HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-21 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
at the Office Building of said County on the 21st day of December, 1955.
Present: Messrs. H. Ashby Harris, E. H. Bain, C. Purcell NcGue, Edward L. Smith, John W.
Williams, and W. W. Wood.
Absent: None.
Officers present: Co%uuty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. E. H. Bain.
Ninutes of the meetings of November 16, 1955 and December 13, 1955 were read and approved.
Mr. John W. Williams, offered the following resolution which was seconded by Nr. Wood and
unanimously carried and printed copy thereof presented to Mr. C. Purcell McCue:
WHEREAS, C. Purcell NcCue, has for thirty-six years served as a member of
the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, representing the S~uel Miller Nagisterial
District; and
~EREAS, he was chairman ~f the Board for seven years; and
~VHEFREAS, this service has been faithful and devoted, despite the many
calls upon his time and resources~ and
WHE~EAS, it is proper that such faithful and devoted service shou%d be
recognized, now, therefore be it
RESOLVED by the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors this 21st day of
December, 1955, that we hereby commend C. Purcell NcCue for his many years of
devoted and faithful service to the people of Albemarle County and e~tend to
him our best wishes for his continued well-being and prosperity.
Nr. John W. Williams, offered the following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Smith and
unanimously carried and. printed copy thereof presented to Nr. W. Warren Wood:
VHF~EAS, W. Narren Wood has for twelve years served as a member of the
Albemarle Board of Sounty Supervisors, representing the Rivanna Nagisterial Dis-
trict; and
WHA/{EAS, this service has been faithful and devoted~ despite the many
calls upon his time and resources; and
~qEREAS: it is proper that such faithf~l and devoted service shoed be
recognized, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors this 21st day o£
December, 1955 that we hereby commend W. Warren Wood for his many yesrs of de-
voted and faithful service to the people of Albemarle County and extend to him
our best wishes for his continued well-being and prosperity.
Nr. John W. Williams, offered the following resolution which was seconded by Nr. Smith and
unanimously carried and printed copy thereof presented to ~r. Eo H. Bain:
V~E~EAS, E. H. Bain has for four years served as a member of the
Albemarle Board of County Supervisors, representing the White Hall ~agiste~ial
District~ and
Wh~2~EAS, this service has been faithful and devoted, despite the many calls
upon his time and resources) and
%~{EREAS~ it is proper that such faithful and devoted service should be
recogr~zed, now, therefore, be it
EESOLVED by the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors tP~s 21st day of
December~ 1955 that we hereby commend E. H. Bain for his many years of devoted
and-faithful service to the people of Albemarle County and extend to him our best
wishes for his continued ~etl-being and prosperity.
on behalf of the Board
Nr. Williams then presented/to Nr. NcCue, Nr. ~ood and Nr. Bain a gold key with their names
engraved on one side and length of service on the other. Mr. Paul H. Cale stated his deep appreciation
of the fine service of the retiring members of the Board ~erformed t5~ough the years. Er. J. T. Henley
and Nr. E. H. Copenhaver also appeared later in the meeting expressing their esteem for and appreciation
of the services of the retiringmembers.
Petition was received signed by approximately 83 persons requesting hard surface of a portion
of State Route 637 beginning at "Wagner's Corner" and continuing to Niller School. Nr. Shields advised
that this is an important road and that the traffic had increased on said road, further stating that
the road should be considered and that a forty-foot right of way would be necessary. On motion of
Williams, seconded by Nr. Smith and unanimously carried, it was ordered that the above mentioned petitic
be referred to the Department of Highways for study.
Nr. Austin Flint and several other citizens appeared in regard to notice published by this
Board stating intent to abandon that section of State Secondary Route 746 begiDming on Route 746 .2 of a
mile east of Route 807 following the old road bed throught the Flint property to dead end~ a distance of
· 5 of a mile. It was the request of those appearing that the road not be abandoned but rather kept on
the map and worked by the Highway Department. ~r. Shields stated that the landowners wo~d have to
remove cattle guards now on the road and take care of the gates. On motion of Nr. Bain, seconded by Nr.
Wood and unanimously carried, it was ordered that action of this Board of October 19, 1955, be rescinded
and that the Highway Department be requested to maintain this section of road after cattle guards and
gates are removed by the landowners.
