HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-08-19 A regular'meeting of'the Board-of""~ounty supervisors ef~ AlBemarle geun%y, Virginia, was~he!d at the Court'S'House el'the said county en the lSth day ef August' I936. Present: Messrs. J; M. Fray, E, Jo Ballard,"P. H. eon%fy, We "H. LanghOr~e, and-Dr.L.~O, oberts. ::, ~. ~Minu~es of the meeting of July 1~, 1~36, were read and approved. T. M. ]~r.~Ane.r~ey' ~eared 'before. ~:~e.~"~6ard and'" requested' an ~'Io~nce 'f0~ ~keys ~ich he '~s~ ef ~the~ op~niom'~d':~been k~t~ed~"~y d~. Th~S ~ ~s reffUeed dUe ~o"'~he fact that ~C~O~"~ ~he- ~e -ef:~'~ ~d- %~% :' %he' repres'~%a%iVe ~s~rdered~'~o~'~Xeme~'~Me~' cld"~b~ account in 2he ~e of~ G. Stuart ~, Treasurer, ~ cr~i the~ ~ce to the Oene~l ~d~ Co~ea~ ~*~ ~'~2~e the~B~rdin'previd~g settles for princip~s cf high schools ~thless~2~n five years e~er~.ence~..~w-~presen~ed;. ~e fSItO~ng re~lu~ion, effer~ By Dr.~oBerts, '~uty seconded, ~.~s un~cusly adop~ed a Frincip~s of ~it'e 'high~'scheo~s~ ef'~RePort~ presented ts' this Be~d at a special meet- i~g held'"~~ ~!.~:~:~ 1:$~, and recOrded'eh 't~e ~nutes ef ~his B~ ~n~Pages 12~- ~D2~27, Inc.', should' ~INO~PAL~ t--~T~' Pr~ncip~s ~of '~'gh~ scBeols, a s~ry. of~OO;~O' pet's'men, h, plea ~ver, that~ for'~e" ~ncip~ of~a-High~ $choo~ ~th~ less th~ ti~ ye~s e~erie~ce in such~'capac~Y' in' th~s' county, a'~' s~" off'~ SX~;~~ per month pl~US:~$7;~ per ~n~h for each teacher- ~der ~'M s~ ~pervis~, ~1 such ~ime as 'the !~i~d~l has had five ye~s .e~erience-~$ a ~incip~ off ~ accredited hi~ school. A request for ad~i~io~ ~enc~phic ~ssi'st~ee in"~e Depar$~nt off'Fa~ ~d Home ~m~st~t~on ~s:~den~e~j:due ~e~-~the f~ct ~ha~ the,~t for ~e-present ,~sc~l year did ~on. ~fOn, du~Iy'~s~onded, ~he C~y' ~eeuti~e/was.:au~hori'z.ed :~o s ec~e-.~-~is 'righ~- ~e'~O~",Exe~t'~ve ~ dire~e~ ~e pure.se an~ ia.~il a .S~eker tot :tiriag 'the ~ the proper s~ate* Off~ei~s ~d* re~ues~ ~hat t'he necessary steps ~e 'tak~-to 'iuc~ee ~e The ~fello~ng-.Resolation, efffe~d ~AS bridge at Cochr~'s Pond 'on the'rOad from Oh~rlot~es~lle:'~'e Ri~i and, ~EREAS', %he e~ec%ioa off~'sai~ bridge has been postponed f~0m Sine t~'time tu~til"a' year"or'more has passed since' %he Board requeste~ the State Hi-ghwayDep~rtmen~'-'to"build'v'said~b~dge; and', WH~EAS~ said"bridgeAis· urgently needod, NSW, ~ORE, BE XT SOL~'-by-t~e~.'Board~a~' "it's August'~'-Meeting~ 1~'~, ~:ha~"~he ' ~t~'e ~fghway Department be requestedto proceed With the buildimg ef said~Bridge immediate- I¥. BE IT FURTHER~RE~OLVED that's c,opy,Of-'this reselu~'Xon~be sent to the R~si'den~"Engineer, the District Engineer, a~d~he 'ChaX'rm~n ~f the State ~"{ WORK~NG'-OF-:PR2S:ELUE~ICONF~NED'-IN~L': · BE-~:~T"RE~OLVE~?~t the J2dge el' the Oircui~~Oour~~ 'of'~ Alb'en~rl~'-' ¢~untY be' and he is ' hereby reque sted to enter'an--order, dire~%tng'-tha$-, a~t":ma~e :'prisoners- over 'the' age -of eightee~ _ years" -~ex~pti~g~ such' as' earn "' 'show· geed'~ cause 'to" the -contrary' - convicted efta m~sdemeanor,~'or.'of'-any'~ffens~-deemed-'i~f~n~us in Iaw'a~"'~ntenced to confinement"'in-'the-~ait o~ Albemarle' OOunty'[as-a'.'puntS'hmen2% '~r'part punish- ment*~for· such'offense, or'who' is'*imprisoned'in'said'"JaiI'~fer'failUre to pay any-f~ne im~oe'ed'-~r~a~sess~ed"~g~imSt'him upon"such c'onv~e~io~, ~obe delivered Supervisors-O£'Albemarle'Oounty~,.