HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202200029 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2022-12-21;$ r County of Albemarle o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT December 21, 2022 Kelsey Schlein 912 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 kelsa shimp-en ing eering com RE: SP202200029 Park Rd Manufactured Home Park Dear Ms. Schlein: 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Telephone: 434-296-5832 WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG Staff has reviewed your initial submittal for the special use permit SP202200029 Park Rd Manufactured Home Park and the associated special exceptions. We have a number of questions and comments which we believe should be addressed before we can recommend favorably on your SP request. We would be glad to meet with you to discuss these issues. Staff recommends you make the suggested revisions below and resubmit the application. See below for more information. Review comments are provided below, organized by Department, Division, or agency. Our comments are provided below. Comments are organized as follows: A. Comments on the Special Use Permit B. Comments on the Special Exceptions C. How the proposal relates to the Comprehensive Plan D. Additional comments from reviewers E. Additional information Special Use Permit 1. General a. From pre -application meeting checklist, not addressed: These parcels are in the ACSA jurisdictional area. Please include existing conditions information regarding water and sewer service to the site, connections, etc. We will need to confirm if anything proposed constitutes a Central System that would need Board of Supervisors approval. 1. From ACSA comments - ACSA will require approximate number of fixture counts to determine if existing water meter is adequately sized. Water and sewer connection fees will be due for the additional mobile homes. This site is served by a private water and sewer system. The County should determine if an updated central system SP is required. 2. Conceptual Plan. a. Provide the special use permit application number, SP202200029, and a date of revision on all applicable sheets. b. Revise the density calculations on Sheet 2 to include two decimal points. The proposed density is 5.82 du/acre, and the net density is 6.36 du/acre. Provide additional information on what has been excluded for the net density calculation. Is it the 85,000 sf of common open space? c. Add a note to the Zoning information on Sheet 2 that there is an associated special exception request to amend the requirements of Section 5.3. d. Include on Sheet 3 — Existing Conditions or add additional sheets to provide this information. I. Provide right of way width and cross sections for existing streets. Include information on existing pavement materials. 2. Show any existing easements. 3. Provide the front setbacks for all existing manufactured homes. Include both front measurements for those homes on comer "lots" fronting two streets. 4. Provide rear setback measurements for homes abutting existing property lines (Lots 67-73, Lots 12- 17, and Lots 30-31). 5. Provide building separating information. For homes that have associated accessory structures such as sheds, provide the building separation between the shed and the closest home. i. Building Inspections has provided that all existing buildings and sheds must be at least 5' from any proposed lot line to meet building code requirements. Therefore, there must be at least 10' of building separation to potentially meet this requirement. 6.Provide existing cul-de-sac measurements at the end of Adele St. 7.Provide existing drainage information. 8. Show the existing fence line along the abutting residential neighborhood. Does this fence extend all the way to Jonna St? Provide the existing condition of where Jonna St. intersects with the property line. e. Provide additional information on the proposed pedestrian connection to Jonna St and Claudius Crozet Park. Show a proposed pathway and include a picture or cross section of the existing intersection of Jonna St and the property line. Staff recommends showing this pedestrian pathway or connection on the Conceptual Plan. f. Delineate parking areas, showing that parking requirements can be met, and showing the proposed parking areas or driveways for the proposed lots on the concept plan. g. Refer to the Fire Marshal's concerns below and update the concept plan and provide additional information to address emergency access and water supply for fire suppression. h. Revise the Conceptual Plan to show how lots IN-5N are accessed. An additional alley or accessway may be needed to access these lots. VDOT does not support accessing these lots from Park Rd. B. Special Exceptions 1. Submit a single Special Exception Application for the requested exceptions to Section 5.3 and pay the associated fee. a. The application can be submitted online here. 2. Submit an exhibit along with each requested waiver, as delineated in the special exception chart. For example, provide an exhibit for the requested waiver to Section 5.3.3(a) and identify on the plan: i) lots under 4500 sf and less than 45' in width, ii) lots over 4500 sf and less than 45' in width, and iii) proposed lots over 4500 sf and less than 45' in width. Provide an exhibit for each special exception as applicable. Requested Waivers Staff has provided general comments on each Section of the Zoning Ordinance that has been requested to be waived or modified. Each bullet below provides the regulation in italicized font like this with Staff comments below. 