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9:00 A.M. – DEC EMBER 5, 2007
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
5. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
6. Consent Agenda.
7. 9:30 a.m. Transportation Matters:
a. Traffic Operations Iss ues , R eport by Dean Gustafson, VDOT Regional Operations Director.
b. Advance Mills Bridge Update.
c . VDOT Monthly Report.
d. Transportation Matters not Listed on the Agenda.
8. 10:45 a.m. – R ivanna Water and Sewer Authority Update.
9. 11:00 p.m. – Appeal: SUB2007102. Warthen Estates Preliminary Subdivision Plat. Request for
preliminary plat approval to c reate five (5) lots on 102.559 ac res , to be served by a private s treet. The
property is zoned R ural Areas (R A). The property, described as Tax Map 89 Parcel 72 and 72A, is located
on Ambrose C ommons Dr approximately 1.7 miles from the intersection of Ambrose Commons Drive and
Old Lynchburg Road (State Rt 631). The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Rural Area in
R ural Area 4. Samuel Miller Magisterial District.
10. 11:20 a.m. – A ppeal: SDP20070025. CV 340A Brownsville /Ramsey Property. Propos al to install a
Tier II personal wireless service treetop facility . The propos ed facility consis ts of a 73foot tall monopole,
painted brown with an approx imate top elevation of 735 feet, measured abov e s ea level (ASL). The
proposed monopole will be 10 feet higher than the identified reference tree loc ated 24 feet east of the tower
s ite. The lease area for the proposed facility is located on property described as Tax Map 56, Parcel 35B,
w hich is approximately 6.82 acres and is zoned R1, R esidential and EC, Entrance Corridor. The site is
located north of Rockfish Gap Turnpike [Rt 250] just east its intersection with Shepherd R un [Private] in the
W hite Hall Magisterial Distric t. The Comprehens ive Plan identifies part of this property as C T2,
D evelopment Area Reserve within the Crozet Community.
11. 11:40 a.m. – Report: Economic Development Policy, 2007 Data U pdate.
12. 12:00 p.m. Clos ed Session.
13. Certify Closed Session.
14. Appointments.
2:00 p.m. – Public H earings:
15. An ordinance to amend Chapter 9, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, of the Albemarle County Code, by amending
Article IV, County Vehicle Licenses, Section 9404, License taxAmounts. The ordinance w ould increase
the annual County vehicle license tax, effective January 1, 2008, from $25.00 to $38.50 for v ehicles with
gross vehicle weights of 4,000 pounds or les s, from $30.00 to $43.50 for vehic les with gros s v ehicle
w eights in exc ess of 4,000 pounds, from $20.00 to $26.50 for motorcycles, from $9.50 to $19.50 for trailers
or semitrailers not designed and used for transportation of pass engers with gross vehicle weights of 1,500
pounds or les s, and from $20.00 to $30.00 for those trailers w ith gross vehicle weights in excess of 1,500
16. An ordinance to amend Sec. A.1103, Definitions and construction, Sec. A.1107, Eligibility c riteria, Sec.
A.1108, Rank ing criteria, and Sec. A.1109, Easement terms and conditions, of Appendix A.1, Acquisition
of C onservation Easements Program, of the Albemarle County C ode.
17. PROJECT: SP200710. Cutright Development Right. PROPOSED: Special Use Permit to acquire two
additional development rights. LOCATION: 3544 R ed Hill School R d; southeas t corner of Red H ill School
R d (Rt 760) and Monacan Trail Road (Rt 29) N orth Garden. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 886A1. MAGISTERIAL
D ISTRICT: Samuel Miller.
18. PROJECT: SP2007037. Informed Simplifications, LLC. PROPOSED: Special Use Permit for a Home
Occupation, C lass B, home office with one parttime employ ee. LOCATION: 520 Panorama R d.,
approximately 1,500 feet north of Manor Rd. TAX MAP/PAR CEL: 4547. MAGISTERIAL D ISTRIC T: Rio.
19. 2:45 p.m. W ork Session: Community Dev elopment Fee Study.
20. From the Board: C ommittee R eports.
4:00 p.m. – Joint Meeting with School B oard. – Room 235.
21. Call to Order.
22. Review of Oversight C ommittee’s CIP Recommendations.
23. Matters not Listed on the Agenda.
24. Adjourn to December 12, 2007, 2:00 p.m.
6.1 Approval of Minutes
6.2 Local Government Support Agreement Among the City of C harlottesville, the C ounty of Albemarle,
and the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority.
6.3 FY 2008 Appropriations.
6.4 Copy of 2007 Annual Analysis for the Charlottes ville/Albemarle Partnership for Children.
6.5 Copy of FY 2007 Jaunt Annual Report.
6.6 Copy of Resolution adopted by the C rozet Community Adv isory C ouncil expres sing appreciation to David
W yant for his service.
6.7 Copy of Albemarle County Servic e Authority Board of Direc tor Minutes of Oc tober 18, 2007.
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