A communication from the Cushman Realty and Building Corporation with respect to the acceptanc
of the road system in Hession Hills was presented. The communication stated that the roads as of this
date had been constructed and prepared for surface treatment in accordance with specifications of the
Department of Highways. However, due to weather they were unable to proceed with the final surfacing
of the roads in this ~ubdivision. The developer requested that the road system in Hessian Hills be ac-
cepted pending final construction of the roads. After considerable discussion it was the sense of the
meeting that the Board would recommend acceptance of the road system in Hessimn Hills into the Secondary
System p~ovided that the completed construction wou2d conform to standards and specifications of the
State Highway DePar+~ment and pending final approval of that Department.
Petition ~as received requesting roads in Sections I and 2 of the Rutledge Subdivision to b~
· taken into the Secondary System~ After discussion of this matter~ action was deferred until the High~
way Department checks on drainage on these roads.
Nr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance~ submitted Statement of Expenses of the Department of
Finance for the month of November~ 1955, of which one-third is to be borne by the State. Upon motion,
~u2y made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Nr. N. N. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Sheriff's Office
for the month of November, 1955, of which two-thirds is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, this Statement was examined~ verified and approved.
~r. ~. ~. Pence, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of Expenses of the Con~T~onwealth's
Attorney's Office for the month of November, 1955, of which one-half is to be borne by the State. Upon
motion'~ duly made and seconded~ this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Statement of Expenses incrusted in the maintenance of the Oo~ty Jail for the month of
November, 1955, was submitted along with Summary Statement of Prisoner Days. On motion~ d~J_y made and
seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved.
Reports of the Department of Public Welfare for the month of November, 1955, were presented
in accordance with Sections 63-67.1 and 63-67.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Claim of the University of Virginia Hospital for care of indigent patients from the County of
Albemarle in the amount of ~320~00 of which one-half is reimbursable by the State, was presented and
on motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. ~¥ood, was approved for oayment.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that Dr. Richard T. Ergenbright had resigned as Jail Physician
and that he had received applications for the position from Dr. J. O. N~dy and Dr. William C. Hurt,
After discussion of this matter, motion was offered by Mr. McCue~ seconded by Nr. Smith and unanimously
carried, accepting the resignation of Dr. Ergenbright, appointing Dr. William C. Hurt as Jail Physician
and authorizing Nr~ Pence to execute contract with Dr. Hurt at the same rate as that now in effect with
Dr, Ergenbright.
Report of the County Executive for the month of November~ 1955, was presented, approved and
ordered, filed.
Application was received from Mr. W. A. Harlow to operate an automobile graveyard on Route 1
(Scottsville Road). Members of the Board viewed the site for propbsed automobile graveyard and deferre,
action on the application until the next regular meeting in order that persons living in the vicinity
of this site might be given an opportunity to express themselves in this regard.
Mr. Pence advised the Board that in January~ 195~, Mr. Virgil Tomlin made an offer of $110.O0
for Couuty property formerly owned by Hawthorne Fitzgerald and located in the Samuel Miller District,
containing 38 acres. Mr. Pence stated that he had written numerous letters to Mr. Tomlin requesting
that he pick up the deed to said property and make remittance for same but that he had had no reply
%o his requests. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, and unanimously carried~ Mr. Pence was
instructed to try to find another p~r. chase~ for this property.
Communication was received from Nr. Clay ~. Peyton, Secretary of the Farmington Hunt Club,
advising that he had noted from newspapers that some counties wereooffering bounties for foxes killed
as a means of preventing rabies and requested that he be given an opport%mity to be heard if the
of Albemarle anticipated any such action. On motion of Er. Smith~ seconded by Mr. Bain, and unanimousl
c~r~ied, Mr. Pence was instructed to acknowledge receipt of Mr. Peyton's letter advising that the Board
took no action in this regard.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr~ Henry C. Page for twenty-eight hen~
killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by Mr. Smith, Er. Page was allowed ~1.30 for each of
these hens.
