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OCTOBER 10, 2007
2:30 P.M.
1. Call t o Order.
2. 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. – Work Sessi on: Review of Revenue Alt ernat ives.
3:45 p.m. Recess
4:00 p.m. Publi c Hearings:
3. PROJECT: SP200700025. Fi rst Chri sti an Church (Signs #1&2). PROPOSAL: Special use perm it
amendment f or church, to change location and size of proposed picnic pavilion and change boundary of
wooded area not t o be disturbed. LOCATION: Nort heast corner of Richm ond Road (US 250) and Keswick
Road (Rt 731). TAX MAP/PARCEL: Tax Map 79, Parcel 24A. M AGI STERIAL DISTRI CT: Scot tsville.
4. PROJECT: CPA2006003 and ZMA200600019. Wil l ow Glen. (Signs #27&29). PROPOSAL: Amend
Comprehensive Plan from Indust rial Service which allows warehousing, light indust ry, heavy indust ry, research,
of fice uses, regional scale research, lim it ed production and m arket ing act ivities, supporting com mercial,
lodging and conf erence facilities, and resident ial (6.0134 unit s/acre) uses to Urban Density Residential which
allows resident ial (6.0134 unit s/acre) and supporting uses such as religious instit utions, schools, com mercial,
of fice and service uses. Rezone 23.681 acres f rom Rural Areas which allows agricult ural, forest al, and fishery
uses; resident ial densit y (0.5 unit/acre) t o Planned Residential District which allows resident ial (334 unit s/acre)
wit h limited com mercial uses for a m axim um of 234 unit s. LOCATI ON: Propert y is east of Dickerson Road (Rt
606) across f rom Charlott esvilleAlbemarle Airport and approximat ely 1500 f eet south of int ersection wit h
Airport Road (Rt 649) in Hollymead Com munit y. TAX MAP/PARCEL: Tax Map 32, Parcels: 49F, 49G, 49I, 49J,
5. CPA200704 Cash Proffer Pol i cy. PROPOSAL: Am end t he Growth M anagement and Facilit ies Planning
Sect ions of the Albemarle County Com prehensive Plan, Land Use Plan Chapt er, and ot her appropriat e
sect ions as necessary, t o incorporate expectations f or addressing t he fiscal im pact s of developm ent on t he
Count y's public f acilities and infrastructure and t o adopt a policy t o address t he im pact s on schools, public
saf et y, libraries, parks and transport ation (the "public facilities") caused by residential developm ent resulting
f rom a rezonings t hrough a volunt ary cash cont ribution prof fered by t he landowner seeking the rezoning (the
"cash prof fer policy"). The cash proff er policy est ablishes general guidelines, the m et hodology f or calculating
t he cost of the im pact each new dwelling unit has on t he public f acilities, and the m aximum cash prof fer t hat
will be accepted f or various t ypes of dwelling unit s.
5:15 p.m. Recess.
6:00 P.M.
6. Call t o Order.
7. Pledge of Allegiance.
8. M om ent of Silence.
9. Recognit ion:
a. Proclam ation recognizing Oct ober 15 through October 19, 2007 as Teen Dri ver Safety Week.
10. From t he Board: M att ers Not List ed on t he Agenda.
11. From t he Public: M at t ers Not List ed for Public Hearing on t he Agenda.
12. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
13. PROJECT: ZM A200600015. Glenmore – Li vengood. (Sign # 26&30). PROPOSAL: Rezone 32.24 acres
f rom RA Rural Area zoning district which allows agricultural, f orest al, and f ishery uses; resident ial density (0.5
unit/acre) t o PRD Planned Resident ial District resident ial (334 unit s/acre) wit h lim ited com mercial uses to
allow f or 43 dwelling unit s. This proposal is an expansion of t he Glenm ore PRD and does not include
comm ercial uses. Proposed densit y is 1.4 unit s per acre. LOCATI ON: 2000 feet sout h of t he int ersect ion of
Route 250 East and Hacktown Road, North of Pendowner Lane (in Glenmore), and east of Carroll Creek TAX
M AP/PARCEL: Tax M ap 80, Parcel 48 and Tax Map 94, Parcel 1. M AGI STERI AL DISTRICT: Scot tsville.