1. Section 5.3.3(a) Manufactured home lots shall consist of at least 4,500 square feet, and shall have a width of at least 45 feet. a. Staff has no objections to this special exception for existing lots as long as building code and fire rescue requirements can be met. b. Show lot width measurements where the proposed manufactured home will be located. c. Provide additional information to support the estimated cost of $5,000 per unit to relocate or move the existing manufactured homes. 2. Section 5.3.4(b) Each manufactured home lot shall front on an internal street. a. Show the proposed driveways or access to Lots IN-5N on the concept plan to comply with this ordinance requirement VDOT does not support accessing these lots from Park Rd. 3. Section 5.3.4(d) The minimum distance between manufactured homes shall be 30 feet. The Albemarle County Fire Marshal may require additional space between manufactured homes if public water is not available or is inadequate for fire protection. a. Staff has no objection to this special exception provided Fire -Rescue and Building Inspections approval. 4. Section 5.3.5(a) Manufactured homes and other structures shall be set back at least 50 feet from the right-of-way of an existing public street. a. Staff has no objections to this special exception. Lot 12 is existing and there is no reasonable location to move this home in order to meet this regulation. 5. Section 5.3.5(b) Manufactured homes and other structures shall beset back at least 50 feet from the manufactured home park property line when it is adjacent to a residential or rural areas district. a. Provide an exhibit showing exiting setback conditions. b. Staff generally has no objections to this request given the lots less than 50 feet are all existing and have no reasonable area to be moved to on their existing "lot,,. 6. Section 5.3.5(c) Manufactured homes and other structures shall beset back at least 15 feet from the right-of-way of internal private streets, common walkways and common recreational or service areas. This distance may be increased to 25 feet for manufactured homes or structures at roadway intersections and along internal public streets. a. Staff has no objections to existing manufactured homes that do not meet this regulation. b. Staff does not support proposed lot 9N and 14N not meeting this regulation. It appears there is sufficient area on the proposed lot for a manufactured home that meets this setback. If needed, provide a smaller manufactured home. According to the Building Officialthese manufactured homes come in a variety of lengths and sizes. c. Staff recommends showing a pedestrian pathway connecting to Jonna St or the existing trail that meets this 15-foot setback requirement. 7. Section 5.3.5(d) Manufactured homes and other structures shall be set back at least six feet from any manufactured home space lot line. a. Provide existing and proposed distances to lot lines in an exhibit. Building Inspections has provided that all structures must be at least 5' from any lot line to meet building code requirements. 8. Section 5.3.7(b) Markers for manufactured home lots. Each manufactured home lot shall be clearly defined on the ground by permanent markers. There shall be posted and maintained in a conspicuous place on each lot a number corresponding to the number of each lot as shown on the site plan. a. Staff has no objections to waiving this requirement for existing lots and homes that will remain. b. Staff recommends providing markers for all news lots that are proposed. 9. Section 5.3.7(c) Outdoor living and storage areas. An outdoor living area shall be provided on each manufactured home lot. At least 100 square feet shall be hard surfaced. Storage buildings not to exceed 150 square feet shall be permitted in a designated area on each lot. Additional storage facilities may be provided in common areas. a. Staff has no objection to the special exception request to waive the outdoor living area requirement. b. Staff agrees that all existing storage buildings that are over 150 square feet can remain, however, all proposed storage buildings for new lots or existing lots should meet this regulation. 10. Section 5.3.8(a) Off-street parking. Off-street parking for manufactured homes, recreational uses and service areas shall be provided in accordance with section 4.12 of this ordinance. Parking for manufactured homes may be provided on individual lots, or in convenient bays, in accordance with section 4.12.16. Additional parking area for recreational vehicles shall be provided in a common area at a rate of one space per ten units. a. All existing and proposed parking areas must be delineated on the concept plan. b. Staff agrees that parking for recreational vehicles is not necessary. 11. Section 5.3.8(b) Internal Street. A minimum right-of-way width of 40 feet shall be established on internal private streets for the purpose of measuring setbacks. The right-of-way shall be maintained clear of all obstructions. a. Engineering has provided that the existing 30' ROW is sufficient. 12. Section 5.3.8(b)(2) Minimum typical section for all park streets that abut manufactured home sites where the lot frontage (measured at the manufactured home setback line) is an average of less than 85 feet. a. Provide across section of the existing conditions with the existing conditions materials. 13. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(a) Streets with no on -street parking serving up to 50 manufactured home sites shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. Streets with no on -street parking serving more than 50 manufactured home sites shall have a minimum width of 24 feet. Streets with on -street parking shall have a minimum clear width of at least 22 feet, excluding parking space requirements. a. Engineering recommends that there should be a clear travelway with of 22' that is defined. Please provide additional information to ensure this travelway width will be maintained. 14. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(b) Pavement shall be prime and double seal bituminous surface treatment. Base shall be six inches of 21A or 21B aggregate base. a. Provide additional information on the existing paving materials. 15. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(e) Minimum horizontal centerline curve radius is 250 feet. a. Engineering has no objection to this waiver, but suggests a WI -IL and W 1-1R where minimum radii cannot be met. 16. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(f) Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum radius of 45 feet measured to the edge ofpavement. a. Engineering does not recommend waiving the cul-de-sac requirement. Cul-de-sac radius is necessary for Fire Rescue turning movements. b. Provide additional information on where cars will be parked near the cul-de-sac. 17. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(g) Minimum radius of edge of pavement at intersections is 25 feet. a. Engineering suggests a no parking area on Adele Street near that intersection to allow for safe turns. 18. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(h) Roadside ditches shall be designed to contain the ten-year storm below the shoulder using Mannings "n" of 0.06 if lined with grass, or 0.015 if lined with concrete. Ditches may be grassed if the flow from the two-year storm does not exceed three feet per second for a Mannings "n" of 0.03. If the three foot per second velocity is exceeded, the ditches shall be paved with class A-3 concrete, four inches thick, to the depth of the ten- year storm. When the depth of the required roadside ditch (measured from the shoulder to the invert) exceeds 2.5 feet, the flow shall be piped in a storm sewer system. a. Please provide a description of the current road drainage system. Where does the runoff for the existing travelway go? How does it get there? Are there any existing flooding or drainage issues? 19. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(i) Driveway entrance culverts and culverts crossing streets shall be designed to contain the ten- year storm below the road shoulder using the appropriate Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) nomographs. When paved ditches are smoothly transitioned into the culverts, the culverts may be sized using Mannings formula. All culverts shall be concrete. Erosion control protection (VDOT standard EC-1) shall be placed at culverts when the outlet velocity exceeds five feetper second. Driveway culverts shall be a minimum of 12 feet long. a. Engineering does not recommend waiving this requirement. Any culverts, even existing, should contain the 10 year storm to prevent flooding of the roadway. If they cannot contain the 10 year storm, please do an overland relief analysis to show where the water will drain and what the water surface elevations will be. 20. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)0) Driveways shall be paved the same as streets to the right-of-way line. Aggregate base may be four inches thick. a. Provide information on existing pavement materials. As stated above show the delineation of parking for existing and proposed lots. 21. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(k) Curb drop inlets shall be placed along the tangent portions of the street or at the points of curve at intersections. Curb drop inlets shall be sized and located to prevent overtopping of the curb during the ten-year storm. Curb drop inlets shall be VDOT DI-3A, 3B, or 3C with a type 'A" nose. a. Please provide a description of the current road drainage system. Where does the runoff for the existing travelway go? How does it get there? Are there any existing flooding or drainage issues? 22. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(1) Storm sewers shall be designed in accordance with VDOT criteria. a. Please provide a description of the current road drainage system. Where does the runoff for the existing travelway go? How does it get there? Are there any existing flooding or drainage issues? 23. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(m) All construction and materials shall be in accordance with current VDOT road and bridge standards and specifications. a. Since the streets are existing and no new streets are proposed Staff has no objections to this request, pending VDOT comment. 24. Section 5.3.8(c) Recreation requirements. See section 4.16. a. Staff does not support this special exception request. Provide required tot lots or provide additional information on proposed trail connections or access to Crozet Park. b. Provide clear and identified access to the existing trail. c. Provide sidewalks along the frontage of Park Rd leading to Crozet Park. This is a requirement of Section 32. 