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December 1, 2010
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Recognitions:
a. Proclamation recogniz ing Piedmont Baptist Church 140th Anniversary.
b. Sally Thomas – VAPA Award.
c . 2010 Virginia Go Green Challenge.
5. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
6. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
7. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
9:30 a.m. – Public Hearings:
8. 1003( ) – Agricultural and Forestal Districts – Ordinance to amend Division 2, D istricts, of Article II,
D istricts of Statewide Signific anc e, of Chapter 3, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code, to add lands to c ertain districts and to make c orrections to c ertain district ordinances to
identify all those tax map parcels w ithin the districts, as specified below:
a) AFD20100009. Blue R un A FD – District A dditions. The proposed ordinance w ould amend
Section 3208, Blue R un Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMPs 5041A, 5041Q, 5042A
and 5043 to the district and to identify TMPs 3526B1, 4924A and 4924B as being in the district
(these parcels were c reated from parc els already in the district).
b) AFD20100018. Buck’s Elbow Mountain A FD – District A dditions. The proposed ordinance
would amend Section 3209.5, Buck’s Elbow Mountain Agricultural and Forestal District, to add
TMP 3921Z to the district.
c ) AFD20100015. Fox Mountain AFD – District Additions. The propos ed ordinance would amend
Section 3212.5, Fox Mountain Agricultural and Fores tal District, to add TMP 1426B to the district.
d) AFD20100013. Hardware AFD – D istrict Additions. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3214, Hardware Agricultural and Forestal D istrict, to add TMPs 8616 and 8616H to the
e) AFD20100012. High Mowing AFD – District Review. The propos ed ordinance would amend
Section 3216, High Mowing Agricultural and Forestal District, to continue the district for all parcels
identified in the ordinance, and set the next district rev iew deadline date of December 1, 2020. It
would also remove any parcels for which a request for withdrawal is rec eived before the Board acts
on the proposed ordinanc e.
f) AFD20100014. Keswick A FD – District A dditions. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3219, Keswic k Agricultural and Forestal D istrict, to add TMPs 6531C1, 6531C3, 6531D
and 6532 to the district, to identify TMP 802C as being in the distric t (this parcel w as created from
a parc el already in the dis trict), and to remove the reference to TMP 648 (w hose land was added to
TMP 648A in the district).
g) AFD20100011. South Garden AFD – District Additions. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3225.5, South Garden Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMPs 99102 and 11010 to
the dis tric t and to identify TMP 1192 as being in the district (this parcel was created from a parcel
already in the district).
h) AFD20100017. Sugar Hollow AFD – D istrict Additions. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3226, Sugar Hollow Agricultural and Fores tal District, to add TMPs 2614F and 2614H to
the dis tric t, and to delete TMP 4012B1 from the district (this parcel was previously w ithdraw n but
inadvertently left in the ordinance).
9. To consider granting an easement to C entral Telephone Company of Virginia, d/b/a Century Link , across
property owned by the County known as Boulder’s R oad located on Tax Map Parcel 03200000000503
necessary for the installation and maintenance of underground cables across Boulder’s Road.
9:45 a.m. – Presentations Items
10. 9:45 a.m. Mental Health & W ellness Coalition.
11. 10:15 a.m. ECC 's functions and Emergency Preparedness .
10:45 a.m. – A ction Items
12. Clifton Lake PRD – Request to set public hearing to amend the Albemarle C ounty Service Authority
jurisdictional area boundary to provide water service to Tax Map 79, Parcel 23 and Tax Map 79C, Parcel 1,
located approx 2,100 feet southwest of the intersection of R t 250 and Shadw ell R oad.
11:00 a.m. – W ork Sessions:
13. 11:00 a.m. Solid Waste Servic es.
14. 11:30 a.m. CPA 2005010. Places29 Master Plan – Piney Mountain Expansion area. (continued from
N ovember 10, 2010).
15. Closed Meeting.
Reconvene in Room 241
16. Certify Closed Meeting.
17. Boards and Commissions:
a. Vacancies /Appointments.
2:00 p.m. W ork Sessions
18. Five Year Financial Plan.
20. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
21. Adjourn to December 15, 2010.
7.1 Approval of Minutes: March 15(A), August 11 and September 8, 2010.
7.2 Extension of term of the Albemarle C ounty Service Authority to October 17, 2054.
7.3 FY 2011 Budget Amendment and Appropriations.
7.4 Authorize the C ounty Executive to sign a license agreement to allow the Churc h of Incarnation to
erect a sign on County Property .
7.5 Authorize the D epartment of Fire & Rescue to Overhire Up to Two FullTime Firefighter/EMTs.
7.6 Proposed Redistricting Schedule and Preliminary Redistricting Guidelines.
7.7 Crozet Library Team R ecommendations.
7.8 FY11 First Quarter Financial Report.
7.9 2010 Third Quarter Building Report as prepared by the Community Development Department, Office of
Geographic Data Services.
7.10 2010 Third Quarter C ertificate of Occupancy Report as prepared by the Community Development
D epartment, Office of Geographic Data Serv ices .
7.11 BoardtoBoard, December 2010, A Monthly Report from the Albemarle County School Board to the
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors.
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