HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-06B OARD OF SUPERVISORS
AUGU ST 6, 2008
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Recognitions:
a. Roxanne White, Servic e on R egion Ten C ommunity Services Board.
b. Proclamation recogniz ing August 26, 2008 as Women’s Equality D ay.
5. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
6. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
7. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
9:40 a.m. – Action Items
8. Proposed 2009 Legislative Priorities, David Blount.
9. Star Sw imming R equest for Funding.
10:00 a.m. – PU BLIC HEA RIN GS:
10. Proposed FY 2008 Budget Amendment.
11. PROJECT: AFD2008005. Moorman’s River Agricultural and Forestal D istrict. Ordinanc e to amend
Section 3222, Moorman’s Riv er Agricultural and Forestal District, of Division 2, Districts, of Article II,
D istricts of Statewide Signific anc e, of Chapter 3, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code. The proposed ordinance would add TMP 5769 to the district.
12. WPTA2008–002. Fees and Miscellaneous. Amend Secs. 17104, Definitions, 17204, Review and
approval of eros ion and sediment control plan, 17208, Amendment of erosion and sediment control plan,
17209, Fees, 17212, Inspec tions, and 17310, Fees, of Chapter 17, Water Protection, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code. This ordinanc e w ould amend Secs. 17209 and 17310 to inc rease the fees charged for
almost all listed applications, reviews, approvals, inspections and other servic es provided by the County in
the administration of the County’s erosion and sediment control and stormwater management regulations in
C hapter 17 of the Albemarle County Code. The proposed fee increases are nec essary to assure that the
fees cover the cos t to the County to provide those services and are authorized by Virginia C ode §§ 10.1562
and 10.1603.10. This ordinance also would amend Secs. 17104 to add definitions, 17204 and 17208 to
provide that the program authority may act on variance reques ts, and 17212 to correctly identify the
department of community dev elopment.
13. BR TA 2008001. Building R egulation Fees and Miscellaneous. Amend Sec s. 5100, Purpose and
intent, 5101, Building inspection office establis hed; powers and duties, 5200, Permit and ins pection fees ,
generally, 5201, Fees for building permits, 5202, Fees for electrical permits, 5203, Fees for plumbing
permits, 5204, Fees for mechanical permits , 5206, Fee for demolition permits , 5207, Fees for zoning
inspections, and 5208, Fees for other permits, plan amendments and reinspections, of Chapter 5, Building
R egulations, of the Albemarle County Code. This ordinance would amend Sec s. 5201, 5202, 5203, 5204,
5206, 5207 and 5208 to increas e the fees charged for almos t all listed applications, permits, review s,
approvals, ins pec tions and other services provided by the C ounty in the administration and enforcement of
C hapter 5 of the Albemarle C ounty Code. The proposed fee increases are necessary to defray the costs to
enforcing the building code and appeals. The proposed fee inc reases are authorized by Virginia Code § 36
105. This ordinance also would amend Secs. 5100, 5101 and 5200 to correctly identify the department of
c ommunity development; Sec . 5200 also would be amended to require pay ment of the fee at the time of
11:00 a.m. – Information/Presentation Items:
14. Airport Runw ay Extension Project, Presentation by Barbara Hutchinson.
15. Budget Process Review Committee Report.
16. Before the Storm: R educing the Damage from Polluted Stormwater Runoff (Report prepared by the
Southern Environmental Law Center, the Rivanna Conservation Society, and the U niversity of Virginia
Sc hool’s Environmental Law and Conservation Clinic), Presentation by Morgan Butler.
17. Closed Meeting.
18. Certify Closed Meeting.
19. Boards and Commissions:
a. Vacancies /Appointments.
2:00 p.m. – Transportation Matters
20. a. VDOT Monthly Report.
b. Transportation Matters not Listed on the Agenda.
21. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
22. Adjourn.
7.1 Approval of Minutes: January 23 and May 14, 2008.
7.2 Requested FY 2009 Appropriations.
7.3 Set public hearing to consider proposed ordinance to update definitions and dog license provisions of
animal ordinance to conform to Virginia Code and to increase the dog license tax.
7.4 Resolution to accept road(s) in H ighlands Phase 2B Subdivis ion into the State Secondary System of
H ighw ays.
7.5 Resolution to accept road(s) in R ustling Oaks Subdivision into the State Secondary System of
H ighw ays.
7.6 Request to add representativ e from H abitat for H umanity to Housing Committee.
7.7 Resolution to Affirm the County’s Authorization to PickUp Employee’s Contribution to Virginia
R etirement Sy stem Under § 414(h) of the Internal R evenue C ode.
7.8 Offender Aid and R estoration’s Community Correction and Pretrial Services Program – Supplemental
Appropriation R equest.
7.9 Cancel September 10, 2008 Board of Superv isors’ meeting.
7.10 July 2008 BoardtoBoard, Monthly Communications Report from School Board, School Board C hairman.
7.11 Proffer Management – FY 2008 Fourth Quarter Cash Proffer R eport.
7.12 2008 D evelopment Review Process C hanges for Zoning Map Amendments and Special Use Permits.
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