14. WPTA200700001. Water Protecti on Ordi nance; appl icabil i ty of erosi on i mpact area; agreements i n
l i eu of pl ans; stream buffers on other rural land. Amend Sections 17104, Def init ions, Sec. 17200,
Applicabilit y, Sec. 17317, Dut y t o retain or establish st ream buff ers, and Sec. 17321, Types of development
which may be allowed in st ream buf fer by program authorit y, of Chapt er 17, Water Prot ect ion, of t he
Albemarle County Code. This ordinance would am end the def inition of “perennial st ream ” and add a def init ion
of “rural areas” (Sec. 17104); would clarify the chapt er t o expressly make activit ies ot herwise exempt f rom
erosion and sediment cont rol regulat ions subject to such regulations if an erosion im pact area is det ermined t o
exist (Sec. 17200); would require t hat developm ent on “other rural land” com ply wit h t he sam e st ream buffer
requirements as developm ent in wat er supply prot ection areas by m aking those requirem ent s applicable to
int ermit t ent st ream s in addition t o perennial st reams and nont idal wetlands cont iguous t heret o (Sec. 17317);
and would allow developm ent wit hin a st ream buf fer on ot her rural land, subject to a mit igat ion plan, only
under certain prescribed circum stances (Sec. 17321).
15. ZTA200700003. Zoning Ordinance; cri tical sl opes; safe and conveni ent access. Amend Sec. 4.2.3,
Locat ion of structures and im provem ent s, Sec. 4.2.6, Exem pt ions, and Sec. 4.6.6, Lot access requirements,
and repeal Sec. 4.2.4, Location of sept ic syst em s, of Chapt er 18, Zoning, of t he Albem arle Count y Code. This
ordinance would am end Sec. 4.2.3 by reorganizing t he section and, f or each st ruct ure for which a permit is
required or an im provement shown on a site plan or subdivision plat , or a septic syst em, driveway or other
im provement associat ed with a required perm it : requiring on a lot in all zoning district s t hat each st ruct ure and
im provement be locat ed within an approved building sit e or on slopes det erm ined by t he count y engineer to be
slopes of less t han 25%, prohibit ing on a lot in t he rural areas zoning dist rict the dist urbance of slopes of 25%
or great er (“crit ical slopes”) in order t o est ablish or maintain a st reet or driveway, delet ing the exem pt ion for f ill
and waste act ivities on crit ical slopes, authorizing t he county engineer t o waive the sect ion’s requirement s in
specified circum stances and an est ablishing an appeal procedure relat ed thereto, est ablishing a procedure by
which a landowner could establish t hat slopes are not critical slopes, and def ining “land disturbing activit y” f or
purposes of Sec. 4.2.3; would repeal Sec. 4.2.4, which was a direct ive t hat t he Dept . of Healt h be mindful of
t he intent of Sec. 4.2 and t o discourage sit ing sept ic t anks and drain fields on slopes of 20% or great er; would
amend section 4.2.6 by eliminat ing t he condit ional exemption f or lots wit hin t he rural areas zoning dist rict
allowing the disturbance of crit ical slopes t o est ablish accessways (including st reet s, driveways and alleys) and
st orm wat er m anagem ent f acilit ies, and prohibiting on lot s in t he rural areas zoning dist rict public ut ility lines
and appurt enances and any other necessary public f acilities t o be located out side of t he building sit e and/or on
crit ical slopes unless t he landowner demonstrat ed t hat no other reasonable alt ernative location or alignment
exist ed; and would amend Sec. 4.6.6 by establishing vehicular access requirem ent s (minimum st andards f or
driveway grade, width, dist ance f rom dwelling unit , clear zone) f or lot s in the rural areas zoning district t o
assure that saf ety vehicles have safe and reasonable access to dwelling unit s, aut horizing the count y engineer
t o waive t he driveway grade standard under prescribed criteria, and exempt ing lawf ul lot s of record existing on
t he dat e of t he am endm ent of t his sect ion from t he minimum driveway st andards f or the f irst single f am ily
dwelling on the lot.
16. STA200700002. Subdi vi sion Ordinance; famil y divi si ons; contour intervals; i ndividual l ot gradi ng.
Am end Sec. 14212, Fam ily subdivisions; conditions of approval, and Sec. 14302, Contents of prelim inary
plat, of Chapt er 14, Subdivision of Land, of the Albem arle Count y Code. This ordinance would require t hat t he
lands f rom which lot s are creat ed by f amily subdivision be held by a member of the imm ediate family f or 15
years, which m ay be required bef ore or af t er subdivision, and recordat ion of a rest rictive covenant prohibit ing
t ransf er of the lot t o a nonfamily member for such period (Sec. 14212); and would am end t he cont our
int ervals at which t opography m ust be shown on a preliminary subdivision plat and require that , in the rural
areas zoning dist rict, the preliminary subdivision plat include t he proposed grading showing all individual lot
grading, including access, clearing and all ot her lot improvements (Sec. 14302).
17. From t he Board: Comm it tee Reports.
18. Adjourn t o Oct ober 11, 2007, 4:00 p.m., Joint Meeting wit h School Board.
12.1 Approval of Minutes: November 1, 2006 and April 4, 2007.
12.2 Am endm ent t o Commission on Children and Fam ilies (CCF) Agreem ent .
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