FORESTED} AREA IN THE STREAM-SUFFERS!I Tgi9E PRE�EERVEG AND MAINTAINEC. STREEuT TREES Tp Bf PLANTED ALONG OLD TRAIL oRIYE. .+ + LIMITS OF Il ei' 100-YEAH' FLODOPLAIK 4 f�. Block ?5 Block 24 3