Claim against the Dog Tax Fuud was received from Mr. Donald C. Keane for~h_ee ewes killed by
dogs. On motion of Mro Bain, seconded by Mr. Wood, Mr. Keane was allowed ~20~00 for each of these
Claim against the Dog Tax Fund was received from Mr. Donald C. Keane for one sheep and two
lambs killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded byMro Wood~ Mr. Keane was allowed ~20~00 for
~he sheep and ~16.00 each for the lambs. ~
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Bain~ and mmanimously carried, Mr. Pence was
authorized to defer the sale to the Commonwealth of 195~ delinquent lands ~mtil April, 1~56,
Mr. Pence advised the Board that Mrs. M. Io Dunn, Scottsville District, had been assessed
$1125,00 for jewelry whereas ~125.00 should have been listed by the assessor and reconm~ended that a
refund of $~1 be made to Mrs. Dunn for this error in assessment by the field assessor. On motion
of Mr. Smith, seconded by Nr. Williams and unanimously carried, Mr. Pence was authorized to refund Mrs.
Ounn $38.31.
~r, Pence also advised that his attention had been called to the fact that ~s~ Hosa Win~fie!~
had been assessed for sixty-seven acres of land for a number of acres v£nereas ten acres had been sold
off of this tract and was also being assessed to Mr. Llewelyn Wingfield. He stated that although the
assessmen~ had been incorrect for a number of years, the Board was only authorized to go back three
years in making a correction which would mean a refund of $4.35. On motion of Mr. Bain, seconded by
Mr. Smith~ and unanimously carried~ Mr. Pence was authooized to refund ~¢rs, Wingfield $4o3~ in this
Communication was received from the State Chamber of Commerce requesting an increases sub-
scriotion. No action was t~ken on this matter~
Er. Pence again called attention to the fact that the terms of Mro Charles Barha~J$~.,
C. Nelson Beck, Nr. Ao Gaines Fray, Nr. Floyd E. Johnson, Nr. Cecil Maupin~ and Mr. Eo D. Tayloe as
members of the Pla~ming Commission would expire on December 31, 1955. On motion of ~r. Bain, seconded
by Nr. Wood and ,ananimously carried~ the foregoing were re-appointed for a term of three years to ex-
pire on December 31, 1958.
On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Nro Williams, and ~manimously carried it was ordered that
County offices observe Nenday, December 26 and Monday~ January 2 as legal holidays in that both Ch~ist-
mas and New Year's Day fall on Sunday and it was further ordered that the organizationai meeting of thi
Board be held at 9:00 A~E. on Tuesday, January 3, 1956o
Petition was received requesting a street light on the corner of East Narket and Franklin
Streets on pole number 516D~ On motion of Nr. Williams, seconded by Nr. Smith and unanimously carried,
Mr. Pence was instructed to requestothe Virginia Electric and Power Company to install a street light
on said pole, bill to be rendered to the County of Albemarle at the regular rate of ~15~00 per year,
said amo~m~t to be reimbursed by signers of the petition.
Resolution was received from Mecklenburg County regarding integration and the January 9
referendum and was ordered filed.
Mr. Bain asked that a review be made of the Crozet Sanitary District Funds to determine if
arrangements could be made to reimburse the Hill Top Avenue water main extension. It was the feeling
of the Board and the recommendation of the Director of Finance that the Board wait until after Feb. l,
1956 and re-examine the cash account at that time~ which arrangement was agreeable to ~r~ Bain.
An offer of ~llO.O0 was received from Nr. J. To Hen~ey~ Jr~ for the Hawthorne Fitzgerald
property previously discussed in this meeting. On motion of~Nr. Uilliams, seconded by Nr~ Bain, and
~auanimously carried, the offer of ~r. He~ey was accepted.