~o per~Orm-,~under'-the [d~rection 'and super- vi'sion' of'%he--'said'"~Bo'ard'~ 'of~ Supervisors, such'~types of public work as the said~Board~..~of:-Supervisc.rs.may~require~te-.be~performed; IN RE': COMPENSATION" OF"' SUPERVISORS': ' -~H~E~S, at'"' t'he' regular 'JUI¥, I~36~ wha~~ sum~'or~'sums'sh~d~i~n'h~S'opinioni'be'paid"to'"2he~"cha~rn~n"a~d Members SUpervisors-of'~Albemarle County-as' compensationfor WHE~F~S',:Hon~r~bTe"LemueT~F, Smith'S'Judge of~ai:~'¢~rcuit-Oourt has acced'ed~'$o~'"~is?equest and~addressed te 'thisBoard-a letter' under date -~Board of 'County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia Charlottesv~IIS, Virginia I have" before' me'.a~ certified~, c'opy~of:a- Re'solution adopted Res ot~ ~i~n- i's- ~i~--~:fe~nee,~e:~'~e'~,,~e en~,'.,.~e~me~s~ ~ga r~i~g ' the..,se,tarFo~ :ce~en~t~en~' of' th-o',memOs-rs: of-',the:Be~, 0f Super- ~,ors. ~ter', ~v~g' rea~ ~he,-, ~~',, regarding sa~es~ ~',-,,meems:~,.c~l,ear A~-pr~d-es~ f~'%he "f't~mg~, of: c~ensa~' ~'BO~rds: t.a- cO~ies other-,t,~-these ~,ag the, ~so~- repeats~ the~,OI~d'~. Ae~:~,~',~ to~ *. law .in :Virginia ,cOv~g.,,~he, ~'~ng -.'ef'~ .'th*e~-,~,~$- or c~- p e~sat,ion-.of~ B~S :i.n' c,ou~i~ew~,'havia, g $:he'-new,~fo~','-01~, 'gOve~ent.; ~y' c,onclu~i~,,-,is. ~1~,,. as,,.a,..,r~l,!-:, 'Of:;th'is- Act 'On"~:he'par~ of ~he ~gisla,~-e it 'then-becomes ~he This, being the,, state' of'.~fa~rs ,~ t,. ~an~, appree[a%e~ the posi- pen~ti~'~~ in, requ ~g,, .-.t~t~. I'.'" 'ffx,~,~'~e ,'~t''~' o~~c-~nsa~i~ ,,'-f~esp e'c t iv e~- ef law- au.thorizing 'such -~here is-no--taw...~u~orfzing~ m~-' t~-.,~er- such~ ~-~.or~r.~',-~ there- fo~,~ feet there.'is~- no ~uthor~:zation,-in.'~aw~ 'HOwever~ scious. 'of ~e werE- and--duties .~c~e~d...~--,m~be~,,,-.cf. the'Board -a~~ in 'view;, el: 't~e, 'f~,e$.,~t~,' 'the,~ ta.w::-We,u, td, re~]:~h~,~: L- fix the in' a'eco~ce, ~tth'" ~he';':~aw.-a%: t~e- 's~,.:o,f',:'$2~O'~.e~:~ .':tO.'. be divided ~' add~ie~l- all members of the Board except the 0balm would receive a~lly the s~ of $~.0~, an~ the 165 of $500.00, and in addttien %o this, mileage for such attendance as was actually required*' not' exe'eeding '2~'~'me et'inge. .I have indicated' 'above exactly what my a¢2ions would be if' I were authorized' by l'aw'to~"enter an~order to that' effect. As a pri~va~te individUal, I', there/~Ore, re~ommend ~the salaries above 'indicated ami I have no objection-to 't~he Board's spreading a re. in (Si~ed) Level' F, ~S~h, JUdge~ BE' 1~'~~'''' ~0L~D'~ 'by' th~~ B'0ard "~ff COuntY S~up eryC'S-ors of? Albe~rle a~d-'~h'e s~e' ~s~-he~eby'' fixed'at~' the s~. off' $3~;00'~ per ~n~, 'a~' that 2he salary s'~tl'"be 'a~I~We~'~'Tb~~ a~t'end~ce' at-more'than' 21~" ratings BE IT ~R~R R~~; ~h~t~' ~he' salar~es and mileage herein fixed shall be payable' in''~ equal monthlY-' instaI~ments' duri~gthe" year'. ~on ~tien~ d~y seconded, 2he s~a~ of:H~rber$'~'L. '~ehnsen~ ~e Wa~en~ Al~e~rle men~ of' F~e' ff~0r'~"the'month o~uly, "~3~'~ one'th~d ~of:"'whi~h' is to'be bo~e by the State, The following Report of To the Members of the Board of County Supervisors of the County eC '~B~m~le, Virg[niao Your Committee wishes ~o repor~ 'that'as ~f J~ '30, 'I~36, Interest ~s dae the fcllo~ng District Road DeB~ Fands in the $550.0o We, therefore, recommend that the Direc%or ef Finance be authorized to make these .transfers~ for~%h:e': s~x month.s' "~n~eres~. ) ~ra~ion for a The C~y' Executive's Repo~.