HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-01F I N A L 9:00 A.M. JULY 1, 1998 ROOM 241, COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 1.Call to Order. 2.Pledge of Allegiance. 3.Moment of Silence. 4.Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. 5. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation. 6.Presentation: Walnut Creek Mountain Biking Chapter. 7.Consent Agenda (on next sheet). 8.Approval of Minutes: July 3, December 11(A), December 11(N) and December 18, 1996; July 9 and August 6, 1997; January 7, February 11 and February 18, 1998. 9.Transportation Matters. a.Realignment of Airport Road (Route 649), Update by Bryan Elliott. b.Other Transportation Matters. 10.Discussion: Proposal by VDOT to allow construction of telecommunication facilities in right-of-way of I-64. 11.Presentation: Rivanna River Basin Project. 12.10:30 a.m. - PUBLIC HEARING to consider granting certain rights-of-way to Virginia Power across County-owned property known as Tax Map 91, Parcel 2, located at the Monticello High School site. 13.SP-98-08. Crossroads CV142 (Sign #96). (Deferred from June 10, 1998.) 14.Request to set a public hearing to amend the service area boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority for sewer service to Tax Map 46, Parcels 22&22C for proposed soccer field complex (Hurt Investment and South Fork Land Trust). 15.Presentation: Comprehensive Services Act. 15a.Executive Session: Legal Matters. 15b.Certify Executive Session. 16.Discussion: Process for review of Mountain Protection Ordinance (ZTA-98-05) and Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA-98-01) review. 17.Discussion/Presentation: Recodification Proposal. 18.Work Session: STA-98-01. Subdivision Ordinance. 19.Work Session: ZTA-98-06. Section 32.0 - Site Plan Ordinance. 20.Appointments. 21.Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. 22.Adjourn. C O N S E N T A G E N D A FOR APPROVAL: 7.1Appropriation: Education Grants, $21,647.52 (Form #97067). 7.2Appropriation: Cale Bright Stars Program, $74,929 (Form #98001). 7.3Appointment of Richard L. Jennings as the joint City/County appointee on the Jail Authority. 7.4Authorize County Executive to execute Monticello High School Connector Road Easement Plat. 7.4aRequest to set a public hearing to amend Section 12-41.1 of the County Code to include West Leigh Drive in West Leigh Subdivision into the county road system for law enforcement purposes 7.4bResolution for the addition and abandonment on Route 682 necessitated by construction of Project #0682-002-P33,C501. FOR INFORMATION: 7.5Proposed traffic signal installation at Mill Creek Drive and Route 20 South. 7.6Copy of Planning Commission minutes for June 9, 1998. 7.7Arbor Crest Apartments (Hydraulic Road Apts) Monthly Bond and Program Report for the month of May, 1998. 7.8Copy of notice of rate adjustments for Adelphia, effective August 1, 1998. 7.9Update on activities of the Mary Williams Senior Center. 7.10Notice of public workshop on ways to improve walking conditions along Seminole Trail and Emmett Street (Route 29 North from Barracks Road to Airport Road [Route 649]), City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County. 7.11Letter dated June 25, 1998, from David R. Gehr, Commissioner, Department of Transportation, providing notice that FY 1998-99 Interstate Primary and Urban Highway Systems, as well as Public Transit, Ports and Airports, including an update on the Six Year Improvement Program through FY 2003-04 were approved by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, however they will be revised to incorporate provisions of new federal highway legislation, “TEA-21".