~t 2:00 P.No Er. Pence and Nr. Robert ~usselmas presented to the Board proposals received
from nine companies on bonds of officers and employees of the County and burglary and messenger insuran~
On motion of Nr. Bain~ seconded by Mro Smith, and unanimously carried~ the proposal of Ninor~and Duke
on the ten statutory officers were accepted as follows:
Name and Position Premium
(1) Edgar No Garnett, Supervisor ~ 12.00
(2) H~ Ashby Harris, Supervisor 12.00
(3) ~o Y. Sutherland~ S~ervisor 12.00
(~) Edward Lo Smith~ Supervisor 12.00
(5) John W. Williams, Supervisor 12.00
(6) Robert Thraves, Supervisor 1~.00~
(7) N. M. Pence, Director of Finance 2,8~0~00
(8) N~ Eo Pence~ County Executive 7!~00
~9) Mrs° June T. Noon, Cler~, Bd. of Supervisors 71.00~
(10) Nr~. Virginia S~ ~arks, Supt., Public Welfare 14.20
On motion of Nr. Bain~ seconded by Nr. Williams and tu~animous!y carried, the Couuty Executive
was authorized to make the best arrangements possible with Minor and Duke on the blanket bond of emplo~
of the Department of Finance and the Department Of Public Welfare as to the possibility of combining th~
two groups ~mder one bond,
On motion of Nr. Bain, seconded by Nro Smith, it was ordered that the low bid of Ninor and
Duke also be accepted on burglary and messenger insurance, the limits to be ~5~000~00 and $25,000.00
re,her than ~5,000.00 and ~10,000o00 as originally ~aquested.
Claims against the County amounting to $306,t65.Z~ were presented, ex~mined~ and allowed, and
certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds:
General Fmud
School Fmud
Dog Tax Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Crozet Sanitary District Fund
Joint Health Fmud
Central Fire District F~ud
80 ~ 042 ~ 89
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Accomut 184_841.94
Total $306~165o44
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
January 3, 1956
The Board met in special session on this date for the purpose of organization,
There were present the following: Messrs. Edgar N. Garnett, H. Ashby Harris, Edwar8 L. Smith~i
S~herland, Jr.~ Robert Thraves and John W. Williams.
Officers present: Co~uty Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer led by Mr. N. N. Pence.
On motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Er. Smith, Hr. N. N~ Pence was appointed acting chair~
The following certificate of ~rs. Eva W~ Maupin, Clerk of the Circuit Court~ showing ~a~ all
members had been qualified accorSing to law was presented:
E. N. G~Aqh~TT
~[o Y. SUTh~RLAND, JR.
COD~TY~ DECEEBER 28th, 1955.
WILLIAMS, who were on the 8%h day of November, 1955, duly elected members of the Board of County Super-
visors of the Co~uty of Albemarle, Virginia, from the ~?ni%e Hall, Scottsvi!ie, Ivy, Samuel
Rivanna, and Charlottesville Nagisteria! Districts respectively, for the term of office of four years
commencing on the first day of January 1956, on this the 28th day of December, 1955, appeared in the
Clerk's Office of the Circ~uit Court of the Co~uty of Albemarle, and with the American Motorists Insuranc~
Company of illinois, a corporation chartered muder the laws of the State of Iltinois~ their mmrety,
entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of One Thousand (~I,000.00) Dollars each, conditione~
and payable according to law, the said surety acting by Cammann C. D~e, its there~muto duly authorized
agent ~nd attorney in fact~ who executed said bonds on behalf of said corporation by signing thereto
its corporate-name and affixing thereto~ its corporate seal and who dt~y acknowledged the s~me~
And thereupon the said'E. N. Garnet%, H. Ashby Harris~ Edward L~ Smith~ N. Y. Sutherland, Jr.,
Robert Thraves and John ~ ~gilliams took and subscribed their respective oaths Of office prescribed by
Eva W. Naupin
A Copy
(Signed) Eva W. Naupin,Cierk
~r. N~ Y. Sutherland nominated Mr. H~ Ashby Harris, Chairman~ Nr. John W~ Williams, Vice-Chair.
man~ and Nrs. J'sme To Noon, Clerk. On motion of Nr. Garnett, seconded by Mr. Smith, nominations for
these offices were closed.
On motion of Nr. Williams~ seconded by Nr~ Sutherland, and muanimously carried, Nrc N. ~. Penc~
was appointe5 Comuty Executive and Director of Finance.
On recommendation of the County Executive, the following Department Heads and Assistants were
appointed on motion of Garnett~ seconded by Mr. Williams, and tmanimously carried~
NrSo Virginia S. Narks, Superintendent of Public Welfare
Dr. S~ D. Sto~kie, Health Director
~r~ T. O. Scott, County agent
Nr. W. O~ Holland, Assto County Agent
Nr. James Butler, Negro County Agent