25. Section 5.3.8(d) Pedestrian access. The requirements ofsection shall be met. a. As stated above provide clear pedestrian access to the existing public trail and sidewalks along the frontage of Park Rd. b. Staff agrees that internal sidewalks within the exiting park may not be necessary. 26. Section 5.3.8(g) The requirements of section 32.7.9 shall be met. In addition, screening may be required in accordance with section around the entire perimeter of the park, or part thereof, except where adequate vegetation already exists and a conservation plan has been submitted in accordance with section a. Provide additional information on the existing conditions sheet to show existing vegetation that will remain. b. Staff recommends street trees along Park Rd. C. Comprehensive Plan Initial comments on how your proposal generally relates to the Comprehensive Plan are provided below. Comments on conformity with the Comprehensive Plan are provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report. The Crozet Master Plan contained within the County's Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property for this proposal, TMP 56-48, for Middle Density Residential, Neighborhood Density Residential, and Green Systems land uses. The following are the land use descriptions for these land use categories: a. Middle Density Residential — residential 6 — 12 units/acre (up to 18 units/acre considered with additional affordable housing units and/or small-scale housing types); supporting uses such as religious assembly, schools, childcare, institutional, commercial/retail, and other small-scale non-residential uses b. Neighborhood Density Residential — residential 3-6 units/acre; supporting uses such as religious assembly, schools, childcare, institutional, commercial/retail, and other small-scale non-residential uses c. Green Systems — sensitive environmental features including stream buffers, floodplains, and steep slopes; privately -owned open space; natural areas. Staff believes that the proposed residential density and open spaces as shown on the conceptual plan are consistent with these land use recommendations. Staff also agrees that the proposal meets the guiding principle for land use in the Crozet Master Plan. This principle is to support and strengthen Crozet's history as a vibrant community, while ensuring that new and infill development is compatible in scale and design and provides housing choices for all community members. The additional proposed units are compatible with the existing mobile home park and the application seeks to bring the entire manufactured home park into compliance in order to provide a housing option for the community. Staff agrees with Transportation Planning's comments below, that the proposal could be strengthened by the addition of a sidewalk along Park Rd and/or the dedication of trail access. These additions would meet the Master Plan's guiding principle of creating a multimodal transportation network that is safe and accessible for all community members. Staff also believes the addition of street trees along Park Rd will meet the Master Plan's recommendations for improvements along Park Rd. Staff agrees that the proposal is consistent with the following goals objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, as provided in the Application Narrative. • Development Areas Objective 4: Use Development Area land efficiently to prevent premature expansion of the Development Areas • Development Areas Strategy 5c: Encourage developers to build within the density range recommended in the Master Plans on infill sites • Development Areas Objective 6: Promote infill and redevelopment that is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and uses. • Development Areas Objective 8: Preserve natural systems which are shown for preservation on Master Plan Land Use Plans • Housing Objective 4: Provide for a variety of housing types for all income levels and help provide for increased density in the Development Areas D. Additional Comments from Reviewers Albemarle County Planning Services — Kevin McCollum, kmccollum@albemarle.org — Requested changes, see below. 1. A Site Plan and a WPO/VSMP plan that meets all County and State regulations will be required. 2. Except where modified or waived, the use will be subject to the special regulations outlined in Section 5.3. Albemarle County Transportation Planning — Jessica Hersh-Ballering, ihballering@a albemarle.org — Requested changes, see below (12/2/2022). 1. Could the applicant please clarify details of the existing public access trail? Namely, 1) how would residents access the trail - it appears that residents will have to go through the properties belonging to units 31, 30, or 8N to reach Jonna Street; 2) Would the trail width and/or surface material be improved by the applicant?; 3) Would the applicant improve the trail to provide safe lighting? 