HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-05 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS T E N T A T I V E MAY 5, 2010 9:00 A.M., AUDITORIUM COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 1. Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Moment of Silence. 4. Recognitions: a. Proclamation - Public Service Recognition Week 2010. 5. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. 6. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda. 7. Consent Agenda (on next sheet). 9:30 a.m. – Presentations 8. Proclamation - National Travel and Tourism Week, May 8 –16, 2010. 9. Tourism Update, Kurt Burkhart. 10. Presentation of Streamwatch Annual Report, John Murphy. 11. Presentation of the Historic Preservation Committee’s 2009 Annual Report, Jared Loewenstein. 12. End of the year intern report, Lee Catlin. 10:30 a.m. – Public Hearings 13. ZTA-2009-00003. Farm wineries. Amend Secs. 3.1, Definitions, 4.15.2, Definitions, 5.1.25, Farm winery, 10.2.1, By right and 10.2.2, By special use permit, of Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County Code. This ordinance would amend Secs. 3.1, by adding definitions of “agritourism” and “farm winery event” and amending the definitions of “accessory use, building or structure” and “farm winery”; 4.15.2, by adding signs identifying farm sales, a farm stand, a farmers’ market, or a farm winery as an “agricultural product sign”; 5.1.25, by amending the regulations applicable to farm wineries by delineating those farm winery related us es allowed by right; requiring a special use permit for a farm winery event, wedding or wedding reception, or a use not expressly allowed but determined by the zoning administrator to be a usual and customary use at a farm winery, if more than 200 persons will attend at any time; requiring identified information and a sketch plan to be submitted with an application for a special use permit; establishing regulations for sound generation from outdoor amplified music and minimum yard requirements for farm wineries; and prohibiting restaurants and helicopter rides; 10.2.1, by amending the cross -reference to by-right farm winery uses; and 10.2.2, by adding certain farm winery uses as uses allowed by special use permit. 14. ZTA-2009-00018. Farm stands, farm sales, farmers’ markets. Amend Secs. 3.1, Definitions, 4.15.5, Signs authorized by special use permit, 4.15.6, Signs exempt from the sign permit requirement, 10.2.1, By right, 10.2.2, By special use permit, 11.3.1, By right uses, 11.3.2, By special use permit , 12.2.1, By right, 12.2.2, By special use permit, 13.2.2, By special use permit, 14.2.2, By special use permit, 15.2.2, By special use permit, 16.2.2, By special use permit, 17.2.2, By special use permit, 18.2.2, By special use permit, 19.3.2, By special use permit, 20.3.2, By special use permit, 20A.6, By right, 20B.2, By right, 22.2.1, By right, 23.2.1, By right, 24.2.1, By right, 27.2.1, By right, 27.2.2, By special use permit, 28.2.1, By right, 28.2.2, By special use permit, 35, Fees; repeal Secs. 5.1.19, Wayside stands, 5.1.35, Farm sales, 5.1.36, Farmer’s market; add Sec. 5.1.47, Farm stands, farm sales and farmers’ markets, to Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County Code. This ordinance would repeal the existing regulations pertaining to wayside stands (5.1.19), farm sales (5.1.35) and farmers’ markets (5.1.36) and establish new regulations for farm stands, farm sales and farmers’ markets (5.1.47) regarding the respective uses, maximum structure sizes, and minimum yard and parking requirements; w ould allow farm stands and farm sales by right in the RA (10.2.1), MHD (11.3.1) and VR (12.2.1) zoning districts, allow farmers’ markets by right in the NMD (20A.6), DCD (20B.2), C-1 (22.2.1), CO (23.2.1), HC (24.2.1), LI (27.2.1) (exterior or temporary or existing structures) and HI (28.2.1) (exterior or temporary or existing structures) zoning districts, and allow farmers’ markets by special use permit in the RA (10.2.2), MHD (11.3.2), VR (12.2.2), R -1 (13.2.2), R-2 (14.2.2), R-4 (15.2.2), R-6 (16.2.2), R-10 (17.2.2), R-15 (18.2.2), PRD (19.3.2), PUD (20.3.2), LI (27.2.2) (new structures) and HI (28.2.2) (new structures) zoning districts; and would amend and add definitions of various terms related to farms stands, farm sales and farmers’ markets (3.1), exempt off-site agricultural product signs from the requirement to obtain a special use permit (4.15.5), and exempt on -site agricultural product signs from the sign permit requirement (4.15.6); and, would create a new class of fees for a special use permit f or farmers’ markets and establish fees of $490.00 and $110.00 depending on existing on-site entrance and parking conditions, which is a $490.00 and $870.00 reduction, respectively, in the fees that would be charged under current regulations. The proposed fees are authorized by Virginia Code § 15.2-2286(A)(6). 11:00 a.m. – Presentations: 15. Presentation on Regional Economic Issues, Mike Harvey. 16. Economic Development Action Plan. 17. Closed Meeting. 18. Certify Closed Meeting. 19. Boards and Commissions: a. Vacancies/Appointments. 2:00 p.m. - Work Session: 20. Places29, David Benish. 21. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. 22. Adjourn. C O N S E N T A G E N D A FOR APPROVAL: 7.1 Approval of Minutes: March 3 and March 8, 2010. 7.2 Adopt Resolution in Support of The Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission. 7.3 Schedule public hearing for the proposed renewal of the Old Crozet School Arts Lease Agreement for po rtion of the Old Crozet Elementary School. 7.4 Authorize County Executive to sign an amendment to the Fie ld School of Charlottesville’s Lease for portion of the Old Crozet Elementary School. 7.5 FY 2010 Budget Amendment and Appropriations. FOR INFORMATION: 7.6. FY2010 3rd Quarter Cash and Non-Cash Proffer Report. 7.7 Third Quarter Financial Report. 7.8 2010 First Quarter Certificate of Occupancy Report as prepared by the Community Development Department. 7.9 2010 First Quarter Building Report as prepared by the Community Development Department. Return to Top of Agenda Return to Board of Supervisors Home Page Return to County Home Page