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JULY 7, 2010
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Recognitions:
5. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
6. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
7. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
9:30 a.m. Public Hearings:
8. FY 2011 Budget A mendment and A ppropriations.
9. PROJECT: SP201000001. Earlysville Service Center. PR OPOSED: Amend SP200800025 to increas e
the building siz e from a maximum of 5,000 sq. ft. to provide adequate interior space for the service bays;
s pecial use permit w ould be on approx. 2.17 ac re portion of an 11.833 acre parcel. ZONING
C ATEGORY/GEN ERAL USAGE: R A Rural Areas: agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses ; residential
density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots). SECTION: 10.2.2 (37) Public Garage. C OMPREH ENSIVE
PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: R ural Areas preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and
natural, historic and scenic resources/ density (.5 unit/acre in development dens ity). ENTRANC E
C ORR IDOR: No. LOCATION: West side of Earlysville Rd (R t 743) approx 775 ft. north of Reas Ford Rd
(Rt 660). TAX MAP/PARCEL: TMP 03100000001400. MAGISTERIAL D ISTRIC T: Rio.
10. 1003( ) – Agricultural and Forestal Districts – Ordinance to amend Division 2, D istricts, of Article II,
D istricts of Statewide Signific anc e, of Chapter 3, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code, to add lands to c ertain districts and to make c orrections to c ertain district ordinances to
identify all those tax map parcels w ithin the districts, as specified below:
a. AFD20106 Fox Mountain A FD – District A dditions. The proposed ordinance w ould amend
Section 3212, Fox Mountain Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMPs 1426A, 1426C and
151 to the district.
b. AFD20102; 20105 H ardware AFD – District Additions. The propos ed ordinance would amend
Section 3214, Hardware Agricultural and Forestal D istrict, to add TMPs 7428B, 754A, 755 and
8716A to the district, to identify TMPs 8627A, 8824B, 9910(part) and 9952B as being in the
district (these parcels were created from parcels already in the distric t), and to identify TMP 73
39C7 as being in the district (this parcel is currently in the district; this is a correction of the parcel
reference from TMP 7339C to 7339C 7).
c . AFD20108 H atton AFD – District Additions. The proposed ordinance would amend Section 3
215, H atton Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMPs 1366B, 1368H , 1369A2, 1369C, 136
9D1 and 1369E to the district, to identify TMPs 13513A, 13513B and 13515C as being in the
district (these parcels were created from parcels already in the distric t) and to delete TMP 135
30(part) (this parcel was previously w ithdraw n from the district).
d. AFD20107; 201010 Jacob’s Run A FD – District A dditions. The proposed ordinance would
amend Section 3218, Jacob’s Run Agric ultural and Forestal District, to add TMPs 311and 314K to
the dis tric t.
e. AFD20103 K inloch A FD – District A dditions. The proposed ordinance would amend Section 3
220, Kinloch Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMP 663G to the district and to identify
TMPs 6594B, 6594C and 65121A1as being in the district (these parcels were created from
parcels already in the district).
f. AFD20104 Moorman’s River AFD – District Additions. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3222, Moorman’s River Agricultural and Fores tal District, to add TMP 4119 to the district,
to identify TMPs 2813A, 2830A1, 2979E, 2979F, 3010C, 3012C1, 4150C, 4165A1, 428B, 43
30B1, 4330B2, 4330B3 and 4330B4 as being in the district (these parcels were created from
parcels already in the district), to identify TMPs 4242B1 and 432B as being in the district (these
parcels were inadvertently removed from the ordinance in a prior amendment; this is a correction),
to identify TMP 4426B as being in the district (this is a floating tax parcel for an undefined
travelw ay that exists within TMP 4426C, which is within the distric t), to delete TMPs 4167, 433,
433C, 433D and 434C (the land in these parcels w as distributed to other parcels in the district),
and to delete TMPs 2970G and 4343A1 (these parc els were never in the district; this is a
correc tion).
10:15 a.m. – Presentations Items
11. BoardtoBoard, Monthly Communications R eport from School Board, Ron Price, School Board Chairman.
12. CIT and the Mental Health/C riminal Justice C ros s Mapping Project, Tom von H emert.
13. Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) Update, Cynthia Adams.
11:00 a.m. – A ction Items
14. Whittington PRD Amendment R equest to amend the Albemarle County Serv ice Authority Jurisdictional
15. Old Jail Reus e Study, Bill Letteri.
16. Closed Meeting.
17. Certify Closed Meeting.
18. Boards and Commissions:
a. Vacancies /Appointments.
2:00 p.m. – Presentations/A ction Items (continued):
19. Albemarle County D epartment of Social Servic es (ACDSS) Comparative Study.
20. Board Policy R elated to Volunteer Fire/Rescue Funding, Dan Eggleston.
21. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
22. Adjourn.
7.1 Approval of Minutes: April 7, April 14 and May 12, 2010.
7.2 FY 2010 Budget Amendment and Appropriations.
7.3 2007 State Homeland Security Grant Program (CFDA # 97.073) Resolution.
7.4 FY 2010/11 Bright Stars Funding U pdate.
7.5 VDOT, Culpeper District Monthly R eport, for Albemarle County , July 2010.
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