2. The applicant is correct in noting that the 2021 Crozet Master Plan identifies a sidewalk connection on Park Road from Crozet Park to Brookwood Road as the highest priority of the five Crozet sidewalk projects. This priority ranking is based on robust community input and the need for providing safe access to the park for residents of all ages and abilities. The application would be much stronger if it included the construction of a VDOT-standard sidewalk - rather than the proposed dedication of ROW only. The applicant cites that the cost of the full Park Road sidewalk project was estimated in 2021 to be between $348 million; does the applicant have an estimate for the cost of sidewalk along Park Road on their parcel only (approximately 525')? If the applicant is making any improvements to the existing trail and/or improving access through the development to Jonna St, what are the cost estimates for those improvements? Albemarle County Housing Department — Stacy Pethia, spethiagalbemarle.org - See attached recommendations. Albemarle County Engineering Services — Emily Cox, ecox2&albemarle.org— Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County Building Inspections - Betty Slough, bslougb@albemarle.org — Review is currently pending. Any additional comments will be forwarded to you upon receipt. Fire -Rescue - Howard Lagomarsino, hlaeomarsino&albemarle.org —Requested changes, see below. 1. Fire rescue has a concern for ability to meet the appropriate emergency apparatus access requirements and the ability to provide the required fire flow based on the needed fire flow calculation for the structures on the new lots (this includes the potential consideration of installation of hydrants and spacing). Virginia Department of Health (VDH) - Alan Mazurowski, alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov —No objection, see attached (12/2/2022). Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) - John Wilson, john.c.wilson@vdot.vir ig nia.goy— Requested changes, see attached (12/l/2022). Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) - Dyon Vega, dvegarivanna.org— Requested changes, see below (11/10/2022). RWSA staff has reviewed application SP202200029 Park Road Manufactured Home Park. Please see below for the completed copy of the form that was provided to RWSA by Elaine Echols for SP & ZMA Applications: To be filled out by RWSA for ZMA's and SP's 1. Capacity issues for sewer that may affect this proposal None Known 2. Requires Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Capacity Certification X-Yes No 3. Water flow or pressure issues that may affect this proposal None Known 4. "Red Flags" regarding service provision (Use attachments if necessary) None Known A flow acceptance will be required. Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) — Richard Nelson, melsongserviceauthority.org — Requested changes, see attached. Additional Information SP Conditions Staff has not fully drafted conditions to date for this special use permit, due to the potential changes and additional information requested. Once conditions are drafted, staff will send them to you. Action after Receipt of Comments Please see the attached document "Action After Receipt of Comment Letter." Within one week (7 days) of receiving this comment letter, please do one of the following: 1. Request deferral, as required by Section 33.11, if you will resubmit to answer the above questions and provide additional information. You can request a deferral in writing (by email) which will allow you up to six months to work on revisions to the application. 2. Proceed to Planning Commission public hearing. At this time, you may request that your application proceed to public hearing with the Planning Commission. With this option, no additional documents will be accepted and staff will take your project to the Commission as originally submitted, but without a recommendation of approval. 3. Withdraw your application. If at any time you wish to withdraw your application, please provide your request in writing (by email). Staff recommends option 1, request a deferral so that you can resubmit your application. Once deferred, Staff will work with you to address comments and choose a Planning Commission date for public hearing. Resubmittal If you choose to resubmit, please upload your documents online here: https://Ifweb.albemarle.org/Fonns/CDDsubmission or send directly to me. There is no fee for the first resubmittal. Notification and Advertisement Fees This fee has been paid. No additional fees are required at this time. Please feel free to contact me by using kmccollum&albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext.3141 for further information. Sincerely, Kevin McCollum Senior Planner Planning Division, Department of Community Development Attachments: 1. Action After Receipt of Comment Letter DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTION AFTER RECEIPT OF COMMENT LETTER FIRST SET OF COMMENTS State Code requires a 90-day review by the Planning Commission unless the applicant requests deferral. As you will read in this comment letter, staff recommends changes to your project to help you achieve approval. Without these changes, staff cannot recommend approval to the Planning Commission. If you need more time to make these changes, and if you prefer to move forward to the Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval, you must request deferral. If you choose not to request deferral, staff will take your project to the Commission as originally submitted, but without a recommendation of approval. Instructions for requesting a deferral are outlined below. Within one week, please do one of the following: (1) Request deferral, as required by Section 33.11, if you will resubmit. (2) Proceed to Planning Commission public hearing. (3) Withdraw your application. (1) Deferral requested To request deferral, you must submit a request in writing to defer action by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. The request may be made by email. Please note that your request for deferral may not be accepted and