~fer the month of Jaly, l~.36,.~s.p~esen~ed_and o~ered ~'~,ef: ~he O~[v~ers'ity of~' ~vginia Hospital for the month of July, 1~36, ~s pre- Claims against the County, mounting to $28,~3!,.~8'~:.were- p~e~n~e~, e~ned'~ ver~- lied., and approval.:, and ordered' cedi:lied %o the. Director .of ~in~ce for pa~en% amd charge against the General FUnd Dog Fund' County ~$chooI Operating Fund County~ School-BUilding Fund (PWA~- Waolen llillS Sanitary' [~. "I~ District' Road Deb~ Riv~na': DiS~ri'c~ Road~ D~b%'' F~d 8~u~l ~lsr~ Distri~'~Ro'ad $cetts~lle Diet~. Road Deb% ~ite ~1' District Road Debt Fund Co~onwe~X~h cf Virginia $ 6,01¢.05 3,311';62 15,220',-~2 i~33.97 1,10~.34 '2;77 %78 3.34 Total $25,731.98 Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ._~P., Chairman. A' epeoia~-'~ meetying' of' t'he Board' of County' Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia, was' held'--a%-' the'-CoU~t~ House of': the' said' c-ounty-' on' ~he' I~2~'~ay'-~f''-~ep~ember~ ~'~. Presen~': llesers. ~.-M; Fray, E, g. hllard, P. H. Oent~, W. H. ~ho~e, .O. Purcel] McCue, ~d Dr. L, G. ~oberts. ~e Board ~s infb~' ~ha~' Mr;',W~. L; Ma~in~had'~2~endered~'~s~ resignation as ~erk of t'he' -Ci~ui~-' Oou~''' of ~-'A'lbe~rle ~'~o~y~' ~o:"the'' J~dge off' the 'Ci~oai~' COurt' ~ich'--resii~%ion~-'~.w'ac~epted~ and %hat'" the' Jadge had:'-appointed ~s. E~ 'W. "~upin Clerk It, therefore, appeared necessary for ~he Board to"fix the salaries of the e~loyees '~of-%~e~ Dep~~"of:'~Rec~'s; :' Upon motion, duly secon~d~ the Eollo~ng mon2hly salaries'were fixed, ef~ec2iw September' 1, I936: Eva. W, ' -~aupin C. E o No ran Upon motion the meeting adjourned. $300"00, 225.00, ~5,0o. A regular meeting of the Board of County'Supervisors efAlbemarte County, Virginia~ was held at the Court House cf-the said county on the 16th day of September, 19~6. Presen%~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, W. H. Langhorne, C. Purcell NcCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Minutes cf~ the meetings of August 19, 1936, and September 1, 19~6, were read and ap- proved. Mr. Theodore M. McAnerney again appeared before the Board with reference to hie. prev- ious claim for turkeys, which, he felt, had been killed by dogs. Upon motion by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly~seconded, it was ordered that Mr. McAnerney be paid for five turkeys at $1.~0 each. The matter of allocation of funds for the Secondary System of Highways in this county was again discussed and upo~ motion, duly seconded, the Road Committee was instructed to continue its efforts'to secure increased allocation. The matter of ho~rs~.,~uring which!,the County-offices should be open to the public for ~he ~ransaction of busines~ was discussed. L. G. The following Resolution, offered by Dr./Roberts, seconded by ~r. C. Purcell McCue, was unanimously ~dopted: BE IT'RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the hoursduring which the County offices shall be open to ~he public for the transaction of business shall be: