2001-07-11F I N A L July 11, 2001 MEETING ROOM 241 COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 5:00 P.M., Fourth Floor Conference Room 1.Call to Order. 2.Closed Session: Personnel Matters. 6:00 P.M., Recess and Reconvene in Meeting Room 241 3.Certify Closed Session. 4.Pledge of Allegiance. 5.Moment of Silence. 6.From the Public: Matters not listed on the agenda. 7.Consent Agenda (on next sheet). 8.Transportation Matters. 9.Foster Central Sewage System Expansion Request (former Cooper Industries facility site). 10.Public hearing on proposed FY 2001 budget amendments. 11.Public hearing on an Ordinance to amend Chapter 17, Water Protection, of the Albemarle County Code, pertaining to persons holding Certificates of Competence overseeing land disturbing activity. 12.SP-2001-010. Afton Farm Market (Sign #65). Public hearing on a request to allow on- farm sales in accord w/Sec of the Zoning Ord. TM 69, P 13, contains 11.51 acs. Located on Rt 151, approx one-quarter ml from intersec of Rt 151 & Rt 637. Znd RA. White Hall Dist. 13.SP-2001-013. Tanager Woods (Signs #77&78). Public hearing on a request to allow Rural Preservation Development in accord w/Sec b & 10.5.2 of the Zoning Ord. TM 19, Ps 18, 19, 31, & 31C. Located on S sd of Buffalo River Road (Rt 664) approx .15 mls W of intersec of Rt 664 & Rt 604. Znd RA. White Hall Dist. 14.SP-2001-014. BB&T (Pantops)(Signs #62&67). Public hearing on a request to allow installation of drive through ATM at an existing bank, in accord w/Sec 25.2.2.(1) of the Zoning Ord. TM 78, P 61, contains approx 1 ac. Located on W sd of State Farm Blv (Rt 1117), approx 350 ft S of intersec w/ SR 250 E. Znd PDMC. Rivanna Dist. 15.SP-2001-016. Toys R US (Signs #70&75). Public hearing on a request to allow outdoor display of playground equipment in accord w/Sec of the Zoning Ord. TM 61Z, Sec 3, P 12. Located at intersec of Rt 29 & Branchlands Blvd. Znd PUD. Rio Dist. 16.ZMA-2001-002. Western Ridge - Phase 5C (Signs #90&91). Public hearing on a request to rezone 26.560 acs from RA & R-4 w/ proffers to PRD to allow residential uses. TM 56, P 93D, TM 56E, P 2-C & portion of TM 56E, P 1A, which is also described as a P Y intended as Open Space on recorded plat Western Ridge Phase 5B. Located off Lake Tree Lane (Rt 1251). The site is adjacent to the C&O Railroad. (The Comp Plan designates this property as neighborhood density, 3-6 du/ac in the Crozet Community.). White Hall Dist. 17.Public hearing on an Ordinance to amend the Albemarle County Code §3-207, Batesville Agricultural/Forestal Dist, for the proposed addition of one P totaling 50.120 acs described as TM 70, P 40. This district is located in the vicinity of Batesville on the S sd of Rt 637, approx three-quarters of a ml E of the intersec w/ Rt 691. Znd RA. Samuel Miller Dist. 18.Appointments. 19.Approval of Minutes: March 21(A), April 4, April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9 and May 16, 2001. 20.From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. 21.Adjourn. C O N S E N T A G E N D A FOR APPROVAL: 7.1Albemarle County’s Six Year Primary Road Improvement Plan (Statement for Pre-Allocation Hearing in Culpeper.) (Deferred from June 6, 2001). 7.2Year 2002 Legislative Proposals. 7.3Charlottesville/Albemarle Youth Summit 2001. 7.4Progress Report on Acquisition of Conservation Easements (ACE) Program. FOR INFORMATION: 7.5Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. 7.6Charlottesville VDoT Residency Monthly Report, July 2001. 7.7Notice from the Department of Transportation on the impact of new laws affecting the secondary system of state highways, effective July 1, 2001. 7.8Notice from the Auditor of Public Accounts of Audit of cash receipts and disbursements of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle for the period of October 1, 1999 through December 31, 2000. 7.9Notice of public hearing, re: Reissuance of VPDES Permit No. VA0086584, Glenmore STP. 7.10.Draft copy of Planning Commission minutes for June 19, 2001. 7.11Copy of Albemarle County Service Authority's Operating Budget for FY 2001-2002.