the County may retain the initial scheduled hearing date. If your request for deferral is accepted the application will be deemed withdrawn if the application is not reactivated within six months of the request for deferral or within 32 months from the time the application was determined or deemed complete. (2) Proceed to Planning Commission Public Hearing At this time, you may request that your application proceed to public hearing with the Planning Commission. With this option, no additional documents will be accepted and staff will take your project to the Commission as originally submitted, but without a recommendation of approval. (3) Withdraw Your Application Revised 9-17-19 MCN If at any time you wish to withdraw your application, please provide your request in writing. Failure to Respond An application shall be deemed to be voluntarily withdrawn if the applicant requests deferral pursuant to subsection 33.11 and fails to provide within 90 days before the end of the deferral period all of the information required to allow the Board to act on the application, or fails to request a deferral as provided in subsection 33.11. Fee Payment Fees paid in cash or by check must be paid at the Community Development Intake Counter. Make checks payable to the County of Albemarle. Do not send checks directly to the Review Coordinator. Fees may also be paid by credit card using the secure online payment system, accessed at h tt p s://w w w. a l b e m a r l e. o rg/government/community-d eve l o p m e n t/apply-for/p l a n n i n g-and -sit e- development-applications. Revised 9-17-19 MCN AFFORDABLE HOUSING EVALUATION Project Name: Park Road Manufactured Home Park Special Use Permit Address: TMPO5600-00-00-04800 Description: Special use permit for a 73 unit manufactured home park in Crozet. Project contact name: Kelsey Schlein - Shimn En ineeriniz Phone: 434-227-5140 Email: kelsevCa)shimp-en ineering.com Table 1: Housing Supply Reduction - Existing units to be removed or demolished by the project Fill out the following information for each unit taken out of use by the project. This Includes anyhousingunits that mayhavealready been demolished in advance of this project filing. Current rental Income # of #of ($/month)or # # income- level of Term of deed Unit Type bedrooms/ units Sale price per HCV/PBV restricted restricted restriction unit unit tenants? units units (through mm/yy) (%AMI)l Single-family detached' 0 Single-family attached' Multifamily' Studio/efficiency One bedroom Two bedroom Three bedroom Four bedroom Five + bedroom Total units removed 0 To be filled out only if any units are income -restricted 2 Includes manufactured (mobile) homes 3 Includes townhomes & duplexes Includes condominiums & apartments Table 2: Housing Supply Addition -New units in proposed project Fill out the following information for new housing units that will result from the project. Current rental Income # of #of ($/month)or # # income- level of Term of deed Unit Type bedrooms/ units Sale price per HCV/PBV restricted restricted restriction unit tenants? units units (through mm/yy) unit (%AMI)s Single-family detached" 14 Single-family attached' Multifamily' Studio/efficiency One bedroom Elm Two bedroom Three bedroom Four bedroom Five + bedroom Total units proposed 14 Net ain/loss 14 Table 3: Compliance with Albemarle County policies List the policy objectives/strategies, or strategic priorities, addressed through this project. Policy Objective, strategy, priority Board of Supervisor Strategic Goals Infrastructure Investment: Prioritize, plan, and invest in critical infrastructure that responds to past and future changes and improves the capacity to serve community needs Comprehensive Plan Housing Policy Objective 1: Increase the supply of housing to meet the diverse housing needs of current and future residents of Albemarle County 5 To be filled out only if any units are income -restricted 6 Includes manufactured (mobile) homes 7 Includes townhomes & duplexes 8 Includes condominiums & apartments Objective 3: Improve access to affordable and workforce home -ownership opportunities and promote the long-term affordability of for -sale housing Climate Action Plan Other (please name) Narrative: Describe the ways the proposed project supports Albemarle County's affordable housing needs. As noted in the application narrative, manufactured homes are the largest source of unsubsidized affordable housing in the United States. Based on the average sales price for single -wide mobile homes (2 bedrooms, and approximately 1,000 sf) of $40,000, and a standard 20-year loan, the monthly loan payment for a mobile home is approximately $275. Combined with a monthly lot rental of $300 - $1,000 the monthly costs increase from $575 - $1,275 per month, excluding utilities. These monthly rates are affordable to 4-person households with incomes between 21%and 46%AMI. These incomes fall within the County's goal of providing housing options for households with incomes less than 80%AMI. Project Evaluation: X This project positively impacts affordable housing needs in Albemarle County This project positively impacts workforce housing needs in Albemarle County This project has no impact on affordable or workforce housing needs in Albemarle County This project has a negative impact on the affordable or workforce housing stock in Albemarle County Signature: Housing Policy Manager 12/16/2022 Date �$ County of Albemarle m COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Memorandum To: Kevin McCollum From: Emily Cox Date: 12/07/2022 Subject: Park Road Manufactured Home Park (SP202200029) 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Telephone: 434-296-5832 WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG The Special Use Permit Plan has been reviewed by Engineering. The following comments will need to be addressed before approval: 1. [5.3.8.a and 5.3.8.b.3.j] Engineering suggests parking areas are delineated. The parking should not interfere with the travelway for safety reasons. The travelway and the parking spaces should be defined, at least on the plan. 2. [5.3.8.b] The existing ROW of 30' is sufficient per the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual. 3. [5.3.8.b.2] Please provide a cross section of the existing road conditions. 4. [5.3.8.b.3.a] Engineering does not recommend waiving this requirement. There should be a clear travelway width of 22' that is defined. 5. [5.3.8.b.3.b] Please provide the existing conditions. Is it gravel? 6. [5.3.8.b.3.e] Engineering has no objection to this waiver, but suggests a W 1-1L and W 1- 1R where minimum radii cannot be met- 7. [5.3.8.b.3.1] Engineering does not recommend waiving the cul-de-sac requirement. Cul- de-sac radius is necessary for Fire Rescue turning movements. Also, if cars are parked in the cul-de-sac for the proposed additional units, this will make radii and available turn- around space for Fire Rescue even smaller. 8. [5.3.8.b.3.g] Engineering suggests a no parking area on Adele Street near that intersection to allow for safe turns. 9. [5.3.8.b.31, 5.3.8.b.31, and 5.3.8.b.3.1] Please provide a description of the current road drainage system. Where does the runoff for the existing travelway go? How does it get there? Are there any existing flooding or drainage issues? 10. [5.3.8.b.3.i] Engineering does not recommend waiving this requirement. Any culverts, even existing, should contain the 10 year storm to prevent flooding of the roadway. If they cannot contain the 10 year storm, please do an overland relief analysis to show where the water will drain and what the water surface elevations will be. O'`_.�Vllliis°ti Blue Ridge Health District Kevin McCollum, Senior Planner I Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 z z RE: Park Road Manufactured Home Park Concept Plan & Special Use Permit Application SP2022-29 Tax Map: 56-48 Mr. McCollum: Chorlottesville, Albemarle N"Ith D*port"nt 1138 Rose hat give Chorbllesville, VA 22903 *Mc* 434-972-6200 1 fox 434-972.4310 December 2, 2022 As requested, I have reviewed the concept plan, dated 10/13/22, for the special use permit, referenced above. Both water and sewer services will be provided by the ACSA systems, and it appears there are no existing onsite well or septic systems to be concerned with. Therefore, I have no objections and recommend approval of the SP. If there are any questions or concerns, please give me a call, 434-972-4306. Sincerely, I_ Alan Mazurowski Environmental Health Supervisor Blue Ridge Health District alan.mazurowski(a)vdh.virginia. gov COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 December 16, 2022 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Kevin McCollum Re: SP-2022-00029 — Park Road Manufactured Home Park Review# 1 Dear Mr. McCollum: (804) 7862701 Fax: (804) 7862940 The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section has reviewed the above referenced special use permit as prepared by Shimp Engineering dated 13 October 2022, and finds it generally acceptable. 1. It is not desirable for the parking spaces for sites 1N-5N to be off Park Road. VDOT recommends parking be provided behind the units instead. 2. Note that the final plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual Appendices 13(1) and F as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other requirements. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the VDOT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If you have further questions, please contact John Wilson at 434-422-9782. Sincerely, John C. Wilson, P.E. Assistant Resident Engineer VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Land Use VDOT - Charlottesville Residency ALBEMARLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT— Information from Service Providers To be filled out by ACSA for ZMA's and SP's 1) Is this site in the jurisdictional area for water and/or sewer? Yes 2) What is the distance to the closest water and sewer line, if in the jurisdictional area? Currently served by water/sewer. 3) Are there water pressure issues which may affect the proposed use as shown on plan? Existing mobile home is served by water. 4) Are there major upgrades needed to the water distribution or sewer collection system of which the applicant and staff should be aware? None known. 5) Are there other service provision issues such as the need for grinder pumps? N/A 6) Which issues should be resolved at the SP/ZMA stage and which issues can be resolved at the site plan/plat stage? 7) If the project is a large water user, what long term impacts or implications do you forsee? 8) Additional comments? ACSA will require approximate number of fixture counts to determine if existing water meter is adequately sized. Water and sewer connection fees will be due for the additional mobile homes. This site is served by a private water and sewer system. The County should determine if an updated central system SP is required.