HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-07B OARD OF SUPERVISORS
MAY 7, 2014
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Adoption of Final Agenda.
5. Brief Announc ements by Board Members.
6. Recognitions:
a. Blake Abplanalp for County Coat Drive.
b. Colonel Martin Kumer, Superintendent, C harlottesvilleAlbemarle Regional Jail.
c . Cal Morris – Meritorious Service Award.
d. Albemarle County Serv ice Authority 50th Anniversary.
e. Municipal Clerks Week – May 410, 2014.
f. Public Service Recognition Week – May 410, 2014.
7. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
8. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
9:45 a.m. PUB LIC HEAR INGS:
9. Housing Choice Voucher Program 5Year and A nnual Plan. Five Year Plan for the administration of the
H ousing Choice Voucher Program. Ron White, C hief of Hous ing.
10. Scottsville Community Center Lease. Boy s and Girls Club Lease. Request by the Boys & Girls Clubs of
C entral Virginia to lease 8,484 square feet of space from the County at the Scottsville Community C enter,
located at 250 Page Street, Sc ottsville, VA 24590 (TMP 130A2000007600). Bob C rickenberger, D irector
of Parks and Rec reation.
11. SP2013000021. Rolkin Road Shops (Sign #112&113). (R ivanna Magisterial D istrict) PROPOSAL:
Allow for a driv ethrough window for a retail building on 1.672 acres. No dwellings proposed. ZONING: PD
MC Planned Dev elopment Mixed Commercial; largescale commercial us es; residential by s pecial use
permit (15 units /ac re) under Section 18.25A.2.2.1 which allow s for drivethrough w indows serving or
associated with permitted us es ENTRANCE C ORR IDOR: Yes . C OMPREH ENSIVE PLAN : Urban Mixed
U se – retail, commercial services, office, and a mix of residential types (6.01 – 34 units/ac re). LOCATION:
Southwestern corner of Rolkin Road and Abbey Road inters ection approximately 300 feet south of the
R olkin Road and R ichmond Road (Route 250) intersection. TAX MAP/PAR CEL: 078000000075A0. Sarah
Baldwin, Senior Planner.
12. SP201300022. Verizon Wireless "Hydraulic R oad" (Comcast Property) Tier III Personal W ireless
Service Facility. (Sign # 116). (Jack Jouett Magisterial District). PROPOSAL: Request for ins tallation of 2
additional arrays each containing 3 flush mounted antennas on an existing 140 foot monopole and
associated equipment. ZONING CATEGORY/GENERAL U SAGE: RA, Rural Areas agricultural, forestal,
and fishery uses ; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots); EC Entrance Corridor – Overlay to
protect properties of historic, arc hitectural or cultural significance from visual impacts of development along
routes of touris t access; AIA Airport Impact Area – Overlay to minimize adv ers e impacts to both the airport
and the surrounding land. SECTION: Tier III personal w ireless facilities. COMPR EHENSIVE
PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: R ural Areas in Rural Area 1 preserve and protec t agricultural, forestal, open
s pace, and natural, historic and scenic resourc es/density (0.5 unit/ acre in development lots ). ENTRANCE
C ORR IDOR: YES. LOCATION : 1658 Earlys ville Road. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 045000000016A0. Sarah
Baldwin, Senior Planner.
13. WPTA201400001. Water Protection Ordinance. Intent to adopt an ordinanc e that would comprehensively
amend and reorganize Chapter 17, Water Protection, of the Albemarle County Code in order to implement
the significantly revised Virginia Stormwater Management Ac t (Virginia Code § 62.144.15:24 et seq.), other
related provis ions of the State W ater C ontrol Law (Virginia Code § 62.144.2 et seq.), and the regulations of
the Virginia Department of Env ironmental Quality in 9VAC25830 though 9VAC 25890. This ordinance would
establish and amend: the procedures and requirements for eros ion and sediment control and s tormw ater
management during land disturbing activities; the procedures and requirements for postconstruction
s tormw ater management; fees for plan review, inspections, and other services ; the rights and obligations of
owners after plans and permits have been approv ed; and the procedures and requirements for c ompliance,
maintenance, recordkeeping, reporting, inspecting, monitoring, and enforcement. The ordinanc e also would
amend the County’s programs to establish and protect stream buffers, to prohibit illicit disc harges and
c onnections, to prohibit dumping, and to collect groundwater information in conjunction with County review
of certain developments. Mark Graham, Direc tor of Community Development, and Greg Kampter, Deputy
C ounty Attorney.
10:40 a.m. R ecess
10:55 a.m. – A ction Items:
14. ZTA201200010. Offsite Signs (deferred from April 2, 2014). Amanda Burbage, Senior Planner.
15. Review of County’s Priority Lis t of Secondary Road Improvements and the VDOT Secondary SixYear Plan.
D avid Benish, C hief of Planning.
16. 12:00 noon Clos ed Meeting.
17. Certify Closed Meeting.
18. 1:30 p.m. Boards and Commissions: Vacancies/Appointments.
19. 1:35 p.m. Quarterly CAT Pres entation, John Jones.
20. 1:50 p.m. 2040 Long R ange Transportation Plan, Sarah Rhodes, MPO.
21. 2:05 p.m. Update on FY 15 Budget Status. Lori Allshouse, Director of the Office of Management and
3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Recess
Work Session:
22. 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – CPA201301. Comprehensive Plan U pdate/Amendment, to begin with public
c omments and possible Board direction. Elaine Echols, Principal Planner.
23. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
24. From the County Executive: Report on Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
25. Adjourn to May 14, 2014, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium.
8.1 Approval of Minutes: September 11 and October 9, 2013; and February 19, 2014.
8.2 FY 2014 Budget Amendment and Appropriations.
8.3 Mic roAire Surgical Instrument LLC Performance Date Extension.
8.4 Zoning Text Amendment – Personal W ireless Service Facilities .
8.5 Road Improvement Priorities for Virginia’s W orking Draft Fisc al Year 20152020 SixYear Improvements
Program (SYIP).
8.6 New Positions for Virginia Stormwater Management Program.
8.7 May 2014 VD OT Charlottesv ille R esidency Monthly R eport for Albemarle C ounty.
8.8 FY 2014 Third Quarter C ash Proffer Report.
8.9 FY 14 General Fund Third Quarter R eport; R evis ed FY 14 Revenue Projections Report; and Quarterly
Ec onomic Indic ators Report.
8.10 2013 Annual R eport of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
8.11 Regional Firearms Training Center Update.
8.12 Office of Facilities Development Capital Projec ts Status Report, First Quarter CY 2014.
8.13 Water Resources Funding Mec hanism Cons ultant RFP/Statement of Needs .
8.14 County Grant Application/Aw ard Report.
8.15 BoardtoBoard, May, 2014 Monthly C ommunic ations Report from School Board.
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