HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-04B OARD OF SUPERVISORS
DECEMBER 4, 2013
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Adoption of Final Agenda.
5. Brief Announc ements by Board Members.
6. Recognitions:
a) 2013 VACO Go Green Virginia Challenge Award.
7. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
8. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
Discussion/Action Items:
9. FY 20122013 Comprehensive Annual Financ ial R eport (CAFR ).
10. Economic Dev elopment Program (continued discussion).
11. Charlottesville Albemarle Convention and Visitors Bureau (CACVB) 2013 Annual Report.
12. Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Update, Gary O’Connell.
13. Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) U pdate, Tom Frederick.
14. Closed Meeting.
15. Certify Closed Meeting.
16. Boards and C ommissions: Vacancies/Appointments.
1:30 p.m. Public Hearing:
17. Proposed Ordinance to Establish A uxiliary Police Force. Ordinance to amend C hapter 2,
Administration, Article V, Law Enforcement, of the Albemarle County Code, by amending Sec tion 2504,
Volunteer community service force, to clarify the function and the insurance cov erage of the c ommunity
s ervice force volunteers, and by adding Section 2505, Auxiliary police forc e, to establish an auxiliary
police force under the direction of the chief of police pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.21731.
18. – Agricultural and Forestal Districts. Ordinance to amend Division 2, D istricts, of Artic le II, Distric ts
of Statewide Significance, of Chapter 3, Agricultural and Fores tal Districts, of the Albemarle C ounty Code,
to add lands to certain districts and to make corrections to certain district regulations to identify all those tax
map parcels within the distric ts, as specified below:
a) AFD20131. Ivy Creek AFD – District Review. The proposed ordinance would amend Section 3
217, Ivy Creek Agricultural and Fores tal District, to identify TMP 4421C(part) as being in the
district (land from a parcel in the dis tric t w as transferred to this parcel, the remainder of which is not
in the district), to identify TMP 4435(part) as being in the district (land not in the district was added
to this parcel, resulting in only part of this parcel being in the distric t), to continue the district for all
parcels identified in the district regulations, to set the next district rev iew deadline date of December
4, 2023, and to remove any parcels for w hich a request for withdraw al is received before the Board
acts on the proposed ordinance;
b) AFD20132. Keswick AFD – Addition. The propos ed ordinance would amend Section 3219,
Kesw ick Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMPs 6514A and 6514A1 to the district;
c ) AFD20133 and 20134. Hardware AFD – A ddition. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3214, Hardware Agricultural and Forestal D istrict, to add TMPs 746H and 883U to the
d) AFD20135 and 20136. Glen Oaks AFD – Addition. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3213.5, Glen Oaks Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMPs 93A5K2A11, 93A5
K2A12 and 93A5K2A13 to the distric t;
e) AFD20137. Jacobs Run AFD – Addition. The proposed ordinance would amend Section 3218,
Jacobs Run Agricultural and Forestal D istrict, to add TMP 19A22 to the district; and
f) AFD20138. Totier Creek AFD – Addition. The proposed ordinance would amend Section 3227,
Totier Creek Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMP 12739 to the district.
19. ZTA201300003. Dam Break Inundation Zones. Ordinanc e to amend Chapter 18, Subdiv ision of Land, of
the Albemarle County Code by adding regulations pertaining to proposed development within dam break
inundation zones, as required by State law. This ordinance w ould amend Sec. 183.1, Definitions, by adding
definitions, Sec s. 1832.4.1.3, C ontents of preapplication plan, and 1832.5.2, Contents of an initial site
plan, by requiring information pertaining to dam break inundation zones be shown on those plans, and Sec.
1832.4.2.8, Effect of approval of initial site plan on other future and pending approvals, to refer to new Sec.
1832.8.6, Dam break inundation zones; prerequisites to development. New Sec. 1832.8.6 imposes
requirements before development may occur in dam break inundation zones, as required by State law. In
addition to adding Sec. 1832.8.6, this ordinance would add Sec. 1832.5.6, Dam break inundation zones, to
impose certain requirements on the site review committee when reviewing a s ite plan in a dam break
inundation zone, and Sec. 1832.6.4, D am break inundation zones; engineering study and mapping
information, whic h requires the developer to submit an engineering study and mapping information in
prescribed circumstances. This ordinance also would make a technical amendment to Sec. 1832.8.1,
C ompletion of onsite improv ements required prior to final site plan approval, to provide that required
improvements must be completed prior to iss uance of a certific ate of occupancy and amend Sec. 35.1,
Fees, to impos e the minimum fee required by Virginia Code § 15.22243.1 related to the developers’ share of
the contractready costs for nec essary upgrades to an impounding structure, which fee is one percent of
total amount of payment or one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), whichever is less .
20. STA 201200002. Subdivision Plat Process Improvements. Ordinance to amend Chapter 14, Subdivision
of Land, of the Albemarle County C ode. This ordinance would add and delete definitions (Sec . 106,
D efinitions), amend the requirements and proc edures for adminis tering Chapter 14 and the procedures for
s ubmitting, reviewing and acting on subdivision plats, easement plats, and related variations and
exceptions (Secs . 14200 through 14231.1), inc luding eliminating planning c ommission review of plats
except on appeal from an action by the agent and requests for certain variations or exceptions, requiring an
approved valid preliminary plat prior to submitting a final plat for certain classes of subdivis ions , reorganizing
s uch regulations, deleting certain fee classific ations for proc ess es no longer required and amending the
terminology of other fee classifications (Sec. 14203, Fees) and to impose the minimum fee required by
Virginia Code § 15.22243.1 related to the subdiv iders’ share of the contrac tready costs for necessary
upgrades to an impounding s tructure, which fee is one percent of total amount of payment or one thousand
dollars ($1,000.00), whichever is less; amending the regulations pertaining to plat requirements (Secs. 14
300 through 14318) by making technical corrections and adding requirements for information for stream
c rossings (Sec . 14307, Stream crossings) and dam break inundation zones by imposing requirements on
the site review c ommittee when review ing a preliminary plat for development in a dam break inundation zone
(Sec. 14307.1, Dam break inundation zones ) and requiring the subdivider to s ubmit an engineering study
and mapping information in pres cribed circumstances. (Sec. 14318, Dam break inundation zones;
engineering study and mapping information); amending the regulations pertaining to onsite improvements
and design (Sec. 14400 through 14441) by making technic al c orrections, amending those sections
authorizing waivers to instead authorize “variations or exceptions,” updating regulations pertaining to
s ecuring improvements and the release of sec urity (Secs. 14435 through 14436), and adding regulations
pertaining to dam break inundation zones which impose requirements before development may occur in dam
break inundation zones, as required by State law (Sec. 14441, Dam break inundation zones ; prerequisites
to development). In addition to the foregoing regulations pertaining to dam break inundation zones, this
ordinance would amend Sec. 14302, Contents of preliminary plat, to require information pertaining to dam
break inundation zones be shown on plats and, the regulations in new Sec. 14225, Effect of approval of
preliminary plat on other future and pending approvals, would refer to new Sec . 14441, Dam break
inundation zones; prerequisites to development.
21. Arrowhead Farm Acquisition.
22. Fiv eYear Financial Plan – W ork Session.
23. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
24. From the County Executive: Report on Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
25. Adjourn to December 11, 2013, 4:00 p.m., if needed.
8.1 Approval of Minutes: August 7 and August 14(A), 2013.
8.2 FY 2014 Budget Amendment and Appropriations.
8.3 Earlysville Volunteer Fire Company, Application to Operate as Advanced Life Support (ALS) EMS Transport
8.4 Project Based Vouchers: The Crossings at 4th and Preston.
8.5 December 2013 VDOT Charlottesville Residenc y Monthly R eport for Albemarle County.
8.6 BoardtoBoard, December, 2013 Monthly Communications Report from Sc hool Board, School Board
C hairman.
8.7 Copy of letter dated November 15, 2013, from Francis H. MacC all, Principal Planner, to Frank Pohl, re:
74 (property of John H. Jr., or Jennifer B. Hilker), White Hall Magisterial District.
8.8 Copy of letter dated November 15, 2013, from Ronald L. Higgins, Chief of Zoning/Deputy Zoning
Administrator, to Evergreen 651 LLC (c/o Therese Elron) re: OFFICIAL DETER MINATION OF PARCELS,
Tax Map Parcel 059D1020H 01400 (property of Evergreen 61 LLC), Samuel Miller Magisterial District.
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